01-157_�� ' � Retu�rn copy to: jao Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Council Fite # � � —t5 � Green Sheet # � �so RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul Final Ordered Council Resolution #00-324, dated 2 Apri15"', 2000, the condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for street purposes and a 3 temporary construction easement, said easements aze to complete the widening of Maryland Avenue 4 East at Arcade Street. The easement azea is on, over, under and across property shown on the map on 5 File with the Depar[ment of Technology & Management Services, Real Estate Division, Room 140 City 6 Hall, a copy of which is attached hereto; and 7 8 WHEREAS, one of the properties affected by this condemnation is located at 1198 Arcade Street, 9 Ramsey County Property Identification numbers 28-29-22-22-0096 and 28-29-22-22-0097 ; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul will hold a heazing on Wednesday, February 7"' 12 2001, under Council File #00-1193 for the purpose of ratifying the awazd of damages and confirming the 13 condemnation of said easements, the awazd of damages for the condemnation of easements on the 14 property at 1198 Arcade Street is $28,000 , property owner being Sinclair Marketing of Minnesota, Inc. 15 for said 1198 Arcade Street; and 16 17 WHEREAS, as a matter of public necessity, the widening Maryland Avenue East needs to commence 18 as planned so as to avoid cosdy delays and major traffic concems; and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, in order to proceed with said construction as planned, it is necessary for the City of Saint Paul to have its property rights in place immediately and unencumbered; so THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by this resolution, hereby authorizes the proper City officials to deposit with the Clerk of District Court the amount of $28,000 , which represents the deternunation of award to the above nasned property owner for the above mentioned condemnation Fina1 Ordered in said Council Resolution #00-324; � . O1-157 a !� 6 7 8 9 10 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon deposit of said amount into District Court and the passage of the necessary property rights to the City, as directed by the court, the proper City officiais aze hereby directed to commence with plans to widen Maryland Avenue East at Arcade Street . Requested by Department of: Adoptic�t Certified by Council Sec By: ��',��� �+. Approved by Mayor: Date /� �� By: � Technoloev & Management Services By: � ������ GZ%�L— �`�N" Directo Form Approved by City Attorney BY . � L✓. �✓�t--� Z(F� u( �Q•y e+.u• ..�..t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B : , Adopted by Council: Date ��.��{.� a"1. O � � ic' `' - ' O\—\$ L �T_M.S�.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green S eet Number: I11850 2 EPARTMENT DIRE O 4 CITY COUNCIL ntaM °erson and Phone Num6er: 1 ITYA1TORtlEY 1'CYCLERK Peter White / Juan Ortiz 266-8850 QpG� DRtECIOR 5 � L FSTATE 140 CH 3 YOR(ORASSLSfANi) ust be on Consent A enda by: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQLTEST'ED: pprove the deposit of easement damages into Ramsey County District Court - The appeal of Sinclair arketing of Minnesota, Inc. concerning the amount of damages. COMSIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE.TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE COV'I'RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persodf rm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLA�iNL�'G COMlI15510�t , A S{'app . Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crva ssRnce co�n+�sswu . Does this persodtirm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO curren[ City employee? C�s CoMhiP�'PEe - E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. COUNCIL WARD(S) 6 DISTRICT PLANMNG COUNCIL HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITP (�Vho, What, �Vhen, �Vhere, �Vhy?): inclair Gas is chalienging the amount of damages concerning an easement being taken by the City to widen aryland Avenue East at Arcade. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: We can put the easement in place by requesting the court give us the needed property rights. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: We will have to come to some resolve concerning the award of damages. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This will be a major delay in completing the widening of Maryland and could cause more traffic concerns hen other major streets are closed for reconstruction. OTAL AMOUNI' OF 1'RANSACTION: ,,��� O�Q COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE 0[YE) YFS NO UNDI�i'GSOURCE: �2D�EGT ���(� A�T�TYn'UMBER: � INANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � PERMANENTROW � 10 11i 12 (�sa) I (tsg) I (, o> 6'SLOPE/CONSTRUCl10N EASENENT 14 (t6i) 15 I16 (762) (763) 17 �8 � �6 17 16S) � (93) I 60' � 40' 4 I ' _40� 40' 40' 40� 40� 40' 42� � 40' 40' J M M � 135' 171' � � 120 9 � � _ ' . ' -- - - - - 30' -•- - ' -�a-=- =--- --- -- - - - - - -------- I 4p' 4d�-- - - -- ------------ ---- --------- --------- ----�---- I � L --- 6' 6'_ �(�) � � g g 7 6 5 4 3 2 °1 � o N15 14 N � N � W ( ( (�) (6) ( (4) � � `�' C.� 0 (2) � I Q i� A � . o � � OA F � ° � " 17 Description for Right of Way Easements on Maryland Avenue East. An easement for road purposes over, under and across I.ots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8, Block 13, Oalc Ville Pazk in the City of Saint Paut, Minnesota and as recorded in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder, lying northerly of the fotlowing described line: Beginnin� at a poin[ on the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 9.00 fec[ south of [he north line of said Block 13, measured at a right angle to said north line; thence westedy parallel to the north line of said Block 13 to a point on the west line of the east 9.00 feet of Lot 5, a distance of 9.00 fee[ south of the north line said Block 13; thence westerly to a point on thc north linc of said Lo[ 8, Block 13, a distancc of 24.00 fcct wcst of thc northeast comer of said Lot 8, and there terminating. TOGETHER WiTH An easement for road purposes over, under and across L.ots 9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15, Block 1, Eastviile Heights in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota and as recorded in [he office of [he Ramsey County Recorder, lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 15, a distance of 9.00 feet south of the north line of said Block 1, as measured at a rioht angle to said north line; thcnce easterly parallel with said north line of Block 1 to a point on the east line af said Lot 13, a distance of 9.00 feet south of said north line of Block 1; thence easterly to a point on the not[h line of said Lo[ 9, a distance of 20.00 feet east of the northwest corner of said Lot 9, and there terminating. g ^ �16 °' N (98' N � �� PREPMED er STREET EtiGiNEERiNC MARYLAND : � 20 I 21 I22 I 23 I 24 � � �� 40' � 40� � 40" I�� I 4 U �RY AVE. ! —�ao' I �/ I l - - - - --------- $ ---- --�� ----�-- --------- - �— - , 13 I12 11 �10 � g � � � � 40' 25 I26 I � �g$) 40' 27 � 28 I 29 I30 N 2 I (,00> (�o,> (�oz> � 40' 40' 40 �u `�� '*" ""' g 7 6 5 4 3 2 � �°Z) � � (139)� i.92' � a.s8'I ih M 3.42' 60' 40' .� F-� 1 Q Q N i � � n � Z � W � 1 � 1 _ . � 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 � �� r I �� ' (99) ��oo) (�oi) (ioz) (�os) (io4) (ios) (�oa) (io�) (�oa) (iez} � !/ �� REVISED 4/25/00 MARYLAND AVE. urFinF ST_ Tn MENDOTA �ON fOR TeE p�Y 0� ST. PAOL, OEPARTUENi OF GU6LiC wurc¢a TE. c�HANNELIZATION �ao�cr: 00—P-1204 "�"'�" PROJECT NUMBER: �' MARY—ARCADE.DWG C�ART_R: � Z NA1AE: )NL. N0. � 4�r7 DATE: `t/2� /�� SHEET f�0. 5 OG 6 5'i=E _�� ' � Retu�rn copy to: jao Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Council Fite # � � —t5 � Green Sheet # � �so RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul Final Ordered Council Resolution #00-324, dated 2 Apri15"', 2000, the condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for street purposes and a 3 temporary construction easement, said easements aze to complete the widening of Maryland Avenue 4 East at Arcade Street. The easement azea is on, over, under and across property shown on the map on 5 File with the Depar[ment of Technology & Management Services, Real Estate Division, Room 140 City 6 Hall, a copy of which is attached hereto; and 7 8 WHEREAS, one of the properties affected by this condemnation is located at 1198 Arcade Street, 9 Ramsey County Property Identification numbers 28-29-22-22-0096 and 28-29-22-22-0097 ; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul will hold a heazing on Wednesday, February 7"' 12 2001, under Council File #00-1193 for the purpose of ratifying the awazd of damages and confirming the 13 condemnation of said easements, the awazd of damages for the condemnation of easements on the 14 property at 1198 Arcade Street is $28,000 , property owner being Sinclair Marketing of Minnesota, Inc. 15 for said 1198 Arcade Street; and 16 17 WHEREAS, as a matter of public necessity, the widening Maryland Avenue East needs to commence 18 as planned so as to avoid cosdy delays and major traffic concems; and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, in order to proceed with said construction as planned, it is necessary for the City of Saint Paul to have its property rights in place immediately and unencumbered; so THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by this resolution, hereby authorizes the proper City officials to deposit with the Clerk of District Court the amount of $28,000 , which represents the deternunation of award to the above nasned property owner for the above mentioned condemnation Fina1 Ordered in said Council Resolution #00-324; � . O1-157 a !� 6 7 8 9 10 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon deposit of said amount into District Court and the passage of the necessary property rights to the City, as directed by the court, the proper City officiais aze hereby directed to commence with plans to widen Maryland Avenue East at Arcade Street . Requested by Department of: Adoptic�t Certified by Council Sec By: ��',��� �+. Approved by Mayor: Date � /� �� By: � Technoloev & Management Services By: � ������ GZ%�L— �`�N" Directo Form Approved by City Attorney BY . � L✓. �✓�t--� Z(F� u( �Q•y e+.u• ..�..t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B : , Adopted by Council: Date ��.��{.� a"1. O � � ic' `' - ' O\—\$ L �T_M.S�.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green S eet Number: I11850 2 EPARTMENT DIRE O 4 CITY COUNCIL ntaM °erson and Phone Num6er: 1 ITYA1TORtlEY 1'CYCLERK Peter White / Juan Ortiz 266-8850 QpG� DRtECIOR 5 � L FSTATE 140 CH 3 YOR(ORASSLSfANi) ust be on Consent A enda by: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQLTEST'ED: pprove the deposit of easement damages into Ramsey County District Court - The appeal of Sinclair arketing of Minnesota, Inc. concerning the amount of damages. COMSIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE.TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE COV'I'RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persodf rm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLA�iNL�'G COMlI15510�t , A S{'app . Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crva ssRnce co�n+�sswu . Does this persodtirm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO curren[ City employee? C�s CoMhiP�'PEe - E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. COUNCIL WARD(S) 6 DISTRICT PLANMNG COUNCIL HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITP (�Vho, What, �Vhen, �Vhere, �Vhy?): inclair Gas is chalienging the amount of damages concerning an easement being taken by the City to widen aryland Avenue East at Arcade. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: We can put the easement in place by requesting the court give us the needed property rights. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: We will have to come to some resolve concerning the award of damages. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This will be a major delay in completing the widening of Maryland and could cause more traffic concerns hen other major streets are closed for reconstruction. OTAL AMOUNI' OF 1'RANSACTION: ,,��� O�Q COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE 0[YE) YFS NO UNDI�i'GSOURCE: �2D�EGT ���(� A�T�TYn'UMBER: � INANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � PERMANENTROW � 10 11i 12 (�sa) I (tsg) I (, o> 6'SLOPE/CONSTRUCl10N EASENENT 14 (t6i) 15 I16 (762) (763) 17 �8 � �6 17 16S) � (93) I 60' � 40' 4 I ' _40� 40' 40' 40� 40� 40' 42� � 40' 40' J M M � 135' 171' � � 120 9 � � _ ' . ' -- - - - - 30' -•- - ' -�a-=- =--- --- -- - - - - - -------- I 4p' 4d�-- - - -- ------------ ---- --------- --------- ----�---- I � L --- 6' 6'_ �(�) � � g g 7 6 5 4 3 2 °1 � o N15 14 N � N � W ( ( (�) (6) ( (4) � � `�' C.� 0 (2) � I Q i� A � . o � � OA F � ° � " 17 Description for Right of Way Easements on Maryland Avenue East. An easement for road purposes over, under and across I.ots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8, Block 13, Oalc Ville Pazk in the City of Saint Paut, Minnesota and as recorded in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder, lying northerly of the fotlowing described line: Beginnin� at a poin[ on the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 9.00 fec[ south of [he north line of said Block 13, measured at a right angle to said north line; thence westedy parallel to the north line of said Block 13 to a point on the west line of the east 9.00 feet of Lot 5, a distance of 9.00 fee[ south of the north line said Block 13; thence westerly to a point on thc north linc of said Lo[ 8, Block 13, a distancc of 24.00 fcct wcst of thc northeast comer of said Lot 8, and there terminating. TOGETHER WiTH An easement for road purposes over, under and across L.ots 9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15, Block 1, Eastviile Heights in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota and as recorded in [he office of [he Ramsey County Recorder, lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 15, a distance of 9.00 feet south of the north line of said Block 1, as measured at a rioht angle to said north line; thcnce easterly parallel with said north line of Block 1 to a point on the east line af said Lot 13, a distance of 9.00 feet south of said north line of Block 1; thence easterly to a point on the not[h line of said Lo[ 9, a distance of 20.00 feet east of the northwest corner of said Lot 9, and there terminating. g ^ �16 °' N (98' N � �� PREPMED er STREET EtiGiNEERiNC MARYLAND : � 20 I 21 I22 I 23 I 24 � � �� 40' � 40� � 40" I�� I 4 U �RY AVE. ! —�ao' I �/ I l - - - - --------- $ ---- --�� ----�-- --------- - �— - , 13 I12 11 �10 � g � � � � 40' 25 I26 I � �g$) 40' 27 � 28 I 29 I30 N 2 I (,00> (�o,> (�oz> � 40' 40' 40 �u `�� '*" ""' g 7 6 5 4 3 2 � �°Z) � � (139)� i.92' � a.s8'I ih M 3.42' 60' 40' .� F-� 1 Q Q N i � � n � Z � W � 1 � 1 _ . � 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 � �� r I �� ' (99) ��oo) (�oi) (ioz) (�os) (io4) (ios) (�oa) (io�) (�oa) (iez} � !/ �� REVISED 4/25/00 MARYLAND AVE. urFinF ST_ Tn MENDOTA �ON fOR TeE p�Y 0� ST. PAOL, OEPARTUENi OF GU6LiC wurc¢a TE. c�HANNELIZATION �ao�cr: 00—P-1204 "�"'�" PROJECT NUMBER: �' MARY—ARCADE.DWG C�ART_R: � Z NA1AE: )NL. N0. � 4�r7 DATE: `t/2� /�� SHEET f�0. 5 OG 6 5'i=E _�� ' � Retu�rn copy to: jao Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Council Fite # � � —t5 � Green Sheet # � �so RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul Final Ordered Council Resolution #00-324, dated 2 Apri15"', 2000, the condemnation and taking of a permanent easement for street purposes and a 3 temporary construction easement, said easements aze to complete the widening of Maryland Avenue 4 East at Arcade Street. The easement azea is on, over, under and across property shown on the map on 5 File with the Depar[ment of Technology & Management Services, Real Estate Division, Room 140 City 6 Hall, a copy of which is attached hereto; and 7 8 WHEREAS, one of the properties affected by this condemnation is located at 1198 Arcade Street, 9 Ramsey County Property Identification numbers 28-29-22-22-0096 and 28-29-22-22-0097 ; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul will hold a heazing on Wednesday, February 7"' 12 2001, under Council File #00-1193 for the purpose of ratifying the awazd of damages and confirming the 13 condemnation of said easements, the awazd of damages for the condemnation of easements on the 14 property at 1198 Arcade Street is $28,000 , property owner being Sinclair Marketing of Minnesota, Inc. 15 for said 1198 Arcade Street; and 16 17 WHEREAS, as a matter of public necessity, the widening Maryland Avenue East needs to commence 18 as planned so as to avoid cosdy delays and major traffic concems; and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, in order to proceed with said construction as planned, it is necessary for the City of Saint Paul to have its property rights in place immediately and unencumbered; so THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by this resolution, hereby authorizes the proper City officials to deposit with the Clerk of District Court the amount of $28,000 , which represents the deternunation of award to the above nasned property owner for the above mentioned condemnation Fina1 Ordered in said Council Resolution #00-324; � . O1-157 a !� 6 7 8 9 10 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon deposit of said amount into District Court and the passage of the necessary property rights to the City, as directed by the court, the proper City officiais aze hereby directed to commence with plans to widen Maryland Avenue East at Arcade Street . Requested by Department of: Adoptic�t Certified by Council Sec By: ��',��� �+. Approved by Mayor: Date � /� �� By: � Technoloev & Management Services By: � ������ GZ%�L— �`�N" Directo Form Approved by City Attorney BY . � L✓. �✓�t--� Z(F� u( �Q•y e+.u• ..�..t Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B : , Adopted by Council: Date ��.��{.� a"1. O � � ic' `' - ' O\—\$ L �T_M.S�.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green S eet Number: I11850 2 EPARTMENT DIRE O 4 CITY COUNCIL ntaM °erson and Phone Num6er: 1 ITYA1TORtlEY 1'CYCLERK Peter White / Juan Ortiz 266-8850 QpG� DRtECIOR 5 � L FSTATE 140 CH 3 YOR(ORASSLSfANi) ust be on Consent A enda by: OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQLTEST'ED: pprove the deposit of easement damages into Ramsey County District Court - The appeal of Sinclair arketing of Minnesota, Inc. concerning the amount of damages. COMSIENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE.TECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE COV'I'RACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the persodf rm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLA�iNL�'G COMlI15510�t , A S{'app . Has this persodfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO crva ssRnce co�n+�sswu . Does this persodtirm possess a sldll not normally possessed by any YES NO curren[ City employee? C�s CoMhiP�'PEe - E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. COUNCIL WARD(S) 6 DISTRICT PLANMNG COUNCIL HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITP (�Vho, What, �Vhen, �Vhere, �Vhy?): inclair Gas is chalienging the amount of damages concerning an easement being taken by the City to widen aryland Avenue East at Arcade. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: We can put the easement in place by requesting the court give us the needed property rights. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: We will have to come to some resolve concerning the award of damages. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This will be a major delay in completing the widening of Maryland and could cause more traffic concerns hen other major streets are closed for reconstruction. OTAL AMOUNI' OF 1'RANSACTION: ,,��� O�Q COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE 0[YE) YFS NO UNDI�i'GSOURCE: �2D�EGT ���(� A�T�TYn'UMBER: � INANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � � PERMANENTROW � 10 11i 12 (�sa) I (tsg) I (, o> 6'SLOPE/CONSTRUCl10N EASENENT 14 (t6i) 15 I16 (762) (763) 17 �8 � �6 17 16S) � (93) I 60' � 40' 4 I ' _40� 40' 40' 40� 40� 40' 42� � 40' 40' J M M � 135' 171' � � 120 9 � � _ ' . ' -- - - - - 30' -•- - ' -�a-=- =--- --- -- - - - - - -------- I 4p' 4d�-- - - -- ------------ ---- --------- --------- ----�---- I � L --- 6' 6'_ �(�) � � g g 7 6 5 4 3 2 °1 � o N15 14 N � N � W ( ( (�) (6) ( (4) � � `�' C.� 0 (2) � I Q i� A � . o � � OA F � ° � " 17 Description for Right of Way Easements on Maryland Avenue East. An easement for road purposes over, under and across I.ots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8, Block 13, Oalc Ville Pazk in the City of Saint Paut, Minnesota and as recorded in the office of the Ramsey County Recorder, lying northerly of the fotlowing described line: Beginnin� at a poin[ on the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 9.00 fec[ south of [he north line of said Block 13, measured at a right angle to said north line; thence westedy parallel to the north line of said Block 13 to a point on the west line of the east 9.00 feet of Lot 5, a distance of 9.00 fee[ south of the north line said Block 13; thence westerly to a point on thc north linc of said Lo[ 8, Block 13, a distancc of 24.00 fcct wcst of thc northeast comer of said Lot 8, and there terminating. TOGETHER WiTH An easement for road purposes over, under and across L.ots 9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15, Block 1, Eastviile Heights in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota and as recorded in [he office of [he Ramsey County Recorder, lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 15, a distance of 9.00 feet south of the north line of said Block 1, as measured at a rioht angle to said north line; thcnce easterly parallel with said north line of Block 1 to a point on the east line af said Lot 13, a distance of 9.00 feet south of said north line of Block 1; thence easterly to a point on the not[h line of said Lo[ 9, a distance of 20.00 feet east of the northwest corner of said Lot 9, and there terminating. g ^ �16 °' N (98' N � �� PREPMED er STREET EtiGiNEERiNC MARYLAND : � 20 I 21 I22 I 23 I 24 � � �� 40' � 40� � 40" I�� I 4 U �RY AVE. ! —�ao' I �/ I l - - - - --------- $ ---- --�� ----�-- --------- - �— - , 13 I12 11 �10 � g � � � � 40' 25 I26 I � �g$) 40' 27 � 28 I 29 I30 N 2 I (,00> (�o,> (�oz> � 40' 40' 40 �u `�� '*" ""' g 7 6 5 4 3 2 � �°Z) � � (139)� i.92' � a.s8'I ih M 3.42' 60' 40' .� F-� 1 Q Q N i � � n � Z � W � 1 � 1 _ . � 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 � �� r I �� ' (99) ��oo) (�oi) (ioz) (�os) (io4) (ios) (�oa) (io�) (�oa) (iez} � !/ �� REVISED 4/25/00 MARYLAND AVE. urFinF ST_ Tn MENDOTA �ON fOR TeE p�Y 0� ST. PAOL, OEPARTUENi OF GU6LiC wurc¢a TE. c�HANNELIZATION �ao�cr: 00—P-1204 "�"'�" PROJECT NUMBER: �' MARY—ARCADE.DWG C�ART_R: � Z NA1AE: )NL. N0. � 4�r7 DATE: `t/2� /�� SHEET f�0. 5 OG 6 5'i=E