270559 N'H17E - C�TV CLERK �' ,/�1��� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl C`�P�,��. CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administra,tive Resolution establishing new CET,4 titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish new CETA titles and Class Specifications for said titles in the Civil Service Ru1es; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 thereof, under the heading "Subprofessional" Gr,oup, by inserting the following titles in the grades indicated: Project Worker - CETA Grade 14 Project Technician - CETA Grade 15 Technical Trainee - CETA Grade 15 and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specifications for the new titles of Project Worker - CETA, Technical Trai.nee - CETA, Project Technician - CETA. Approved: � hairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay�s Butler - PERSO OFFI E Hozza [n Favor Hunt `l Levine `-' __ Against BY �vecl�er� Sylvester j Tedesco �S � 6 �7B For Appro ed Ci Attorney Adopted by Cou . Date — Certifie assed ouncil Secretary BY l,`�^ B� App � d by .Vlavoc � �� � 7 1978 Ap r v d by Mayor for Su issi to �guncii By fi��:�;�f�;:�:; ;�;� 2 � 1978 ������� Title of class: PROJECT jtirOP.KEF, - CETA. PI;SCRIPTION Or �eTQFc,Y Gen�r.al �tate�er.t oi l���tzes: Perforr:�s, as a tr�in�e, routine d�itaes rel.ated to rh� c�r�pletion of s'zort-term projects; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: taerks under the immediate �upervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYF'ICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may nbt include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: Performs routine work iavolved in the completion of special projects including duties such as field inspection work; survey work and fire hydrant maintenance work. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS A13D ABILITIES Some ability to follow written and oral instructions. Some ability to deal tactfully with the general public. MINIrNA1 QUALIFICATIONS Nane. PROJECT WOk1�.EIt - CETA ��'�J����;�� / :,r`w ,�r Title of class: PROJECT TECHNICIAN - CETA DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, entry-level technical duties related to the completion of short term pro3ects; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the close supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: May exercise immediate technical supervision over CETA project employees as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: Directs and performs entry-level technical work involved in the completion of special•grojects including inspection, community organization and conservation work. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to organize and direct the work of others. Some ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working ability to deal tactfully and efficiently with the general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. PR03ECT TECHNICIAN - CETA - - - A r t: � � � ����F-��; �i.�J_e of. c.__as..�: - `� , TECTINI�AI. TRAIi4t�.B - CET'A DESC'RIFTION OP t�'ORY General Stater:en.t of P,uties: Perfor.ms, as a tra�_nee, routine technical duties duties that c:ill assist an emPia�ee ir: attai_ning proficiency in tlie specifie:d areas of kork; performs related cluties as required. �ervision Received: Works under the imr.iediate supervision of a unit supervis�r. Supervision Exercise�: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFO£'.I��D The Iisted examples may not include all duties performed by a11 gositions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: (License Inspection) Receives training in and performs routine inspection and investigative duties involved in administering licensing laws and regulations. (Engineering Aide) Receives training in and performs routine apprentice engineering duties such as drafting, assisting surveying crews, inspecting single construction projects, making traffic surveys and performing engineering office work. (Environmental Protection) Receives training in and performs routine inspections and investigatians of public and private facilities to deterMine co�pliance with health-related laws and regulations. (Housing and Building Code Enforcement) Rece�ves train:�ng in and performs routine inspections and investigatians of public and private facilities to determine compliance with housing cccies and regulations, perfor�ns �est eradication work and related duties involving housing and tui�din� cod� enforce�aci.t. (continued) � > �. TECfI2iICAL TR�IN�'E -- CETA (cantinued) (Accounti.n�) Receives training in �nd performs routine accoun�ing work such as mazntaining financi2l records, posting data to accounts, grepari.ng mater:.als for budgets, maintaining inventory records, reconciling vouchers and related accounting and bookkeeping t�ork. KNOjdLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to foll.ok* oral and written instruction.s. Working ability to deal with the public in a tactful and effective manner. P�fINIMUPI QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation. Must have a Minnesota driver's license. . , � Da nat detach this memorandum from the � ' resolutior� so that this information wi{I be q� pi: l�/197�i avaiiable�to the City Council. g��,, = g�g��g �7U'I�xvN. Q�'A� T�iA7:I1� Q���s � SO 1�T0�11 : , , 4� l�g , ��.��� Date: Ja.n.uary 19, 1978 _ � �_, .�� Y � � A e,� , � JA�► 2 5 ��7� TU a MAYO� GBA�E I.AT�&R � �Y�'$ � FRS Pers�ssnal �f�3.cA ' �: Raao�.t�tion fo�c �ubnt�.a��QU te� C��y Co�s�.�. : . AC,�IQN RF O�S�� s, . Wa re�c�nomn�s�d qvu�c �tPp�4v�7, at�d submiaeian o�� Chis 14�blu�ioa Cp the► C�ty Cowce��i.` P .O8 &l1T�Q�tA1�8 F�x �S ACTTON: • This Resolt�.tion establishes the follnwin� titles and s�pecifica�tions for CETA.employees. Project Worker - CETA Grade 14 Project Tecrinician - CETA Grade i 5 Technieal Tr�inee - CETA ' Grade 15 : Grade 14 - Subprofessioaal Group �.. . _- A B C D E F 10 yr. 15 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr. 314. 0 327. 5 341. 5 356. 0 3?1. 5 387.5 398. 0 40q. 0 422. 0 435. 0 .,...- �g,192. : $11, 3�g. ; Grade 15 - Subprofessioaal Group : ' A B C D ,'E F ` 1.0 yr. , 15 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr. '" 321. 5 335. 0 349. 5 364. 5 �3$1. 0 398. 0 ' 409.U 419. 5 432. 5 445, 5 � $8,388 . $11,623. . k � ATTAG`�1T8: : . � !i rl � �I.ww . - . . .. . ' , . . . . Resolution, copy for City Clerk, and specifications. - . . ;