271776 WHITE - CITV CLERK � ������ PINK - FINANCE G I TY �O F SA I NT PA U L Council . � - . CANARV - DEPARTME T � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Be it Resolved: That the City Council hereby approves the State Legislative Work Program for 1978-79 (copy attached) , which was approved by the City Council Legislation Committee September 5, 1978; Be it Further Resolved: That the City Council hereby approves the organization chart and staff responsibilities contained in the attached work program and direets city staff to follow the timeline which will result in adoption of _ the city's legislative program by November 15, 1978. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: u er ��r � Za [n Favor Hoisa nt HuM o ldler �� ✓ — Against BY yl ster �addaoc ede 5howalter �,� �Tedesco SfP 12 Form Ap ed by City tto y Adopte y Coun � . Date ` , C tified P� ed by .� Secretkry BY ` �. J�'EP � 8 19T$ Ap by Mayor for i to Co cil Appr v by 1Nayor: Dat By BY PUBLIS�f�� '��.� ��' ���� . �,''��_"�`'�� SAINT PAUL STATE LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM PROPOSED WORK PROGRAM FOR 1978-79 September 5, 1978 Organization and Staff Responsibilities City Council Mayor Legislation Committee P.esponsible for supervising lobbying efforts, taking positions on legislative issues and for providing overall direction to City staff. CITY STAFF Wellington - Overall coordination of issues, legislative contacts, and relations with other municipal lobbying groups. Coordinator of legislative activities by City staff. Connelly Members of legislative staff Cunningham team. �9eekly meetings to review Eckstein the status of the legislative . Neid program. Regular meetings with Scheibel Mayor and City Council Legislation Wellington (staff coordinator) Committee . ��eekly newsletter to Wright other City Council members and City staf f. Proposed Timeline for Saint Paul State Legislative Program 1) Developmental Phase July-August - identification of key issues, staff research, contacts with City staff 2) Meeting with City Council Legislation September 5 Committee for initial review of state legislative work program 3) Meeting with Ramsey County Delegations September I8 for review of State Aids issue 4) Weekly meetings with City Council September 20- Legislation Committee for review of October 20 specific legislative issues 5) Adoption of legislative program by November 1 Legislation Committee 6) Approval by City Council November 15 7) Meeting with Ramsey County, Saint Paul November 30 School Board, and City Council Legislation Committee for joint review of legislative proposals 8) r4eeting with Ramsey County Delegation December 15 to review the adopted City legislative program . , . LEGISLATIVE ISSUES 1) Local Government Aid/Tax Bill Lead staff: Wellington Other staff: Connelly, Eckstein Staff will focus efforts on revising the local government aid formula, increasing the amount of per capita aid, and potential revisions of levy limits„ sales ratio and assessment practices. 2) Tax Increment Financing/Reinvestment Fund Lead staff: Wellington Other staff: Pfoser, Hart, Wright Staff will work with the League of Cities/NAHRO task force members on amendments to tax increment financing statutes. Key issues will involve proposed limitations on the size of development districts, bond terms, relationship to fiscal disparities, and certifieation procedures. 3) Shade Tree Program Lead staff: Wright Other staff: Piram, Barr, Olson Primary attention will be directed toward ensuring that a sufficient appropriation is made for support of the shade tree program. 4) Tax Exempt Property Lead staff: Wright Other staff: Carlson, Gierymski Staff will focus efforts on legislation which would enable the City to receive reimbursement for City services provided to tax-exempt properties. 5) Folice and Fire Pensions Lead staff: Wellington Other staff: Norstrem, Carlson Primary attention will be directed toward the work of Representative Patton' s task force of the Legislative Retirement Commission, which is attempting to develop a plan to improve the fiscal status of local police and fire pension programs. Key issues will be the status of new members, employee contributions, vesting, and deficit financing. . t . ` ���.��� 6) Downtown People Mover Lead staff: ��lright Other staff: Schnarr, Neid, Blees Legislative efforts will be coordinated with the work of the DPM Steering Committee and DPM project staff. 7) Como Zoo Lead staff: Wright Other staff: Piram Efforts will be focused on securing state appropriations for the Metro Parks bill. 8) Steam Plant/Resource Recovery Facilities Lead staff: Wellington Other staff: Jefferson Initial attention will be devoted toward analysis of the proposal hy Hennepin County which would pro- vide the. Metro Council with positive districting powers for solid waste. 9) Other Potential Issues (unassigned) a. Gillette Hospital . b. Franchise Fee/Utility Rates c. Income tax deductability for owners of substandard apartments. d. Mandatory zetirement (change from 65 to 70) e. Human Rights Commission, court enforcement and judicial review. �. City Hall/Court House funding ratio g. Sales tax exemption for municipal contracts h. Public Housing Agency pensions i. Auto parking facilities assessment j . . Emergency hausing k. PELRA, collective bargaining 1. Mandated services, fiscal notes m. Community Health Services Act n. Tax limiting legislation � � � �;� CITY O�+ ►�.��IZ°7'T �AUL � , r' _�"'..^�-� i . � �' �'` 1-�}}� a � . � ' (j(.� OFFZ�� O� TIIF: CITY COIINCIL � J� e �� .��'.\ �,�., �.. . . � . � . . . .� � a () i l.ii� � �.� i � . . . � .. �i � ��`' Date : Sept. 6, 1978 ���,.;;_ -:.� C0 � (� I°�T � � � � PORi TO : Sain� Paul Cif� Council F R O M � C 0('rt i7i 1'��@� O Cl LEGISLATION Ron rtaddox , choifman, makes the fotlo�ing report on C.f. � Ordinance [� Resolution � � Ott�er 'i" �'�'LE ; Approval of Work Program for 1978-79 �eg3s�,ative Program Resolution approving work program for 1978-79 Legisl.ative Program as carried by unanimous vote at meeting: of September 5, 1978. � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MI�Ii�IESOTA 55102 ._�,'r J . . . . . . . . -ur� - c�r� c�e�,K Counci2 �,�. - F:NA�cE (jITY OF �AINT ��ALTL File N0. .+���AF?Y - UL?ARTMEr T _ ..t�E -- MAYOR /` . . ( . ' Council Resolution � �� 5 � ` ,� t p � ':'resented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Be it Resolved: That the City Council hereby approves the State Legislative Work Program for 1978-79 (copy attached� , which was approved by the City Council Legislation Committee September 5, 1978; Be it Further Resolved: That the City Council hereby approves the organization chart and staff respansibilities contained in the attached work program and directs city staff to follow the timeline which wi11 result in adoption of the city' s legislative program by Novembes 15, 1978. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form Ap ed by City tto y . :ldopted by Council: Date ^ � C'ertified P��ssed by Council Secretary � BY - — E3; — --- — Approved by btayor for Submission to Councit �lppro��ect by 1lavor: Date - By — — — By �....�..�..4 :. _ , ... . . . ... ,._,. .... ,...�...;, ..'.,., ...__�� �..,�_ ,.-...W�w4.� - . . _ ..., . ....�,._. , . .,..x.,.. .. _.,...,.... ....�.� ,. ... , ....r. -:..:... _...._.:. ,:. ,:.;.,. :v , ...�:,: - _ :, j � Ol: ��.�7;J `' � �V. S ': ��$�'� EXPLANATION OF ADMINTSTRATI�'E ORDERS, '��'� ��.4� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORI)INANCES . ; .,Taate: 8ept�1lber 6. 197$ �E �i. �:� �E � .- SEi 6 1978 � M+��p�,� � �'�0: MAYOR GEORGE LPiTIMER FRs Ron Maddou, Ghat�an, Lag3,s.1:st3;o� Com�tt�ti�. s RE: Ca�uei.t��e o�rt . ' � �� _ � .� ACTIODT RE4UESTED: �P�anes l�gie�.ativ.e proae�s. a�d time �.it�e mad . organizatlon c�►art. : PLTRPOSE_AND RATIDNALE FQR THTS ACTIQN: Le�Iat#.o� Camm3tt�s D�ci�;t�it�, �syor #a_ , att��ct�tt�e aud h3s sPProv�.. . ATTACHMENTSs Couaci7. �e�ution spp�ra��rl.ng +iPO� �rm�ram�