271775 WNITE — C�TY CLERK (�ww � PINK — FINANCE COUIICII f�� �� BLUERV — MAVORTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL File NO. ` �� �� n � u il Resolution Presented By � Referred To C mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon executf:on and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-000 , to: 1. Thomas J. Walsh, Sr. the sum of $48 .25 in full sett�ement of his claim of damages sustained on or about May 23, 1978, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on June 29 , 1978. 2. John Ankrom the sum of $355.92 in full settle- ment of his claim of damages sustained on or about July 28, 1978, as more particularly set out in a communication to the City Council on August 15, 1978. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __�__ Against BY — Maddox Showa Te co �EP � � ���� Form Approve y City Attor Adopte y Council� Date Ce �fied Pas• by Co ci relRary BY / � App v y iNavor: Date f� 5FP � 8 ��r$ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By �1dLi�t�E� ���' � � �y%� " � 4 '�'�>'+fi�±.. ��... :� ��.`� .o�a��u„n ���''���°`T' �'4L� CITY OF SAINT PAUL =AS6 ����. '; a', OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY :� u���utn ,; 'r "� ����� �� SUZANNE E. FLINSCH, GTY ATTORNEY ,,,s „_ ��'''��,,,,rt„b.cc.�' 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-5121 MAYOR 29 August 1978 M E M O R A N D U M CLAIMS AGAINST CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY THOMAS J. WALSH, SR. AND JOHN ANKROM Claimant, Thomas J. Walsh, Sr. , requests reimburs�nent for ex- penses incurred because of a sewer backup. Expenses are for the time it required to clean up his basement and articles damaged by the water. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Walsh's claim in the amount of $48 .25. Claimant, John Ankrom, was involved in an automobile accident with a City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works , vehicle on July 28, 1978. Expenses are for the repair of the damaged vehicle. This office approves the settlement of Mr. Ankrom's claim in the amount of $355.92 . ��