270765 M�HITE - CITV CLERK �.� ��[� PINK -� - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L COIlI1C11 � �` � BLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . � WHEREAS, the traffic at the intersection of WHITE BEAR AVENUE � SUBURBAN AVENUE is at times congested, and WHEREAS, additional development is being undertaken in the area which will increase the amount of traffic at this intersection, and .WHEREAS, the City will be installing traffic signal lights at the intersection and the developer of the property west of White Bear Avenue will be constructing a new right turn lane from White Bear Avenue to westbound Suburban Avenue, and WHEREAS, there is a need to include at the intersection a right turn lane from White Bear Avenue to eastbound Suburban Avenue to facilitate the traffic and minimize congestion, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Department of Public Works is authorized to prepare plans and cause to be constructed a right turn lane from White Bear Avenue to eastbound Suburban Avenue, and be it further RESOLVED, that the estimated cost, including engineering, of $12,000 be charged to � the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 60000, and this fund be reimbursed from the Public Improvement Aid Fund. (1976) Approved as to funding: Approved: � Dir. , Dept. o Finance & Manage. ��� B get Direc or COU[VCILMEN �,�j�n Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �'�� Butler � ' Publ i c Works (DJD) Hozza [n Favor Hunt () �/, � �/ �,eroi�ne� v __ A ga i n s t BY ��4c�%�L'r.�'✓l�.a�iL_ Roedler Sylvester '�,�� Tedesco M� � � Form Approved by�City Attorne Adopted b ounc : Date — _ Cert ed Pass y Cou il Sectetary BY 78 Approved by 17ayor: Date 2 ? Appr v by Mayor for Su s 'on to Council By � ~ BY QususH� APR �, 197$ : OM O1: 22/�.975 ltev. : 9/8J76 , �• EXP�ATIQi�t OF ADMINISTRATIVE dRDERS, ,�.���� . , 12�SOLUTIONS; ANF3 •QRDTNANCES l�� � �' tyED , ��II�F, `� 197$ ` �ate: Februa ry 32, 1978 ��r3 �� � � \ TO: 1+�YOR GEORGE LATIMER �FRz Richard L. .Wheeler, Assistant Directar, City Engineer, E3epartment of� Publlc Works gE; City ProJect P-076$ WHITE BEAR AVENUE @ Suburban Ave. , . ACT�ON RE4UESTED: Council approval of Resolution approving a new proJect and fu�ding. � PURPQSE AND RATI(3NALE FOR THSS AeTION: White Bear Avenue � Suburban is a congested intersection. Target is bullding a right turn }ane on the .west side of White Bear Ave. The City is installinq traffic sigpals. . ; The subject project is a right turn lane on Wh1te Bear Ave. to eas�tbvund Suburban. This w111 i�prave Lhe traffic fiow and allow for all the work to be done at thfs intersection in one corrstructio� year. ` ATTACI3MENTS s . _ : Resalution . � � DJD/ck : , ',