270769 W.HITE� - CITY CLERK COUIICII �'��iy���� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A 11 L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. R�,'P[JRN COPY TO C ' Resolution VALUATIO REAU � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, �hat the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby authorize and direct the proper City Officials to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a two (2) year extension of a lease agreement between the City of Saint Pau1 and the State of Minnesota for land awned by the State and located on the West side of I-35 E between Granite and C�yu�a Streets, said land tio be used for play�round purposes (Acker Playground). Consideration for use of the property to be $1.00 biennially. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler � Financ Mana em Services Hozza [n Favor Hunt u � �'�-- _ Against BY Roedler DireCtor'� S ylvester Tedesco Mf� '�'3 1� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted Council• Date C ified Pas� b}' Council Seccetary B- �� –�`�`3�7� Z 1 � 7S Appr v by Mayor for Submi io o Council Approved by 14ayor: Da e � � c B1' – — - By , PuBttSHED piPR 1 �078 _ � .----- _ . - i , ,�iMn/DOT?568 11 t•761 IEASE NO.H. ?�� ,' ~ ! y s.P. b28o (35E=390) 904 •90-l+57 � ( PARCEL N0. 1�3+ 103A, 10�+ & 105 ���� ; ;, ' � LEASE `� � � �_day of y ,19?,at St.Paul,Minnesou,by and be- � TNIS LEASE,made this th Februar 8 ! twee�the State of Minnesota,Department of Transportation,Lessor,AND �1ty Of St. Pa�11 � Lessee,of St. Paul, Minnesota � i Mb;�To: ;RG Cit} Il��ll, �t. I'nul. M;nnesotn `''�l()� � �� WITNESSETH � That the Lessor, in consideration of the payment of the rent hereinafter specified to be paid by the lestiee, , ro � and the eovenants and agreements hercin contained; dues hereby lease, demise and let unto Les,ee U�at ce.Ktain �+ro- � � peRy in the County of Rar.!Gev , State of Minnesota, the address oi which is . �' West side of j5E betweea Granite & Cayu�a Streets f Type of Property: vacant Land � � Legal Desc�iption: � � All of I.ot 1�+, Block 1, Edmund Rice's Second Addition to the City o� St. Paul, according to the plat thereef now on file ar,d of record in the office of the i Register of Deeds in and £or nar�sey County. � � � All those parts of the following described tracts lying westerly of a line 28 feet di.stant westerly of and parallel to the center line of the west fronta�e road to T.Fi. ; 35E known as L'Orient Street: � Lot 15, Block 1, E3mund Rice's Secand Addition to the City of St. Paul, - according to the plat thereof r.ow on file and of record in the oSfice of � the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Lot 23 and that F�ar� of j Lot 22, Auditor's Subdivision No. S, St. Paul, Nir.r.esota� accordin� to ; the plat thereof now on file and of record in tne office of the Register ' of Deeds in and for Ramse,y County, lying east of the north?rl� extension ! of the west line of Lot 14, of Block 1, of Edmw:d Rice's Second Addition � to the City of S�. Paul. � including improvemenu,if any,for the term of twentv—four (�4�onths,commencing ori'he is=__day of � Mav , 1g�,and endino o�the ' t�2iay of Abril __, �g 79_,with th,e rght oi termination in both Lessor and Lessee as uereinafter set forth,at the total rPntai of$ 1.00 ______ � payable to the"State of h7innesota,Department of Transportation",in lawful money of the United Scat�s�oa�c�7ix ; . � . a��xx�nr.��rz¢i�r,r)f�Bp��p�CE3jc�.'9COcXmtDLtYrxX�"-=�7�r� � ltakreceipt is hereby acknowledged by the Lessor of the wm of$ 1•� from thP Les�ee,in pa,me��:fnr the first and Iast month's rental under this lease.All rental payments shall be delivered to:fie Department of T:anspartation, . Ofiice ot Financial Administration,at the State Transporiation���g,�^x�"d5C St.P2ul,Minresota 55i55. 4f,� 12ice Street The herein described property is not,at this date,being used for Sta:e highway purposes. LPSSee hereby covenants and agrees as fol!ows: (1) To use the property for the following purposes only; Playground {Q) To pay Lessor said rent as herai�above provided,ard in addition thereto, to paY.when due,a�l troater,clec- � triC,9as and other ligntinq, heating and power rents and charges aceruing and payable in connection with said pr^perty ` during the term of this lease;and at all times durmg the tr.rm of this tease, the Lessor shalt have tt�e riq`:t, bV ���:�f, its � agents and employees,to enter into and uuon the laas��d premises during reau��able business hours for the p�rPOSC of } examining and inspecting the same,also to allow to have olaced upon said nrem�ses,at all times, natice oi '"�or Salr:" } and to atlow prospective bidders on the buildings on said premises to enter and inspect the same during said reasonable � business hours. I t (3) This Iease shall be subject to cancellation and termination by either carty at any time durinq 1lie term her�of by giving the other party notice in writing at least sixty (60) days next prior to the date�fhen such termir.ation snall be• ` eome effective. 1n the cwent of such termination any uneamed ren�al paid by tf�e LeSSeE sha�l be returned to Lessee. � (4) All �otices herein provided to be given,or which may be give�, by eithr.r party to the orher,shafl be deemed i t�have been fully niven when served personally on Lessor or Lessee,or when made in writiny and oPn�sited in t!�e lSmted � States mail, c�rtified and postaye prep.,id,a�d addressed rs foll�ws: To chP Lescee at addre�ss atrove star�d and to Lessor, ' Dep.rtm�rnl ol Tl.inspnrtatiun,at Stat�•TransP���tat!un 13u:�d���y.St.Paul,Minnesrn.i.The adclress lc�wh�rh th�no:�c�e;shaii or may t��mailed as a�oresaui to either party shail or mav be changrd b� �vriu��n notice giver.h� such party t�,ihe oiher,as hereinbefoie provided,but nothing herem cont�ined shalt preclude the giving of a�iy such notice hy pe�sonal sarvice. (51 Not to assign ur sublet this lease,and not to make or wtfer any alterotiun to be made in o�on said �uoperty, without thc written consent ot the Lessor. (6) It is specifically agreed and understood that Lessee shall not call on Lexsor to make any improvements or re- pairs on said property of any nature whatsoever,but Lessee hereby specitically covenants and agrees to keep the same in good orclr.r and condition at his own cost and expense. (7) To allow Lessor, its agents and employees,ta enter into and upon the leased premises during reasonable business hours for the purpose of surveying and testing the s;�il by usual methods. (8) To pay Lessor all costs and expenses, includ+ng attorney's fees in a reasanable sum in any action brought by Lessor to recover any rent due and unpaid hereunder,or for tne breach of any of the covenants or agreements contained � in this lease,or to recover possession oi said property,whether such action procXe:ses.o judgment or not. � (9) (f any rent shaH be due and unpnid,or if default shrll be made in any of the covenants or agreements on the part ot the Lessze conta�ned in this lease, Lessor may, at i.s option,at any time after wch default or breach, and ' without any demand o�or notice to Le�see or to any other person,ot any kind whatsoever,re-enter and take cwssession of said property and remove ail persons therefrom,and Lessee waives any Iegal remedy to defeat Lessor's right of possession hereunder. i (10) At the expiration of said term,or any snoner termination of this lease,to quit and surrender possession of , Said property ard its appurtenances,to Lessor in as good order and cendition as tha property was delivered to the under- ' sipned Lessee,reasonable wea�and tear and damaae by the elements and other casualt+es excepted. (11) Lessee shail keep said property insured in the amount of$��ne__against fi�e and extended eoverage,and the l.essee wiil make no claim ot any nature egainsi Lessor by reasvn of any damage to said prooerty in the event same is damageri or destroyed by any ca�se whatsoeve:. Such pelicy shall name the Lessee ��as named insured, Lessee�and an endorsement attached �aming Lessor as soie Payee, in tf:e event of a loss. � (12) The Les�ee i�demnifies,saves and holds harmizs.c the State of h1innesota and any agents or emplovees there- ; of from all claims,demands,actions or causes of act�on of v��hatsoever nawr2 or character, including but not limited to negligence on the part of t!�e State of Minnesota, its agents or employees,arising oui of or by reason of the lease of the ; herein described premises by�ne Lessor to the ie�e. � (131 Should the Lessee held over after*.he expiration of the term of this lease with the conaent of the Lesor, i expre:s or implied,said tenar,cy shall t;e d�emed t�be a cenancy unly frorn month to mo�t!i,subject;,therN•�se to alt of ' the terms and conditions ci tnis lease w far as apalicabie. I �14) In the event there is any prier existing tease or ren;al agreemeni between Lesseo and St�te (or its predeces�or i in interest) r.overing the suoject pruparty, it is ar,rcE�anJ und��sstood :hat this(ease s:�alt ean�el and ter;i�i�ate saiJ prior lease or rental agreemr_nt as oi ihe effective date ef .h;s tease. j , �151 The pro{x�rty ciesciimd herein may i�e used icr any of the purposes statc-�i i� r'��:,graNh t abooe; liowever, � it is the sole and exclusi�e resaonsibifity of t�e lessee in the use of the property to comply with ariy an�all la�s, rule,, Tegulations or ordinances imposed by any�urisdicuon affectir.g ine use to wh�ch [he pro�:rty is prop�t�3 +a '�e pui. In- !� ebility or faiture on the p:irt or tne Lessee to cotno!y w+th any of sa+C♦ 1$K5, fUIPS,regulatic+ns o�ordinz�ces wi�l nut � relieve the Lessee of the ob!igation to pay the rental Fr,ovided herein. � i (16) In the event tfiis lease is terminated in accordance with Parag.•aph 3 herrin,the rent shal! 6e proratad as of 1, the date of actua� termi�ation or vacation whichever is th� later. I 1 �17► The Lessee shall be requireA to maintain a policy of comprefiensive genc�ai public liability insurance�ver- ! fnp the property herein d�ring the term of the lease in the tullowinc�ameunts: I Minimum Coverage pe�perwn par occurrence$ S�.lf insured Minimum Covera3e per occurrence g S°lf insured � Prior to execution of this lease the lessee shall furnish a certificate of insurance to the Uepartment of Transportacion,State oi � Min�esota,as proof of such cavcrac�.Sucn insurance coverage poiicy shall be equal to or t�ettrr than a Comprehensive per- , tonal Liability;Ow�ers,Landlordsand ienants Liahility,Manufacturers and Contra�•to�s L�ability aiid Com.r.rehensive General Liability Policies,ronsisteni with the risk invoived,s�ecimens of�vhich are on file in the office of the Camm�ssioner ot Trans� portation,State oi Minnesota,Righi of Way Divisio�,Room 509.State'f ransportation Buildir,y,St.Paul,Minriesota 55155. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwitfistanding,this lease may be terminated,and the provisiuns of this . � lease may be,in writing,altered,changed or amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto. j ' i IN WITnESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this lease first above written. Jn ihe presence of: CITY OF ST. PAUL • LES�EE � BY � Hayor TITIE BY — City Clerk TITLE APPROVED BY STATE OF 11�IINNESOUI STATE AUOITOR: Ue�pa�tment oi Tran�portat�on COM��1ISSiONER UF TRA�SPORTATiON • BY Qirector o�R ight of Way Operetions LESSOR ! Approved as to form and execution 1 this----.day of..._ ___.19_—. A�rovcd on.-.—_.---- 19__ Attixney Gene►al Commissioner of Admi�istration BY ��y Special Assistant Attorney General Real Estate Management Divisio� � , , 'NONDISCRIMINATION APPENDIX Tha lessee for himself, his personal representAtives' successors in interest, and assi�ns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and a�ree, as a covenunt running with the land, thut (1) no person, on the ground � of race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in� be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimir.ation in the use of said faciliCies, (2) that in connection with the construction of any � improvaments on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrim- � ination shall be practiced in the selection of employees and contractors, by j contractors in the selection and retention of first-tier subcontractors, and � by first-tier subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcontrnctors, (3) that such discriminntion shall not be practiced against the public in their access to and use of the facilities and services provided for public accominodatinns (such as eating, sleeping, rest, recreation, and vehicle servicing) constructed or operated on, over, or under the space of the right-of-way, and (4) that the lessee shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of � 1964, and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, and as said regulations may be amended. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrfmination covenants, ' � the State shall have ehe right to tercuinate the lease and to re-enter and re- � possess said land and the faciLities thereon, and hold the same as if said lease had never been made or issued. �.���� ' -a•.�;.,-;-r..�.-..•-�.•.. ..;,..�,.;a... ...�� . �t=Y oA � � � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��d .y� � ,. M . _ < -_-- --- - - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . 0 f..a.. '� . . '`� C `�, ��•�.�� `� �7 f7 �� ; THOMA$ J. KELLEY — DIRECTOR { -•• ,.. /� f . _,. ,,,,,, .... �, . 545 City Hall,Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102 612-298-4431 George latime� � Mayor " 27 FEBRUARY 1978 I . ; � M E M 0 R A N D U M j — I � � � T0: J . WILLIAM DONOVAN �J / ' � �� FROM: THOMAS J . KELLEY SUBJECT: LEA�E-STATE OF MINNESOTA (35-E RIGHT OF WAY) � The two-year lease renewal is acceptable to the Department of Community � Services , as noted in your letCer of February 14, 1978. f _ :ne . � ��� / � •} /` '���e:�� �� "' _ `�� � , / � ' { + �.' j - 4 � ._ � � . � �' 1 . � •� � � r'-� !�t •�. LA ' •. .. , . � ' ' f ♦ . t�.. '� 1 . i•^J� � /K • .. . ` ,. 1.� �1 / , . � �_18.•.�1 ` , ', . � � � � v'��• r`�'��;.�f C,,,.r�, �i- . „ (�I , . D,r , �j � 1 ! �� �`p�r, i ?„}� \ ' �;/ .. � (7� • ' � •� �� " .. �� �' '.• �� " ��1' � �y ,1 � !}_ � �. �/,t�� rt! . .• ��,�� ►. � • � )l.J. pE �. �.I'' ♦ /�f� ,� , 1 I � ti . ' \� /[` r• � ,. •(� .• . . �.,. ..�.�,' . // •./O 1� 1 'r ' � t. � � �/� ` �'� � . . ; ' �,rTj-,1S �'I. � . • c� `�\_ , i�' �` .. .. ,(' • '� 5 ';3. , �t;.� �' , �, T 4� , r• . . r'., � ~� . � �1' �9` Ri_;�3.T� . .I�i:_ ...:-�.- • � t� , � ..y /� -� ,'_._ •`y��?�.s � . � ,' , � �:% �' , � , � ' ` ' �� .9 ., f � .. . �, 10' � � I � �. '.ti ,� .. �?� ^• � . " ,.a�. 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II I •� .:.�._ __..-. . . ....._. .. ___._..... ... _ .. � � . ors ai: 22/19�5 � Rev. : 9/8/76 EX�LANATION �F ADMINIST?ZATIVE ORDERS, . RE_. IONS_t��I�C.�S ' �:°�4���11� _ ��.�r � b.�� � Date: AZarch 8,. 1978 MH�; 1 � �978 MA� p� Tp; MAYQR GEORGE LATIMER _ . ' FR: J. T�. Donovan, Valuation �gineer, Dept. cP lPi.nance b M�aage�ent 8�c � ��• $3�7� �; bease o� �tate of Minaeaota Tru�k H3.�ay 35-E Right-Of-iTay laad to the � City of 8t. Panl ror the ne�r Ack�r PlE�ygro�nud Site. ' ACTION REQUESTED: A�prove for auba3ssion to Cowacil a resolutiori authcrizi�g the eatdnsio� o� the present leaae for t�no (2) years• �r � . . � - ' PIIRPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Thi.s action xrnil.d continue to�pnt what �.l.d crtherMi.ee be urmsed land to aa� � good nse as aa ��ctension of the Acker Playgrcyand �it� aad at e take�a re.te of • �1.00 bigngially. The Derparta�ent of Cc�m�anity 8ervices has r.eview�ed the prcrpoaed lease ead con�urs. � ATTACBMENTS: l. Caancil 8esolution ° 2. Prbposed �ease . . �. i�ebraary 27, 1978 letter �rcxn Cc�sea�n3.ty 8ervicea . Area Map