270560 WHITE - GTV CLERK COUI1C11 �y� PINK - FINANGE TFJ C� ;y�f CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL ���°.JI��.,�, BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing new CETA titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish new CETA titles and Class Specifications for said titles; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 thereof, under the heading "Subprofessional" Group, by inserting the following title s in Grade 16. Administrative Trainee - CETA Architect Trainee - CETA Arborist Trainee - CETA Graphi c Arts Trainee CETA Legal Trainee - CETA� Library Trainee - CETA Project Specialist - CETA and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, th�t the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specifications for fhe new titles of Administrative Trainee - CETA, Architect Trainee - CETA, Arborist Trainee - CETA, Graphic Arts Trainee - CETA, Legal Trainee - CETA, Library Trainee - CETA, Project Specialist - CETA. Approved: � Chairman Civil Service Commissio COUNC[LMEN � Yeas Nay�s / Requested by Department of: Butler v PERSONNEL OFFI Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ _ Against BY �eedler._, Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Co . Date — �EB � -�i �97g Form pprov d by C ty Attorney Certifie asse Coun S cretary BY ' By App ed by Mayoc ate � �a , 7 1g7a Appro'v, d by Mayor for Su is�ion.,to Council By BY . 4- . ��.::...�;;;, ,��� 2 J 197'� -' t ' Title of class: Y?Y�i• ���, -b ADMINISTRE!TIVE TRAIRTEE - CETA �" �,'��:� ��w� DESCRIPTI�N Or WORk General Statesent of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, routine administrative duties that will assist an employee in attaining proficiency in the specified area of work; performs related duties as required, Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORN�D The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: (Research) Receives training in and performs entry Ievel research work such as collecting, compiling and analyzing data, preparing reports and recommendations based on data research and related research duties. (Systems) Receives training in and performs entry Ievel systems work such as analyzing, designing and develoging management and/or computer systeans and procedures, writing and revising computer programs, preparing procedure and documentation manuaZs and related systems duties. (Planning) Receives training in and performs entry level planning work such as collecting data, preparing forecasts, reports, studies and comprehensive plans, meeting with other organizations and groups and related systems duties. (PubZic Information) Receives training in and perforras entry level public information work such as writing and editing public information uzaterials and news releases, developing (continued) . � . �n*�INISTRAT_IVE TPAII�FF - CETA (continc.ied) educational pragrams �nd e�;hihits, preparing aLdi.o-vis�zal materials, coordi.nat:Lng �To1.Lr.t�er �ct3.vi.ties, maintaining specialized Iibraries and related public information duties. (Safety) Receives training in and performs entry level occupational safety work such as making inspections, identifying hazards, collecting and analyzing data, developing and conducting safety programs, preparing safety inforcnation materials, investigating accidents and related occupational safety and health duties. (Economic Development) Receives training in and performs entry level economic development work such as contacting industries, businesses, land developers, potential developers, lending institutions and banks, showing real estate and related economic development duties. KIvOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to comiaunicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to establish and maintain working relationships with city employees and the general public. Working knowledge of statistical practices and procedures. Working ability to determine and solve problems of a complex nature. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation. � i � Title e�f c].ass: ,l°��r�`��f� ARCHITECT TRAINEE - CETA DESCRIPTION OF WORK General State.ment of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, routine architectural duties that wi11 assist an employee in attaining proficiency in architectural work; performs related work as required. Supervision Aeceived: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. . Supervision �xercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class: In the capacity of a trainee: Assists in preparing plans, designs, specifications and estimates of building pro3ects. Assists in examining plans and specifications for public buildings prepared by private architects and engineers and recommends changes. Develops scale and full size detail drawings of complete and partial structures and additions or modifications to existing structures. Secures information on si2e, style, cost and types of materials. Assists in assemblying information about user space needs, traffic patterns and special clientele needs. Conducts field surveys to obtain data. KIv'OWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowlege of the principles and techniques of architecture. Some ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with the general public, potential users of public structues and private contractors. Some ability to prepare and assemble complete and accurate plans, designs and drawings. (continued) f � ARCHITECT TRAINEE - CETA (continued) Some ability to follow com�plex written and oral fnstructions. MINIr1UM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in architecture or architectural engineering. (No substitution for education.) Title of cl.ass: AF�IIORIST Th'.rill�Er - C�'TA ° �" '���'� f: �r� c � DESCRIPTION OF �cOKK GeneraJ_ Staterent of Duties: Ferforms, as a trainee, routzne urban forestry duties that will assist an employee in attaining proficiency in the area of urban forestry work; performs related duties as required. Su�ervision Received: Works under the close supervisian of a unit supervisor. �ervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOR�tED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: Assists in the preparation of the master street tree plan. Surveys and makes an inventory of existing city trees. Inspects work of contractors engaged in tree planting and tree removal work; may advise contractor of non-compliance with specifications. Inspects trees for disease and insects and marks diseased trees for removal. Assists in planning and directing the care and maintenance of trees. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AI3D ABILITIES Some knowledge of theories and principles involved in forestry. Some ability to deal effectively with contractors and with the general public. Some ability to communicate effectively b�th orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION College graduation in forestry or related fields. Must have at l�ast 30 cred�ts in forestry courses. (No substitution for 30 credits in forestry courses.) ARBORIST TRAINEE - CETA Tit]_e ot CIaSS: �����. � Y��:}'"`i G�1I'HIC ARTS TRAIt3EE - CETA DESrRIPTIOtJ OF t�ORI: General Stat.emert of nzities: Perform�, as a trainee, routine graphic arts duties that �•*iIl assist an e.mgl.o}ee in attaining proficiency in technical �;raphic arts work; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate supervi.sion of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED: The listed examples �eay not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: Prepares graphic presentations including charts, graphs, designs, colored renderings and related applications. Prepares exhibits. Keylines and does color layout work. Drafts maps anci plans and assists in map corrections and updating. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of materials and techniques used in graphic presentations. Some ability to follow oral and written instructions. �nTorking skills in illustration and drafting techniques. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year of college training in fine arts or one years' training in an approved school of co�mercial or fine arts. GRAPHIC AFTS TP�IP,EE - CETA Title of class: ������;�� LEG AL TRAINEE - CETA ' �°�- -� DESCRIPTION OF ��ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, routine legal assistance work that will assist an employee in attaining proficiency in para-legal work; performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the close supervision and direction of a unit supervisor, who is an attorney admitted to practice in Minnesot a, Supervision Exercised: N one. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: Investigates at the direction of an attorney citizen complaints or claims against the city to determine cause, legitimacy and possible resolution. Researches Iaws and regulations for information pertinent to problems under consideration. Assists citizens in locating appropriate legal services. Assists citizens in resolving problems with various government agencies and the private sector. KIVOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knowledge of legal theory and procedures. Working abi lity to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to establish and maintain working relationships with city employees and the general public. Working ability to determine and solve problems of a complex nature, MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year of law school. T.itJ_e of class: ���?,��� �F LIBRf�RY TRAI?dUE - CETA DESGRIFTION OF jdC`RR Get:��r�el Statemer.t of P.uties: Performs, a.s a tra.inee, routine library duties that will assist an employee in attair.ing proficiency in non-professional library work; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate supervi.sion of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Noae. TYPIC�LL DUTIES PERFORN�D The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In th.e capacity of a learner: Acquaints patrons with the various facilities of the library and promotes the use of library services and facilities. Plans, promotes and puts on comznunity relations programs. Promotes and trains the public in the use of audio-visual equipment and prepares audi-o-visual materials for staff development purposes. Provides information and services which will enable citizens and groups to obtain maximum benefits from the library system. KNO�7LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working abilit}� to co�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years of college. LIBRA.RY TRAIPdEE - CETA ������� Title c�f class: FRO.JI;CT SPI;CIAI:IST - CFTA DESCRIPTION OI' 470RI� General Statement ef Duties: Per�orms, a.s a trainee, intermediate level technical duties related to the cor���eti�r: oi short-term projects; performs related duties as required. Sup�rvision Received: Work> ur.der t�e ciose supPrvision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: May exerr_ise immediate technical supervision over CETA project employees as assigr�ed. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IED The Zisted examgles may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: Directs and performs intermediate-levei technical work involved in the completion of special projects including research, systems and procedures, public inforaatian and architectural survey work. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to compile and analyze data. Some ability to organize and direct the ��rork of others. Working ability to communicate e.`.fectivel}° bo�h orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and efficiently tiTith the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIQNS Two years of college. PRUJEC'I' S]'ECTALISi' - CETA . . , . . . .. . . . , . . .a.i�; f- � . Do not detach this memorandum from the . resolutian so that this ini�rn�at'ron will be � p�: X�17:975 , : available to the Ci#y CounciL Rav.: 9%8/?6 ' �F Lc�N. �' xs _ �soz��rr��s . , D�t�e: January }�q, 1978 � � ^ ' .�, � � � � „°' � �JAf� 2 5 7�7� �.'0 i MAYOR G�R�$ LAT�R ; MA�OR'S QFF� : . FR: ��rs�Aa41 Offi,�a R8s Raam�utiaa �o� sub�s�.oa �a Ci�y Cvuuc�]. A�t'T,�1,�R�QT7_ &��*„ We ��ao�d qau�c $Pprova�, at4d eul�aa�� of t�e R�i��lu��.�t tp the.:C�.t�► Co�mci.l. _ PTT�Q �A RA'��� F T�8 ACTIQN: � This Resolutioa establishes the following titles and; speci.ficationa for CETA employees. Administrative Trainee - CETA: �raphic Arts Traiaee - CETA - - Architect Traanee - CETA Library Traiaee - GETA ' - Arborist Trainee - CETA t'roject Specialist - CETA . Lega1:Trai.nee - CETA � Grade 16 - Subprofessional Group , A � B C D E F 10.Y.r. 15,.yr. 2 0 r. �2 5_�r. 331. 0 �.0 3�0. 0 3?5. 5 9�1.'� 408. 5 �9,5 43t1.5 44 . 5 456.5 � , A�';,�,�C , �, S: Resoi�i,i�.on, copy for City Clerk, and specifications. : •