270582 WH17E - CITV CLERK /, /��/\� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII Ft� p 11" . CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. RETU COPY TO . . v�U T BU . � ounci Reso ution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has no ob�ections to the release of certain tax forfeited land; therefore be it RF50LVED, that the Caunc3l af the City of Saint Paul approve the sale of certain tax forfeited land legally described as follows: The North 75 feet o� Lot 2 lying between the West 10 feet and the East 37.35 feet of said Lot 2, Block 5, all. in Woodland Park addition to the City of St. Paul. COUNC[L:NEN Yeas Nay.s ^ Requested by Department of: Butler �D FYn�nce d Man eme Hozza In Favor Hunt Q Levine_ _ � __ Against BY z'ee oI' ��� Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by;,�buncil: Date _ FEB���g7s Form Approved Cit Attor .' Certi�� Yas- by Council Secre�ry BY - � �B; Appr y ;Vlavoc Dat °` FEB � 7 �97a Appr ved by y fo Submi on to ouncil By BY � ��+�°.�,,:� �E� 2 � t�7� � George d. �ame ' � John J. Kostka Viewed: 7`� �' � � ' , ADDITION: Woodland Park Add L(?T: 2 BLK: 5 WAR.D: 4 �,.,?�-�: ��-� .,_ � ���9�� .�, , „,? � N 75 ft of lot 2 lying bet the W 10 ft and the E 37.35 ft of said 0'7-�d400-021-05 L°��-/K.��z./1�/�z._ IACATION: USE: - ' � � ,l, � , -��•.����-�.�r g_ � >�6 Street _ A71ev Assessor�s Graded Platted NOTICE N0. 349$�. F & '1�Va�ue �3 ` Paved � Graded � Curb Paved FORF'EITED: "'�� � �"�l` Land: �� � S�walk � Sewer PLAT No.: ��1C' Y BLDG: Water Torrens . Gas A'bstract� ZONING: Elec. Ca�ade: Fr. Mid.,,_,_^ Reax. _.. � 8 78 O ��� D �,.i�?' R � For r • � p 0^�i� J C�P rn,, , t l ' I pv Ir REMARKS: ) ' , F � ,�� ���L ! �i..f 2.�..�� "����l� �f i � � ��-•.�... �!_'.,Ji;..�„I .J�.-is. .. _. '.^� . � ' . , r � w f � `' n !/C..�.1 � d-�� r ,. -� -�...-� ►, S�LBY AVE .� � � � 1�'e;Ja S" '' ` o� ��.3 H . V] \N � 3 �p z�,,� � � ; n � , � • V � � aM oi: ia/i9�s Ren. : 9/8/76 E�LANATION OF ADMINIST�t2Afi ORDERS, � ..���..��r.+..�..��� . ._ ir��i r.��r . . . RESOLUTIONS AND ORDIl��'��CES _......_..�_._. �'� ' A •-. -. .__ .. . r r � . .. ... . .... . . , ... . . • . .J �j �. D�t�: Febru,ary .10, 1978 Tp: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: J. Xm. Donov�a�, Vatus�ioa d� Assees�:ent �gineer, Finan,ce b M�t. 8errices, �st. 531`7 RE: 19'�2 Taa;f'orfeited ?�nd - A 2.65 �'oot gtrip of 1,.�d being part of��� Lot 2, Block 5, iToodland Park add3.tie�, as indictated. on the a�tach�d plaa. . ACTION REQVESTED: . ; ; Requ�t the Mayor approve Por subm�i.s�ion to Crnmcil the att.ached resolu�ion approroing the sale of the lsnd. PURP4SE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS� ACTIBN: . The City's approval o�' �ale is neede8� bePore �Y�e S�and Co�issioner a�ey sell . the property. A Mr. dohn Rapp has reqn.ested t.h�e reles�e cf thia parcel in arder to assemble e► site for develop�nen�. There is no need for thie parcel as it relates to a City o�perstion, and I recom�end spprb�ral of sale. - Mr. I�pp has tieen adviaed on this aiatter. ATTACBMENTS: , l. Co�nncil Resolntion ° 2. Ares lda,p - .