270567 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII Y� ' ' rr�
CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �~� `���t�R`� � �����
Counc�l Re olutio
Presented By LICEtdSE COA�iITT} i �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That application for Sunday On Sale Lic�uor license made by the following applicants
are holders of an On Sale Liquor Iicense at the addresses shoctim, be and the same are
hereby �ranted and in compliance with C. F. I�To. 235531, Ordinance l�o. 13755, which
amends Chapter No. 308 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and 4rdinances.
Taney-Traye, Inc. 1C?91 Pice St. App. 203G7 Renew
Damico, Inc. 573 ��V. 7tli St. 20452 "
Dahl's 620 Club, Inc. G20 1�. ?tI� St. 20455 "
De Gidio, Inc. 425 t�. 7th St. 20509 "
Peter Jay, Inc. 4�C3 �. Snellin�; 20519 "
Ilighland Inn, Inc. 1870 Old IPud�on Road 20527 ��
S & J, Inc. 9�9 tiV. 7th St. 2055G �'
Iiafner, Inc. 15G0 �Jizite Iiear Ave. 20603 ��
I�.K.Ii. � Inc. 1082 6:. Larpenteur 20GG0 ��
2�tid�vay Enterprises, Inc. 1553-�? University �lve. 20688 "
B.A.T.� Inc. 755 Jacl�uon at. 20703 ��
E & �;� Inc. 859 Ti�omas Ave. 20?1? ��
A�iller Coaches, Inc. 289 Como Ave. ?A74G '�
Cusick's, Inc. 816 Payne Ave. 20762 ��
Armand & �3ernice DelMonte 1199 I2ice at. 20812 ��
D.L. Corporation 1183 University Ave. 2Q883 t�
Gentile's, Inc. 497-9 Payne Ave. 20948 ��
Knoll & Davison, Ii�c. 870 Payne Ave. 2100�, "
R. J. ��itch, Inc. 1305 `s�'. 7th St. 21054 ��
Ual, Inc. 42? S. ja�abasha 21066 "
Restaurant No Limit, Inc. 2?6 S. Exchan�;e St. 21188 "
Oak Room �ar, Inc. 28(3 aelby Ave. 21235 "
COUNCILI�EN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na}�s f)
Butler 10 [n Favor
Hunt �
Levine __ Against BY —
—�8 1 f, �g�� Form Approved by City At!omey
Adopted by C l: Date
Certifiez�l'ass� by Cou cil Secretary BY
( � J
B}' —
Appr d by :Vlayor: te FE8 1 7 �978 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
P'J�!!`'����� �EP 2 �� 1978