270915 WH17E - CITV CLERK � 1 (��j. PINK � FINANCE COUt1C11 /����� � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G�ITY OF SAINT PALTL �W � ��� ��6LU� ' t.NrAVOR . File N 0. rW Zn�nCe Ordinance 1�0.�,�;�y��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOARD OF WATER CO1rIl�IISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL� PRO- VIDING A WATER CONNECTION CHARGE IN LIEU OF ASSESSMENT IN CERTAIN CASES� AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 248.23 TO THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT FAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That Section 248.23 is added to the Saint Paul Legislative Code as follows: � 248.23 Service Connections: Where property was not previously assessed. . Parcels of land with frontage on a temporary water main not previously assessed for any existing abuttin� permanent water main and not desirir�g a water service connection when the temporary main is replaced with a permanent main shall be excepted from the Ievy of the assessment for same� upon request of the owner of the land, however, no future water connection shall be granted such parcel of land unless a payment shall have been made to the Board of Water Comnissioners in the amount of Nine Dollars ($9.00) per assessable front foot of land to be served for parcels' zoned or utilized for 1 or 2 family dwellin�s, all other properties shall make payment in the amount of Twelve Dollars (.$12.OU) per assessahle�` front foa�. of la�d.to be - - - served, or at the assessment rate as Ievied at the time the permanent main was installed, whichever assessment rate is greater. Parcels of land not previously assessed for an existing abutting permanent water main and desiring a connection with said permanent main shall be granted permission to connect such parcel of land after a payment shall have been made to the Board of Water Commissioners in the amount of Nine ' Dollars ($9.00).per assessable foot of land sought to be served for parcels z_oned or utilized for 1 or 2 family dwellings, all other properties shall make payment in the amount of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per assessable front foot of land to be served, or at the assessment rate as levied at the time the pernn�anent main was installed, whichever assessment rate is greater. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Sa.i.nt Pau]. W t II ' , Hozza [n Favor _ , Hunt -°^�.� Levine Against BY � Roedler - Sylvester Tedesco ' Form Approved b Cit Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By , Approved by Mayor: Date - Appr d by Mayor for Su m s on to Council By By . � . �._�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ 2751 _ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSION�S" ��� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��p�3� PRESENTED BY ��80n �h �� 197a COMMISSIONER — DATE �11�fei�f�� WHLRBAS, The Saint Paul Legislative Cade does not provide a means €oa the Baard af Water Cammissioners to except px�op�rties fra�n the aseesameat £or a perm�nent mafn; and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Legislative Code doeu nat provide a meaas for the Bc�ard of Water Commissioners to collect a water cvnnectian charge far prnperty whexe a connection to a 1�►public water main is desired but wh�re the property has nat previcusly been a�sessed for a public watsr main; and WIiEREAS, There are occasions where it maq b� desirable to except certain grop��rties £row the assessment for a permanent main; and WHEFtBAS� Thers gre occasions where a connscLio� is cl�si�ed to an available public wate� main where the propertq has not previoualy be�n assessed for a public water main; and WHERBAS, An edditianal section, Section 248.23, to th� Legialative Cade can provide for said exceptions aud also for the collection of a water connection charge for property where a connection to � public water main is desired but �hsre ths property wa� not pre• vioualy assessed for a public water main; and WHER�AS, After due consideration and on the recowansndatian of the Water Utility staff� the Board has deternnined the attached prs�posed ,�ddition� Section 248.23� should be added to the Legislative Code to grovide for the means of collecting a w8ter ccnnection charge; - and NOW� THSRBFORB� BE IT FURTHER RffiOLVED� That the City Cotuici2 is requemted to concur and adopt an ordinance adding Section 24$.23 to the Legislative Cods. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Bacshrach Hunt _ � �9 19?�78 Thompeon President I,evine In favor_�_ Opposed 0 _�- SECY. WHITE - CITV CLERK COII[IC11 ����� PINK - FINANCE CANARV -D�PARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL 6�U�E �MAVOR File �O. � S� � . Ordindnce ordinance N�. �� i � / Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 248.23 SECTION 2 - 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after itst passage� approval and publication. SECTION 3 This ordinance sha11 be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/ or section number at the time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ' Butler •1• Hozza � In Favor Hunt L��'�n� J Against BY � '' �--.�y�veste.c � Tedesco � �g�a ��' Form Approved b Cit Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified P�ed by Council Se�retary BY By '��'Q� �t_..'�- App v by Mayor: e � • �Y � � �9� APPr ve b Mayor for Sub is io to�ouncil By BY PuBUSHEO MAY 2 01978 oM a�: �2r�s�s . . _ �v. s 4f8/76 ' � EICPLA�vATI4N OF �DM�ITISTRAT� 4�tDERS, �Q� � � � R:SOLtJTICNS, AND ORDZ':�Tt�.vCES ' . ,. . � - f'6� V ' . _ D8tl: April 7, 1978 'A' � �� `� . . � . � .. . . �.� � �.y � �� � � . . � . APr 1 .� a�'7q . . , TQ; MAYOR GEORG� LATIMER ��OR'� � , FR: Elmer A. Huset, G�eral ManagEr, Water Utility ;gg.; Proposed section 248.23, an.addition to the Saint Paul Legislative Code. . . . � �. AC2ZGN R'EQItES:'ED: The Board of Water Commissioners has reeommended the additio�. of Section 248.23 to the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the Council is requested to coneur in such action by the adoption o� ar� ordiasnee cavering the proposed addi�ion. PQIr�PO5E �.�D RATIONALE FOR THI5 ACTION: . This proposed C!�$pter of Code provid�s for a water connection ch�r'ge and collectioa � o-€ same in ].i�u of a water main assessment in the following cases: . I 1. A coanection to a public taater main is desiied where the property has not p'reviously been assessed for a public water main. 2. On occasions where it may be desirable to except certa3:n propert3,es from the assessment for a pub'lie water main. _ ati�rACx�,�rr-rs: . . rr��+.�� r . � � . � . 1. Proposed Ordinan.ce 2. Board of Water Commissioners Resolution 2751 �