270767 WHITE - CITV CLERK �l' /���F�
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Federal Highway Administration, when acting in cooperation
with the Transportation Department of the State of Minnesota, is authorized
by Act of Congress to make Federal Aid available for the purpose of eliminating
hazards at railroad grade crossings within the State of Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, Carroll Avenue, as now established, crosses the t�ack of the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company at grade at Pierce
Street in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is eligible to recelve
Federai Aid for eliminating hazards at raiiroad grade crossings; and
WHEREAS, The City and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul , and Pacific
Railroad Company desire that this grade crossing be protected by railroad
crossing signals with gates, and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paui , and
Pacific Railroad Cortp�any is wiiling to install , maintain, and operate such
NOW, THEN BE IT RESOLVED, That the City's 10� share, approxim�tely
$i,000.00, is to be financed from the 1977 PIA Fund; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, TFrat the proper City Officials are authorized
and directed to enter i�to Agreement #59007 with the State of Minnesota a�d
the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul , and Pacific Raiiroad Company.
Director o Finance and Management Servi s
��( udget Dir ctor
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: �
Yeas 8���� Nays � /
Hozz�, Publ ic Works (Traffic-RHR)
Hunt [n Favor
� U
Roedler _ __ Against BY T
M� �'� '��a Form Approved b City ttorn
Adopted by ncil: Date
Certi d Yass y Council Secret�ary BY
�� �
Approved by ;Vlavor: Date C Z � � Approv by Mayor for Submis i t Cou�_il
By —� ` Gc,� � �, r
_ — BY `
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- AGREEMENT N0. 59007
. S.P. 62-��116
� Minn. Proj. RRO OOOS(1)
Railroad Crossing 5ignals
Carroll Avenue at Pierce St. �
St. Paul, hlinnesota
Agency Funds
TNIS AGREEP�1ENT, made and entered inta by and between CITY OF ST. PAFJL,
hereinafter called the "City", CHICAG�, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AfJD PACIFIC RAIL-
ROAD COh1PANY, Debtor, a Railroad in reorganizati�n under �577 of the 8ankruptcy
' Act, hereinafter called the "Company", and the COMMISSIGPJE� QF TRANSPORTATICN,
STATE OF MINNE50TA, hereinafter called the "State", WITNESSETH:
WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Ac�ninistration, when acting in cooperation
tuith the Transportation Department of the State of Minnesota, is authorized by
� Act of Congress to make Federal Aid available for the purpose of elir�inating
hazards at railroad grade crossings within the State of Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, the State, pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 161.36 (1976) ,
is authorized to cooperate with the United 5tates Governnen t in supervising
improvements of public highways within the State of Ftinnesota not included in .
the trunk highway system, and ,to act in dis5ursing and accounting for Federal
funds in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, Carroll Avenue, as now estabTished, crosses the track of the
Company at grade at Pierce Street in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, the
location of said crossing and railway track being shown on the print hereto
attached, marked �xhibit "8", and herein referred to and made a part of this
, agreement; and
/,�.,�. � .
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. Agreement No. 59007
WHEREAS, the City and the Company desire that this grade cro'ssing be pro-
tected by railroad crossing signals with gates, and the Company is willing
to install, maintain and operate such signals upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter stated.
1. The State of h1innesota, Department of Transportation, "Standard Clauses
for Railway Highway Agreements", dated September 22, 1977; is attached heret❑
as Exhihit "A", and hereinafter referred to as "Standard Clauses". Except
as hereinafter expressly modified, all of the terms and conditions set forth
in the !'Standard �lauses" are here�y incorporated by reference and made a part
of this �greement with the same force and effect as though fully set forth herein.
Standard Clauses Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 are deleted from this � •
agreement. .
2. The Company shall furnish all material for and with its regularly
employed forces install a camplete railroad crossing signal system on Carroll
Avenue, as indicated an attached Exhibit "B". Said plans specifications and
ttie work to be done shall be subject to the approval of the Department of
7ransportation of the State of Minnesota. �
Work of installing this signal system shall be prosecuted so as to be
: completed within 12 months after the date the Company is authorized to
begin work.
If the Company shall determine it impossible to complete the work within
the period herein specified, it shall make a written request to the 5tate for
en extension of time for completion, setting forth therein the reason for such
extension. ' �
• . -2- �
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Agreement No. 59007
•3. The actual costs of the project herein contemplated, including '
engineering costs, are to be financed with 90ao Federal. Funds and �10;6 City
of St. Paul Funds. The State and City will reimburse the Company as provided
herein for only such� items of work and expense as are proper and eligible for
payment with Federal Funds. •
• The State's 9J� portion (reimbursable with Federal Funds) will be paid
to the Company in accord�nce with Article 9 of the Stancard Clauses, Exhibit "A".
The City's 10;�6 portion will be paid to the Company when the pro�ect has
been completed and the Final 8i11 has been approved by the State.
It is understood that the following estimate is for informational purpases
only. The estimated cost of the work to be done 6y the Company hereunder is
as follows_ and in further accordance with detailed estimate attached hereto
and mar�ced Exhibit "C". •
Material _ $37,375.OD
Labor (Including Additives) $23,32'7.00
� Contingencies - $ 6,598.00 .
• Portion of costs allocated to - �
� City of St. Paul (1�J96 of actual cost) � 7,230.00
Reimbursable with Federal Funds �65.520.00 . �
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_ Agreement IVo. 59J07
:.4. �In the event it is determined that a change from the _foregoing state-
:m�nt nf work to be perforrned by the -Campany is required, it shall be authorized
-clnly by a written ctiange or extra work order issued by the State prior to the
rperfornance of the �ork involved in the change. = - - - - ' -
_ ;_�- _ 5. . The said grade crossing signal system shall be maintained and
pperated by the Company upon completion of its installation, but this said
-obligation to maintain said signal system shall continue in accordance
with :the 1aw of the State as it shall be from time to time in the future.
_.-- - fi: Tfie signal sys�em shall nat be removed u�nless there has been a deter-
mination that said sigrrals are na longer required at this location. " " _ '
' . .- . In the event that either railway or highway i�provements will necessitate
� rearrangement af the signals at said crossing, the party whose improvement
�auses said changes will bear the entire cost of the same without obligation
' to the ather.
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� Agreement No. 59007
IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this agreement to be duly
Attest: �
By: By: .
Assistant Director Mayor
Department of Public Works
Approved as to Form: By: �
Director, Department of Finance
and Management Services
By• . .
Assistant City Attorney
In Presence of: �
By. .
Recommended for Approval :
Chief, Railroad Operations
In Presence of:
Assistant Commissioner
� Pubt i c Transportati on
Dated• , 19
Approved as to Form and Execution: APPROVED:
Assistant Attorney General Authorized Signature
, _ , j •
SEPTEMBER 22, 1977
. 1. The State will review plans and specifications for the con-
struction of the grade separatinn stru�cture and approve the separation of
grades of the tracks of the Company and of the trunk highway, as shawn in
the plans and specifications referred to in this agreement.
2. The State agrees to let a contract pursuant to law for the con-
struction of the highway project r2ferred to in this agreement, in accardance
With said plans and specifications referred to in this agreement.
3. The State agrees that all work prnvided to be done by the State
on the right of way of the Company shall be performed and completed in
accordance wit� said pZans and s�2cifica�ions in a ma�ner sa�isfactory to
�the Chief Engineer of the Company, or his authorized representative. The
State agrees that any contract let by it, for the performance of any c�nstruc-
tion work contemplated by this agreement, will require the contractor to
comply with all of the provisions relating to work on railraad right �f way
Contained in "Minnesota, Department of Highways, St. Paul, Standard Specif i-
cations for Highway Construction", dated January 1, 1972, as amended by
"Supplemental Specifications", �ated April 1, 19�6, t� furnish to the Company
a Railroad Protective Liability Insurance Policy and to carry regular Con-
tractor's Public Liability and Proaerty Damage Insurance, both as specified
in the Federal-Aid Highway Program f�anual, Uolume 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, '
Subsection 2, and having limits of liabili�ty, as specif ied in the specif ica-
• tions and special provisions referred to in this agreement. Said Railroad
Protective Liability Policy and evidence o.f said Contractor 's Public Liability �
end property Damage Insurance, executed by an insur�r qualified to write
such policies in the State of htinnesota, shall be tl�livered to the Company
. prior to the entry upon or use of the Company's property by the Contractor.
4. The State reserves the right to make such changes in the plans �
or character of the work, as the work u�der the co�tract progresses, as shall,
� in the Commissioner of Transportation's judgment, be reasanably necessary to
cause the agreed highway project to be in all things constructed and conpleted�
in a satisfa�tory manner, and to that end, and as supplemental to any contract
let for the construction of said project, to enter into any supplemental
egreement with the contractor for the performance of any extra work or work
occasioned by any necessary, advantageous or desirable change in the plans.
Any such changes in plan or the character of work, involving �the Company's
facilities or property, will be subject to the approwal of the Company.
EXHIE3IT "A" - Page 1
5. The State agrzes to pay the entire cost of the work to be per-
formed under the c�ntract to 5e let by the State, including the State's �
, supervision af the contract w�rk, provided, however: .
e.) that nothing .herein c�ntain2d shall prevent the State from
pursuing and enforcing any of its common law and statutory
rights, which it may have against any tartfeasor, inclu�ing
any contractor and the Company; �
b.) that when the Company has liability or o�ligation to the
United States .or t�e State for any portion of the railway-
highway project, the Company shall pay its share of the
railway-highway project in the manner an� to the extent
set forth elsewhere i� this agreement.
6. � The provisions contained in Federal-Aid Highway Program Manual,
Volume 6, Chapter 6, Section 2, Subsection 1, and Volurne I, Cha�ter 4,
Section 3, shall apply to the railway-highway project, regardless of the
method of financing the project.
7. If the Company enters into a contract or agreement with a con-
tractor, to perforn all or any portion of the Company's work set forth in this
agree�ent, the Company for itself, its assigns and successors in interest,
. agrees that it will not discrinina�e in its choice �f contractors and Will
incluCe a11 of the nondiscri�inatinn �ravisions set forth in APPENDIX "A",
.atta�hed hereto and made a part hereof, in any such ca�tract or agreement.
8. The Com�any agrees that its rzpresentative in charge of the work
set forth in this agree�ent shall furnish the State's Engineer in charge of
the project:
a.) "Form 2233, Minnesota De�artmant of Transportation, Payroll
Monthly Report", signed in duplicate, showing the num5er
of inen on payr�ll, classi°icatien, total hours worked and
starting, st�p�ing, resumation and com�letion dates for
each month, not later than the week follatiing the month in
Which the work was perforned.
b.) Upon request, full detailed information �s to progress of �
work and amount of labor and material used as of the time
of request.
In additian to the foregoing records and acts, the Company will, from
time to time, make such other rep�rts, keeo such other records and perform
such other work in such manner and time as may be n�Eessary to enable the
State to collect and obtain available Federal Aid.
9. To the extent set farth in this agreemEnt, the State will re-
imburse the Company for actual ex�ense incurred perfarming the work set forth
in this agreement. Payments will be made in accordance with the following;
, .
EXNIBIT "A" - Page 2 9-22-7Z
e.) At least 90ro of partial bills marked "PrQgressiv.e 8i11 No. 1,
No. 2, etc." , or "First, second, etc.", signed by an officer
of the Company, rendered in septuplet. Partial bills shall
be based on actual costs that can be substantiated 5y checking "
• the Company's records but do not need tn be in. detail: or,
b.) At least 75;�.of partial bills narked an� signed, as required
above� based on the Comoany Engineer's estir�ate of the per-
centage of completion of the various cost reimbursable 'items,
es shown on the detailed estimate, which is attached to and
� made a part of this agreement, subject to the State Engineer's
concurrence and approval of said completion percentage. In
no event will �a combination of partial h�l.ling based on actual
. cost, and Engineer's estimates, be reirr�c�rsable.
c.) At least 90i� of final bill marked "Final•, signed by an ❑fficer
• . of the Company, rendered in septuplet, in accor,dance with Federal-
Aid Highway Program Manual Volume 1, Chapter 4, Section 3. Said
final bill shall be a complete, �etailed and iternized statenent
of all items of work Qerforned by the C��any, as shown in the
approariate exhibit or exhibits attached to this agreement.
d.) Final paynent will be made after audit �f the firtal bill.
7he Company shall keep account of its �nrk in such a way
that said accounts may be readily audited. In the event "
. that any amount previously paid t❑ the Camaany is .in excess
of. the actual cost deterrnined by audit� the Company, u?�n
� � notice of the 5tate, shall pay to the St�ate the difference.
10. In the ev�nt that the State does not e�t�r into a contract for
construction of the project contemplated by this agreement on or before a day
twelve (1Z) months after the date this agreement is fully executed, then either
party may, at any tine thereafter, serve notice of ca.zcell.ation upon the other
party, by registered mail, and this a�ree��ent shall i.�mediately be can�elled
and terminated; nrovidad, however, that the Con�any shall he reimbursed in full
by the State for all reimbursable casts incurred affi.�r this agreement is fully
executed and prior to said cancellation.
11. The reimhursable maintenance costs shall not extend to the repair
� of any damage to the bridge structure resulting fraro �he op�retions of the
Company for which the Company has any common law or statutory liability. The "
reimbursable maintenance costs shall be limited to the actual cost of la5or
and materials used and to rental value of equipr�ent used. The a�tual cost of
� labor and materials and the rental value of equipment referred to shall be
ascertained in accordance with the provisions .of thE Federal-Aid Highway Pro- .
gram Manual, Uolume 1, Chapter 4, Section 3. Except as hereinafter pravided
in the case of emergency reaairs, reimbursement shal� be made only if the
Company has submitted its proposed repairs to the State, including any estinate
of cost of such repairs, and approval has been receiued from the State in
Writing in advance of starting work by the Company. If the Company is unable
to obtain the State's approval of the proposed repairs, it may request and
require the State to let a contract for the necessary work. In the event of
an emergency requiring immediate repairs to said bri��e structure in order to
� EXHIBIT "q" - Page 3 9=22-?'r
, maintain railroad traffic, the Company shall be only required to notify the
State as soon as reasona�ly possible that the emergen�y has arisen and that
the Company is proceeding with the work. The Company hereby acknowledges
that it may be necessary' to file a l�gislative claim for reim5ursement ❑f any
costs incurred before State Funds are encumbered in an amount sufficient to
cover the costs of the work. In all events, reimbursable maintenance costs
shall be limited to necessary repairs.
If any maintenance work is such that it cannot be performed by the
Company with its own equipment and regularly employed forces, the Company may
contract the work. However, the Company shall not award the contract or start
work until the contract has been aporoved by the Commissioner of Transportation
. and the necessary State funds have bee� en�umbered. .
12. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto anything
to the contrary herein notwithstanding, that the Commissioner of Transportation
of the State of hlinnzsota is acting in his official capacity only and that he
shall not be personally responsible or liable to the Company or to any person
or persons whomsoever for any claims, damages, actions, or causes of action
of any kind or cnaracter arising aut of or by reascn of the execution of this
egreement or the performance or completion of the project provided for herein.
� 13. 8efore this agreement shall become binding and aff�ctive, it shall
. have received the approval of such State officers as the law may provide in
addition to the Commissioner of Transportation. �
14. The Iaws of the State of Minnesota shall govern all questions as
to the execution, nature, ❑bligation, construction, validity and �erformance
of this agreement.
15. If it appears to the Company at any time subsequent to the date of
this agreement and prior to final completion of such work, that the actual cost
of such work will exceed the estimated cost, the Company shall immediately
So notify the State in writing, thereof, and, after the additional funds are
encumbered, such notice will have the affect of amending this agreement so
' as to i�clude the supplemental cost of such work.
� �
. EXHIBITY "q" - Page 4 ;;a�9-22-77
Mn/00T 25252(12/76)
Non-Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. _
During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself. its assignees and successors in interest
(hereinafter referred to as the "contractor")� agrees as follows:
(1) Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor will comply with Regulations of the Department of
Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Com-
merce (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulation, Part 21, hereinafter re�erred to asthe Regulations),which
are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this cont�act.
(2) Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work perfofined by it after award and prior to
completion of the contract work, will not discriminate on the ground of race.color, or national origin
in the selection and retention of subcontractors, inctuding procwements of materials and leases of
equipment. The contractor will not participate either directty or iru3irectly in the discrimination pro-
hibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers
a program set forth in Appendix "A", "B" and "C".
(3) Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materialsand Equipment: Ir all solicitations '
either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contrac#a��or work to be performed under a
subcontract, including procurements of materials or equipment. eaefi potential subcontractor or sub-
plier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obl�tions under this contract and the
Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race, cotor or nation origin.
(4) Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all informafion and reports required by the
Regulations, or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto, artd will permit access to its books,
records� accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities asmay be determined by the Depart-
ment of Transportafion or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance
with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in
the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor shall
so certify to the Department of Transportation, or the Federal High�ray Administration as appropriate,
and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the informatioet.
(5) Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noecompliance with the nondiscrimi-
nation provisions of this contract, the Department of Transportation shafi impose such contract
sanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including .
but not limited to,
(a) witholding of payments to the contractor under the contract ur►�il the contractor complies, and/or
(b) cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whote ar in part.
(6) Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include t�e provisions of paragraph (1) through (6)
� in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and lea3es of equipment, unless exempt by
the Regulations, order, or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take such action
with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Departmer�t of Transportation or the Federal
Highway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing suc?� provisions including sanctions for
noncompliance: Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor beeomes invalved in, or is threaten-
ed with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a resuit of wefr direction, the contractor may
request the State to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and in addition,
the contractor may request the United States to enter into such tifiqation to protect the interests of
the United States.
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
• Install automatic hi ,hwa cros�in� wa i h+T1e: � {�ht_si�als
tquippe w t fiate coltrolled by track circuit equipment, all conforainA to
the recommended practices of Bulletin 7 of the Association of Aaerican Railroads at
the crossinR of Carroll Avenue and the C.M.St.P.& P. �
Rsilroad Company track, replacing crossbuck si�ns •
Item ntit Amount
Prel3minary Engineering Lot $ 1.350
Construction Engineezing Lot 1.650
Haterial �
Automatic signals and ,gates 2 ea. 8.400
(Any other ma3or item) 1 house � 2 cases 19.774
Other Material I.flt 5.506 .
� Total Material �3.680
, Transportation of Material Lot 33
Stoze expense SX 1.674
' 8quipment (Rental of�trucks b trailers) :�r�00 --
Labor . 13,700
Mrect Labor (Crew $9,500)
Holidaqs, vacation and pension . 2,892
Payroll taxes 4,273
, Insurance (Risk Ins. $14,300) 1♦46� �
tieals and lodging ' 3,000
?otal Labor 525,327
Contingencies 6,598 '
?otal cost S72,812
Lesa credit for salvage � CR 12
1Qet Total 572,800
Office of Asst. Chief Engr. , Si�s. S Conans. s p � 2 _ p O //(o
C.t4.St.P.6 P. RR. Co. - Chica�o, Illinois � .
December 22, 1977 (PS&R 72367-95) . f�9 r e e rn e ��' 11�� � 7
JAE:dln NOTE: This estimate valid for only one ,��•.,� ,�,
year from date of estimate. p �9a 8
��y��� �
o� ol: ia/i��5
, .. �v. : s�s���
Date: w��ct� 2, t 9�s :'� 1 `'� E D .
R� �
�IIA� '1 �19'�
FR: ���d D. Tufte, Public Morks Departa�nt, Traffic Engineeri�g
�: Rai lroad 6rade Crossing Signal at Carroll Aven�e and Pierce Stroet
` (Chica�, M11�rsukee, St. Paul , a�d Pacific Railroad Cc�apany)
Approval of attacMed Council Resolution for the installation of
�silro�d grade crossing si�ais at Carroli Avenue Tn St. Paul. �
. �
Neithe� Carroll Avenuo or Pierce Street are on a State Aid St.raet.
` Therefore, all improveaients inust be fin8nced with local funds.
Tl�is Resolution approves the fut�di�g and directs the proper City Offtcisls
to ent�� into tha sgreeawnt.
Tt� City's cost is 10$ (app�oxiaistely $8,000.�). The Ra1T�oad Caa�pany �
witi opmrate a�d �aintain the signals. The $8,000.00 is to be fin�ced
froia the 1977'PIA Fu�d. �.;�
� Counc�%i Resolution
RHR:QDT:ced �