271802 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 �����Y. PINK - FINANCE TF' TT GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A lJ L r� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - �� ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231 .05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved Decer�er 1 , 1970) pertaining to regu- lations for the adjusting of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Councll of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption from the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed firms have justifiable reason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Service Fund"; and shall be in the following amounts. NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Olympia Brewing Company July, 197$ $152,398.17 722 Payne Avenue 55165 Hoerner Waldorf June, 1978 $ 34,496.37 2251 Wabasha 55102 Whirlpool CorporatioA September, i977 - March,1978 $ 19,746.21 P.O. Box 3380 - 850 Arcade St. 55165 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. June b July, 1978 $ 7,055.41 882 W. Seventh Street 55102 Koppers Company, Inc. July, 197$ $ 6,25�•15 1000 North Hamline Ave. 55104 St. Paul Dispatch � Pioneer Press January, 1978 $ 2,114.76 63 E. Fourth Strect 55101 May-July, 1978 Gold Medal Beverage Company July, 1978 $ 1 ,986.95 P.O. Box 3466 551b5 COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: ^ Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler � S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - � sy -� Approved by Mayor: Date _ Appr by Mayor for S i i to Council By, By WHITE - CITV CLERK � B�E M YOR E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council t :�J CANARF DEPARTMENT File 1\O. ��������� � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT American Bakeries January-June, 197$ $ 699.88 97 E. Twelfth Street 55101 Gross-Given Manufacturing Co. July � August, 197$ $ 518.76 75 W. P)ato Boulevard 55107 First National Bank August, 1978 $ 481 .24 W-1752 lst National Bank Bldg. 55101 Land 0'Lakes, Inc. July, 197$ $ 322•72 415 Grove Street 55101 American National Bank Bldg. June � July, 197$ $ 237.54 101 E. F1fth Street 55101 Central Warehouse July, 1978 S 234•77 P.O. Box 3456 551oi U.S. Post Office .1une, 1978 $ 159.53 286 Jackson Street 55101 1872 East hbntana 55119 �une, 1978 $ 25.9� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler � Department of Publ ic Works � , Hozza In Favor Hunt � � Levine `� __ Against BY na . aar rec or o . . Maddox Y9 Showalter Tedesc,o.- 5� � '� �'�� Form Approved by Cit A torney Adopted .�g�ouncil:� Date � �/ } � tified Pas-�Ky Co cil Secretary BY ` , � � �� � t#p by :Navor: Dat �EP 1 9 19T8 Appro d y Mayor for S ' si n to ouncil By _ _ By ����L;s��� SEP `�� ��`� OM O1: Z2/�975 . . , • Rev.,: 8 ?6 ' EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ���,���� ,. RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: Augnst 30. 1978 � ECEIVED T0: " MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ���,� �9�8 FR: DONALD E. NXGAARD, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ,�A�'� � g�; R�funds of SeNer Sen►ice Charg�s � . � , ACTIQN REQUESTED: Refund Sewer Service Charges from Sewer.Service Fund PURPOSE AND RATIQNALE FOR THIS ACTION: Investigation has determined that certain voi_umes of water whlch weare assessed a saw�er servic� charge did not enter the sanitary sawer system and that pa�rment of the charges on these votumes sF�uld be refunded. . � ATTACHMENTS. - � � 1. Council Resolution 2. Bosrd of Water Comnissione�s' Resolution Recarmending Refunds REB:JB:mf . • .� . . .:_ _ • � ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No.- 2�� � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �''►�j���I� 2 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY `�O��On �u8uat 30, 1978 COMMISSIONER - DATE - RESOLVED R�50LYID, That �he Eo4rd of Water Cammnis�ionexr her�by appacoves the recoa�endatioa of Richard L. Wheelsr, �seiet4nt Director an�d City F�gineer, Department of Fublia Worlts, in his letter of Auguet �, 19?8 to the Bos�rd tha.t full or partial reftmde of p�id S�war Service Ch�rgss b� �auted aa listed in the letter; gai8 r�itiuidr to be mwde fram the "3ewer 3ervice �u�d". Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas��� Nays Maddoz Atagust 34 x78 Show�lter — — — 196— �Ps� President Levine In favor 5 0 � � pposed �O SECY.