271749 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council . ��� ��Ig CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 169.14, Subdivision 5, of the Minnesota Motor Vehicle and Trafftc Laws, the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby requests the Comnissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation to determine the maximum safe speeds on the following st�eets or portions thereof: Western Avenue from Summit Avenue to Ramsey Street Irvine Avenue from Western Avenue to Walnut Street Wainut Street from Pleasant Avenue to Irvine Avenue and to authorize the City of St. Paul to revise the existing speed zones in accordance with the findings of the Cornmissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Depar ent of: ���j� Yeas Nays ^ � -�Bn�t1Cr � Publ ic Work ��� Traffic-RNR) Hozza [n Favor Hunt J Levine _ __ Against BY -- Maddox � Tedesco ��(� � � Form Approved b City ttorney Adopted by.Cc>c7nci� Date Ce�ed Pas- .d liy C ncil Sec�etary BY c::-----� r � sy � ' EP 1 3 �� AP ed by li9a , r for Su ' si to Council Flppro ed Mavor. Date By _ B PUBLISHEp SEP 1 6 1 $ . ' � or� c��.: :tz/z��s ': `. Rev. : 3/6�?b , ' EXPLAN[�TION OF ADMxNISTRATIVE ORBr.RS, RESOLUT:IQNS, ANU ORDINAVCES • ���'�g RECEIVED � Date: Au9ust 25, t978 � AUG 3 01978 1MAYOR'S � TQ; MAYOR G�'GrGE :.�AZ'IMER . FR• �rt H. Roettge�, City Traffic Englneer, Public Works D�pt. ,Trsffic Engineering. �: Speed lin�its on the followtng streets: • . Western Avenue fran Summit Avenue to Raa�sey� Street Irv1ne Avenue fran Western Avenue to Malnut St�eet Velnut Street fran Plea+sant Avenue to Irvine Avenue ACT�ON I2EQUy�TED: - City Cou�cil approval of Cou�cil Resolutton. F'URPOSE ;ND RP,TIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: City Co�mctl must ask the Caanissioner of .the Minnesota D�partment of Transportatton to determine the �axi�um ssfe speed. Present lia�it is 30 miles pe� hour. These atreets appear more tike alleys than �,nQr�al �esldential streets. Revie+v requested by the Departnient of Public Works. ATTACHME:7T�; Council Rasolution RHR:ced �