270966 WMITE - CITV CLERK �' /�I�SL._� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council l�'.pa.,',i CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. uncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TOs Transfer 1978 Capital Improvement Bond monies: 9,���_a�� Downtown People Mover System Account $26,950.00 �ya y�_o�� 100 E. lOth St. Office Construction $26,950.00 Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing POLICE ANNEX REMODELING-100 E. lOth St. 1970 CI Bonds $ 3,850.19 -0- $ 3,850.19 1972 CI Bonds 15,359.81 -0- 15,359.81 1974 CI Bonds 13,694.66 -0- 13,694.66 1975 CI Bonds 310,095.26 -0- 310,095.26 1977 CI Bonds 540,000.00 -0- 540,000.00 1978 CI Bonds -0- +26,950,0� 26,950.00 .. 1976 CI Bonds �A� 62��420.45 -0- 628,420.45 $1,511,420.37 +26,950.00 $1,538,370.37 Approved as to funding: Approved: �„�. Dir., Dept. of inance & Manage. Serv. Budge Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � � Pnl i na Tlt�=t Hozza In Favor � v Levine _ __ Against By __Chief i2ichard H. Rowan Roedler Sylvester Tedesco —�n ' �� Form Approved by 'ty ttor y Adopted by Cqynci4: Date {�__���. Certi�i����Passe ouncil Sec ry ' ' BY �' i -� �i8;'�'.. Appro��ed by Mavoc Date Approv Ma or for Su issi to Council By kY 1 �►i"�� BY �ue��sHE� MAY 6 �97a ._. ; CITY OF SAINT PA17L �.`���� ' ,� � OFFICE OF THE.CITY C4UDTCIL «� 1 � 'ij ':•ii? . . �. �{°Zir . . . . . y�_.� Da t e : Apri 1 24, 1978 COMMITTEE REPORT T 0 : Saint Paul City Counci[ � F R 0 M � C o m m i#t e e O t1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL � ROSALIE BUTLER , c�airman, makes the fallowing . re port o n C. F. � Ordinance �[ Resolution �] 0#her T ITLE : At its meeting of April 24 the Co►r�nittee recommended ap�roval of the following resolution: � Transfer of $26,950.00: from the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget, Downtown People Mover System Account, to the Police Annex Remodeling Project. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��3 ,.. '"J' . .,T • �'T'� °� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ti`�� �r� v�,:;...:, '� � - , • DEPARTMENT OF POLICE _t .,i..,.�; ,� "'s ^° � 101 EAST TENTH STREET ,_ , - - Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer -. -• 612-291-1111 Mayor " ' � March 20, 1978 -- Gregory Blees Office of Mayor's Budget Director Room 367 Court House . St. Paul , MN The following is a financiat overview of the remodeling project at 100 E. lOth Street. It is my understanding that the Architectural fees have surpassed their projected levels due to unforeseen problems and changes; thereby creating our present dollar shortage. If you feel there is a need for us to appear before the Council Finance Committee to clarify any of these issues, we would be most cooperative due to the urgency of this matter. If we can help expedite or clarify any items pertaining to this matter, please contact Sgt. Reding of my staff at Ext. 311 • Sincerely, Richard H. Rowan Chief of Police } , , . !.�°.:n � r`�-r'+ f1; ' - ��� i.,f yJ ���/�.. 'Wi 1 1 i am flcCutcheon Deputy Chief Technical and Administrative Division 1 appnave a� xh,i.a neq ue�� a�s amended wM:ss �o be a �carv��e�c a� $26, 950 �nom �he �own,town Peap�.e Maveh Sy��em pna�ec� Enclosure accauv�t �.n �he 1978 Ca�.i�a,e Im�hovemerLt Budge�t. 3 , ,�/� > r✓u�. ..-..��f�.�� / / 76 . . 3 . , l. , .�f,�'.'b!1 ��y.��l1f1i6C.'Ci.f:d,.�''�/ � ��� Projected Financial Needs to Complete the Remodeling at 100 E. lOth Street: Total C. I .B. Funding 1 ,478,?.09.0� Expenditures 1 ,174,376.04 Open on Contracts 285,331 .46 1 ,459,7n7.5� Available Funds 18,501 .50 Open I tems �Jot Encumbered 32,40►+.92 Shortage 3-15-78 13,903.42 Estimated Additional Bitlings from Toltz, King, Duvall " 5,000.00 Estimated City Engineer Billings 2,000.00 *Projected Change Orders 6,0�0.00 ESTIMATED SHORTAGE TO COMPLETE PROJECT: 26,go3.42 -;This amount includes $5�00.00 for a change order updating the present hot water supply system. 1�1e have been experiencing excessive hot a�ater shortages since the installation of new shower facilities and after consulting the architects we feel this amount will remedy the situation. -3- March,� 1978 REMODELING - 100 E. IOTH STREET Open on Expenditures Controcts L-7823 Architectural, engineering 90,00 .23 (Toltz, King, Duvall) L-7868 General Construction 30,300.00 L-7869 Electrical Construction 35,446.00 L-7871 Mechanical Construction 30,459.75 _ L-7872 Remodeling, Misc. Costs 3,615.81 L-7876 Tanget Range Equipment, installation 23,718.00 L-7g92 Repair of Roof Pampet 5,893.00 L-7894 Police Gymnasium Equipment 4,686.25 L-7896 Engineering, Inspection-City forces 8,596.17 L-7902 Mechan i ca I Improvemen ts 96,703.00 L-7903 Electrical Construction 6,295.00 L-8007 Generol Construction 225,582.07 L-8008 Mechanical Construction 125,768.80 L-8009 Electrical Construction 77,818.00 L-8097 Gengral Construction 203,894.67 168,255.96 L-8097-1 Mechanical Constn�ction , 75,204.09 17,417.91 L-8097-2 Electrical Construction 99,405.00 23,145.00 L-8157 Paneling, Work Surfaces 62,891 .60 94076 Office Nbdules, Chairs, Tables 30,791 .20 9,600.94 94076 Panel, Tackboards 195.00 94077 Security Garage Doors 4,020.95 $1,174,376.04 $285,331 .46 OPEN ITEMS -- NOT ENCUMBERED .Req. 25801 Herman Miller Modular Office Comp. 12,819.00 Req. 25800 Herman Mi I ler Modu lar Off ice Comp. 2,560.51 Req. 25827 Herman Miller Modular Office Comp. 13,610.40 Invoice Toltz, King, Dwall (architect) 1,332.19 Change Order Electrical 1,242.18 Change Order Mechanical 316.25 Invoice Toltz, King, Duvall (architect) 524.39 $3 ,� CIB FUNDING 1970 3,850.19 1972 15,359.81 1974 14,433.29 1975 309,310.26 1976 595,255.45 1977 540,000.00 $1 ,478� -y- TKDA ?OLTZ,KIN6, Dl1VALL,ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES INCORPORATED M E M 0 R A N D U M :! To: Mr, John Bolles, Department of Police, City of St. Paul - - C o p i e s T o: M t. Owen B eattyy Bob Spurr F r om: ��. William Armstrong Date : February 22 , 197�_ Re f e r e nc e: Remodeling of 100 E. lOth for Department of Police, City of St. Paul Estimated Architectural & Engineering Fees COMMISSION N0. 6369�F In response to your inqury, we would estimate our architectural fees for the completion of the 4th floor and exterior remodeling to be as follo�ws: - Fees for the Month of January: $ 525. 00± - Fees per Month as the project continues will be a maximum of approximately 850.00± If our participation in a final inspection is desired, our fees for architectural, mechanica.l and electrical would approximate 700. 00± The above figures (with the exception of the month of January) are approximate and are based on our experience over the past few months attending meetings, aaswering calls and work on miscellaneous revisions. The actual fee, of course, will be more or less depending on the actual amount of services requested by you through to project completion. W JA/11 's•• �`tY �p CITY OF SAIN�' PAUL �°6 �� � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY �ERVit�tS o �...:�- �' ... � �" ,b '�.� I �° THOMAS ). KELLEY — DIRECTOR �� 545 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 612-298-4431 Mayor March 15, 1978 Mr. Wi 11 i am tYlcCutcheon Deputy Chief - St. Paul Police 101 East lOth Street St. Paul , t�ti nnesota Subject: Additional 61dg. Inspection Costs for Phase IV -- 100 East lOth St. Dear N1r. t�IcCutcheon: As per the request of Elsie Qedbury of your accounting staff, for the "In process costs" that pertain to Phase IV, 100 E. lOth St. Inspectional Services, they are as follows: Plame/Title Hours x Rate Amount Harry Barrett(a1dg.Inspector) From Jan. 1 , 1978 (Actual ) Thru Feb. 2�, 1978 59 x $10.38 = �G12.4'_' (Est. ) P�iar. 1 , 1978 to Conclusion 80 x $10.38 = $II30.40 �1,442.82 George Stone Senior Bldg. Inspector From Jan. 1 , 1978 (Actual ) Thru Feb. 28, 1978 14 x �1�.73 = �150.22 (Est. ) t�1ar. 1 , 1975 to Conclusion 15 x �10.73 = 5160.95 311. 17 1 753.99 Sincerely, � , �� Dick Scott Community Services :ra cc: Elsie Bedbury George Stone j6 - , e � . �` t r � ��,�`tT= Or�,. CITY OF SAINT P�iLTL �"����� go � � OFFICE OF THE �YOR 'g+ uuta:uii �� It1f 11lI III s3 ve �C�, 185d °a 34T CITY H�1LL (�EO$GE LATI�IEB SAINT PALZ,MINNESOTA 53102 MAYOE (61S) 298-4323 April 6, 1978 To: Mr. David McDonell, Chairman, and Members of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee Fr: Richard E. Schroeder, Budget Director `�� R Re: Status of Unallocated CIB monies and approval of funding requests being considered at your April 13, 1978, meeting STATUS OF UNALLOCATED RESERVE Current Recommended Proposed Balance Transfer Balance 1967 thru 1976 CIB monies -0- -0- -0- 1977 CTB $ 19,857.98 $ 19,300.00 $ 557.98 1978 CTB -0- -0- -0- 19,857.98 19,300.00 557.98 STATUS OF DOWNTOWN PEOPLE MOVER SYSTEM FUNDING WITH CIB BOND MONIES 1977 CIB Bonds (Preliminary Design) $ 150,000 1978 CIB Bonds $ 810,000 � Less Agenda Item 2 - 26,950 Less Agenda Item 3 -195,000 Less Agenda Item 5 - 35,450 552,600 TOTAL $ 702,600 1 .. . . ��... (� ';� . . � ��� � � � � �� .��.��: ;�. � �� �� Y�-� •� � �� } . {�:� , , ' , � ` .. . . , , . . �"' '-,�,�$�?"� . . . . , , ,,° W � F �'PI'� �F' ��l�I�'.E`Rl�':�� .��BR.S r : . �_ � �a :: . . R� I ��j� . ,, � � �_ � ° ��` - > . � . . , � � ,� ` " r . _ ; ; r� �"� � �' � � # .�!�V'�ii.�'i.: , ��i'iii: 3„�t �.��[L� . ..� . ., . ..� ��'y„_`#R� ��„vi.���� ; � ���� y~��� E ��� - �'���� � � �: ; �� x�� �xa�x. .; � FR: GregQry N. 8�.��: f�.: . R�3 ' Pal�.�se Anrs��t 'R�c�elzng :(1Q0 °�, 14t� St.) : �,ddit%,ona[�:�`unvd:F�:�� 5����.�� : . . , , , . � , . . �,� ; : ,t. . ... � ,_� -• _ . , , , . _ ; ;; z� : : � f': � .. _ . - .... � '�,,. r,. ', . ,.; �'� . .' . � � . . . . � . � � ���.., .; , ..,�:� . '�:. .-. ' . �. ...>... �� ..�` . �. ':.a'� ���'�'�r.yw��` .. ... - . ��, ":_ A,�� th�e �,J��. ���,��. T�rave�ent Budc,�� by txaz���e����g �► ��� o# ��b,.950,� fr��ar � �` :"- �;�..F�►,��,�;,��r.��rsfie� p�o�ec� accot�� :to �he`F�li�e P�xa�n�tx . ,�., `�.:3.�sq ���ec�t. ,�' , , �: . i � ,+�`����AL� �'��� +���'�:.; �i;��r;t�a�#�er is nesdec� to cc�iete the ttv�d�:�g for th'is �jor ��3.i�g- ��o'��ct, • '�°m�c�tte� teil� b� used fcsr• fa.nal bi�.li,ags for ��g3nee�iz� �d ca��ira�t chsr►t�e ���+��s ' r '�+a� ��3.c3pa��d wark �t�ms. `•'�hs r�qt�e�t` 1�.�eer��approved by the Budget Directar, ��; ��r����r: �. �'i�anae arr� ��#�. � 'iSe�viees r .��i �.�� �i�y` Attorney. The-C�B �.��ee r�ded approval at their April �3;''�.9�8, a+�titig. f . ��14��T� . . � ' . - � , F ,-�i��.1 �t,es�riu't�.� .� 1 P�� tpe��.�� �Ae�.nt's' D�� 20, 1�7�3, ��e�t - 5 pat,��s � ; , ��t �x'euctc�x'� status af �na�.�,c�Cated,�nies - A�s�c3,2- 6, 197�. . ' x; � h � r � , , , �� � � � �,� : +,c r �� � t � +� � t �. `� ,��t .C�' ,�'}�i i �*J f F.. a�, 3.r:::h'�`+t�x a '.� � 1 � j ,K y�rk .� ' .. � ,. , . . � .. ' .. 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