270930 _ � I �.7'.�� City of St.Paul � COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER IN ' BY _ ,,,..,_.,�...� ,;�,t,_,....,_.�'�""'`� CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS F� File No. l�8 In the Matter of �� aed �idry� � lbll.aring el�scrlb*d a�s�ts in caa�*ction vit.b tl�e i�rcrv+�e� of 8�ll�rood Casrt aaa Niliwaod Doc3v9ea An eas�t in tL� Z�ttd a�ca�sa�ry to�" t�t :aLvpM� �ts s� lilL, incl.udittg rig�tt o! rrepwnra]. cf! �.at�ril sqp�aar� !� sqb�oe� l+Nakl t�r' ra�es�ad�s t�rsot, oecaslt�d by �oea►tn►tions t�r�Cr? om► a��va�ion ttt s1o�N !.8 t�t �ad�.ng ot t� aba�►e �t�t�ets, �,�id �lo�s to e�n!'ara ta slapir D� l�o. 21T5 md 2259, liied in 81� � �2 in t1�e Dapar#�ent a�' Pabli� �iasirs. A1.so, s. p�nt w�a� �' s�wsx paxpoi�ss +an, �r u�d acrors tbat 7.enn �ar�'brd as lolloaqes T!M► so�tt�t 1�� ot Lo� $, 8].1�. 1, Yr�or�►rd !O�c 8i�.'Vt Ifo. I �od � sc�nth 14' os bot 5, Leaiard O�t Bi1L �o. 2 �t �s � 10' of Lat 6, S�r�on�sd t� $i21r �o. 1 amd #� noarth lo' d Lot b, � o��c 1�,3,],� uo. 2. ALo, a taepoa�ary aonst�uot3� eew�rnt +c�, �o�ne�r aad a�r+oss t�a►t ],�1 �scr�ibed ar faaiaMS: ' 'T�e nCbtf.bt lp' ef!' � sC�tL 2�' ot Lart 5: �,k. 1, L�aaard tlat Bi1L �er. �� t� oor't.b► . 1� � ot-t►�r sasth 20' e�t' Lat 5,_ SUc, 2, I.�aavurdt t3�t �ti11s 8�« a; tL�'"sonth 10' ; - o! #►�-aoartb 20' ot i,t�� 6, B�k. 1, i�aeaa�ed t�at HilL � l; t.3a ro�►t�h SO' +a! t,?t�r ° na�Mit �9' �!' LMt 6, �#�lc. �„ ir�+d O�t Yi]3i Ro. 2� sa3� trarpoararr ww�tt �t �ra�uatn ia s!!�! �til v�►L�lr► ot f1�t �11�Mt Q1r� Nd,i�ry i��!► /� or �mtil Jaanarir 1, 19"�. ��._� l��. - -- _ � ____ Also, a temporaxy easement for roe►dwa.y puxposes on, over and across that paxt of Lot 1, Block l, Leonard Oak Hi11s No. 2 lyin� northwesterly of a line running fr� the northeast corner of said Lot l, to tH�outhwest corner of said Lot l. ,...`,� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ��� RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saiht Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made /_/�L/.�F�F7�/��Y/����J���1 �_L �)����/ri��i�LF�6�/�if�P,[R4,/�1''//�Y�/��/���'F/A�Iri`���/,�,(��/�/S�Y/���F �r�.�/��/F!�����/'X��/���/7/�/,,�/�A/�►D6''/ �fF�l l�� �,��9`L�/�-�g`/a_1,�1�/�5'd�q1'���4!��f�-�LNf��FiPL��f�A�l����d�Y��/�-9����tiD'���P/�/T�F���W�J��/ ��Xt�9�/rJ�� ���/�►�1��Y�ari�'4�F��9' ��Q���l���W/1�4����/����1��F9���*dF���/QJ���Ye�������t�1���Y IP,������0�/�l�#�Y Q���� FURTF�R RESOLVED, That the Council hereby determines that the estate required for this improvement be as described above, and that the proper City officers submit a report to the City Councilfor the purpose of the Council's makin� an award of damages for the interest acquired and determination of assessments, if any, against the bene�ited property. COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �'P� �'S �g�� Yeas�}�'� Nays / Cer�t3'���Passe y Council Secr�ary APR ��6 �9l�� �a,�,�t � / i.e'��ine In Favor F��dler Sy�vester � Against '��—� �.��eS� Mayor �us�[sH _ �AY 6 1g78 � � ,Yry .� �. .�;�•,��v� �}.. 4a11NEM1� { ,p�1 Nu.-, r�i�:.M �'y�iSfW. ' s �'�� �p�e .s��;�^ns ll.�•��' � 1�.y�-� e � -s}�J . _ ��;t �� $ � 9 � � > ^ �`"���'�b ��r =� c�.? `�;,�� �`� . �'�,y;kr'^�'�"��4k .��.��c9�`�+enc�y! ���a.. � �_ �+� �' �_,� � �� ;� �w . a�.+ ;�w��#.. ,4 _,��,. �n,s`," '�Yt ��- /E � M�� . _ . x�.. }� ��.4. �� �.. � .E 8 ,�"� 'f . .r S' Y y 4 i � ' •� �40`q, .��. H 1�� � ����� r i -. �.r3 j�,-�:9# +"ir�' Y�`x�TM:'rt -a+ ';:�.i+.'j >' a a: ° _ a � +�" ��4�,"t �� , y �a ' �� $ y °Y �( i�� V9 b � - 1 y1� � 1 ��.� �p' $4< 2w., �.+a,y �;'. ��+v �. w+.� � � _r- � 1 t':."1''!. a'{' .-. C�q' "r � �". :! � ..�,� ,� � re�m.��Rd��»-K Gvs.s�r`St Y '�`1� �.k--': � i�� � �... �_j,: Q e. �y�. 3 l '^a� "l 'i�`s 4�} N L k S`�_,�' .,� p , '".,�: 4+t�� � . `��.� .}�/+"°Y,; ;�� E ,�e' r „� ^� � �� �a.r�w; �� �-,'�. .� � �-'�i � a ;y � : 4 dR.<' " 'ZR' �> :, .r � 'p'. �y. �.. bk �. •:, < .. � � �r, 1 r�' ��.7."` ��t.;,e ��� �q� ���', rt !/�1,.4 ����y"'�'��`'7t' ��,�:w�. �� rj , �. a i��x rb �� �s���� r+#a t, dE . -y,.,� 5 x � "�� •�� ��d u+:.rn� .w:���3 �{f�,s� �:� $' �i s .<. . ,�.v -�n+X:� ,y dY#t� �'': �: �i�)' � .. �o�tla�y .��'�a 'a^:M R` > . .� kF�Vl9 � tir�"+t �er... it.i � _ � _M �,,,,, ,. �F xMi :y� � �.y��p;'.� ',y�' ,� �: ',�uyq �5,�,`",13�,y�'���''�C�xy�e` 5,y>>5..� ,��� � rim ..a �#. �f � � ;� '����, � r�_ •i, 4 ti}� ;p J v4� t ;� } �.� f�� �' p ;� � *,�� . ��',� A �,,e .rsid`a *�w•,�k�y '�`#' �^�,�. . �{'���_,..'.", ��` �9.x>� i"M' s..r�!.. «a�x�'� . o-,.. ...� ,� }} i� r Y . TM+'n}qA��6o�.v,� ,�l V {. ,��� �• . .�! 'v i � ; r�;t �, y tx° S tRr ° S �•� y ly:� � ���t� ! � � 6sy'� • fi._ #[7k�1 '+'�lj{'."y. � �� ��f n. ��d �.. + � . . 6 � �� ���y � } �-9�'� * f� �A � ��'�� '��s