270573 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII r""�� � PINK - FINANCE �� '� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE �,-+MAYOR File NO• ` Cou � o ti n Presented By LICENSE COh�1ITTE� !��/// Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied fo�• by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby �ranted. Curlin� Club of St. Paul 470 Selby On Sale rlalt Appn. 19?38 Renew Old Iiome Foods 37(? University Ave. Cotta�e Cheese Dist.19867 �► �� �� 22 Vehicles �� �� �lississippi St. A4etals 800 h[ississippi Scrap Metal Proc. 19882 �t Earl Schoenheider 423 E, 7th St. Restaurant C2 19958 " Alvira Isaak 488 E. Aiaryland Grocery A1 199G2 '� Abbey Rents, Divn. of Consolidated Foods 1G28 t�Jhite 33ear �1ve. Rental Iiosp. & Sicl� Room �quip. 2003G r' �� �� 2 Vehicles " " Charles & Ruth Enterprises 886 Payne Ave. Restaurant C2 20192 " Kentucky Fried Chicken, Inc. 1985 Old IIudson Road Restaurant C2 20201 " �d��ard N. 6�eber 1279 Randolph 1 Food Veh. K 20231 " Arnold & Lucille Roth 2583 «. 7tPi St. Grocery A1 20235 �' �� �� I�'lorist-liTUrsery " �' �� '� 1 Vehicle �' �� Ralph Doyle Corp. 919 Randolph Ave. Ci�. VM Oper. 20238 ++ John Morrell & Co. 2523 �labash Foods D�DPlri 20265 �� " " 19 VeIiicles 2026G " Dri-Kleenette, Inc. 2209 IIudson Road Laundry/DC Plant 2028G �� Taney-Troye, Inc. 1091 Rice St. Restaurant C2 2U368 �t " " Off Sale Aialt r� �r " " Ci�arette " " " " Ci�;. Vhi Oper. " " Ronald 33. Johnson & J.T. Donnelly 72Q N. Snelling Confectionery 20403 " Cro«n Auto Store 1546 «. 7th St. Gen. £�ep. Gar. 20413 " Tin Cups, Inc. 1220 Rice St. Restaurant C2 20429 « " " Tavern '� �' " " Cigarette " " " " Off Sale Rtalt " " General Lee's, Inc. 1545 �. 7th St. Ori�. Cont. D 20449 " n COUNCILMEN Yeas tiay�s Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b�� Council: Date Certified Passed b}' Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy, By �NH17E - GTV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII ('� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �/) ��Y� k BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ��-•�t���� y Council Resolution Presented By �,I ,�,c�r���r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 Continued Renew General Lee's, Inc. 15�5 tT. 7th St. Cigarette Appn 20449 Rene��� Damico, Tnc. 573 E�. 7th St. Restaurant C2 20453 '� " " Off Sale A1alt " �� " " Cigarette �� 't Dahl's 620 Club, Inc. �20 Lt�. 7th St. Restaurant C2 20456 " " " Tavern '� �� " " Off Sale 1�9a1t " " " " Cigarette " " Charlotte H. Iilenzendorf 1834 St. Clair Restaurant C1 204G4 �� �� �� On Sale Malt �� �� " " Off Sale I�9alt r► �r John Mastel 1526 St. Clair Grocery A1 204G5 " Sun Ray Liquor Store, Inc. 2131 Hudson Road Qrig. Cont. D 20497 �� " " Off Sale D4alt �� �� " " Cigarette " " DeGidio, Inc. 425 W. ?th St. Restaurant C2 2C�510 �t " " Off Sale 1►9alt " " " " Cigarette " �' 't " Bowlin� (8) �� �� Peter Jay, Inc. 480 S. Snellin�; Restaurant C2 20518 �� " " Off Sale Malt " " " " Cigarette �� �� IIighland Inn, Inc. 1870 Old IIudson Road Restaurant C2 2('528 " " " Iiotel (131 R) �� " " �' Tavern �' �� " " Cigarette �� " T's Liquors, Inc. £x Owen J. & A9arie T. Gall 1325 Randolph Ave. Orig. Cont. D 20539 �� 'r " Off Sale 1�9a1t " " " " Cigarette " " Morris Rutman G45 S. Snellin� Ave. Orig. Cont. D 20552 �� � " " Off Sa1e bialt " �� S & J� Inc. 949 6�. 7tt� St. Restaurant C2 20557 " �� ir COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY — Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City At!orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Vlayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CiTY CLERK (�����.1�'� C NARV - DEPARTMENT COIlIICll � 4 _ �j BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � - Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COA�iITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3 Continued Renew S & J� Inc. 949 !t�. 7th St. Off Sale l+�alt Appn. 20557 Rene�� " " Gigarette �� �� I�afner, Inc. 1560 j�lhite Bear Ave. Restaurant C2 20604 " " " Tavern �� �� " " Cigarette " " ri n Ci�. Vbt Oper. (2A�i) �r n �� '� Cij;. Oper. 1 Add�l. h1�� �� Kello�� Square Co. 111 �. Kellogg �lvd. Parking Lot 2Q611 " I�illcrest Boi��ling, Inc. 1560 White Bear Ave. F3o���ling (28 Alleys) 20620 �� Hillcrest Development Co, 440 Sibley Parlcing Lot 20G27 �� Anthony Liquors, Inc. 111 �. I�ellogg Blvd. Ci�;arette 20655 " Ii.K.K.� Inc. 1084 ��. I,,arpenteur Restaurant C2 20661 �� " " Off Sale Malt �� +� " " Cigarette �� " Midway Enterprises, Inc. 1553-57 University Ave. Restaurant C2 20689 " " " Tavern �� �+ " " Off Sale l�ialt 'f '� " " Cigarette �� �� I3roadway Liquor Store, Inc. 1165 Iiudson Road Ori�. Cont. 20691 �� " " Off Sale �ialt �� " " " Ci�;arette �� �� L'.A.T. � Inc. 755 Jackson Restaurant C1 2070� �' " " Off Sale I�9alt �� " " " Ci�arette �r r� E & �� Inc. 859 Thomas Restaurant C2 20718 " " " Tavern �� �� " " 0 Off Sale Aialt �� " " " Cigarette " " Ntayville, Inc. 1355 University Ave. Restaurant C2 20?27 �� �� �� Cigarette �� �� A9iller Coaches, Inc. 289 Como Ave. Restaurant C2 20747 �� " " Ci�arette �� +� Cusick's, Inc. 81G Payne Ave. Restaurant C1 20?G3 �� �r COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By — Approved by ;Vlayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii gy, By WHITE - CITV CLERK (((��� �ryy7 PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � �� u� BLUERY - MAVORTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �� �_� .; . File N 0. � Council Resolution Presented By LIG�NSE COI�'A1ITTF.E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�e 4 Continued Renew Cusick's, Inc. 816 Payne Ave. Tavern Appn 207�i3 Renei " " Cigarette �' " Armand R. & �ernice Delrtonte 1199 Rice St. Restaurant C2 20813 �' " " Off Sale r4alt �� f� r' " Ci�arette " �' n n Cig. VAi Oper. r� �� Northern Vending Serv. , Inc. 1481 hrarshall 1 Food Vehicle 20847 �� D. L. Corporation 1183 University Ave. Restaurant C2 2�884 �� " " Tavern " " r' " Off Sale h1a1� �' " " " Ciz:arette " �� D1ary & Steve 1►9ilcocevich 1201 Ed�erton Grocery �i2 20897 �+ '� �' I3utcher " " " " Off Sale Malt " '� Gregg Alanderson 491 Jacicson Gen. Rep. Garage 20918 �� Gerald fiirth 2600-65th Ave. �d. l�tplsl Pest Control 20929 '� Merrill Chapman Co. 115 S. i�iabasha Foods r•:DF'4� 20931 " " '� 1 Vehicle �� �+ Arthur :ieutr►aker 1208 Arcade Gas Station 9 P 20933 �� n i� Gen. Rep. Gar. i� n Gentile's, Inc. 497-9 Payne Ave. Restaurant C2 20949 " �r '� Cig. Vhi Oper. r� '� '� " Tavern '� �' Union Oil of California 747 Shepard Road Bulk Oil Storage 20955 �' The Argonautes, Inc. 1040 University five. 2nd IId. Dlr. Gen. 20965 " 'R�4atthew �1. A9orelli 535 Collins St. Grocery A2 20972 �� " " Lutcher " " " " dff Sale I�Ialt " '� " " Cigarette �� '� James I�1. Morelli 42.1 E. 7th St. Restaurant C2 2�992 �� " " Cigarette " " " " Off Sale Malt " " Knoll & Davison 870 Payne Ave. Restaurant C2 2100? �� COUNCIL;NEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City At!orney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY- By. Approved by Vlayoc Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ('(�) ! PINK - FINANCE COl1flC11 �'•'����� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL t BLUE -r�MAYOR . F11E' NO. ' � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COt=Il+flITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5 Continued Rene�v Knoll & Davison 870 Payne Ave. Off Sale Aialt Appn 21007 Renev " " Cigarette �� �� The Depot �ar, Inc. & Morten's Liquor, Inc. ?56 Jackson Restaurant C2 21010 �� '� " Off Sale tlalt �� " " " Cigarette '� �� I�olm & Olson Florists 20 jV. 5th St. I�'lorist-l�Tursery 21023 t1 Jerome hiudzinsl�i 96? W. 7tla St. On Sale A1alt 21032 ft McGlynn Bakeries 2195 Fiudson Road Bal�ery � 21038 �� Country Club Dtarket, Inc. G88 E. 3rd St. �rocery t�2 21043 '� " " Butcher " �� " " Florist-Nursery� " �� " " Off Sale rlalt �t r� R. J. riitch, Inc. 1305 ��. 7t1� St. Restaurant C2 21055 " l;ol, Inc. 42? S. E�abasha Restaurant Cl 21067 �� " " Cigarette �� �� Boca Cliica, Inc. 11 Concord St. On Sale Afalt 21070 t� " " Restaurant C2 " �� rtyron Af. Katz 203 W. ?tIi St. Grocery A1 21107 �� North Star Services G88 �Ia�ue Ave. Carpet Dealer 21132 �� Clark Oil & Refining Co. 301 {V. 7th St. �rocery A1 2113f �� Clark Oil & Refinin� Co. 430 S. Robert Crocery A1 21154 �� Clark Oil & I�efinin� 2236 ld. 7th St. �rocery A1 21156 �� Restaurant No Limit, Inc. 276 S. Exchange Restaurant C2 21189 " " " Cigarette �� �� Oak Room I3ar, Inc. 380 Selby Ave. Restaurant C2 21236 �� " " Ci�arette �� �� Ethel Jackson 1850 Grand Ave. Beauty Shop 21246 �� Rosemary tVubben 1911 Grand Ave. I�eauty Shop 2125? �� Claude A. Kinzel �051 Arltwri�ht St. I3arber 21267 �� Re�ina Kinzel 1051 �,rkwri�ht St. Beauty Shop 21268 �� Walson Music Co. 5;'0 Bush G A1.A. Devices 2I30� �� " " 2 r�usic l�iachines �� �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza In Favor Hunt '\ Levine _ U __ Against BY —�ee�e�. Sylvester Tedesco,,,�,,,---- ��� 1 S t97g Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b • ouncil: Date — Cer ied Pass y Council Secret.�ry BY Ap �o e by 17avor: Date �,B � 7 197a Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P�����`,r� �'�B 2 � i97$