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Z Ce Ordinance N 0. ' ����
Presented By
Referred To ommittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 502 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code (Ord. 15742,
as amended) , pertaining to the Steam Utility
Franchise granted to Northern States Power
Company, and approving a steam heat utility
rate increase upon the petition of Northern
States Power Company. -
Section 1.
That Appendix "A" of section 502. 06 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code, is deleted in full and said section 502. 06 is hereby
further amended to read as follows:
502. 06. The rates contained in amended Appendix "A" ,
as further amended herein and made a part hereof are,
effective on all bills based on meter readings on and
after the effective ate o thrs Or inance. � �-ee�s�}-
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Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor '
Roedler Against BY
Form Approved y City Attorne
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council
5 � �� '1 lJ
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a public hearing will be held on
the 11TH day of Ma,y, 1978, at 10:00 A.M. in the Saint Paul City Council
Chambers, 3RD Floor� City Hall and Glourt House, Saint Paul, Minnesota� the
purpose of the public hearing being to consider approval of an ordinance
increas�ing steam heating utility rates of the Northern States Power
Compar�y steam utility within the City of Saint Paul. This notice is
given pursuant to Section 16.03 and Section 16.05 of the Saint Paul City
Charter, and any interested party may appeax and be heard before the City
Council at the time and place recited above.
Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 27TH day of April� 1978.
City Clerk
(April 29, 1978�
� PINK �� - fINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL -��'������� �
;�T O rdin�nce ordinance �1�. ����v
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By � Date
° Section 2.
The Company shall, within thirty days after the passage,
approval and publication of this ordinance, file with the City
Clerk of said City its written acceptance of this ordinance in
form to be approved by the City Attorney, and therein shall agree
to abide by, keep and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions
and provisions of this ordinance.
Section 3.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the
public hearing prescribed by law and thirty (30) days . after its
passage, approval and publication, and upon its acceptance as
provided in Section 2 hereof.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza � In Favor —
�� u Against BY
Roedler— A(3 sTR�►�(
P y �5�, �a 1��� Form Approved by City Attorney
Ado ted b Co i : Date
Certifie assed b ounc' ecre'tary � BY
Appro b Mayor: Date r �A� � � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
���tstt�a MAY � ? 1978 �
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Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule A
Steam Utility - City of St Paul ! i
Proposed Steam Service Rate � �� `��
Effectiv.e In The City of St Paul
Availability Available to cotmnercial and industrial customers for general
use of steam service. Steam service furnished fram low pressure mains is
available fram September 1 to May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished
from high pressure mains is available the entire year.
Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $8.10 per 1000 lbs
Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 7.35 " " "
Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 6.48 " " "
Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 5.89 " " "
EXCeSS �� �� �� u n �d S.ZS n n n
Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bil�., camputed
at the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from
gross bill for payment within the discount period.
Monthlv Minimum Charge $20.00 net per meter.
Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted from the net monthly bill,
2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent increase
above or decrease below $1.048 per million Btu and for each whole cent
change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding
twelve months by the Steam Production plant of Northern States Power
Company supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall
include the costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel for such Steam Production
Surcharge A surcharge of 8.7% will be included in the gross and net monthly
bills camputed under this rate schedule.
Appendix "A"
F ,,'._
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule B
Steam Utility - City of St Paul Page 1 of 2
Proposed Interruptible Steam Servic e Rate
Effective In The City of St Paul
Availability Available on an interruptible basis to cammercial and industrial
custamers that are located on portions of the Campany's steam distribution
system having adequate capacity to serve customer's interruptible load
without impairing service to other customers. Extensions or enlargement
of the Campany's distribution facilities required to serve an interruptible
load will be made in accordance with the Campany's General Rules and
Regulati ons. The total capacity of all Interruptible customers shall be
limited to the excess capacity of Camp any's Steam Production Plant after
service requirements to its firm customers are met.
Custamer will agree to (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested to
do so by the Comany; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during
curtailment fram another source.
This rate will be in effect commencing with the meter reading of October
and ending with the meter reading of May of the following year. During
the meter reading months of June through September, steam service will be
available under the Steam Service rate in effect at that time.
Character of Service The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon
request of Campany. Such requests shall be made as far in advance as
Per 1 000 lbs $3.74
Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted fram the net monthly bill,
2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent
increase above or decrease below $1.048 per million Btu and for each whole
cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding
twelve months by the Steam Production plant of Northern States Power Campany
supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the
costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel for such Steam Production plant.
Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment If cust aner fails to
curtail his use of steam when requested to do so by Campany, he shall pay
in addition to the above Rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of
steam used in excess of the volume to which custamer was requested to curtail.
Such payment, however, shall not preclude Campany from shutting off customer's
supply of steam in the event of custamer's failure to curtail his use thereof
when requested to do so.
Appendix "A"
_. I
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Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule B
Steam Utility - City of St Paul Page 2 of 2
Proposed Interruptible Steam Service Rate
Emergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Custamers Emergency Steam
Service for Interruptible steam custamers during periods of curtailment
may be available if Company's ability to furnish such emergency service
will not, in Company's judgment, compromise Company's ability to provide
firm steam service to its firm steam custamers.
Emergency Steam Service to curtailed Interruptible steam customers will
be approved by Company provided:
(1) Emergency Steam Service is requested by customer and such request
is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours after th e initial
request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour
provision is fulfilled.
(Z) The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment
which could not reasonable have been foreseen by customer.
The rate for Emergency Steam Servic e shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of
steam used during the emergency period. The emergency period shall end
when customer's standby equipment is repaired and custamer has notified
Company or the end of the curtailment during which the Emergency Steam
Service was requested.
Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to the net bill,
computed at the Rates shown above, which shall constitute a discount
from gross bill for payment within the discount period.
Monthlv Minimum Charge The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall
be $20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment periods.
Surcharge A surcharge of 8.7% will be included in the gross and net monthly
bills computed under this rate schedule.
Term of Agreement Interruptible Steam Service Agreement shall be for a term
of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the tern►, Agreement remains
in effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either party.
Appendix "A"
A; ..,.�� •.'� .. � . . • � . � �
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota)
Steam Utility � City of St. Paul
(Dollars in Thousands) �
� � a��``'�'".- _—
� --`
1977 Actual 1 77 With
�' (Normalized) Interim Rates
Revenues $ 2 690 $ 3 003
Expenses . 2 645 2 777
Tota1 Availahle for Return 45 226
� Average Net Operating Investment 3 478 3 478
Rate of Return on Average Net
Operating Investment 1.29% 6.5%0
Return on Common Equity 6.17%
"Exhibit A° .
. ' �. ,
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota)
Steam Utility - City of St. Paul
(Dollars in Thousands)
I977 Actual Proposed 1977 at
(Normalized) Increase Interim Rates
Operating Revenue
i�ietered Sa1es
Firm $ 2 327 $ 2$8 $ Z 615
Interruptible �43 ��3
� Forfeited Discounts 5 5
Gross Earnings Tax 215 25 240
Total 2 690 313 3 003
Operating E�epenses
� Production
Fuel 1 oi9 i oi9
Other Than Fue1 676 67�✓'
Distribution 100 • 100
Customer Accounting g $
Administrative and General 206 206✓
Taxes: �
Real Estate & Personal Property 126 126
Gross Earnings 215 25 240
Social Security & Other 36 36"�
Fe�3era1 and State Income 0 I07 107
Deferred Income 38 38
Provi.sion for Depreciation 2zi 221
Total Operating Expenses . 2 645 2 77�
11'et Operating Income 45 226
Percent Increase on Firm Sales 12.4%
"Exhibit A" .
Steam Utility-City of Saint Paul
1977 Actual Proposed 1977 with
Operating Revenue (Normalized) Increase rate increase
Metered Sales -
Firm $2,327 402 $2,729
Interruptible 143 143
Forfeited Discounts 5 5
Total $2 ,475 402 2,877
Operating Expenses (Decrease)
Production Increase
Fuel 1,019 1,019
Other than fuel 676 676
Distribution _ 100 100
Customer Accounting 8 g
Administrative/General 206 (19) 187
Real Estate/Personal Prop. 126 126
Social Security & Other 36 36
Federal/State Income 0 179 179
Deferred Income 38 38
Provision for Depreciation 221 221
Total operating expenses: $2,430 $2,59U
Net Operating Income 45 287
Percent Increase on Firm Sales 17.3� �
Rate of Return on Net Investment 8, 25 :
Apri� 25 , 1978
_ r
'fl:.. � -�:,' � ' � . . ' . • . . ' . ������ .
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota)
Steam Utility - City of St, Paul �
� (Dollars in Thousands)
1977 Actual 1977 With
(Normalized) Proposed Rates
Revenues $ 2 690 $ 3 148
Expenses 2 645 2 861
Total Available for Return [�,5 287
� 6iverage Net Operating Investment 3 478 3 478
Rate of Return on Average Net
Operating Invesement 1.29% 8.25%
Return on Common Equity 1p,�2% .
��EXEiI BIT B" . � _ .
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George Latimer Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55702
April 27, 1978
President and
Members of the City Council
Northern States Power Company (hereafter referred to as "Company") ,
filed a request with the City Council on November 18, 1978, asking
that the Council grant an 18. 1� increase in its rates for steam
heating. The Council authorized an interim rate increase of 12. 4�
effective December 18, 1978, on condition that the Company make
refunds in the event the rate increase is denied. The Council
further directed that the City Attorney's office investigate the
rate increase request and subm�,t a report and recommendation to
the Council.
In its application, the Company estimated that it would earn 3.37�
return on its investments based on nine months actual earnings and
expenses, and three months estimated earnings and expenses, and
based on its existing rates. Subsequent to the November 18th fil-
ing, the actual earnings and expenses have been made available for
the calendar year 1977, and the Company suffered an operating loss
of $245,000. The Company explains this loss as caused by abnormally
warm weather conditions during that twelve month period.
Further investigation discloses that utilizing 1977 actual operations
but substituting normal sales levels and fuel expenses to produce
these sales, the 1977 operations would produce a 1. 29� rate of
return and the applicata.on o� the interim rates would have produced
a 6. 17$ rate of return in the event such interim rates had been in
effect dura.ng the entire year. (See attached "Exhibit A") .
I am of the opa.nion that actual earnings and expenses �or the test
year should be used, rather than estimated earnings and expenses.
2 also agree that these items should be normalized, that is, the
figures should be adjusted to equal what t$iey would be in a normal
season. This adaustment has been computed by the Company and is
reflected in the exhibits.
President and
Members of the City Council
Page Two
April 27, 1978
I have reviewed the Company' s filings, and have obtained additional
information concerning the accounts maintained by the Company. I
am satisfied that the accounts maintained by the Company are
complete for the purpose of explaining all items of expense charged
to the steam facility. With the exception of administrative utility,
I have accepted all the earnings and expense items presented by the
Concerning administrative and general expense allocations of the
Saint Paul division and the general offices of the main division,
I have applied a farmula different than that applied by the Company.
The Company' s allocation formula is based upon revenues and invest-
ments of the divisions in comparison to the steam utility. I have
used a formula applying these relative figures as well as the
relationship of the number of customers, and by doing so have
reduced the administrative and general expense allocation to the
Saint Paul steam heating utility by the sum of $17,000.
The rate of return on average net operating investment of the Company
requested in the original filings was 9. 50� based on an 18. 1� increase
in rates. I recommend that the Council grant a rate increase equal
to 17. 3� , an amount that would generate 8. 25� rate of return on the
Company's net investment. This increase in rates would generate
$402,000 additional revenue, and is illustrated on the attached
"Exhibit B" . This compares with the Company' s reauest for an
additional $458,000 of revenue.
During my investigation I met with representatives of the Building
Owners and Managers Association, they expressed concern that the
Company may not be operating the steam utility in the most efficient
manner. In particular they felt that steam could be used by more
buildings for cooling during the summer, and that this would have
the effect of reducing the fixed costs on the heating customers.
I did not explore this question during my investigation of the
Company's filing, and would suggest that the Energ_y and Utility
Committee of the Council may wish to treat this matter separately
at future meetings.
I wish to call the attention of the Council to the fact that of
all expense items of the steam utility, administrative and general
expenses and fuel costs have risen more so than others. Fuel costs
in 1975 were $654,000 and in 1977 they were $1,006,000. Adminis-
trative and general expenses increased from $142 ,000 in 1975 to
$206, 000 in 1977. I suggest that the Company be required to submit
President and
Members of the City Council
Page Three
April, 27, 1978
explanations in the future as to how it can maintain these costs
at a level consistent with the fact that it is not adding addition-
al capacity to its system. (See attached "Exhibit C") .
The Public Service Commission recently granted an increase to the
Company for its electric utility equal to 12. 66� return on common
equity, or about 9� return on average net operating investment.
This compares with my recommendation for an 8. 25o rate of return.
If the 1977 test year operations for steam were to produce financial
results equal to the return on equity capital granted by the State
Public Service Commission, the rate increase would have to be
$520 ,000 additional revenue or an increase of 20. 5$ over present
steam heating rates. (See attached "EXHIBIT D") .
I would like to call your attention to the fact that at the
present time the franchise fee or surcharge is about 8. 7$ of the
earnings of the Company. 2 would like to recommend that the Council
favorably consider amending the franchise ordinance so as to estab-
lish the fee at a straight 8g. This reduction in fee would not
reduce the amount of fee received by the City from the steam utility
franchise because of the inereased rates granted. It would, however,
have the effect of reducing the rates actually paid by the consumer.
The Company proposes to change their present method of handling of
the surcharge by separately itemizing it on their statements.
Therefore, the proposed rates attached to the recommended ordinance
shows the surcharge as an item separate from the rates. I recom-
mend that the Council approve this method as it will clearly
identify the charges made by the City and show as a separate item
the rates charged by the Company.
I recommend that the Council adopt the attached ordinance allow-
ing an increase of rates for steam utility services as shown on
the Attachment A of the ordinance, and that the Council schedule
a hearing on these rates for Thursday, May 11, 1978, after giving
the required 10 day published notice of the hearing.
Res' ctful y s bmi ted,
Assi tant Ci y A t rney
JJS: g
, ' , .-
' ;����q��
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule C
Steam tr�i�ity - city of St. Paul
Test Year 1977
Rate Prior
TQ Proposed
].2/18/77� Rate�-�
Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00
First 200 M Lbs, per M Lb per Month 7.51 g�Zp
Next 300 " " 6.81 7.35
Next 500 " " 6.01 6.48
Next 2 000 " " 5.46 5.89
Excess " " 4.86 5.25 .
Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00
All Use, per M Lb per Month 4.06 3.74
Fuel Adjustment Included in
Above Rates: $ 0,660 $ Q.000
* Including 8.7% Gross Earnings Fee
�* Subject to Gross Earnings Fee
, :
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Gon�cilman Patriak Rqedles, Chai�aan ,
�aesgg, L'ti1lt��s and 8nvirantaent Co�nitt� .
� �oo� 713, City Hal� _ ,
SC. Pau3., l�iinuesoL�s
D�ar Couaa3lr.� Rosrller:
. . .Ttte City. Council referred ta ttte_EnerF;y, IILf13t:Les and -3�avl.rcxime�t t',otmatttee
�or consideration aad reoomm�ndatioc� a'Ietter of ^iorthern 3tate,s l�o�rer Cam�a��
, petitioning .the, cit3� ta reviCew tt�c co�panys steam ut3lit�r=�ope�'s�ion aad� to
. p�saribe new a�nd reaeonable rates for servj.c�� �n �nd �.i?ter �Jec�nber I8, 1977.
� Veryr trulp qours, �
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C3ty C1erk ' ,
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N O R T H E R N 5 TA T E 5 P O W E R C O M P A N Y
The Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of St . Paul
City Hall and Court House
St . Paul , Minnesota 55102
Northern States Power Company, in providing steam heat utility
service in the City of St. Paul , finds that it must file for an
increase in rates . Our efforts to control expenses have been offset
by the increasing costs of labor , materials and supplies , interest
and other operating expenses , and the return on our investment has
dropped to an unreasonably low level.
NSP , pursuant to Section 7 of Ordinance No . 15742 , petitions the
Council of the City of St. Paul to review the Company ' s steam utility
operation and to prescribe new and reasonable rates which the Company
may charge for service for bills based on meter readings on or after
December 18 , 1977 .
Attached is our proposed schedule of rates which inc.rease our revenues
about $458 ,000 per year based on 1977 sales . Also attached are sche-
dules which support the operating revenues and expenses and the in-
vestment in plant in service for the steam heating utility in 1977 .
All schedules enclosed herein reflect a 1977 test year based on nine
months ' actual data and three months ' budget data.
We would appreciate your earliest consideration of this application
enabling us to continue providing quality steam heating service to
our customers .
Respectfully submitted,
• �--�
Vice President
and Regional Manager
• . . '
. , • ,
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 1
, Steam Utility - City of St Paul
Proposed Steam Service Rate
Effective In The City of St Paul
Availability Available to commercial and industrial custamers for general us.e of
steam service. Steam service furnished fram low pressure mains is available
from September 1 tb May 31, inclusive; and steam service furnished from high
pressure mains is available the entire year.
Rate First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $8.87 per 1000 lbs
Next 300 000 " " " " " @ 8.04 " " "
Next 500 000 " " " " " @ 7.10 " " "
Next 2 000 000 " " " " " @ 6.45 " " "
Excess " " " " " @ 5.74 " " "
Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to net bill, computed at
the Rate shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount fram gross bill
for payment within the discount period.
Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 net per meter.
Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted fram the net monthly bill,
2.2G per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent
increase above or decrease below $1.048 per million Btu and for each whole
cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding
twelve months by the Steam Production plant of Northern States Power Campany
supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the
costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel for such Steam Production plant.
. . • .
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 2
, Steam Utility - City of St Paul Page 1 of 2
Proposed Interruptible Steam Service Rate
Effective In The City of St Paul
Availability Available on an interruptible basis to commercial and industrial
custamers that are located on portions of the Campany's steam distribution
� system having adequate capacity to serve custamer's interruptible load without
impairingserviceto other customers. Extensions or enlargement of the
Company's distribution facilities required to serve an interruptible load will
be made in_ accordance with the Company's General Rules and Regulations. The
total capacity of all Interruptible custamers shall be limited to the excess
capacity of Campany's Steam Production Plant after s,ervice requirements to its
firm customers are met.
Customer will agree to (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested to do
so by the Campany; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during
curtailment from another source.
This rate will be in effect cammencing with the meter reading of October and
ending with the meter reading of May of the following year. During the meter
reading months of June through September, steam service will be available under
the Steam Service rate in effect at that time.
Character of Service The delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon
request of Campany. Such requests shall be made as far in advance as possible.
Per 1 000 lbs $4.06
Fuel Clause There shall be added to or deducted fram the net monthly bill,
2.2� per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one-half cent
increase above or decrease below $1,048 per million Btu and for each whole
cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding
twelve months by the Steam Production plant of Northern States Power Company
supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the
costs in FPC Account 501 - Fuel for such Steam Production plant.
Additional Charge for Use of Steam During Curtailment If customer fails to
curtail his use of steam when requested to do so by Company, he shall pay in
addition to' the above Rate an amount of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam
used in excess of the volume to which custamer was requested to curtail.
Such payment, however, shall not preclude Company from shutting off customer's
supply of steam in the event of customer's failure to curtail his use thereof
when requested to do so.
Northern States Power Campany (Minnesota) Schedule 2
. Steam Utility - City of St Paul Page 2 of 2
Proposed Interruptible Steam Service Rate
Emergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Customers Emergency Steam Service
for Interruptible steam custamers during periods of curtailment may be available
if Campany's ability to furnish such emergency service will not, in Campany's
judgment, compromise Company's ability to provide firm steam service. to its
firm steam custamers.
Emergency Steam Service to curtailed Interruptible steam customers will be
approved hy Company provided:
(1) Emergency Steam Service is requested by customer and such request
is confinned in writing no later than 48 hours after the initial
request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour
provision is fulfilled.
(2) The emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of standby equipment
which could not reasonably have been foreseen by custamer.
The rate for Emergency Steam Service shall be $9.00 per 1 000 pounds of steam
used auring the emergency period. The emergency period shall end when
customer's standby equipment is repaired and customer has notified Campany
or the end of the curtailment during which the Emergency Steam Service was
Prompt Payment Provision A charge of 5% will be added to the net bill, camputed
at the Rates shown above, which shall constitute a discount fram gross bill
for payment within the discount period.
Manthly Minimum Charge The minimum bill for service rendered hereunder shall be
$20.00 per meter, the amount prorated for curtailment pe riods.
Term of Agreement Interruptible Steam Service Agreement shall be for a tenn of
not less than one year. Upon expiration of the tern►, Agreement remains in
effect until terminated by at least thirty days' notice by either party.
. . : .
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 3
. Steam Utility - City of St Paul �
Test Year 1977
Present Proposed
Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 . $20.00
First 200 M Lbs, per M Lb per Month 7.51 8.87
Next 300 " " 6.81 8.04
Next 500 " " 6.01 7.10
Next 2 000 " " 5.46 6.45
Excess " " 4.86 5.74
Monthly Minimum Charge $20.00 $20.00
All Use, per M Lb per Month 4.06 4.06
Fuel Adjustment Included in
Above Rates: $ 0.660 $ 0.000
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 4
Steam Utility - City of St. Paul
Teat YB�r 1977
� Monthly Monthly Billing
Use Present Proposed Increase
Firm Steam Service M Lbs Rate Rate Amount Percent
10 $ 75.10 $ 88.70 $ 13.60 18.1
50 375.50 443.50 68.00 18.1
100 751.00 887.00 136.00 18.1
200 1 502.00 1 774.00 272.00 18.1
300 2 183.00 2 578.00 395.00 18.1
500 3 545.00 4 186.00 641.00 18.1
1 �000 6 550.00 7 736.00 1 186.00 18.1
� 2 000 12 010.00 14 186.00 2 176.00 18.1
3 000 17 470.00 20 636.00 3 166.00 18.1
4 000 22 330.00 26 376.00 4 046.00 18.1
5 000 27 190.00 32 116.00 4 926.00 18.1
7 500 39 340.00 46 466.00 7 126.00 18.1
Fuel Adjustment �
Included in Rates: $/MLb 0.660 0,000
• Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedu.le 5
Steam Utility - City of St. Paul
(Dollars in Thousands) `
1977 With 1977 With
Present Rates Proposed Rates
Revenues $ 2 690 $ 3 148
Expenses 2 572 2 815
Total Available for lteturn 118 333
Average Net Operating Investment 3 504 3 504
Rate of Return on Average Net
Operating Investment 3.37% 9.50%
Note: 1977 is based on 9 months actual and 3 months budget.
� Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 6
Steam Utility - City of St. Paul
(Dollars in Thousands) .
1977 at Proposed 1977 at
Present Rates Increase Proposed Rates
Operating Revenue
Metered Sales
Firm $ 2 327 $ 421 $ 2 748
Interruptible 143 143
Forfeited Discounts 5 5
Gross Earnings Tax 215 37 252
Total 2 690 458 3 148
Operating Expenses
Fuel 1 Oi9 1 019
Other Than Fuel 631 631
Distribution 101 101
Customer Accounting 7 7
Administrative and General 176 176
Real Estate & Personal Property 136 136
Gross Earnings 215 37 252
Social Security & Other 21 21
Federal and State Income 0 206 206
Deferred Income 44 44
Provision for Aepreciation 222 222
Total Operating Expenses 2 572 2 815
Net Operating Income 118 333
Percent Increase on Firm Sales 18.1%
Note: 1977 is based on 9 months actual and 3 months budget.
. , �-
Northern States Power Company (Minnesota) Schedule 7
Steam Utility - City of St. Paul
(Dol2ars in Thousands)
Plant in Service
Production $ 5 661
� Distribution 1 201
General 9
Total 6 871
Reserve for Depreciation
Production 2 205
Distribution 454
General .5
Total 2 664
Net Plant in Service 4 207
Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 703
Net Operating Investment 3 504
Note: 1977. is based on 9 montlis actual and 3 months budget.
Z ? o9b �
June 2, 1978
To the Honorable Mayor and
Members of the City Cou�cil
Saint Paul, Minnesota
The undersigned, Northern States Power Company,
does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep and perform
all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions
of Council File No. 270961, being Ordinance No. 16440,
amending NSP' s steam utility franchise which was adopted by
the Council on May 18, 1978, and approved by the Mayor on
May 19, 1978.
� 3
By '�'��k:.�c.c-t�.-� �- r
General Manager
St. Paul Division
Assi tan Secretary
City A ey
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ist � 2nd �/�/
3rd s Adopted _—�j � .
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