270975 WFi1TE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ./�i1����� PINK - FINANCE �T t � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAVL File NO. hi Cy � BLUE - MAVOR � ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Ou� of Committee By Date Whereas, The United States� Community Services Administration has designated the City of Saint Paul , a CETA prime sponsor, to receive a grant for a Summer Recreation Support Program; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the Mayor to: 1. accept from the United States Co�nunity Services Administration funds in the amount of $27,880.00 for a 1978 Summer Recreation Support Program, and 2. enter into subgrants and to otherwise expend funds for all purposes necessary to implement and operate these programs. Funding Code: 33154 � APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: � Director, Fina e & Mgmt. Services L?/�� u COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: / �� � [n Favor Hozza � Levine _ __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester � Tedesco .. - 1978 " A� �. = Form rove C' A ney Adopted b�_�.�ouncil: Date � Cer�y�ed Pass y Council Se y B � � Approved by Mavor: Date � �� Appro y ayo for Subm' ion o un 1 By j��. " -___�–�__-.��%�� By �ue�isH�� �►AY 6 197a + OMB Approvsl No.23-R0218 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE Z �PU• �• NUMBER 3, gTq� a.NUMBER c.�►rms n�uc�. � l. OFPE a PREAPPLICAT�ON APPU• b. DIpE�'.ar rROwtA day IOENTh b. DATE ;e� � wwntA dav ALTION � 1tPPLIGTIQN CATION 1978 4 18 t7ER ASSIGNED 17j$ t� 28 Utsr�t sv- � NO?IFICIITIQN OF INTFI�IT (OPU L.... �� � itEAORT OF FEDERAL ACitON eis,� �1. lEOAL APPLICANT/RECIPtENT 5. FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIflCATiON NO. . a�vWtaat tam. : City of Saint Paul 41-600 a or�,.�o.tiatt : Division of Parks & Recreation a stn.t/r.o. emc : 1000 North Snelling � ., t�utrs�t 4 9 • 0 0 2 a. aqr : St, Paul .. oea�pr s Ramsey �� a T� t. a�.a : Minnesota s. zir ooa.: 55108 cF'�°'�` F,a.� Community Action � l�f�ykow�No��• William Peterson 612-645-4689 �a� � 7. TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF APPUCANTS PROJECT R TYPE OF APPUCANT/RECIPIENT Summer Youth Recreation Program �-sr.cs �muni�r��r B-Istrabt� F-H�I�u Eduntiond IaWrition Pro ram to rovide recreational activities �i°�' }-� M T"�. 9 P � �oaur <sr.e�fr): to St.� Paul disadvantaged youth, attending E_ public and private non-profit recreational ��� agencies. �a $"�s��'*�E 9. 7'YPE OF ASSISTANCE , A-Ba�te Cwnt Wmunaa � �PP��1 Ot�at E-Oth�r 8*w s�►a B FLa� P++�a�er(a) � 1Q AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT (Na,sa o�eitiw,aowwe:s�, 1L EBTtIrtATED NUtYI- 12. TYPE OF APPLICATION 8tata.�ta.) BER OF PERSONS Mlw► G�rttioe E-,1Wtaq�qtNn BENEFITINO �ral D-Condawtioa City of Saint Paul 8,000 �"�'�'O�'��D 13. PROPOSED FUNDINO 14. CONGRESS�ONAL DI8TRICTB OF: 15. TYPE OF CHANGE (For 1te or Ite) a. FEOEMI = 27,880 ,pp �. APPUCJwT Y. MIOIECi s�-o.a�i�w�I�us � (SS�otfY)t a ��� ,� Fourth Fourth ao��,....cu�u t STATE .00 16. PROJECT START �7. PROJECT E-Gaalladca DATE�r aoKtJ1 day DURATION s*�++�sP�- t- a. �oca .00 �s7� 6 1 4 x�. v�•�fsJ t n� �. OTHER 4 145 .o0 38. ESTIMATED DATE TO Y� wowG day 19. IXISTING FEDERAL IDENTIFlCJITlON NUMBER ►. m�r�u. = 32 025 .oa FEDERAL ATGEpNCY► 197$ 5 1 ZQ FEDERAL AlaENCY TO ROCEtVE REQUEST (NarM.CtitY.Stat�.L/P�odr) 21. REMARKS ADDED Comanunit Services Adm. - Re ion 5, Chicago, Illinois 60606 � ❑ Y.s � No � 22. a.Te tln Md of oq loiowl�dB��ad bolt�f. b. !fnv aind tpr 01ia Clrmlar A-95 tAb tp iatioa wn wbmitbd, purswnt to in• No re- lteepowre dMa ta ffib prappliatba/�ppllaWa �n �iap tkw�ta. b ypropri�b ciariaL� aad dl n000asa aro �ttaeh�d: ayoass attaeA�d tHe tr�• aae eonxc, ee. aoww«�c ea e.�, Community Action Agency ��� �"b � � � �'"f°�"� � °� Ramse Action Pro rams ❑ ❑ cE�'nFles ea. ,aP��•ne sna M. .vak� x�u eant►a a� Y 9 'rHn7► ntm +M +e�.a ownnc« tf m• wh� � Twin Cities Metropolitan Council ❑ ❑ ana h�vvror.a. (3) Minnesota Governor's ManPower ❑ ❑ 23. u TYPED NAYE MID 11TLE !. El6Ptl1TURE e. C:;i� SIGNED � ���N� Robert Piram, Superintenc3ent y"� � dar s�r� of Parks and Recreation 39 ?A. AGEMCY NMAE 25. APFLICA• Yw �wonth c�ar TION RECEIVEO 19 26. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT Z7.ADMtNISTRATIVE OFFICE 28. FEDERAL APPUCATIOP� 1 DEMTIFICATION ,� 4�, /►ppREBS 30. IDE�t�vT1AFICATION � �3.ACTION TAKEN 82. FUNDINa Ysar swwtk daY 34. Yssr +wmtk day 8TARTINO Q s. Il1rARDm �. FEDERRL S .00 S3. ACTION DATE► 19 DATE 19 � �. REJECiED 4 APPLIGNT .00 ss' TION tNa+s�owdA�D1T91�t.AL�I�:O�RMA- 36. Ysar �onth day ENDING � e. IIE�YRNFD FOR e. =TATE .00 DA7E 19 � AY�lIDMElIT d. LOCAL .00 S7. REMARKS ADDED � ��.DEFE�ED �. OTHER .00 ��. �RNDRAwN f. TOTAL i .00 ❑ Y�s �]No �. �. U ftldu`�bow�dlon. �N eeaAra�nb naiwd bos d�rinil»wM wn ee�- �. F`'ENDss�w d i�1�o�wajCIAL sld�nd. If�esn�r�oew tt dw wd�t povisiaa�af Patt l.Of10 Gm4r A^Y5, FEDERAL AGENCY U Na bwo x is bNsj ad�. M9S ACTION STANDARD �RM 424 NVOE=1 (1�7� •. , . . A�d hr QSd.F�drraT ll�p�wMi�e�e 7H F'orm Approved OAlB.No. 116•R0325 CHECKPOINT PROCEDURE FOi2 COORDINATION � (THIS SPACE FOR OEO USE) (CSA /nstruction 6710-1J FROM: (Applicant Agrnc�) T0: (Resporsding ARency) �COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY (CAA) �CAA . �STATE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY OFFICE (SE00) L�SE00 ��APPLICANT OTHER THAN CAA OR SE00 ��OTHER OFFICIAL AGENCY OR INSTITUTION OCLEARINGHOUSE: �STATE Q METRO Q REGIONAL • The applicant named below plans to apply to CSA for financial ;ssistance under procisions of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The activity that �he applicant plans to undcrtake is described in Section 1 below and in accompanying documents. In order to assure that this activiry is coordinatrd with other programs and anti-povecty activities, you are requested w complete Sections II and I11 of this form. CSA� allows the office, agency ot institution to which this form is sent, a minimum oE 15 days from receipt of che form to complete and return it. If you are unable to respond fully to che request within this period, you may either request additional time or if the schedule will not petmit an extension, you may return the form with notation ezplaining why you were unable to complete it. (R'hen ehis fwm is used with other documents to implemertt procedures oJ the Federal Project NotiJication and Review Syscem, aJfected Cleering- Aousea we allowed 30 days in u�hieh to respond.) This Fheckpoint procedure is no[ designed to require concurrence in the proposed activities by the recipient of this form. How- ever, CSA dces require that the applicant provide an opportunity for all appropriate officials, agencies and institutions to express their concerns with respecc co the proposed activities. SECTION 1. APPLICANT AGENCY AND PROPOSED ACTIVITIES �. NAME OF APPLICANT I 2. DATE THIS FORM FORWARDED " Citv of Saint Paul 3. ADDRESS NO. AND STREET CITY COUNTY STATE ZIP CODE St. Paul Ramse Minnesota 55108 4. NAME ANO TITLE OF STAFF DIRECTOR S. TELEPHONE NO. (lnclude Area Codej William Peterson - Recreation Director II 612-645-4689 6. TITLE AND BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ANTI-POVERTY PROJECT(S);ACTIVITIES (Irtcluding funding sowcesJ Siumner Youth Recreation Program: A program to provide recreational activities to disadvantaged St. Paul youth at public and private non-profit recreational agencies. Funding for this project will be provided by the Community Services Administration to the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $27,880.00. 7. COMMUNITIES TO BE INCLUDED IN PROPOSED PROJECTiS', City of Saint Paul e. BUDGET PERIOU �Nr,�Fiam )'car) FOR PROPOSEO PROJECT(5) BEGINNING DATE ENDING DATE June 1 1978 Se tember 30, 1978 g. TOTAL ESTIMATEO COST OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY 10. CSA FEDERAL SHARE 11. NON�FEDERAL SHARE (Item ]0+ 11 J $32,025.00 $32,025.00 CSA FORM 4 FEB 77 (WH,CMEMAY BE USED UNT4 LEXMAUSTED�� . . ����,�� SECTION 11. OFFICIAL OR AGENCY RESPONDING TO FORM i2. TITLE OF OFFICIAL OR AGENCY RESPONDING 13. DATE OF RESPONSE St. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation 4-18-78 is. ADORESS ^�J. AND STREET CITY COUNTV STATE ZIP CODE 1.000 el in Avenue St. Paul Ramse Minnesota 55108 . TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF INDIVIDUAL 16. SIGNATURE 17. TELEPHONE NO. (Include Area COMPLETING THIS FORM CodeJ ;�illiam C. Peterson /r,f��%�'�,� hecreation Director II ����� 612-645-4689 SECTION III. COMMENTS ON PROPOSED ACTIVITY td. WERE YpU, OR WAS YOUR AGENCY CONSULTED IN THE PLANNING OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT(S) DESCRIBED IN SECTION It �YES �NO t9.�, IF •'YES", (Item 18 aboveJ, DESCRIBE IN WHAT MANNER AND AT WHAT POINT YOU OR VOUR AGENCY PARTICIPATED IN THE PLANNING OF THE PROPOSEO PROJECT. In the past several years, St. Paul's Department of Manpower has attained the funds for St. Paul's Division of Parks and Recreation. The Division has delivered a comprehensive program to the economically deprived population through recreation centers (public and private) that deal with said population. 19. HOW WILL THE PROPOSED PROJECTIS) COMPLEMENT AND BE COORDINATED WITM YOUR CURRENT AND PLANNED ACTIVITIES AaFECTING THE POOR7 The supplies and transportation provided to the recreation centers will supplement the small budgets that they presently have. Where dual agencies are involved, we are coordinating the offered programs to prevent duplication. In many cases, programs will be offered that otherwise would, or may not be had. 20. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT(Slt STATE ANY OTHER FACTORS WMICH YOU BELIEVE SHOUID INFLUENCE CSA'S DECISION ON WHETHER TO FUND THE PROJECT�51. The proposed projects are of great value to the many recipients. It provides them with varieties of leisure activities that would otherwise be unavailable to them. 21. DO YOU, OR YOUR AGENCY(other than a ClearinghouseJ,PLAN TO PROVIDE SUPPORT(through the provision oJ services to beneficiaries, technical assistance or other assistanceJ TO THE PROPOSED PROJECTT (!f"}'es",desaribe tAt speciJic kinds o�support.) • �YES ` �NO : We will be supportive by providing the administration of the program. Also, the • leadership, instructors, coaches and chaperones to carry out the programs will be � provided by our agency and the other agencies participating in the program. � . (/(udd�tum��l spacr is requirrd cuntinue nn blrsnk paper.J � G�'O 919•906 � � �._�. . .. • 1 TYPF OF APPLICATION . APPLICANT CERTIFICATIONS � �Nfw �- �CONTINUATIONOF (For selected progrnms under Section 223, Hes�arch and GHat�T NO. FOR CSA U$E ONLY Pilot Programs under Sec[ion 232 and Cnmmunit� F.cn- Z NAME OF CSA PROJECT MANAGER ORGANIZATION DATE RECEIVED nomic /levelopment Gr¢nts under Title NII of ehe f:om•• NO. munity Services Act.J SECTION I, FORMER COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEES • (Cherk "l'es"bc/ou� iJ th� ansire•r ro ony oJ ehese questions is positive.J 1. Does any person who veas employcd by CSA Rithin thc• last 1?months (u�hether asaregular or pnrt-time employeeorcons�ltantJser�•r as chief execuci�•e officer of,or serve m the Ro�•erninF bmrd of,or ha��c any financial interest in: (a)the applicant agency; (tr)an ageney to which.the applicant will delegate the administration of any part vf the program; a(c)a prospective conuactor or sutxontractor who will ha�e '"a contracc [a$25,000 or more? 2. Dces any such person serce in any executice capacity, in a position payinR more than S18,000 per year, for an}� of the above agencies? 3. Is any such person expected to work on the program a•hich is to be supporced by the grant? 4. Has any such person patticipated, or a•ill any such person particirate, in the preparation of this application or in communica- tions with CSA concerning the requested Fran�? � YES O NO (/J"3'es",attach a listing oJ th� names of any CSA employees involved, their positians u�ith CSA, ,. ¢nd the rcfntionships u�ith the app/icant./ SECTION II. CERTIFICATION OF COMPENSATION COMPARABILITY The salaries aad fringe benefits of a11 employees of this applicant which are supported by CSA funds, or are counted as contri- � bution co the a�-Federal share under a graat mnde by CSA hace been re��iewed according to CSA instructio�s and compacability has bcen established. Documencacion of the methods by which the applicant established comparability is available in applicant's fites for review by persons suthorized by CSA and personnel of the General Accounting Office. Any amendment in the future to the CSA approved salary schedule resulting in a general raise in salaries or any change or in- crease in fringe benefits for all employees shall be based on a current determination of compensation comparability_ SECTION III. TITLE VI OF THE CiVIL RIGHTS ACT The applicant AGREES that it will comply w•ith Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352)snd the Regulations of the Co�unity Services Administrati� issued pursuant to thut title (45 C.F.R. Part 1010), to the end that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color� or national oriFin, be excluded fcom participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any proFram or acti�•ity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance either directly or indirectly from the Cortununity Services Administration; and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately, in all phases and levels of programs and activities, in�t�ll an affirmacive action pcogram to achieve equal opportunities for pattici- pation� with provisions for effective periodic self-c��aluation. In the case where the Federa! financial assistunce is to pro�•ide or improve or is in the form of personal property, or real propercy or interest thecein or struccures thereon,this acsurancr �hall obliRate the Applicant� or, in the case of a subsequent transfer, the transferee, for the period during which the prorcrc�• i, ❑sed for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is excended or for another purpose involving the provision .�f sin,ilir sen•iccs and benefits, or for as long as the Applicanc retains ownership or possession of the property, whiche��cr is lon�rr. In ill other cases� this assucance shall obligate the Appiicant for the period during which the Federal financial assist:�n�c i. r�;�•ndcd to it. THIS ASSURANCE is given in considcration of ,in.l frr chc purpose of obtainiag either directly or indirectly any and all Federal �rants, loans, concraccs, propercy, or discount., .�r �uhrr Federsl financial assistance extended after che date hereof to the appli- cant by che Communicy Services �ldminisvation, includin�; installmeat paymeats after such date on account of applications for Federal financial assiscance which were uppro�•ed be(ore such date. The Applicant recognizes and agrees that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in rclian.c on �hr representations and agreements made in this assuraace, and that the Uniced States shall hace the righc �o seek judie-iai cnf.�rcement of this assurance. This assuraace is binding on the Applicant, its successors, transferees, and assiFnecc� an.� tli� rrr.on ot petsons whose signatures appear below are suthorized to sign this assutance on behalf of the Applic:�nt. SECTION IV. MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (Applicn6le to grant,r madc :.:�d��r �ectians 222. 71Y and 747 oJ the Community Serviees Act o!1974.) Funds or ocher resources devo�e� �o �rocr.im� .�r ac�ici�irs designed to meet the needs of the poor within the communicy will not be diminished in order to provide non-Fcdrr.il .h.�rc contrih��ions for the Grancee. Nith respect to each program accounc in chi. fundinF request: (I) The amounts claimed as non-I���dcr.il sh�re represent a net increase over ezpenditures from non-Federal sources made fot similar activities during che e��cl�•c months prior to initia! application to CSA for the program account. (2) The program account services w•ill be in addition to� aot in substitucion for, services pteviously provided without Commuaity Services Act assistance. ' CSA FORM 301 (REV.MAY 76) (FORMERLV OEO FORM,O1, DATED NOV 71. (CONTlNUEDON REVERSE) WMICM If OBSOLETE.� SECTION V. , CERTIFICATION The .ipplicanc aRency agrees that aay funds received as a result of this application will be expended in aceordaace with the terms of cnr kr.+nc and in accordance with regulacions uf �he Commut►ity Services Administration. 1'h�� undcrsigned CI:RTIFIES thac he is auchorized cu submit this application on behalf of the applicant agency, and to make the comm�tmrnts contained in it. NOTE: If �lie applicant agency is recognized hy <��A as a Community Actioa Agency undec Title II of t6e Community Services Act,or is seeking funds under 'l icie \'II uf the Act, this application must be signed bq the Chairman of its goveming board or, if a Communiry Acu�n Agency is a political jurisdiceion, by the principal governiag official of �he jurisJictio�. In ocher cases, che appli�a�ion should normally be signed by [he chief ezecutive officet of the agency�. Ocher signacures will be acce�+ced only if evidence of their authority co commit the applieanc is submitced to CSA. DATE TYPED NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE � George Latimer, Mayor TYPEO NAME OF BOARD CHAIRMAN OR COMPARr.tiL� OFFICIAL (If dillerent�rom name and title indicated above.) Robert Piram, Superintendent of St. Paul Parks & Recreation Division GPO 919.808 J N W � Cd '� � f' WWX w $ m � �«1 p n c� n 2 . I U Y� a � OyU O t i O,^„ y� '"1 Z � . ( � F � < d� �Z � � E C1 si -�� i k.O �p V N H= � W W '^ � W K� W Z <W� m I W i J ;a = Z F ~ O � J-� W < � R� � m,�, �,V K W v n c r N � t7 W c y c o W � 2 y � '= �' �~ � � Q Z J�n I �..° O o I ' 4 ~ � � > � ' J � C o 2 F � r '� < < � 4.C t I h � < O o t� Z � �} e°e � �°, �c� d ` a o 3 i 2 oa � a W W o ` �,.� ,�� z u � F y F �❑ ° < Ci ri V� ri N y U '� < `� a W W u � e p� C� � W= W y T, O 1 LL y I N E � E � � . � eo o � ° Z ` v 3 ao � � � b '�O o-.�. 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H � ` ` t y n N � a � < } p O N.M N J � � ? � a O ¢ W y! _ < {� t W a i i � a � b 3 '� N : r�'i o � � m a .r u � � i � m d �'Z � � az dN m � J F J W � � � o o � > u� J y ` � V — N 1�1 • N 10 P � � N W IV � N OI f 1f1 I'�W H O � a < - - - W �n - rc - - - � u �= o = a O u. < F H e � u V � d OWC �o a � � "' ^ i I � � _ u . . ,�..,.__ . � ": . • - �., CSA �.I�STRUCTION 6168-2b - - �?.PPEIGDI� A page 1 of 2 � � 1 �. . , STATEI�.fi'T TO BE SUF?�TTED BF A.°PRO?RL4TE YU3LIC FINANCIAL OFFICEZ W�N , T� APPLZCANT IS A PUBLIC AGEVCY OR �,T�N T� ACCOUNTIIr'G SYSTEMS OF A PRl'VATE-NOI�iPROr IT ACEI3CY WILL BE M.4INTAIN"tD BY A PUBLIC AGENCY. . - , - . � . . . . .�. ... . .T.�...�� . . _ � �.• ' ' �_ . . . . .+ . . . . �. ' = • �. � . .. . � • (Address of Regional or Prograa - �� _-_ ::�:; _- _-=� "'�� - _ - . `� - - • - - -. � ....- ' ' � � .- Office or CSA, as appropriate)�. � �'--,�*-� -� �° � - . _ .' • , ' - - - . , .. - .. ,. . .:. .' . , ' . - - .:: :r.. ��:- .x . : _ . . . - " - .'� " ' - - - ' -+:*: - � - - _ . - . - "- • - . -. --- : -_ ..Dear Sirs: : . " `. . � :y� --- • ._. � ---_ - . -.- . . ' . I�am the chief tiaancial ofiicer of (name of public bodv) and, in this capacity, I �,r_11 be respoasible ior providino finaacial services adequate to i�sure the establishmeat and aaintanance of an accouating s3•stem for the (name o£ ac�licant) , which is a public (or noa-flrofit) agency cha:ged with carrying out a CSA � program in (na.�ne o� cor....^�unitp)_ The accouating system and - _ - . � � internal control procedures will be adequate to safeguard the _ �" - - � Essets of such agency(ies), check the� accuracy aac� reliability � � � of accountiag data�, p:oaote operating efficiency, and encourage - � conpliance with prescribed aanagement .policies of the ageacy ies�. - - - . _ - . . . .. . . . - _ . .: .. . . - � =- �'• - -- - , . � . . ' _ . . . - . . . �.. .w:,. �;n: . . ' , _ .. — . � . . � _ � �. � ' �� •4^ ' � . ' . . � �. . � • , � .. . � � . ' � . •• . ��1��N 1C Jy��'-.� ' � , • � . " . . . � , _ -iH�• '- :�:._. S'-�r'�::. . ' . . __.. . " "'_ '. •- , ' ' � ,. . _ - . . . . -.._ � '..\:~1- ��. •a: sh . — . ' . � . • " . . � -- . - -. i�- . ..+ . . . . . . Signature of finaacial oificer � Name of financial office: Title - � Name of Public body � , � �����,`��� S(JNINIER YOUTH RECREATION PROGRAM NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION A. Purpose 1. The purpose of administering a Summer Youth Recreation Program in the City of Saint Paul is to provide recreational summer activities for ecomically disadvantaged youth for the summer and are too young to obtain employment. 2. Youth served will be enrolled in activities provided by public recreation centers and private, non-profit community agencies. These. facilities are located throuqhout the City of Saint Paul in areas that have a substantial concentration of low-income families. � B. Description of Types of Recreational Activities 1. Recreation Center Enrichment Recreation Program money will provide target area recreation centers additional funds with which to purchase supplies and equipment vital to the effectiveness of their individual programs. The purchase of these additional supplies and recreational equipment at each designated recreation center will greatly enhance the current capabilities of the center operations, specifically in the areas of organized sports, arts, crafts and camping. ' 2. Project Trips One of the most well received and highly requested projects under former Recreation Support Programs is Project Trips. This program will provide each participating agency with the oppor- tunity of taking youth out of their immediate environments, on trips of their choice, within a 100 mile radius of the St. Payl area that will be of interest and value to youth partieipating in S.Y.R.P. activities. , • • i , , ! Trip sites will vary according to the desires of the agency, but are usually plaru�ed to enhance the recreational or educational activities of the existing programs at the agency involved. 3. Project Waterfront . • , Except for a few social agencies that have 3mmediate access to � i swimming pool facilities, there'are relatively few pools available ' . for use by disadvantaged Saint Paul youth. Project Waterfront will . furnish participating agencies with transportation and admission � fees necessary to provide disadvantaged youth with the opportunity . to swim at Saint Paul area pools and beaches, as a part of the egencies organized activities. These services will be supervised by Water Safety Instructors and staff from Saint Paul's Division of Parks and Recreation. 4. Discretionary Aide At ti.mes, there are urgent and legitimate recNests made of Summer • Youth Recxeation Program personnel by agencies not covered by the benefits of the regular Summer Youth Recreation Program. An example would be bussing to an end-of-the-year picnic, or trans- portation to s single event like a �,rins baseball game. Dis- cretionary aide funds allow Recreation Program staff to provide help in these situations. 5. Creativity Enrichment Project This is a new component to the previous program and is designed in , cooperation with the St. Paul Arts and Science museum and CON�AS (Conamuiity Programs in the Arts and Sciences). Through the use of recreation program funds, artists, musicians, a.*�d craftsmen will be engaged to provide lessons, classes and workshops in a nwnber of areas of identified interest to participants of the Suiraner Youth Rec.r'eatfon Program. • Activities include, but are not limited to, the Illusion Theater, Mi.me Workshop, a guitar workshop, classes in drawing, painting- . crafts, and a Puppet School Workshop. All activities will be conducted at S.Y.R.P. participating agencies and will be supervised with a combination of CON�AS and regular agency staff, as well as S.Y.R.P. staff, in some instances. This project has been tried on a school year basis and has proven ' to be extremely well-received. It is felt that it will add a • � veiy valuable component to former S.Y.R.P. activities. • C. Estimate of the number of recreational opportunities to be offered in the � r ram 1. The total number of additional recreational opportunities estimated to be offered to disadvantaged youth by this program is 30,170. a. Recreation Center Enrichment will provide additional recrea- • tional opportunities for approximately 5,600 disadvantaged youth through the purchase of arts and crafts supplies, table games, sports equipment, etc. b. Project Trips will provide an estimated 11,600 recreational . and cultural opportunities for as many disadvantaged youth. c. Project Waterfront will provide an estimated 5,000 disadvan- . taged youth with the opportunity to experience waterfront activities this summer. � d. Discretionary Aide_ will provide approximately five agencies with the ability of enhancing their programs with a special event. The estimated number of recreational opportunities added to overall summer activities as a result of discre- tionary aide is projected to be 670. � e. Creativity Enrichment Project will provide approximately 7,300 youth with the opportwnity of participating in classes or workshops for the purpose of their creative and artistic . enrichment. D. List of the recreational supplies and equipmer►t that will be purchased with the Recreation Sup rt funds. (See attachr,�nt) - . . g. Geographic Area The gebgraphic area which will be served by the Recreation Support Program allocation is the City of Saint Paul. All participating agencies and disadvantaged youth will be identified as residing with- in the Saint Paul City Limits. � F. Description of Results and Benefits ^ The limited summer budgets of nearly every youth-serving agency in the Saint Paul area makes it extremely difficult to offer summer recreation programs that are of the proper dimensions to meet the dire needs in the communities. Disadvantaged youth, too young for employment, and with no financial means of gaining recreation, are left 'in a void of i boredom when school is recessed, often turning to various forms of delinquency and asocial behavior for the lack of any structured re- creational activities for them to become involved in. . The Swruner Youth Recreation Program provides a method by which the City parks and playgrounds and private non-profit comam�nity youth-serving agencies can attempt to fill that void by offering youth new and innova- , tive swtuner activities available to youth. It is felt that the recrea- tional programs, enriched by Recreation Support Program money, are vital to the needs of disadvantaged Saint Paul youth in the long sw�uner months. It is also felt that the co�nunity benefits by involvement in this , program in a great number of ways. Low income communities are provided with a chance for their youngsters to stay constructively active, and all Saint Paul co�ities will benefit from reduced delinquency and � , other youth-oriented deviant behavior that often is a result of in- activity and boredom. � In addition to these benefits, the increased recreational needs of the comiminity at large in the summer months are met to some degree by the additional recreational opportunities offered to disadvantaged � youth undes this program. , G. Coordination with other programs � The Recreation Support Program will be administered by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Department, and will fvnction to serve disadvanj � • taged youth, enrolled in programs at public recreation centers through- out the city� and in private non-profit conumznity agencies, most of which, are founded by United Way of the Saint Paul Area or the local . CAA� Ramsey Action Programs. ' Youth employed by the Summer Program for Disadvantaged Youth (SPEDY) are working at nearly every agency that will be utilizing S�.�mcner Youth Recreation Program services, and will support agency staff in the effective delivery of services in this program. The local CAA agency will assist in the qutreach and identification of eligible youth, through their community based target area offices. In addition, their comments on the program have been solicited and they have been provided with a capy of this grant package for formal conunent- ation. � , H. Eliqibility and Recruitment Youth will be eligible�to participate in activities provided by Recreation Program funds if they are enrolled in the sur,uner programming offered by the participating agency, and are between the ages of 6 and 15. Agency participation is deterznined by the location of the agency � � and the target population it serves. Youth enrolled in programs within . these areas will be disadvantaged youth and in need of recreational services for the summer months. . ' ; , , . • i . I . ' ~I►thletic F�.�uip;n�nt 25 dozen Leather Baseballs Cil24.95 � $ 623.75 24 dozen Rubber Baseballs C�18.00 432.00 26 dozen Leather Softballs C�30.00 780.00 5 dozen Rubber Softballs C�18.00 90.00 10 dozen t-7ood Baseball Bats � 3.05 366.00 � 15 only Aluminum Baseball Bats �15.95 239.75 6 dozen ti•7ood Softball Bats � 3.05 -219.60 13 only Aluminum Softball Bats � 7.00 91.00 ' 7 only Volleyballs � � 7.25 50:75 3 only Badminton Sets �11.95 35.85 5 only Baseball Catchers I��asks � 9.95 49.75 6 only Softball Catchers 2•;asks � 5.95 35.70 15 only Baseball Catcher I•;.itts @15.95 239.25 ' 20 only�' Three Base Set Baseball Bases C� 8.15 163.00 I2 only Tennis Rackets C� 7.50 90.00 24 only Tennis Balls C� 2.00/set of 3 16.00 $3,528.00 � Craft Supplies � 20 only Marble Menagerie C� 3.95 $ 79.00 95 only Y•Iolds (Plaster) C� 1.50 142.50 20 only Clear Cast C� 7.95 159.00 11 only Catalyst C� .89 9•79 . 16 only Spin Art Set � 7.95 127.20 9 only Treasure Chests � 5.95 53.55 20 only Silica Gel � 9.95 199.00 12 only riarble Beads Ftin Pak - C� 7.95 95.40 ' 20 only Chenille Group Pak � 9.95 199.00 15 only String Art i•;obiles � 6.95 104.25 • . ? only Butterfly Pak � .98 6.86 20 only Sparkle Craft � 3.95 79.35 123 only Flower Stamens C� .49 60.27 50 only Green Floral Tape C� .39 19.50 50 only Green Florist Wire � .19 9.50 20 only Treasure Chests � 5.95 119.00 $1,�151.90 � Games • 20 only Life � 4.50 $ 90.00 20 only Chinese Checkers � 3.00 60.00 20 only Password Ca 2.50 50.00 20 only Monopoly • � 3.95 79.00 40 only Cribbage Boards C� 1.39 55.60 20 only Scrabble C� 3.50 70.00 20 only Clue C� 3.75 75.00 20 only Aggravation Ca 2.50 50.00 20 o�ly � Jeopardy Ca 2.50 50.00 - � 10 only Playing Cards C� .73 7.30 10 o�ly Cric}:et � Ca 3.32 32.20 S 620.10 TCrI'AL PRaGRA1•i SIPPLIES 55,600.00 � N W u o � m �� ^ Cp N O � J O 4 b�C Z q m � � 4�, �t n �a � �i�.� ; oN 4 o i � > d e �a; ,� '� o <� eZ a � �•"�. ` g � °o � � � � O u o ,� $� 0< � + » y> Y O ' p p �� pLL O m e Z ^ i > � � � n w 1 ~ ° V � O � i w t � p + � . � ' o � _ e� > to, a► � ° g°. � � � O � � aa � � < u '" °r- 00 H � V ° � N � LL Gp " �y m t � V V t � V� � S �' O v � ,,i � � � oe o � . a u r : 1�1. � � ,O ° � ��o a � O Y 1 M � > � � � Y � C Y V p � � � � y s 1 O h � a d � U1 J ` � � + r � Y M V W N � o »e � � M � Z� V ` � � S • � � � C � U � d � N q " a .4 ` ' W W N � u �� a G � W � F � O U O o� � � O N V 2 V � �.. � C �0 e = � a 2 � W �n � y.p a �n a N �a oc o o - .. � v ''i ❑ z F d z w °v;: � w � Z N � � N a y$ w a OC G W v v u 1�-a LL W Q ��a1 � M � Z � Od 4 ► W �. a � � f' � C x � u � � W o�C � W N a � � Z � < i� K 1� � � �i � LL � LL F O o � •rf W p J < d b � � N F H �.. � J iW- Z tZ! � _ + > a O � pC � < O = �p O p u j � � JQ U – V O � ~ F . 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