01-166_.rJ Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: O \ • \66 111704 ��O Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT I�ESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with District Six Planning Couneil for 3 project coordination of Police Department issues at the East Consolidated weed and seed site. A copy 4 of said agreement is to be kept on �le and on record in the Of£ce of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav Adopted by Council: Date:'� �, � app� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � c7.. � �.... by Mayor: .�s B District6EconW eed&Seed.ci.01 G� Form • ved by�l2lty Attorney: By: . Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council: B !� _C�'A9i+�SI:ENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED ro�c�e z/s�ot GREEN SHEET No. 111704 ONTA PERS N PH INRVLL/DA INIiIAWATE WilliaIIlFinney 292-3588 1 oeanarxorroiaECrox 1�r(� 4 rrrcouna� ���_� M ,`' �l� � � �uiiATlORNEY .�I V �CLERK ��.J I� ❑FlWWC�pLSE(MCESDIR_ �FlNHNCW.SEfN/FGG�G �MAYpR�ORAS515�ANT)_ ❑HUNNHPoGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached councIl resolurion authorizing the St Paul Police Depazhnent to enter into an agreement, wbich includes an indemnif cation clause, with Dishict 5ix Planning Council for project coordinarion of Police Department issues at the East Consolidated weed and seed site. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of Rej@tt (R) PERSONAL SERNCE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOW�NG �UESTIONS: 1. H25 this person/frm ever woriced under a contract for this deparimenP� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this pereoNfrtn possess a skill rqt normally possessed by any curreM cily emploYee? YES NO 4. Is this personlfrm a targeted ventloR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Dishict Six Planning Council has funds available to reimburse the Saint Paul Police Department for services needed to improve police/community relarions at the East Consolidated weed & seed site. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Strengthened police/community relations in the East Consolidated azea. 1 I� V�� V �� FE� � � ���� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Lost opportnnity to partnership with Distdct Six Plannuig Council to improve the quality of life in the EasYConsolidated azea. � ���Lar��1 �9"��P � � EU. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 21,S4O.00 COSTiREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES FUNDING SOURCE DiSiriCY SLY P18IIIllllg C011T1C11 ACTIVIlY NUMBER OOI-041O0 FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXPLAIN District6F�on W eed&Seed-crA t � bl-t�� PROFESSIONAL S�RVICES AGREEI�IENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this first day of November, by and DISTRICT SIX PLFu�FNING COI3NCIL, located at 1061 Rice Street, Saint Paul, MI�' 55 t 17, hereina8er called "DISTRICT 6" and SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT whose address is 101 Easi 11�' Street, SainY Paul, MN 55101, hereinafter called "POLICE". R'iTNESSETH: Ia consideration of the mutuai terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, DISTRICT 6 and POLICE agree as follows: SECTION 1. Scoae of Serv+ces. The POLICE agree to provide project coordination of Police Department issues, and any related services, above and beyond the rewlar scope of duty, to tha East Consolidated Weed and Seed site, as recognized and defined in the grant awarded by the State of Minnesota. Such services shall include, but are not limited to; attendance at East Consolidated Weed and Seed Steerin� Committee meeting �vhenever possible; sufficient staff and/or overtime hours to increase POLICE presence, good :aith efforts toward strengthened police/community relations, and work totivard improved community quality of life, as permitted by funds allowed. POLICE will designate and notify the East Consolidated Steering Committee who will be responsible for managing the contract £or POLICE. This designee will update Coordinator monthly on the progress of the pro}ect operatians. The POLICE or the POLICE designee will be responsibie for formulating progress reports, �athering statis?ics for evaluations, and/or other information necessary to assess accompiishment of the scope of the project strategy as it pertains to the work of the POLICE, and/or as a condition of the grant award. SECTION 2. Time for Completion. The sen�ices rendered by the POLICE shatl commence on November 1, Z000 and be completed on October 31, 2001. The POL3CE sha11 consult with or report to the Weed and Seed Coordinator and/or members of±he Stee.ina Corimittee as needed to ensare forward progress ofthe Weed and Seed strategy. SECTTON 3. Chan�es in Scone of Services. The EAST CONSOLIDATED STEERING COMMITTEE or the POLICE may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the "Scope of Services". DISTRICT 6 must be informed in advance of such changes. SECTION 4. Biilings and Pavments. A. That for the faithful performance of the POLIGE to this AGREEMENT, DISTRICT 6 agrees to reimburse the POLICE up to $21,540 for personnel costs for services r • Ol-\`4 provided. Personnel costs may include salary at straight Yime or overtime and the cost of fringe benefits; but in no evenY may the hourly cost exceed �55/hour. POLICE will not bill over $5,385.00 in any billing period, billed quarterly. Compensation shall be in accardance with the Iine item budget as stated in exhibit A, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part ofthe contract. B. POLICE will expend funds in accordanca with E�ibit A and will submit a revised budget for approval if there is to be a deviation of more than IEi% in any line item. A(1 contracts aze dependent upon Weed and Seed funds, in the absence of Weed and Seed funds this contract is null and void. C. Payments shall be made by DISTRICT 6 promptiy after POLICE's presentation of invoices for services performed and acceptance of such services by DISTRICT 6's authorized representative. Invoices shall be submitted in a format and on a time schedule mutually agreed to by DISTRICT 6 and POLICE, but in no event, less frequently than quarterly. D. All services provided by POLICE shall be performed to the satisfaction of DISTRICT 6 as determine by the sole discretion of its Authorized Agent and in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and renulations. E. Payments made pursuant to this contract shall be used only for the actual ekpenses incurred in performing and accomplishing the purposes and activities described herein between the Time for Completion. No cost incuired prior to or aRer the end of the contract period will be compensated. SECTION 5. Discrimination Policv. At all times, the POLICE shall abide by Chapter 183 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in any personnel related policies. SECTION 6. Termination. Either party to this AGItEEMENT may terminate it by giving no less than thirty(3d) days written noTice, unless otherwise agreed by both parties, of the intent to terminate to the other party. In the event of termination, the POLICE shall be reimbursed by DISTRICT 6 for all services actually, timely, and faithfully rendered up to the receipt of the notice of termination and thereafter until the date of termination. SECTION 7. Indeyendent Contractor Status. It is agreed that nothin� herein contained is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners between the parties hereto or as constitutin� POLICE as an agent, representative or employee of DISTRICT 6 for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever. POLICE and its employees shall not be considered employees of DISTRICT 6, and any and all claims thaY may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the POLiCE employees while so enaa�ed, and any and ail claims whatsoever on behalf of POLICE employees arising out of employment shall in no way be the responsibility of DISTRICT 6. Except for the compensation provided in Section 4 of this AGREEMENT, POLICE employees shall not be entitied to any compensation or rights or benefits of any kind whatsoever from DISTRICT 6. Further, DISTRICT 6 shall in no way be responsible to defend, indemnify or save harmless POLICE from liability or judgments arising out of POLICE intentional o�- �b� or negligent acts or omissions of POLICE or its employees while performing act specified by this AGREEMENT. SECTIOAT 8. DISTRICT 6 Authorized Aaent DISTRICT 6's Authorized A�ent for the purpose of administration of this contract is its Executive Director. SECTION 9. Assi�nment POLICE shall neither assi�n nor transfer any rights or obIigations under this contract without prior written co..se;�t of�IST�ICT 6 SECTIOl� 10. Accounting and Retenfson of Books POLICE agrees that its books, records, documents and accountin� procedures and practices relevant to this contract shall be subject to examination by DISTRICT 6, the STATE's Authorized Agent and the State or Legislative Auditor for a minimum of six years. Records shall be sufficient to reflect ail costs incurred in performance of this contract. SECTTON 11. R Cp01'CS POLICE will advise DISTRICT 6 concerning the contract progress through the submission of reports as required by the Authorized Agent and the Executive Office of Weed and Seed. SECTION 12. Hirin� Policies POLICE certifies that it has appropriate hirine policies and screening procedures for employees and contractcrs that will be working directly with youth and other residents as part of the Weed and Seed strategy. SECTION 13. Indemnitv. Police agrees that it shail defend, indemnify and save harmiess DISTRICT 6 and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all cIaims, demands, suits, judgments, costs and expenses asserted by any person or persons including agents or employees of DISTRICT b or POLICE by reason of death or injury to person or persons or loss or damage to property arisin� out of, or by reason of, any negligent act, omission, operation or work of POLICE or its employees while engaged in the execution or performance of services under this AGREEMENT. On ten days written notice from DISTRICT 6, POLICE wiii appeaz and defend alt lawsuits agaiast DISTRiCT 6 growing out of such injuries or damages. SECTION 14. Amendment of Agreement. The AGREEMENT may be amended by further mutual written agreement of the parties thereto. DISTRICT 6 must be informed and consulted with, regardin� all amendments. SECTION 15. Contract Administration. In order to wordinate the services of the POLICE with the activities of the Weed and Seed initiative so as to accomplish the purposes of the contract, the �Veed and Seed Coordinator shall manage this contract on behalf of DISTRICT 6 and the East Consolidated Steering Committee, and serve as a liaison between DISTRICT 6 and POLICE. IN �VI�TNESS Wt�REOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement, the day and the year first above rvritten. o�-��� WILLIAM I{. RENEE ROFUTH, KATI�Y + District 6 Date: Executive Paul Chief of Police City Attoi`ney of Saint Paul _.rJ Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: O \ • \66 111704 ��O Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT I�ESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with District Six Planning Couneil for 3 project coordination of Police Department issues at the East Consolidated weed and seed site. A copy 4 of said agreement is to be kept on �le and on record in the Of£ce of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav Adopted by Council: Date:'� �, � app� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � c7.. � �.... by Mayor: .�s B District6EconW eed&Seed.ci.01 G� Form • ved by�l2lty Attorney: By: . Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council: B !� _C�'A9i+�SI:ENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED ro�c�e z/s�ot GREEN SHEET No. 111704 ONTA PERS N PH INRVLL/DA INIiIAWATE WilliaIIlFinney 292-3588 1 oeanarxorroiaECrox 1�r(� 4 rrrcouna� ���_� M ,`' �l� � � �uiiATlORNEY .�I V �CLERK ��.J I� ❑FlWWC�pLSE(MCESDIR_ �FlNHNCW.SEfN/FGG�G �MAYpR�ORAS515�ANT)_ ❑HUNNHPoGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached councIl resolurion authorizing the St Paul Police Depazhnent to enter into an agreement, wbich includes an indemnif cation clause, with Dishict 5ix Planning Council for project coordinarion of Police Department issues at the East Consolidated weed and seed site. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of Rej@tt (R) PERSONAL SERNCE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOW�NG �UESTIONS: 1. H25 this person/frm ever woriced under a contract for this deparimenP� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this pereoNfrtn possess a skill rqt normally possessed by any curreM cily emploYee? YES NO 4. Is this personlfrm a targeted ventloR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Dishict Six Planning Council has funds available to reimburse the Saint Paul Police Department for services needed to improve police/community relarions at the East Consolidated weed & seed site. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Strengthened police/community relations in the East Consolidated azea. 1 I� V�� V �� FE� � � ���� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Lost opportnnity to partnership with Distdct Six Plannuig Council to improve the quality of life in the EasYConsolidated azea. � ���Lar��1 �9"��P � � EU. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 21,S4O.00 COSTiREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES FUNDING SOURCE DiSiriCY SLY P18IIIllllg C011T1C11 ACTIVIlY NUMBER OOI-041O0 FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXPLAIN District6F�on W eed&Seed-crA t � bl-t�� PROFESSIONAL S�RVICES AGREEI�IENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this first day of November, by and DISTRICT SIX PLFu�FNING COI3NCIL, located at 1061 Rice Street, Saint Paul, MI�' 55 t 17, hereina8er called "DISTRICT 6" and SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT whose address is 101 Easi 11�' Street, SainY Paul, MN 55101, hereinafter called "POLICE". R'iTNESSETH: Ia consideration of the mutuai terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, DISTRICT 6 and POLICE agree as follows: SECTION 1. Scoae of Serv+ces. The POLICE agree to provide project coordination of Police Department issues, and any related services, above and beyond the rewlar scope of duty, to tha East Consolidated Weed and Seed site, as recognized and defined in the grant awarded by the State of Minnesota. Such services shall include, but are not limited to; attendance at East Consolidated Weed and Seed Steerin� Committee meeting �vhenever possible; sufficient staff and/or overtime hours to increase POLICE presence, good :aith efforts toward strengthened police/community relations, and work totivard improved community quality of life, as permitted by funds allowed. POLICE will designate and notify the East Consolidated Steering Committee who will be responsible for managing the contract £or POLICE. This designee will update Coordinator monthly on the progress of the pro}ect operatians. The POLICE or the POLICE designee will be responsibie for formulating progress reports, �athering statis?ics for evaluations, and/or other information necessary to assess accompiishment of the scope of the project strategy as it pertains to the work of the POLICE, and/or as a condition of the grant award. SECTION 2. Time for Completion. The sen�ices rendered by the POLICE shatl commence on November 1, Z000 and be completed on October 31, 2001. The POL3CE sha11 consult with or report to the Weed and Seed Coordinator and/or members of±he Stee.ina Corimittee as needed to ensare forward progress ofthe Weed and Seed strategy. SECTTON 3. Chan�es in Scone of Services. The EAST CONSOLIDATED STEERING COMMITTEE or the POLICE may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the "Scope of Services". DISTRICT 6 must be informed in advance of such changes. SECTION 4. Biilings and Pavments. A. That for the faithful performance of the POLIGE to this AGREEMENT, DISTRICT 6 agrees to reimburse the POLICE up to $21,540 for personnel costs for services r • Ol-\`4 provided. Personnel costs may include salary at straight Yime or overtime and the cost of fringe benefits; but in no evenY may the hourly cost exceed �55/hour. POLICE will not bill over $5,385.00 in any billing period, billed quarterly. Compensation shall be in accardance with the Iine item budget as stated in exhibit A, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part ofthe contract. B. POLICE will expend funds in accordanca with E�ibit A and will submit a revised budget for approval if there is to be a deviation of more than IEi% in any line item. A(1 contracts aze dependent upon Weed and Seed funds, in the absence of Weed and Seed funds this contract is null and void. C. Payments shall be made by DISTRICT 6 promptiy after POLICE's presentation of invoices for services performed and acceptance of such services by DISTRICT 6's authorized representative. Invoices shall be submitted in a format and on a time schedule mutually agreed to by DISTRICT 6 and POLICE, but in no event, less frequently than quarterly. D. All services provided by POLICE shall be performed to the satisfaction of DISTRICT 6 as determine by the sole discretion of its Authorized Agent and in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and renulations. E. Payments made pursuant to this contract shall be used only for the actual ekpenses incurred in performing and accomplishing the purposes and activities described herein between the Time for Completion. No cost incuired prior to or aRer the end of the contract period will be compensated. SECTION 5. Discrimination Policv. At all times, the POLICE shall abide by Chapter 183 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in any personnel related policies. SECTION 6. Termination. Either party to this AGItEEMENT may terminate it by giving no less than thirty(3d) days written noTice, unless otherwise agreed by both parties, of the intent to terminate to the other party. In the event of termination, the POLICE shall be reimbursed by DISTRICT 6 for all services actually, timely, and faithfully rendered up to the receipt of the notice of termination and thereafter until the date of termination. SECTION 7. Indeyendent Contractor Status. It is agreed that nothin� herein contained is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners between the parties hereto or as constitutin� POLICE as an agent, representative or employee of DISTRICT 6 for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever. POLICE and its employees shall not be considered employees of DISTRICT 6, and any and all claims thaY may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the POLiCE employees while so enaa�ed, and any and ail claims whatsoever on behalf of POLICE employees arising out of employment shall in no way be the responsibility of DISTRICT 6. Except for the compensation provided in Section 4 of this AGREEMENT, POLICE employees shall not be entitied to any compensation or rights or benefits of any kind whatsoever from DISTRICT 6. Further, DISTRICT 6 shall in no way be responsible to defend, indemnify or save harmless POLICE from liability or judgments arising out of POLICE intentional o�- �b� or negligent acts or omissions of POLICE or its employees while performing act specified by this AGREEMENT. SECTIOAT 8. DISTRICT 6 Authorized Aaent DISTRICT 6's Authorized A�ent for the purpose of administration of this contract is its Executive Director. SECTION 9. Assi�nment POLICE shall neither assi�n nor transfer any rights or obIigations under this contract without prior written co..se;�t of�IST�ICT 6 SECTIOl� 10. Accounting and Retenfson of Books POLICE agrees that its books, records, documents and accountin� procedures and practices relevant to this contract shall be subject to examination by DISTRICT 6, the STATE's Authorized Agent and the State or Legislative Auditor for a minimum of six years. Records shall be sufficient to reflect ail costs incurred in performance of this contract. SECTTON 11. R Cp01'CS POLICE will advise DISTRICT 6 concerning the contract progress through the submission of reports as required by the Authorized Agent and the Executive Office of Weed and Seed. SECTION 12. Hirin� Policies POLICE certifies that it has appropriate hirine policies and screening procedures for employees and contractcrs that will be working directly with youth and other residents as part of the Weed and Seed strategy. SECTION 13. Indemnitv. Police agrees that it shail defend, indemnify and save harmiess DISTRICT 6 and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all cIaims, demands, suits, judgments, costs and expenses asserted by any person or persons including agents or employees of DISTRICT b or POLICE by reason of death or injury to person or persons or loss or damage to property arisin� out of, or by reason of, any negligent act, omission, operation or work of POLICE or its employees while engaged in the execution or performance of services under this AGREEMENT. On ten days written notice from DISTRICT 6, POLICE wiii appeaz and defend alt lawsuits agaiast DISTRiCT 6 growing out of such injuries or damages. SECTION 14. Amendment of Agreement. The AGREEMENT may be amended by further mutual written agreement of the parties thereto. DISTRICT 6 must be informed and consulted with, regardin� all amendments. SECTION 15. Contract Administration. In order to wordinate the services of the POLICE with the activities of the Weed and Seed initiative so as to accomplish the purposes of the contract, the �Veed and Seed Coordinator shall manage this contract on behalf of DISTRICT 6 and the East Consolidated Steering Committee, and serve as a liaison between DISTRICT 6 and POLICE. IN �VI�TNESS Wt�REOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement, the day and the year first above rvritten. o�-��� WILLIAM I{. RENEE ROFUTH, KATI�Y + District 6 Date: Executive Paul Chief of Police City Attoi`ney of Saint Paul _.rJ Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: O \ • \66 111704 ��O Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT I�ESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with District Six Planning Couneil for 3 project coordination of Police Department issues at the East Consolidated weed and seed site. A copy 4 of said agreement is to be kept on �le and on record in the Of£ce of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Requested by Department of: Benanav Adopted by Council: Date:'� �, � app� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� � c7.. � �.... by Mayor: .�s B District6EconW eed&Seed.ci.01 G� Form • ved by�l2lty Attorney: By: . Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council: B !� _C�'A9i+�SI:ENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED ro�c�e z/s�ot GREEN SHEET No. 111704 ONTA PERS N PH INRVLL/DA INIiIAWATE WilliaIIlFinney 292-3588 1 oeanarxorroiaECrox 1�r(� 4 rrrcouna� ���_� M ,`' �l� � � �uiiATlORNEY .�I V �CLERK ��.J I� ❑FlWWC�pLSE(MCESDIR_ �FlNHNCW.SEfN/FGG�G �MAYpR�ORAS515�ANT)_ ❑HUNNHPoGMS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached councIl resolurion authorizing the St Paul Police Depazhnent to enter into an agreement, wbich includes an indemnif cation clause, with Dishict 5ix Planning Council for project coordinarion of Police Department issues at the East Consolidated weed and seed site. RECOMMENDATION AppfoVe (A) Of Rej@tt (R) PERSONAL SERNCE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOW�NG �UESTIONS: 1. H25 this person/frm ever woriced under a contract for this deparimenP� PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this pereoNfrtn possess a skill rqt normally possessed by any curreM cily emploYee? YES NO 4. Is this personlfrm a targeted ventloR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Dishict Six Planning Council has funds available to reimburse the Saint Paul Police Department for services needed to improve police/community relarions at the East Consolidated weed & seed site. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Strengthened police/community relations in the East Consolidated azea. 1 I� V�� V �� FE� � � ���� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Lost opportnnity to partnership with Distdct Six Plannuig Council to improve the quality of life in the EasYConsolidated azea. � ���Lar��1 �9"��P � � EU. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 21,S4O.00 COSTiREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES FUNDING SOURCE DiSiriCY SLY P18IIIllllg C011T1C11 ACTIVIlY NUMBER OOI-041O0 FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXPLAIN District6F�on W eed&Seed-crA t � bl-t�� PROFESSIONAL S�RVICES AGREEI�IENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this first day of November, by and DISTRICT SIX PLFu�FNING COI3NCIL, located at 1061 Rice Street, Saint Paul, MI�' 55 t 17, hereina8er called "DISTRICT 6" and SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT whose address is 101 Easi 11�' Street, SainY Paul, MN 55101, hereinafter called "POLICE". R'iTNESSETH: Ia consideration of the mutuai terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, DISTRICT 6 and POLICE agree as follows: SECTION 1. Scoae of Serv+ces. The POLICE agree to provide project coordination of Police Department issues, and any related services, above and beyond the rewlar scope of duty, to tha East Consolidated Weed and Seed site, as recognized and defined in the grant awarded by the State of Minnesota. Such services shall include, but are not limited to; attendance at East Consolidated Weed and Seed Steerin� Committee meeting �vhenever possible; sufficient staff and/or overtime hours to increase POLICE presence, good :aith efforts toward strengthened police/community relations, and work totivard improved community quality of life, as permitted by funds allowed. POLICE will designate and notify the East Consolidated Steering Committee who will be responsible for managing the contract £or POLICE. This designee will update Coordinator monthly on the progress of the pro}ect operatians. The POLICE or the POLICE designee will be responsibie for formulating progress reports, �athering statis?ics for evaluations, and/or other information necessary to assess accompiishment of the scope of the project strategy as it pertains to the work of the POLICE, and/or as a condition of the grant award. SECTION 2. Time for Completion. The sen�ices rendered by the POLICE shatl commence on November 1, Z000 and be completed on October 31, 2001. The POL3CE sha11 consult with or report to the Weed and Seed Coordinator and/or members of±he Stee.ina Corimittee as needed to ensare forward progress ofthe Weed and Seed strategy. SECTTON 3. Chan�es in Scone of Services. The EAST CONSOLIDATED STEERING COMMITTEE or the POLICE may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the "Scope of Services". DISTRICT 6 must be informed in advance of such changes. SECTION 4. Biilings and Pavments. A. That for the faithful performance of the POLIGE to this AGREEMENT, DISTRICT 6 agrees to reimburse the POLICE up to $21,540 for personnel costs for services r • Ol-\`4 provided. Personnel costs may include salary at straight Yime or overtime and the cost of fringe benefits; but in no evenY may the hourly cost exceed �55/hour. POLICE will not bill over $5,385.00 in any billing period, billed quarterly. Compensation shall be in accardance with the Iine item budget as stated in exhibit A, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made part ofthe contract. B. POLICE will expend funds in accordanca with E�ibit A and will submit a revised budget for approval if there is to be a deviation of more than IEi% in any line item. A(1 contracts aze dependent upon Weed and Seed funds, in the absence of Weed and Seed funds this contract is null and void. C. Payments shall be made by DISTRICT 6 promptiy after POLICE's presentation of invoices for services performed and acceptance of such services by DISTRICT 6's authorized representative. Invoices shall be submitted in a format and on a time schedule mutually agreed to by DISTRICT 6 and POLICE, but in no event, less frequently than quarterly. D. All services provided by POLICE shall be performed to the satisfaction of DISTRICT 6 as determine by the sole discretion of its Authorized Agent and in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and renulations. E. Payments made pursuant to this contract shall be used only for the actual ekpenses incurred in performing and accomplishing the purposes and activities described herein between the Time for Completion. No cost incuired prior to or aRer the end of the contract period will be compensated. SECTION 5. Discrimination Policv. At all times, the POLICE shall abide by Chapter 183 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in any personnel related policies. SECTION 6. Termination. Either party to this AGItEEMENT may terminate it by giving no less than thirty(3d) days written noTice, unless otherwise agreed by both parties, of the intent to terminate to the other party. In the event of termination, the POLICE shall be reimbursed by DISTRICT 6 for all services actually, timely, and faithfully rendered up to the receipt of the notice of termination and thereafter until the date of termination. SECTION 7. Indeyendent Contractor Status. It is agreed that nothin� herein contained is intended or should be construed in any manner as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners between the parties hereto or as constitutin� POLICE as an agent, representative or employee of DISTRICT 6 for any purpose or in any manner whatsoever. POLICE and its employees shall not be considered employees of DISTRICT 6, and any and all claims thaY may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of the POLiCE employees while so enaa�ed, and any and ail claims whatsoever on behalf of POLICE employees arising out of employment shall in no way be the responsibility of DISTRICT 6. Except for the compensation provided in Section 4 of this AGREEMENT, POLICE employees shall not be entitied to any compensation or rights or benefits of any kind whatsoever from DISTRICT 6. Further, DISTRICT 6 shall in no way be responsible to defend, indemnify or save harmless POLICE from liability or judgments arising out of POLICE intentional o�- �b� or negligent acts or omissions of POLICE or its employees while performing act specified by this AGREEMENT. SECTIOAT 8. DISTRICT 6 Authorized Aaent DISTRICT 6's Authorized A�ent for the purpose of administration of this contract is its Executive Director. SECTION 9. Assi�nment POLICE shall neither assi�n nor transfer any rights or obIigations under this contract without prior written co..se;�t of�IST�ICT 6 SECTIOl� 10. Accounting and Retenfson of Books POLICE agrees that its books, records, documents and accountin� procedures and practices relevant to this contract shall be subject to examination by DISTRICT 6, the STATE's Authorized Agent and the State or Legislative Auditor for a minimum of six years. Records shall be sufficient to reflect ail costs incurred in performance of this contract. SECTTON 11. R Cp01'CS POLICE will advise DISTRICT 6 concerning the contract progress through the submission of reports as required by the Authorized Agent and the Executive Office of Weed and Seed. SECTION 12. Hirin� Policies POLICE certifies that it has appropriate hirine policies and screening procedures for employees and contractcrs that will be working directly with youth and other residents as part of the Weed and Seed strategy. SECTION 13. Indemnitv. Police agrees that it shail defend, indemnify and save harmiess DISTRICT 6 and its officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all cIaims, demands, suits, judgments, costs and expenses asserted by any person or persons including agents or employees of DISTRICT b or POLICE by reason of death or injury to person or persons or loss or damage to property arisin� out of, or by reason of, any negligent act, omission, operation or work of POLICE or its employees while engaged in the execution or performance of services under this AGREEMENT. On ten days written notice from DISTRICT 6, POLICE wiii appeaz and defend alt lawsuits agaiast DISTRiCT 6 growing out of such injuries or damages. SECTION 14. Amendment of Agreement. The AGREEMENT may be amended by further mutual written agreement of the parties thereto. DISTRICT 6 must be informed and consulted with, regardin� all amendments. SECTION 15. Contract Administration. In order to wordinate the services of the POLICE with the activities of the Weed and Seed initiative so as to accomplish the purposes of the contract, the �Veed and Seed Coordinator shall manage this contract on behalf of DISTRICT 6 and the East Consolidated Steering Committee, and serve as a liaison between DISTRICT 6 and POLICE. IN �VI�TNESS Wt�REOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement, the day and the year first above rvritten. o�-��� WILLIAM I{. RENEE ROFUTH, KATI�Y + District 6 Date: Executive Paul Chief of Police City Attoi`ney of Saint Paul