Connelly, Kelly 2014-Jun-11 02 49 PM Ally 972-537-3305 [�Cn��\��D 2/5 � �Cl� �1 �� l CrK�S 125q��' �7�5�? JUN 11 2014 c�� 3 z�6K�7 CITY CLERK NOTZCE OF CL.A,AVI FORM to the City o#Saint Paul,Minnesota M�nnwofn Srnte Sraiute 466,05 atarar fh�t"...every porson,..who clalm.r damagerJYnm ar�y municlpia►lry...ahall eause to bs present�d ro ihe govarni�p body nf Ihe munleJDallry wl�tn 180 doys t�Jhrr fh�ollaged loas or i�/�ry i�ditevvai�ed a noNce atae�rg Ihs rbns,p�ac�and clmemnances rhercof and rJ�e a►nounr ojeompen,tarlon or other rellefdenranded" Pleesc comploto thfs form in its aottroty by ctearly typing or printia6 yoar enswar to eseh questioo. It more epace is nceded�uttach ndditlonal she�ts. Plcasc notc that rou wW not be contacted 6y telephoho to clqtit�anawers�eo provide as mucb informatioa as necesssry to explain your clatm�and ths amount of cotnpeasadon'being requ�ted. You w�lil reee{ve a writte�acknowledgornont oncc your torm is recefred. The proc�e can take up to ten weeka or lo�er depending on tho nature of yonr daim, Thls form must be aiened,and both p�es complelcd. If sotnething docs not ppply,wtite'N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND QT�R DOCYfi�NT$ TO: CY'Y"Y CLERK, 7,5 WEST�LLOGG BLVD,310 C�TY HALL,SAIN'�'PAYJY�,IVYN 55X02 Firsc Nam�o 1�L-� ,_._, Middle Ynitiel � I,asc Name L. n�� Companyo�Busittas Name �'�F�/'y��c�.��.. Are You an Insurance Company? Yas��If Yes,Claim Nu ber? Sueet Address �11 L.�`z�. ��s� p�` -_�.',� l'..� ��...�� �t—..C�L.� City ���y�J�=\\� State "'r}C 2ip Code �SJ6� Duypme Phone� 7�,� 3DSoCe11 Phone(_� Evening Talephone(_,,,� Date of Accidend injury or Dace Discovered ��) 'I�me acr►�pm Pleasa state,in detail,whot occurred(happened),and why you are submitdng a claim.Plesse lndlcatc hy h w you feel che City of Saint Paul or ics em loyees are involved aod/ r res nsible for yo r damages.�� � s�� "� , � ! t . � � � w � � : s � �,r s 'f. , / pr�•r` . M c.or. ►^'� � �h �`'� °�c tf� � �`'�. euse check the box(es)that masc closely ropresent the reason for comple ng orm: ❑My vebicle was damaged in an accident []My vehicle was damaged during e�ow �My�ehlcle was dAmaged by u pothola�or cond�tioa of the stceet O My vehicle was damaged by a plow I7 My vehicle wa9 wtongfully towed and/or ticketed C]I was injured on City propeYty ❑Other type of propercy damuge—please specify �Olher type of injury—plcase speclfy Ia order to proeess your claizn you need ta include cooies of all snali�c. ble doeuments. For the clsims types listed below,please be surc to inc]uda the documents Indicatod or it will delay thu handling of your claim. Documents WII.L NOT be ruumed und become the property of ihe Clry. Yau are encouraged to keep a copy fo�youresolf beforo submitting your claim Porm. O Property damage claims to s vehicle:two est�ma�es for the repairs to your vehicle if th�damage excoeds $500.00;or che actual bills andlor cecelpts Por the repairs O Towing claims: leglblc coptes of apy ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot teceipt O Other propeny damage cluims:two repair estimates if the damaEo exceeds$500.00;or the actual bills and/or rccelpts for the repnirs;dewiled list of damaged items O Injury claims:medical bills,rec�ipts O Phoeographs are always welcome to dxument and suppon your claim but will not be recumed. Page 1 oP 2—Please complete and return Doth�ages of Ciaim Form 2014-Jun-11 02:49 PM Ally 972-537-3305 3!5 FaSlure to complete anKl return b�th pages wfll result in dela�in the handling ol your claim. A11 Clalms�ulease cpmtilata this sectlqA Were thete witnesses to the 1nC�dent7 Yos I�jo, Unlmown (circle) Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbsrs: l�/� Were tho police or law onforetrnenc called? Yes l�To Unl�own (clrcle) It yes,what departmenc or agency7 /U/Qt Casa#or repon# Where did the nccident or Iqjury tskc plac4? Ptovide etreet addtess,crose etreet,intvrsection,n c of park or fecillty� closes�i�ndmark,ecc. Please be as detailod as possible. If necessary,attach a d9agam. �1 I Plcase indicate tho ount you ar�aecking'n mpcasadon or what you would like t6e Ci to do to resolve chls la�m tn your sqtisfaccion, S� M o,f` � � Ve�}iele Claims�oleas�eQmulete this sec�lon �check box if this section doee not aovlv Your Vehicle: Yeaz Make Model License P1ate Number State Color Reglstered Owner Driver of Vehiclo Area Damaged City Vehiele: Year Maka Model License Plate Number Stele Color Drivor of Vehlclo(City Bmployee's Name) Area Damnged Iniurv Claims „QLase comalete ihis secj�Qn ❑check box��'this�ti�n does not apply How werc you ir�jured? What part(s)of your body wcre i�f ured? Cieve you sought medical lreutment? Yes No Planniag to Seek Treatment(cizele) When did you receive treacmo�tT (provide datc(s)) Name of Medical Ptovider(s): Address Telaphone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you mis�work? (provido date(S)) Name of your Bmploy�r: Addross Telephone ❑ Check here If you sra attaching more pages to this ciaim form. Number of eddtdonal pages By signtng this fo►tin,you are staling that all tnforntaKon you iucve provided is true m�d correct to the best of your knowledge. Unstgned forms w�A�ot be proeessed. SubmttAtng a false clalm carc resuCt in proseculion. Date tor,n was completed�le��K.�_ P�iat the Name oe the rcrson wbo Completed thSs Form: � �� ,►/ �,�,�r� Signature of Person Mekin�the G7aim: � / Revlsod�e0niary 2011 2014-Jun-11 02:49 PM Ally 972-537-3305 4/5 ��L�• t'f(,C��� �%a'27 \���,��uur�hii,G �Q�Q�(1� � � Wisconsin Deparhnent of Trat�sportation � � = www.dot.w�w�an 9ov !��/�/ „`��� T965 S/l003 DIV1810N OF MOTpR VEFIICI.R�a 1111111 Flle� 781221 RI36 Januery 30,2014 RfSEARCH�INFORMATION PO BOX 8070 MqDISOfV WI 63708�8070 ALLY FINANCIAL M��� JACQUErTA WAIKER RHO1sTRAT10p N F E T�RUSr 10946 MCCORNICK RD COCKEYSVILLE MD 21030 RE 2004 GMC ID#- 1�KES12S9�t81y8517 Endosed is the veh[de record informatlon you 2quastad. The fee for Bw vah�cle record intonriatlon you requestad Is kss than I�e amount you pald You wdl rooenre a refund of 50.75 In epproximetely onQ month. Imagea ar�retained for 5 years frvm the date�canned and ere available back Do Ol•90 2009. The ea�Uest ttttlt��ecotd for the 2004 GMC is dated Q6-28 2004, (mages for thl�t�ile number hwe�Desn purged Ple�se prov�de a deytime phone number for Queatlons regatdinp ybur appllcgtbn;L,,,,,,),_,_„ It you heve any ques�ons,call(8G8)21�36�1469.rde�►horne ars snsw�ered between a;30 AM and 4:30 PM. 'fhank you. 9UREAU OF VEHICL�SERVICES 2014-Jun-11 02:49 PM Ally 972-537-3305 5/5 � ���-I - �l Ul.k► 3�Sti� . ��gGONS�N _ �� Wiscansin Departmerrt af Transpo�tatlon � www.c�o1 unimnlin gov 1. D�n 61on Ot Motor Veh�cies O�� 49D2 9hCb0ypen Ave. Mad�son.W153707 Thie vehlcte record was croeted on 01-30-2014 pt 08:40:13 AM,The mformellon ls current es of thls date and qme, Veh(cle Details Ths vohiclo tQ a mod�l yoar 2004 OMC ENVOY XUV VIN:10KE812S&10178617.71�e most rece�t color on O�e Is RED.It Is kept In the City of OAK CREEK In the oounty vf MIIWAUKEE.IMs00T shpwe lhe tn�ck currenUy has a VAl.fO 9t3tus. Other vehlcle details. Fuol Type:Ge� Styla�5PORTUTILITY Orosg Welght Retln�:B4OD1.10,000 Odvrneter Detaifs The last odometer reading on flle is 8 MI racorded on 06-2b-2004,this we9 an aoNel readinp, Title Details The Tldollmage numbar Is 04147K�0086.The appl(cadon Was rocefvod on 05�26-2Q04 and Nros processed on 05-28- 2004.Thls dlle Is the currerK tlUe for thls vehlde Gt YYlsconetn.(Please note tfiat ft fa possible that the vehlcle was�fn enolher ateta and that atete hes not yet reportod the VYiseensin tlfte as csnceNed.) Customers Nan�e Ro!• Ad VENNEAAANN TIMOYIiY A Primsry Owner 4109 S 7ROY AV�SAINT FRANCI8,WI 63296 MIL F� Lions O�dlis ALLY FINANCIAL AcMdqr:LISTEO PO 80X:8123 LEst Date:Ofr26-2004 CQCK Y E MD 2103 Registratlon Detaits The reglssttratlon is for reglat�allon lype AU7,Ilcense pleta rype AU'I',plete number�92CLE.The RogisG�tloaAmage number is R0174T5460016.Rag�slraUon e�gible for renewel,tl►e RRN number is 9725+1994221.The appllcallon toc rcplstratlon waa recetved on O6-2s•Z010 snd Is ourrenty effacWe/roM 06-01-2010 untlt 05-51-2011,The produc�hea en �em����ot os�o�-zo�o.The regisdstlon stetus is VAUD. cuatam.w ame I 04►es� VENNEMAIVN YIMOTHY A Pdmary Ownor �108W5 TRO�AVE SAINT FRANCI3,WI 53235 Inspecttcn Malrnenance Detail� Vehicle ie subJed to IM 7�adng. 2014-Jun-11 02:49 PM Ally 972-537-3305 1/5 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Sandra Bodensteiner Company: �� , Z.6 G��5..7`r Phone: 1 Fax: From: K. Connelly Company: Ally Financial Phone: 972-537-3050 Fax: Date: 6/11/14 Pages including thie cover page: Comments: ; � � The infornration contained!n!h!s facsJmile mosaage Is prfvtleged asd confidan�ia!1rtJ'or►na�Jon imended only or�he use of�he/ndh�ldual ot entlty na�ned above. �'the reader of�hls messa,ge!s not rhe Intended recipien�, you are hereby nol�ad that prry dissemrnalion,dislrlbuflon or copy/ng of rhls communJcA!!on is strictly prahibited. jf you have recelved thls commun�cat�nn in error,pleose/mmedia�ely notrfy ur by telephonQ ct ih¢ o6ove nwnber. Thank you....,..Ally Financial. r�xcovn�puel