01-1940�lGI�lAL ITY Presented by Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # O 1—� qy Green Sheet # 10372 0 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memarandum of Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 to establish terms and conditions of employment for 2000-2001. Requested by Department of. Office of Labox Relations By: O Form App �by City A orney By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � ^YVt,t '�� E� Adopted by Council: Date ���� z� p\ . DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10372 ��� 1 � y LABOR RELATTONS February 21, 2001 CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � � �,' IN17�Ai/nATE �vITWJUAI'E NLIE KRAUS 266-6513 i °•� � ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT D �� 4 CI7'Y COUNCIL NUMBER 2 C1TY ATfORNEY �� CiI'Y CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIIt � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIt ROUTING 3 MAYOA (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA?URE) acnox �QV�,s�n: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca1 No. 633 to establish terms and conditions of employment for 2000-2001. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACi'S MUST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: . �PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC£ COivtMISSION 1. Aas thu pecson/ircm eve= worked under a contract foi this depamnenY? _CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECCI VE? 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skilf not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes aostvers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUN31'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): '. This Agreement pertains to Board of Education employees only. � � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COSC/REVENUE BUDGETED: _ FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: E7NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ���� �,`�'�?�•:'�� �-'u�� !4 :� �d, � e m INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION O�—\�y SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: August15,2000 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 2000-2001 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 2000, through April 30, 2001. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has .6 regular FTE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevailing wage. 5. The maintenance of buildings promotes a quality learning environment that suppotts the teaching target of preparing all students for life. 6. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Wayne Arndt, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 2000 through April 30, 2001. . � • • FEB-21-2801 12�87 ISD b25 HUMAN RESOURCES MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT P.02i05 O �_tqy 2000-2001 TL-RMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYIv��NT FOR CENIENT MASONS This Memarandum of Agreemettt i� by and becween Independent School Discrict No. 625 ("DistricY'), Employer, and the Minnesota Cemeni Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca! No. 633, exclusive representative for cem�nt masons. The purpo�e of this agreement is to cscablish [erms and conditions of empioyment for che period May t, ?pOQ, through April 30, 2001. PERTINEATT FACTS: The employ�nent agreement wich School Districc cement masons expires on Apri130, 2000. The termc and conditions in the 1998-2000 contraet, exeept for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through April 30. 2001. Revised Appendices C and D are a[[ached to this Memorandum of Agreement constitute the am�uaI wagePoenetit changes for this group for the period May 1. 2000. ihrough Aprii 30, 2001. The actu:il effective date for the waec increase wi11 be April 22, 2000, thc first pay period closest to May 1, 2000 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actu�! rates). Af! other terms and condiiions of em�laymen[ rem;�in unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2001. [NDEPPNDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1V0. 625 Chair, B d of Education ,�,� � Negotiado"ns/L,ahor Relations Mana;er L Negotiacion • bor Relations Assc. Mgr. MINNESOTA CEMENT MASONS, PLAS'�ERERS, AND SHOPHANDS LOCAL NO. 633 ,� � `�r � Busines` s Representative Date �/ �U,� Date �O- �?- oa Attachmenu: 2000-200] Appendix C and Rppendix D APPENDIX C • C- i. The toc�i hourly cos[ w che Employer for wages pluc any and all con�ributions or deduccions stated in Appendix D of �his agreement sh�t] not exceed the totlowin� amouncs: Effeccive 4-22-0a Cement Finisher $32.95 01-\'t�1 C-2. The totat caxable hourly rate ineluding wages and the vaeation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligation� in Appendix D, for regular and probauanary emplayees appointed to the following cl��sses of posicions shali be a� foliows: Hffective 4-22-00 Cement Fssusher $23.76 • G2A. The basic hourly wage rates in this Appendix (G24) are Yor comaensaGon analvsis purnoses onlv. These figures represent the porGon uf the Appendix C-1 rates above specifically atiocated to wages, These rates do NQT include taxable benefits contributions and therefore should NAT be used for taxabie payrolt calcutations. See Appendix C-2 above for total taxable payrotl information. Effective 4-22-06 Cement Finisher $20.61 �� � FEB-21-2081 12�08 ISD b25 HUMRN RESDURCES APPENDIX C (continued) P.04i05 o � - �q`1 C-3. 1'he total taxabte hourly race inclvdin� wages and ch� vacacion conrribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the followin� classes of positions shall bc: Effective 4-22-00 Cement Finisher $24.99 If a temporary employec working in a atle listed in this Appendix C-3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Public Employees Reiiremeat Ac[ (PERA), which thereby reguires the Employer to make conuibutions to PERA. the calculated hourly base rate may change so the Emptoycr's cost do�s not excecd the amounts listed in C] above. • C-4. The basic hourly wlge races for the Apprentice ciass of positions: This �ection is held open for the addition of appropriau: Apprer�tice rxtes in the event �he Employer initlaces the employmen� of Apprentices. If the Unioa elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Emptoyer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C-2 through C-4 in such a way [hat the total co�t of �he package {wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and does noi exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Sectian C- I. . . � FEB-�1-2001 12�08 APPENDlX D 15D 625 HUMRN RESOUKLtS r.G� �� a � -i�� Effecdve Agri] 22,2Q00, the Emplt�yet shall forward the amounts designa[ed in this Appendix D for employees covered by tlus agreement to depositories as direcced by the Union and agreed io by the Empioyer: (1) �3.15 per hour for ali hours worked from which al l appzopriate payroll deductions havc been made to a Union-desi?nated Vacatian and Savin sc Fund. (2) $2.76 per hour for a11 hours worked to a[lnion-designated Health and Welfare Fund. • . (3) ('�) $4.95 per hour for atl hours worked to a Union-designated Pension Fund. $.25 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Apprenticeship Fund. The Employer shall make legally ss�ablished non-negotiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly basc rate of pay so the Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C i abave. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix ll shall be deducted from and are not in addicion to che amounu shown in Appendix C-1. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwarded to depositorics <u directed by the Union and aoreed to by the Ea�ployer. The Empioyer shaII escabtish Worker,' Compensa�ion and Unemploymenk Compensation proorams a� required by Minnesota Statutes. Employees covered by this aoreement sha11 not be eiigible for, govemed hy or accumulate vacation, sick Ieavc, holiday, funeraI leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that aze or may bc estublished by Petxonnel Rules, Councii Qrdinaace or Councii Resoluuons. The Employcr's fringe benefit obtigation co employees covered by this agreement is limitzd to the contribu[ions andlor deduccions escablished by this agreemenc. The actuai leve2 of benef'its provided to employees shal� be the responsibility of the Trustecs of the varions funds to which che Empioyer has forwarded contributions and/or deduetions. TOTAL P.05 Dt-l�� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT . . • � 2000-200t TL•RMS AND CONDTTI�NS OF EMPLOYMBiVT FOR CEMENT MASONS This Memorandum of A�reement is by and between Independent School Disteict No. 625 ("DistricY'), Empioyer, and the MinnesoTa Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca! No. 633, exclusive representative for cement masons. The piupose of this a�emenz is to e,cablish cerms and conditions of employment for the Fseriod May 1, 2000, through Apri! 3Q, 2001. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with Schoo] Distric[ cement masc�ns expires on Apri130 2000. The tetms and conditions in the 1998-200R contract, except for Appendices C and D, wiil remain in force through ,4pri130, 200I. Revised Appendices C and D�re actached to this Memorandum of Agreemene constitute the amival wagelbeneYi� cha�ges for this group for che pzriod May i. 2000. through Apri1 30, 2001. The actu:�l effecUve date for che wnge increase will be April 22. 2000, the first pay period closest co May 1, 2000 (see the attach�d Appendices C and D for accual rates). All other terms and condiiions of employment remain unch:u�ged and in force through Apri] 30, 200 t . IIvDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRIC'T, NO. 625 �� Chair, B d of Educacion l' �l�� �` Nego�ns/Labor Relacions Manager 4 Negotiations bor Relations Asst. Mgr. _ <��(� Date MINNESOTA CEMENT MASOIvrS, PLASTERERS, AND SHOPF•IANDS LOCAL NO. 633 � '`� ����� Busu�ess RepreSentaUve �O- �'�- oa Date Attachmenu: 20UD-20p7 Appendix C and Appendix D APPENDIX C . C-2. I"he tota� hourly cost to the Employer for wages pluc ;�y and alt contributions or deduccians stated in Appendix D oF this agreement shall not exceed the f'oliowin� amounts: Effec[ive 4-22-i10 Cement Finisher $32.95 C-2. The total �axable hourly raie incIuding wages and the vacation conttibution 9n Appenc3ix D ma@ excludin� all other benefit costs and obligation, in Appendix D, for regular and probacionary employees appoin�ed to the follnwing ciasses of positions shali be ac follows: Effective 4-22-00 � Cement Finisher $23.76 � \ - (`l`t G2A. The basie hourly wage rates io this Appendix (C-2A) are for comuensaGon analvsis pu�aoses oniv. These Pgures represent the portion af the Appendix C-1 rates above speciGcaUy allocated tv wages. These rates do NUT include taxab)e benefets contribuiioms and thereFore should N�T be ased &>r taxable payrott calcutations. See Appendix C-2 above for totxt taxabte payroli inf'ormation. Effeetive 4-Z?-00 Cement Finisher $20.61 C� APPENDtX C (continued) � 1- �9 �{ � C-3. The cot�l taxable hourly rate including wages and th4 vacation concribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the followinn classes of positions shall bc: Effective 4-22-00 Ccment Finisher $24.99 !f 1 cemporary employee working in a title listed in this Appendix C-3 becomes subject to tbe requirements of the Public Employees Retiremeat Act (PERA). which thereby requires the Bmployer to m.ake conuibutions to PERA, che catcutated hourly base race may change so the EmPloyer's cosi docs no� excecd the amounts listed in C1 above. � C-4. The basic houtly wage ��ates for the Apprenqce class nf positions: This section is he.id open for the addieion of appropria[c. Apprentice rates in the event [he E�nployer inivates the employment of Apprencices. If the Union eJecis to bave the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Secdons C-2 tbrough C-4 in such a way that the totai cost of [he package (wage rate plus contributions) remains consc•a��t and dces noc exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Seccion C-1. . . � FEB-21-2001 12�08 APPENDIX D ISD 6Z5 HUMRN RESDURCES e, � � \ °i'-� Effective April 22,2000, rhe Emptoyer shail forward the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employeLs covered by tlus agreement to depositories as direc[ed by the Union and agreed co by the Employer: (2) $3.1� ger honr for all hours wotked from which all appropriate payroll deductions havc been made to a Uaion-desi�nated Vacatian and Savin sn� Funcl. (2} �2.76 per hour for a11 houn worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. � • (3) (4) $4.95 per hour for ail hours worked to a Unioa-designated I'easion Fund. $.25 per hour for atl houn worked to a Union-designated ��renticeship Fand. The 6mployer sha2l make Iegally established non-ne�atiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly ba;c race of pay sa the Employer's cost does not exceed rhe amounts licted in Cl above. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D sha31 be deducted from and are not in addioon to the amounts shown in Appendix G!. The Appendix D amounts shalI bc Fonvarded co depositories as directed by the Uni�n and agreed to by che Empioyer. The Employer shall est:xblish Workers' Comp�nsation and Unemptoyment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota St�tutes. Employees c�vered by this a;reement shall not be eligible for, governed by or �ccumulatc vacation, sick teave, halid�y, funerai leave, jury dvry or insurance fringe benefits ihat are or may bc established by Penonnet Rules, Covnci] Ordinance or Counri! l�esolutions. The Employcr's fringe benefic obligation to empioyees covered by this agreement is limited to ihe cnntribucioas and/or deduccions escablished by thzs agreemenc. The actual levei of benefits pzovided to emp(oyees shaIl be the responsibility of the Trustecs of [he various funds to wtuch the Empioycr has forwarded co�ttributions and/or deductions. :�.l�Tt17 TDTqL P 0�lGI�lAL ITY Presented by Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # O 1—� qy Green Sheet # 10372 0 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memarandum of Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 to establish terms and conditions of employment for 2000-2001. Requested by Department of. Office of Labox Relations By: O Form App �by City A orney By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � ^YVt,t '�� E� Adopted by Council: Date ���� z� p\ . DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10372 ��� 1 � y LABOR RELATTONS February 21, 2001 CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � � �,' IN17�Ai/nATE �vITWJUAI'E NLIE KRAUS 266-6513 i °•� � ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT D �� 4 CI7'Y COUNCIL NUMBER 2 C1TY ATfORNEY �� CiI'Y CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIIt � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIt ROUTING 3 MAYOA (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA?URE) acnox �QV�,s�n: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca1 No. 633 to establish terms and conditions of employment for 2000-2001. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACi'S MUST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: . �PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC£ COivtMISSION 1. Aas thu pecson/ircm eve= worked under a contract foi this depamnenY? _CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECCI VE? 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skilf not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes aostvers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUN31'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): '. This Agreement pertains to Board of Education employees only. � � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COSC/REVENUE BUDGETED: _ FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: E7NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ���� �,`�'�?�•:'�� �-'u�� !4 :� �d, � e m INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION O�—\�y SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: August15,2000 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 2000-2001 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 2000, through April 30, 2001. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has .6 regular FTE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevailing wage. 5. The maintenance of buildings promotes a quality learning environment that suppotts the teaching target of preparing all students for life. 6. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Wayne Arndt, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 2000 through April 30, 2001. . � • • FEB-21-2801 12�87 ISD b25 HUMAN RESOURCES MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT P.02i05 O �_tqy 2000-2001 TL-RMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYIv��NT FOR CENIENT MASONS This Memarandum of Agreemettt i� by and becween Independent School Discrict No. 625 ("DistricY'), Employer, and the Minnesota Cemeni Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca! No. 633, exclusive representative for cem�nt masons. The purpo�e of this agreement is to cscablish [erms and conditions of empioyment for che period May t, ?pOQ, through April 30, 2001. PERTINEATT FACTS: The employ�nent agreement wich School Districc cement masons expires on Apri130, 2000. The termc and conditions in the 1998-2000 contraet, exeept for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through April 30. 2001. Revised Appendices C and D are a[[ached to this Memorandum of Agreement constitute the am�uaI wagePoenetit changes for this group for the period May 1. 2000. ihrough Aprii 30, 2001. The actu:il effective date for the waec increase wi11 be April 22, 2000, thc first pay period closest to May 1, 2000 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actu�! rates). Af! other terms and condiiions of em�laymen[ rem;�in unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2001. [NDEPPNDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1V0. 625 Chair, B d of Education ,�,� � Negotiado"ns/L,ahor Relations Mana;er L Negotiacion • bor Relations Assc. Mgr. MINNESOTA CEMENT MASONS, PLAS'�ERERS, AND SHOPHANDS LOCAL NO. 633 ,� � `�r � Busines` s Representative Date �/ �U,� Date �O- �?- oa Attachmenu: 2000-200] Appendix C and Rppendix D APPENDIX C • C- i. The toc�i hourly cos[ w che Employer for wages pluc any and all con�ributions or deduccions stated in Appendix D of �his agreement sh�t] not exceed the totlowin� amouncs: Effeccive 4-22-0a Cement Finisher $32.95 01-\'t�1 C-2. The totat caxable hourly rate ineluding wages and the vaeation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligation� in Appendix D, for regular and probauanary emplayees appointed to the following cl��sses of posicions shali be a� foliows: Hffective 4-22-00 Cement Fssusher $23.76 • G2A. The basic hourly wage rates in this Appendix (G24) are Yor comaensaGon analvsis purnoses onlv. These figures represent the porGon uf the Appendix C-1 rates above specifically atiocated to wages, These rates do NQT include taxable benefits contributions and therefore should NAT be used for taxabie payrolt calcutations. See Appendix C-2 above for total taxable payrotl information. Effective 4-22-06 Cement Finisher $20.61 �� � FEB-21-2081 12�08 ISD b25 HUMRN RESDURCES APPENDIX C (continued) P.04i05 o � - �q`1 C-3. 1'he total taxabte hourly race inclvdin� wages and ch� vacacion conrribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the followin� classes of positions shall bc: Effective 4-22-00 Cement Finisher $24.99 If a temporary employec working in a atle listed in this Appendix C-3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Public Employees Reiiremeat Ac[ (PERA), which thereby reguires the Employer to make conuibutions to PERA. the calculated hourly base rate may change so the Emptoycr's cost do�s not excecd the amounts listed in C] above. • C-4. The basic hourly wlge races for the Apprentice ciass of positions: This �ection is held open for the addition of appropriau: Apprer�tice rxtes in the event �he Employer initlaces the employmen� of Apprentices. If the Unioa elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Emptoyer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C-2 through C-4 in such a way [hat the total co�t of �he package {wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and does noi exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Sectian C- I. . . � FEB-�1-2001 12�08 APPENDlX D 15D 625 HUMRN RESOUKLtS r.G� �� a � -i�� Effecdve Agri] 22,2Q00, the Emplt�yet shall forward the amounts designa[ed in this Appendix D for employees covered by tlus agreement to depositories as direcced by the Union and agreed io by the Empioyer: (1) �3.15 per hour for ali hours worked from which al l appzopriate payroll deductions havc been made to a Union-desi?nated Vacatian and Savin sc Fund. (2) $2.76 per hour for a11 hours worked to a[lnion-designated Health and Welfare Fund. • . (3) ('�) $4.95 per hour for atl hours worked to a Union-designated Pension Fund. $.25 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Apprenticeship Fund. The Employer shall make legally ss�ablished non-negotiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly basc rate of pay so the Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C i abave. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix ll shall be deducted from and are not in addicion to che amounu shown in Appendix C-1. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwarded to depositorics <u directed by the Union and aoreed to by the Ea�ployer. The Empioyer shaII escabtish Worker,' Compensa�ion and Unemploymenk Compensation proorams a� required by Minnesota Statutes. Employees covered by this aoreement sha11 not be eiigible for, govemed hy or accumulate vacation, sick Ieavc, holiday, funeraI leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that aze or may bc estublished by Petxonnel Rules, Councii Qrdinaace or Councii Resoluuons. The Employcr's fringe benefit obtigation co employees covered by this agreement is limitzd to the contribu[ions andlor deduccions escablished by this agreemenc. The actuai leve2 of benef'its provided to employees shal� be the responsibility of the Trustecs of the varions funds to which che Empioyer has forwarded contributions and/or deduetions. TOTAL P.05 Dt-l�� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT . . • � 2000-200t TL•RMS AND CONDTTI�NS OF EMPLOYMBiVT FOR CEMENT MASONS This Memorandum of A�reement is by and between Independent School Disteict No. 625 ("DistricY'), Empioyer, and the MinnesoTa Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca! No. 633, exclusive representative for cement masons. The piupose of this a�emenz is to e,cablish cerms and conditions of employment for the Fseriod May 1, 2000, through Apri! 3Q, 2001. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with Schoo] Distric[ cement masc�ns expires on Apri130 2000. The tetms and conditions in the 1998-200R contract, except for Appendices C and D, wiil remain in force through ,4pri130, 200I. Revised Appendices C and D�re actached to this Memorandum of Agreemene constitute the amival wagelbeneYi� cha�ges for this group for che pzriod May i. 2000. through Apri1 30, 2001. The actu:�l effecUve date for che wnge increase will be April 22. 2000, the first pay period closest co May 1, 2000 (see the attach�d Appendices C and D for accual rates). All other terms and condiiions of employment remain unch:u�ged and in force through Apri] 30, 200 t . IIvDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRIC'T, NO. 625 �� Chair, B d of Educacion l' �l�� �` Nego�ns/Labor Relacions Manager 4 Negotiations bor Relations Asst. Mgr. _ <��(� Date MINNESOTA CEMENT MASOIvrS, PLASTERERS, AND SHOPF•IANDS LOCAL NO. 633 � '`� ����� Busu�ess RepreSentaUve �O- �'�- oa Date Attachmenu: 20UD-20p7 Appendix C and Appendix D APPENDIX C . C-2. I"he tota� hourly cost to the Employer for wages pluc ;�y and alt contributions or deduccians stated in Appendix D oF this agreement shall not exceed the f'oliowin� amounts: Effec[ive 4-22-i10 Cement Finisher $32.95 C-2. The total �axable hourly raie incIuding wages and the vacation conttibution 9n Appenc3ix D ma@ excludin� all other benefit costs and obligation, in Appendix D, for regular and probacionary employees appoin�ed to the follnwing ciasses of positions shali be ac follows: Effective 4-22-00 � Cement Finisher $23.76 � \ - (`l`t G2A. The basie hourly wage rates io this Appendix (C-2A) are for comuensaGon analvsis pu�aoses oniv. These Pgures represent the portion af the Appendix C-1 rates above speciGcaUy allocated tv wages. These rates do NUT include taxab)e benefets contribuiioms and thereFore should N�T be ased &>r taxable payrott calcutations. See Appendix C-2 above for totxt taxabte payroli inf'ormation. Effeetive 4-Z?-00 Cement Finisher $20.61 C� APPENDtX C (continued) � 1- �9 �{ � C-3. The cot�l taxable hourly rate including wages and th4 vacation concribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the followinn classes of positions shall bc: Effective 4-22-00 Ccment Finisher $24.99 !f 1 cemporary employee working in a title listed in this Appendix C-3 becomes subject to tbe requirements of the Public Employees Retiremeat Act (PERA). which thereby requires the Bmployer to m.ake conuibutions to PERA, che catcutated hourly base race may change so the EmPloyer's cosi docs no� excecd the amounts listed in C1 above. � C-4. The basic houtly wage ��ates for the Apprenqce class nf positions: This section is he.id open for the addieion of appropria[c. Apprentice rates in the event [he E�nployer inivates the employment of Apprencices. If the Union eJecis to bave the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Secdons C-2 tbrough C-4 in such a way that the totai cost of [he package (wage rate plus contributions) remains consc•a��t and dces noc exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Seccion C-1. . . � FEB-21-2001 12�08 APPENDIX D ISD 6Z5 HUMRN RESDURCES e, � � \ °i'-� Effective April 22,2000, rhe Emptoyer shail forward the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employeLs covered by tlus agreement to depositories as direc[ed by the Union and agreed co by the Employer: (2) $3.1� ger honr for all hours wotked from which all appropriate payroll deductions havc been made to a Uaion-desi�nated Vacatian and Savin sn� Funcl. (2} �2.76 per hour for a11 houn worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. � • (3) (4) $4.95 per hour for ail hours worked to a Unioa-designated I'easion Fund. $.25 per hour for atl houn worked to a Union-designated ��renticeship Fand. The 6mployer sha2l make Iegally established non-ne�atiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly ba;c race of pay sa the Employer's cost does not exceed rhe amounts licted in Cl above. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D sha31 be deducted from and are not in addioon to the amounts shown in Appendix G!. The Appendix D amounts shalI bc Fonvarded co depositories as directed by the Uni�n and agreed to by che Empioyer. The Employer shall est:xblish Workers' Comp�nsation and Unemptoyment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota St�tutes. Employees c�vered by this a;reement shall not be eligible for, governed by or �ccumulatc vacation, sick teave, halid�y, funerai leave, jury dvry or insurance fringe benefits ihat are or may bc established by Penonnet Rules, Covnci] Ordinance or Counri! l�esolutions. The Employcr's fringe benefic obligation to empioyees covered by this agreement is limited to ihe cnntribucioas and/or deduccions escablished by thzs agreemenc. The actual levei of benefits pzovided to emp(oyees shaIl be the responsibility of the Trustecs of [he various funds to wtuch the Empioycr has forwarded co�ttributions and/or deductions. :�.l�Tt17 TDTqL P 0�lGI�lAL ITY Presented by Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # O 1—� qy Green Sheet # 10372 0 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memarandum of Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 to establish terms and conditions of employment for 2000-2001. Requested by Department of. Office of Labox Relations By: O Form App �by City A orney By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � ^YVt,t '�� E� Adopted by Council: Date ���� z� p\ . DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE IlVITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 10372 ��� 1 � y LABOR RELATTONS February 21, 2001 CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � � �,' IN17�Ai/nATE �vITWJUAI'E NLIE KRAUS 266-6513 i °•� � ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENT D �� 4 CI7'Y COUNCIL NUMBER 2 C1TY ATfORNEY �� CiI'Y CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIIt � FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIIt ROUTING 3 MAYOA (OR ASST.) ORDER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA?URE) acnox �QV�,s�n: This resolution approves the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the Independent School District No. 625 and the Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca1 No. 633 to establish terms and conditions of employment for 2000-2001. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACi'S MUST AIVSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTTONS: . �PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC£ COivtMISSION 1. Aas thu pecson/ircm eve= worked under a contract foi this depamnenY? _CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECCI VE? 3. Does this person/fivn possess a skilf not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes aostvers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUN31'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): '. This Agreement pertains to Board of Education employees only. � � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTACES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COSC/REVENUE BUDGETED: _ FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: E7NANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ���� �,`�'�?�•:'�� �-'u�� !4 :� �d, � e m INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION O�—\�y SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: August15,2000 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 2000-2001 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 2000, through April 30, 2001. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has .6 regular FTE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevailing wage. 5. The maintenance of buildings promotes a quality learning environment that suppotts the teaching target of preparing all students for life. 6. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Wayne Arndt, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; Richard Kreyer, Executive Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom Minnesota Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Local No. 633 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 2000 through April 30, 2001. . � • • FEB-21-2801 12�87 ISD b25 HUMAN RESOURCES MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT P.02i05 O �_tqy 2000-2001 TL-RMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYIv��NT FOR CENIENT MASONS This Memarandum of Agreemettt i� by and becween Independent School Discrict No. 625 ("DistricY'), Employer, and the Minnesota Cemeni Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca! No. 633, exclusive representative for cem�nt masons. The purpo�e of this agreement is to cscablish [erms and conditions of empioyment for che period May t, ?pOQ, through April 30, 2001. PERTINEATT FACTS: The employ�nent agreement wich School Districc cement masons expires on Apri130, 2000. The termc and conditions in the 1998-2000 contraet, exeept for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through April 30. 2001. Revised Appendices C and D are a[[ached to this Memorandum of Agreement constitute the am�uaI wagePoenetit changes for this group for the period May 1. 2000. ihrough Aprii 30, 2001. The actu:il effective date for the waec increase wi11 be April 22, 2000, thc first pay period closest to May 1, 2000 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actu�! rates). Af! other terms and condiiions of em�laymen[ rem;�in unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2001. [NDEPPNDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1V0. 625 Chair, B d of Education ,�,� � Negotiado"ns/L,ahor Relations Mana;er L Negotiacion • bor Relations Assc. Mgr. MINNESOTA CEMENT MASONS, PLAS'�ERERS, AND SHOPHANDS LOCAL NO. 633 ,� � `�r � Busines` s Representative Date �/ �U,� Date �O- �?- oa Attachmenu: 2000-200] Appendix C and Rppendix D APPENDIX C • C- i. The toc�i hourly cos[ w che Employer for wages pluc any and all con�ributions or deduccions stated in Appendix D of �his agreement sh�t] not exceed the totlowin� amouncs: Effeccive 4-22-0a Cement Finisher $32.95 01-\'t�1 C-2. The totat caxable hourly rate ineluding wages and the vaeation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligation� in Appendix D, for regular and probauanary emplayees appointed to the following cl��sses of posicions shali be a� foliows: Hffective 4-22-00 Cement Fssusher $23.76 • G2A. The basic hourly wage rates in this Appendix (G24) are Yor comaensaGon analvsis purnoses onlv. These figures represent the porGon uf the Appendix C-1 rates above specifically atiocated to wages, These rates do NQT include taxable benefits contributions and therefore should NAT be used for taxabie payrolt calcutations. See Appendix C-2 above for total taxable payrotl information. Effective 4-22-06 Cement Finisher $20.61 �� � FEB-21-2081 12�08 ISD b25 HUMRN RESDURCES APPENDIX C (continued) P.04i05 o � - �q`1 C-3. 1'he total taxabte hourly race inclvdin� wages and ch� vacacion conrribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the followin� classes of positions shall bc: Effective 4-22-00 Cement Finisher $24.99 If a temporary employec working in a atle listed in this Appendix C-3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Public Employees Reiiremeat Ac[ (PERA), which thereby reguires the Employer to make conuibutions to PERA. the calculated hourly base rate may change so the Emptoycr's cost do�s not excecd the amounts listed in C] above. • C-4. The basic hourly wlge races for the Apprentice ciass of positions: This �ection is held open for the addition of appropriau: Apprer�tice rxtes in the event �he Employer initlaces the employmen� of Apprentices. If the Unioa elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Emptoyer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C-2 through C-4 in such a way [hat the total co�t of �he package {wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and does noi exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Sectian C- I. . . � FEB-�1-2001 12�08 APPENDlX D 15D 625 HUMRN RESOUKLtS r.G� �� a � -i�� Effecdve Agri] 22,2Q00, the Emplt�yet shall forward the amounts designa[ed in this Appendix D for employees covered by tlus agreement to depositories as direcced by the Union and agreed io by the Empioyer: (1) �3.15 per hour for ali hours worked from which al l appzopriate payroll deductions havc been made to a Union-desi?nated Vacatian and Savin sc Fund. (2) $2.76 per hour for a11 hours worked to a[lnion-designated Health and Welfare Fund. • . (3) ('�) $4.95 per hour for atl hours worked to a Union-designated Pension Fund. $.25 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Apprenticeship Fund. The Employer shall make legally ss�ablished non-negotiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly basc rate of pay so the Employer's cost does not exceed the amounts listed in C i abave. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix ll shall be deducted from and are not in addicion to che amounu shown in Appendix C-1. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwarded to depositorics <u directed by the Union and aoreed to by the Ea�ployer. The Empioyer shaII escabtish Worker,' Compensa�ion and Unemploymenk Compensation proorams a� required by Minnesota Statutes. Employees covered by this aoreement sha11 not be eiigible for, govemed hy or accumulate vacation, sick Ieavc, holiday, funeraI leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that aze or may bc estublished by Petxonnel Rules, Councii Qrdinaace or Councii Resoluuons. The Employcr's fringe benefit obtigation co employees covered by this agreement is limitzd to the contribu[ions andlor deduccions escablished by this agreemenc. The actuai leve2 of benef'its provided to employees shal� be the responsibility of the Trustecs of the varions funds to which che Empioyer has forwarded contributions and/or deduetions. TOTAL P.05 Dt-l�� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT . . • � 2000-200t TL•RMS AND CONDTTI�NS OF EMPLOYMBiVT FOR CEMENT MASONS This Memorandum of A�reement is by and between Independent School Disteict No. 625 ("DistricY'), Empioyer, and the MinnesoTa Cement Masons, Plasterers, and Shophands Loca! No. 633, exclusive representative for cement masons. The piupose of this a�emenz is to e,cablish cerms and conditions of employment for the Fseriod May 1, 2000, through Apri! 3Q, 2001. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with Schoo] Distric[ cement masc�ns expires on Apri130 2000. The tetms and conditions in the 1998-200R contract, except for Appendices C and D, wiil remain in force through ,4pri130, 200I. Revised Appendices C and D�re actached to this Memorandum of Agreemene constitute the amival wagelbeneYi� cha�ges for this group for che pzriod May i. 2000. through Apri1 30, 2001. The actu:�l effecUve date for che wnge increase will be April 22. 2000, the first pay period closest co May 1, 2000 (see the attach�d Appendices C and D for accual rates). All other terms and condiiions of employment remain unch:u�ged and in force through Apri] 30, 200 t . IIvDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRIC'T, NO. 625 �� Chair, B d of Educacion l' �l�� �` Nego�ns/Labor Relacions Manager 4 Negotiations bor Relations Asst. Mgr. _ <��(� Date MINNESOTA CEMENT MASOIvrS, PLASTERERS, AND SHOPF•IANDS LOCAL NO. 633 � '`� ����� Busu�ess RepreSentaUve �O- �'�- oa Date Attachmenu: 20UD-20p7 Appendix C and Appendix D APPENDIX C . C-2. I"he tota� hourly cost to the Employer for wages pluc ;�y and alt contributions or deduccians stated in Appendix D oF this agreement shall not exceed the f'oliowin� amounts: Effec[ive 4-22-i10 Cement Finisher $32.95 C-2. The total �axable hourly raie incIuding wages and the vacation conttibution 9n Appenc3ix D ma@ excludin� all other benefit costs and obligation, in Appendix D, for regular and probacionary employees appoin�ed to the follnwing ciasses of positions shali be ac follows: Effective 4-22-00 � Cement Finisher $23.76 � \ - (`l`t G2A. The basie hourly wage rates io this Appendix (C-2A) are for comuensaGon analvsis pu�aoses oniv. These Pgures represent the portion af the Appendix C-1 rates above speciGcaUy allocated tv wages. These rates do NUT include taxab)e benefets contribuiioms and thereFore should N�T be ased &>r taxable payrott calcutations. See Appendix C-2 above for totxt taxabte payroli inf'ormation. Effeetive 4-Z?-00 Cement Finisher $20.61 C� APPENDtX C (continued) � 1- �9 �{ � C-3. The cot�l taxable hourly rate including wages and th4 vacation concribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the followinn classes of positions shall bc: Effective 4-22-00 Ccment Finisher $24.99 !f 1 cemporary employee working in a title listed in this Appendix C-3 becomes subject to tbe requirements of the Public Employees Retiremeat Act (PERA). which thereby requires the Bmployer to m.ake conuibutions to PERA, che catcutated hourly base race may change so the EmPloyer's cosi docs no� excecd the amounts listed in C1 above. � C-4. The basic houtly wage ��ates for the Apprenqce class nf positions: This section is he.id open for the addieion of appropria[c. Apprentice rates in the event [he E�nployer inivates the employment of Apprencices. If the Union eJecis to bave the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Secdons C-2 tbrough C-4 in such a way that the totai cost of [he package (wage rate plus contributions) remains consc•a��t and dces noc exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Seccion C-1. . . � FEB-21-2001 12�08 APPENDIX D ISD 6Z5 HUMRN RESDURCES e, � � \ °i'-� Effective April 22,2000, rhe Emptoyer shail forward the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employeLs covered by tlus agreement to depositories as direc[ed by the Union and agreed co by the Employer: (2) $3.1� ger honr for all hours wotked from which all appropriate payroll deductions havc been made to a Uaion-desi�nated Vacatian and Savin sn� Funcl. (2} �2.76 per hour for a11 houn worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. � • (3) (4) $4.95 per hour for ail hours worked to a Unioa-designated I'easion Fund. $.25 per hour for atl houn worked to a Union-designated ��renticeship Fand. The 6mployer sha2l make Iegally established non-ne�atiated pension contributions to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly ba;c race of pay sa the Employer's cost does not exceed rhe amounts licted in Cl above. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D sha31 be deducted from and are not in addioon to the amounts shown in Appendix G!. The Appendix D amounts shalI bc Fonvarded co depositories as directed by the Uni�n and agreed to by che Empioyer. The Employer shall est:xblish Workers' Comp�nsation and Unemptoyment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota St�tutes. Employees c�vered by this a;reement shall not be eligible for, governed by or �ccumulatc vacation, sick teave, halid�y, funerai leave, jury dvry or insurance fringe benefits ihat are or may bc established by Penonnet Rules, Covnci] Ordinance or Counri! l�esolutions. The Employcr's fringe benefic obligation to empioyees covered by this agreement is limited to ihe cnntribucioas and/or deduccions escablished by thzs agreemenc. The actual levei of benefits pzovided to emp(oyees shaIl be the responsibility of the Trustecs of [he various funds to wtuch the Empioycr has forwarded co�ttributions and/or deductions. :�.l�Tt17 TDTqL P