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FINAL ORDER - {t�� �\ ',,�// �/'�
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In the Matter of �i lib�t��� •3i�1e,t � M�'!It �ld�Mti1, t��f
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�'�Q�73 PRIOR AVB., eut side froe fi�aall�sZh Aw., to Staatard Ave.
S•1Q474 CHARygg AVg., both sid�a �roa Yictoria s �V
Awr to Miltoa St.
� 5-10473 LAM�ID I1pY., north aide fros Croeto St, to sasC 1�►0 !t.
5-1047b BDM[AtD AVE.,1�th sid�s fraa Mackabia St. to x�nt St.
S�i�'» S7��TDICAAT� �T., both �id�s fraa S�aiaarp Av�. to Hubbard Ave.
5-10�►78 CARROi,t, /►yg�, •qith sid• lrvs AsyAd�l St. to Mackubin 3t.
under Administrative Order ��� approved �� �• �'���' �
under Preliminary Order �� � � ` � approved °L a , � / ��
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COLJNCILMEN Adopted b�!. cil: Date APR � 8 1978
Yeas Nays ���
.�ertified P ss�d'by Council S�cretary
But►er ', pPR 2 Q 1�7`�
Hozza �In Favor B
Hunt ` J
Levine Against �
Roed�ef Mayor
Tedesco puBLISHED APR 3 � ����
wn�ts - c�tvc�Q�k • � GITY �F SAINT PALTL � � -
F•nk — Fi�anee DepL
Ca�a:Y- GePt. �,�����
o t 3 �,`� !
_ No: �,
Date: �� ����
That tne Di rector of the Departrient of Publ i c 4lorks is hsreby authori zed and di recLed
to prepare pla�s, o�tain surveys, prepare estimates ancf investigate the aecessity
to reconstruct sidewalk at the fo�lowing locations and do ali other work ��hich is
necessary and i nci dental ta complete sai d improvern�nt.
;�G'y `7-3 East' side of PRIOR AVE. from Wei lesley Ave. to Stanford Ave.
.y/C�/7� Soth s i de of CtiARLES AVE. f rom Vi ctori a Ave. to �ti 1 ton St.
����7�j ��orth side of lAFOl1D AVE. fro�n Grotto St. to east 140' �
�;�a�7� aoth side of EDMUi1Q AVE. from Flackubin St. to Ker�t St.
y J G.��7 E3oth s i de of �+0. SYt�DI CATE ST. f rom Ser�i nary Ave. to Nubbard Ave.
� � . � . .
�,/G L(� Soutn s i de of CARRO!! AVE. f rom Arunde 1 S t. to Nacku�i n St.
The I3i rector of Finance and tlanagerr�nt Services is he�eby directed to prepare a
prelininary order and schedule a pu�iic hearing.
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� HssistanE�City Attorriey `' PUb�I C 4lorks Department Head -
� S i dev�a 1 k
��.� �
Admieicttative e�ssistant to biayor
. �
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1 � ' , � _ . _
5 j": <�. � ;, �
. Feb. 15 , 1973 �`'� .. _ � ,r�,:� �',��r
Ftr. Roger Mattson ,��� � � � r � ,�''�'�
Di rector of Fi nance `�'" , ;���y � ��` � .-
and Management Services
Room 113 City Hall
ATTEtdT I 0iJ: Pau l Des ch
Dear Si r:
Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction/reconstruction of
the sidewalks listed �on the attached Administrative Order.
The estimated cost for new construction
9c-on main routes is as follows:
$4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A S 6 Residential
• $ . wide walk C Res. . �
Attached herewith are the following: -�� �4 • �
1 . Approved Administrative Order ��4159 2/9/7a�'
2. Advisability � Desirabitity Report.
3. Copy of plans for each order.
Yours very truly,
r / /
Hartley omas ��
Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction
234 City Hal.l, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
. �
. . Dist. t.o. 1
� L.S. Prior Avc. - �:lellesley Ave. to Stanfor� �ave. S - � 6 ��r���� .
Tr�i s orcier was i n i t i ated uy t,ie Ui rector of Pul�1 i c iJor{:s �s nul�1 i c necess i ty on the
basis of 1 cor�plaint fron ti�e City �lttorney (re,ult of a l�t��suit) �nd inspection of the walk.
Tf115 ti:alk is poured concretc �•�itii tree heaves , ;iiyfi joints, r,ater pockets and asphalt
P. I .A. Funds
Tne 'tngineeriny recoinmendation is for approval of the order. /
(Construct to tividth designated on plat.)
R� t�J RR
! o `�� y
ui s t. i�a. i
B.S. Charles F�ve. - P�o. Victoria ,:ve. to �'�ilton St.
Th i s orde r was i n i t i ateC� by tne D i rector o f Pub 1 i c 1Jorks as pub 1 i c necess i ty on the
�asis of 1 complaint �n� a petition 4•�ith 1 signer representing 10 � of the assessai�le
frontage anu inspection of the wallc.
This :•�alk is old ti le and poured concrete wi th tree heaves , broken ti le, ;iigh joints ,
trippinc� haz�rds , aspi�alt patches , cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipped panels. -
P. I .h. FuncJs
Tne En neeri n reco�nmenc:a i �/
9 9 t on is for approval of t�e order.
(Reduce frori a G ft. to a y ft. tivalk)
�:i3 DU RR
Jist. F:o. 1
P�.S. Lafond Ave. - Grotto St. .to east 14J'. � � l� 7�'
Th i s orde r was i n i t i a ted by the D i rector of Pub 1 i c 'r/orks as p:ib 1 i c necess i ty on the
basis of a peti �ion a�ith 2 signers representing )Ot7i of the frontage (St. Steph�nus
Lutheran Cliurct�) and inspection of t!�e v�all;. "-"" -'
Tnis walk is poured concrete with hi�ii joi�t: , .ii��l� longitudin�l j�int3 , cr�cke�' concrete
panels and scaled.
Rer�arks : Inte�ral cur� E �•�alk. ilainly reconstruction of ��aik & curb area betareen street
anci +,�;in �valk. (Two plans presentec;)
P. I .A. FundS
The �ngineering recomrnendation is for approval of the order. �
(Construct to +�idth desic;nated on platj
" :� Uist. tlo. 1
�.5. Edrwnd �1ve. - ftac!<ubin St. to t:ent St. �a �J��
Y 7
Th i s orde r ��as i n i t i ated �y the Di rector of Puo 1 i c :lorl;s �s ��uL 1 i c necess i ty on thc
�asis of a petition witi� 1 siyner representing lfii of t�ic fronta�e �nd .inspection of
the ti•�a 1 k.
This ►•�alk is old ti le anc: �oured concrete wi t�� tree heaves , 6roE:en ti le, hic�h joints ,
tripping hazarcls , �•�ater pockets , i�oles in ti le, �spl�alt patc�ies , crackecJ concrete panels ,
scaled , tippecl ancJ settled panels. P,er�arG;s : One Tree Removai t,y 539 Ednund.
P. I .N. FunJs �
Tne Enginecring reco�nmendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. wall:)
R3 DD kR
Dist. t�o. 1
i3.S. ido. Syndicate St. - Seminary Ave. to Hubbard Ave. f � y � �
Th i s orcle r f�as i n i t i ated t�y the D i rector of Pub 1 i c iJorl;s as pub 1 i c necess i ty. on the
basis of 2 petitions with 1 signer eaui representin� 100.°; of the frontaue and inspection
of the �-�alk. '
This :•�alk is olci tile �rith tree lieaves , asphalt patches , and trippin� huzards, and poured
concrcte witn tree heaves , asphalt patcties , cracked concrete panels.
P. I .�1. Funds �
The Engineering recor���iendation is for approval of the order.
(Iteduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. wall<)
P,u DO f R
Dist. r:o. I
S.S. Fe-Kbes ave. - l•!i lkin St, to Leech St.
Th i s orde r ti�as ' i a ted by the �i rector of Pub l i c ,Jorks as pu�l i s i ty �n the
basis of 1 complaint inspection of the wall<.
This ti�alk is old ti le and poured c rete wi th e heaves , brol<en ti le, high joints ,
tripping hazards , water pockets , aspha c es.
P. I .A. Funds
The Engineering recor ndation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce ori a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. ��alk) � .
^, w ,. _ D i s t. i�lo�����
�.5. Carroll l'.ve. Arun�el St. to 11ackuwin St. ��
� r 7 �
This order ►�as ini ti iteel by the Di rector of Publ ic vlorks �s publ ic necessi ty on tne basis
of 1 complaintand request fror� Departr�ent of ?lanning � Cconomic Deve)pr;ent and inspection
ofthe walk. --- ------__.--�------•- - ------ -- - ---
This is old tile with tree heaves , �roken tile, high joints , trippin� hazards , holes in tile,
mi ss i ng t i le and aspf�al t patci�es.
CO Funcling (letter from Robert Lee Slioffner of Planniny � Ccon. Developr;�ent)
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
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