PINK - FINANCE 7F�' /�OUnCl/ (�p+� � �n
CANARV - DEPARTMENT (�j I TY OF SA I NT 1 AUL File 1N0. ' ��� ��
BL�UE -'MqVOR h,. � !.i C�
Council Resolution
Presented By LICENSE COMPiI�."rEE
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Out of Committee By Date
Page 5 Continued Renew
Ei�l General Stores 532 White Bear Ave. Cigarette Appn. 652 Renew
kobert Dunn 1328 Point Douglas Rd. Ci�. VM OAer. 664 �'
Thomas Lieberman 631 N. Dale Food VM Location 665 �'
Midwest Vending Co. 8645 5th Ave. S. Cig. VM Oper. 2 M 678 �'
�� �� Cig. Oper. 10 Add�l. M �� ��
Theisen Vending Co. 3�04 Nicollet Ave. Food VM Operator 686 "
�' �' 35 VM IACations �� "
n �� 11 VM n n
�' �� Cig. Operator 2 M 688 ��
�� �� Cig. Oper. 11 Add�l. M �� ��
l�ger Vw & Juanita E.
Roell 381 University Cigarette 689 ��
Ralph & James Utecht 16G8 Se1by Ave. Laundry Plant 691 ��
Bernard Harrington 620 Front Cigarette 692 '�
Phyllis Langfield 39A0 Beard Ave. S. Food VM Operator 695 "
" " 14 VM Locations �� �'
u �t 7 � �i n
Jerald D. Engevik 4?2 S. Snelling Restaurant C2 ?01 "
" " On Sale Malt �' ��
�' �� Cigarette �' ��
W. R. Frank 590 Park St. Cigarette ?03 "
Henry Henly & Sons� Inc. 1?5 Concord Carpet Dealer 706 "
John Schleck 1245 Cou�t House Cigarette ?07 �'
Olive Taylor 275 E. 4th St. Restaurant C1 713 "
John E. Miller 322 I�f. Morton Elec. Appl. Repair 716 ��
Harley Rhodes 954 Payne Ave. Barber 719 �� `
T. C. Loose� Inc. 975 Front Cigarette 724 ��
Muntean-Hedman� Inc. 916 Rice VM Location 725 "
Hart Ski Mf�. Co. 630 Pierce Butler Road Cigarette 730 �'
Rayette� Inc. 185 La.fond Ave. Cigarette 731 ��
Internationa.l Harvester Co. 767 Eustis Ave. Cigarette 733 �'
Qua.lity Tool� Inc. 2135 Kasota Ave. VIN Location 734 �'
Paul B. Blaeser ?14 S. Cleveland VIW Location ?36 '�
u n
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: '
Yeas Nays
[n Favor
__ Against BY —
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Bl' --
Approved by 17avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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N'MITE - C�TV CLERK � O��.y�� F�
PINK - FINANCE COIIflCIl '�`' ��`-'�-�i�
B4UE - MAVOR File �O.
Council Resolution
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Out of Committee By ' Date
Page 6 Continued Renew
Faber� Inc. 11 E. Kellogg Cigarette Appn. 737 Renew
Walman Optical 350 St. Peter VM Location 74O ��
Joseph L. Flemin$ 459 S. Ib�bert Cigarette 744 �'
Rasmussen S�hool of
Business 15 W. 5th St. Cigarette 745 ��
William Mitchell
College of Law 875 Summit Cigarette 746 ��
White Bear Svc. Co. 1444 E. Minnehaha Cigarette 748 �'
Art Tysk 1000 N. Snelling VM Location 749 ��
Erickson Petroleum 629 Rice St. Cigarette 751 ��
Holiday Station Stores 500 E. 7th St. Cigarette ?52 ��
Midway Oil Co.i 578 N. Snelling Cigarette 755 °
Erickson Petroleum 184 S. Wabasha Cigarette" 756 ��
Erickson Petroleum Corp. 228Ei University Cigarette 757 ��
Erickson Petroleum 1429 W. 7th St. Cigarette 758 ��
Jesse Lohonen 15 W. Kellogg Food VM Location 7fi0 �'
�' ° 13 Addtl� VM n n
Hi-Three Club 501 Shepard Road Cig. VI�i Operator 765 �'
Country Club Maxket 633 W. Minnehaha VM Location 770 ��
Country Club Market 633 W, 7th St. VM Location 771 "
Country Club Market 522 S. Snelling VM Location ?72 "
Country Club Market S88 E. 3rd St� VId Location ?73 "
Country Club Market 448 N. Lexingtoq VM Location 774 n
Country Club Market 1330 Conway St. VM Location ?75 �'
Country Club Market 955 W. Minnehaha VM Location 776 �'
Art Heroff 715 Edgerton VM Location ?80 �'
Zapata Foods� Inc. 2545 W. ,7th St. Cigarette 782 "
Zapata Foods� Inc. 565 N. Snelling Cigarette 783 ��
North Central Publishing Co. 274 E. Fillmore Cigarette 785 °
Gross Givens 75 Plato St. W. Cigarette • 787 ��
Control Forms 638 N. Prior Ave. Cigarette 788 ��
Lowry Garage 349 Wabasha Cigarette 851 �'
Hofflnan Corner Oil Co.719 Payne Ave. Cigarette 852 '�
n ��
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
[n Favor
_ __ Against BY —
. Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by 17ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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PINK - FINANCE GITY� OF SAINT PAITL Council :�x ���.�_. � �
� Council Resolution
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Page 7 Continued Renew
Hoffman Corner Oil Co. 950 N. Lexington Cigarette Appn. 853 Renew
Hofflnan Corner Oil Co. 146 N. Snelling Cigarette 854 ��
Hoff�an Corner Oil Co. 3595 Hoffman R�ad Ci�. Oper. 2 M 855 ��
Louis Boykin 262 University Cigarette 858 ��
D�ve Speiss 360 Wabasha Cigarette 859 ��
Suba Club 616 Selby Cigarette 864 �'
Norman Horton 591 Concord St. Cigarette 865 �'
N.W. Star Vending 955 Seminary Food VM Location 866 ��
�� �' 5 Add�l. Mach. " +�
Summit School 1150 Goodrich 1 VM Location 877 ��
Charles Rauschnot 868 Rice St. VAi Location 878 �'
Advance Corp. 28? Lafayette I�ad S. VM Location 879 "
Gene R. Josephs ?36 Oakdale Cigarette 892 ��
Dey Appliance Co. 525 N. Snelling I-VM Location 895 ��
Joa Anderson Cleaners� Inc. 912 Pa,3►ne Ave. I-VM Location 896 ��
Larry O�Toole Federal Courts Bldg. Foodstuff VM 902 �'
Patrick M. Murray 24 W. 9�f� St. Barber 910 H
Koppers Coke Co. 1000 N. Hamline Cigarette 911 ��
LaSalle Tranisfer 2707 Territorial Road Cigarette 912 ��
Tjernlund Mfg. Co. 2140 Kasota St. Cigarette 916 ��
U. S. St�el Cp. 2545 University Cigarette 917 �
Activities Hall 459 Waba�ha Cigarette a18 t+
ARA Baking Co. 918 University Cigarette 919 ��
Hancock Nelson Mercantile �0? Hampden Ave. Cigarette 9Z0 ��
� Midway College of Hair
Design� Inc. 1549 University Food VM Location 925 "
�� �� 2 Add�l. Mach. 925 ��
Olive Taylor 2?5 E. 4th St. Penalty on Rest. C1 928 ��
B-Line Ice Co. 1102 W. Larpenteur Florist�Nursery 929 "
John H. Barret� Jr. 1105 Selby Ave. Cigarette 931 ��
Shirley & Arthur Snyder 1580 University Cigarette 932 ��
Economics La,boratory� Inc. 370 Wabasha Cigarette 933 �'
C1ark Oil & Refining 637 N. Rice Cigarette 934 "
Leo Niedorf 469 Anita Cigarette 936 ��
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
[n Favor
_ __ Against BY --
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by ;1�layor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ _ _ By
WH17E - CiTV CLERK COIIIICIl �'vC + Tp�l����
Council Resolution
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 8 Continued Renew
Dols Village Pharmacy 2061 Ford Farkway Cigarette Appn.938 Renew
Clark Oil & Refining 430 S. Robert Cigarette 939 ��
Wilder Residence Gift Shop 514 Humboldt Cigarette 940 "
Wilder Infirmary 512 Humboldt Cigarette 941 ��
The Southland Corp. 2065 Randolph Cigarette 944 �'
Skelly Station 1138 Payne Ave. I-VM Location 945 ��
Vernon D. Schwarzkopf 900 Desoto I-VM Location 946 "
Harland M. Knowlton 44 S. Snelltng Cigarette 948 �'
Green Mi11 Inn� Inc. 57 S. Hamline Cigarette 949 "
Henry Tillman 600 Selby Cigarette 950 ��
Knox Lumber 2233 University Cigarette 954 "
Rc�llin Scott � 1f07 Wynne I-VM Location 955 �'
East Consolidated School 409 E. Ca,se I-VM Location 95G ��
M.C. Specialties Sply. Co. 678 N. Snelling I-VM Location 957 �'
Phyllis M. Jensen 38? University Beauty Shop -959 �'
John C. Jelan 896 Rice St. Orig. Container 962 ��
B.V.M.� Inc. 3�0 Selby Ave. Food VIN Location 964 ��
John C. Jelan 896 Rice St. Cigarette 965 �'
Gerald� Sapl & Leonard
Weinber� 423 W. ?th St. Firearms 966 �'
Northern Vending Services 1481 Marsha.11 Cig. Oper. 2 M 967 ��
�� �� Cig. Oper. 9 Add�l. �� "
Mary Schaefer 434 Ca,se St. Cigarette ' 970 �'
Milton W. Ischer 1201 Rice St. Cigarette 9?1 �'
Rice St. Pharmacy 1136 Rice St. Cigarette 973 �'
St. Mary�s Home 1925 Norfolk Ave. Cigarette 974 ��
Lyngblomsten Center 1298 N. Pascal St. VM Location 979 �'
t� �� 1 Add�l. VM r� �'
John R. Diebel 601 N. Dale Cigarette 1007 ��
Union Oil Co. 1089 tJniversity VM Location 1014 "
MacQueen Eqip. Co. 595 Aldine St. - VN1 Location 1015 �'
French American Wig &
Beauty Salon� In�, 961 Payne Ave. . 1n►i Location 1021 ��
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
In Favor
__ Against BY —
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by C ouncil: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by 17ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY - – BY
WH17E — CITV CLERK �_1�_1,�<' ���
Council Resolution
' Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 9 Continued Renew
Summit Manor Nursing
Home 80 N. Western 1 Add�l. VA�1 Appn. 1023 Renew
James Trombley 2095 Como Ave. Cigarette 1031 ��
Eveline Grappendorf 637 S. Smith Cigarette 1032 ��
H. A. Theisen Co. ?92? Nicollet Ave. Cig. Oper. 2 M 1035 ��
'� �� Cig. Oper. 3 Add�l. M �t °
Hoerner Waldorf 2250 Wabash Cigarette 1036 ��
Union Brass Co. 501 W. Lawson Cigarette 1042 �'
A. Weisman 384 St. Peter St. VMi Location 1050 ��
'� �' 1 Add�l. VM �' "
• A. Weisman Co. 344 Wabasha VM Location 1051 "
�� " 1 Addtl. Vl►i '+ "
Mae Lindberg 1776 Vivian La,ne Carpet Dealer 1055 �'
A. Tessmer 1020 Raymond VM Location 1062 ��
�' �' 1 Add�l. Cig. 1062 �'
K-Mart 1645 Kasota VM Location lOF3 ��
n n 4 Add t 1. VIN . n n
Campion Wholesale �feats� Inc. 1324 W. 7th St. VM Location 1064 ��
Air Pnwer Equip. Corp. 2631 University VM Location 1074 "
COUNCILMEN ' Requested by Department of:
Yeas g�t;ar Nays �
�:�.� In Favor
Levine �
RoedleC __ Against BY — --
�� �'Q 1gT8 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopt by Council- Date
rtified Y� � by C cil SecrQtary BY
Appr ed by 17ayor. Da ° Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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