270783 N'H17E - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICII � �� ���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � BLUE � - MAVOR Council esolution LICENSE CONIl�IITTEE � � " Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ�e By Date RESOLVED: That applications for Buildin� Contractor license by the following organizations at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby �ranted. Schostag Const. Co., Inc. 1234 Birch I�ake �.lvd., W. B. I,.. Appn. 14498 Renew Lifetime Aluminum, Inc. 3409 w 98th St., Bloomington 14605 " Midwest Fence & Mfg. Co. 525 Concord, South St. Pau1 1.4623 " Robert 8osenthal 2162 Midlothian Rd 14631 " Wanless Construction Co. 116g Rice St., St. Paul 14912 " Northeast Insulation Co. 1035 90th Av. N. E., Blaine 15307 " North Central Builders 7401 42nd Av. N., Mpls. 15308 " Schletty-McCann Pt�., Inc. 9?0 !laymond Av., St. Paul 15330 �� Feickert & Son 1479 Van Buren , �t. Paul 15371 �' Rite-Way Waterpr. Co., Inc. ?337 Lake Dr., Lino Lakes 153?4 �� Harlan Lee Const., Snc. 4300 Nicollet Av., Mpls. 15373 �� Klindworth & Bon 1680 LaCrosse Av. , St. Paul 15376 �� Bill Burgess Const. 1901 Beaumont 153?$ �� Valley Investments 2981 Pilot Knob Rd. , Eagan 15379 �� Floyd Lock & Sa�'e Co. 3024 Hennepin, Mpls. 15380 �� Harvey Homes, Inc. 1045 Nathan Lane N., Plymouth 15419 �� Brin Glass Co. 600 Washin�ton Av. N., Mpls. 15446 �� Model Nei�hbrohood Dev. Co. 716 Dayton, St. Paul 15447 " Norsk Concrete Const. , Inc. 4650 Johnson St. N. E., Mpls. 15448 �' Specialty Insulators, Inc. 530 Shoreview Park Av., 3t. Paul 15451 " Johri Preda & 3Son 1227 W. Como Blvd., St. Paul 15470 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays Hozza � In Favor Hunt Levine � Roedler __ Against Bv — Sylvester Tedesco � � 8 �g j� Forin Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C i : Date Certi Pass y Counci creta�y BY y, . Appr d by 17ayor: Date _ � ��� 3 � ''97$ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY . — BY EU6usNEO APR 8 1976