270558 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 ������� PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COl1RC11 '�;y CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By ,���-��c�`- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing new CETA titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish new CETA titles and Class Specifications for said titles; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 the�eof, under the heading "Attendance and Inspectional" Group, by inserting the following titles in Grade 13. Maintenance Services Trainee - CETA Animal Care and Control Trainee - CETA Forestry Maintenance Project Worker - CETA and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specifications for the new titles of Mai.ntenance Services Trainee - CETA, Animal Care and Control Trainee - CETAt, and Forestry Maintenance Project Worker - CETA. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commis ion COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: Butler � PERSO L O IC Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against � BY �t�iter Sylvester ��B � � �978 Tedesco For Appr ed y City Attorney Adopted b}� Cou Date — '� . Certified.�'�ass� y Coun . I Secretary BY B; �EB t � t Approved by Mayor for Su �is ion to Cbuncil App b} Nlayor: D e --� _ � ', � By BY ��,.�; .�;�-�, o�.B 2 � 1978 .��•_a�.t:����.1 . � � �,���.;:�a�� 7'itle of class: r1AINTENt`u10E SERVICES TRAINEE - CETA P,ESCRIPTION OF WORK G�r.er�l Statement of Duties: Performs, as a trainee, routine maintenance ciuties that will assist an er�ployee in attaining proficiency in the specified area of worlc; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Warks under the im,ediate supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAS, DUTIES PERFORi�4ED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: (Grounds Maintenance) Receives training in and performs routine grounds maintenance duties such as operating grounds maintenance equipment, assisting with planting and caring for flowers, trees and plants and related grounds maintenance duties. (Custodial) Receives training in and performs routine cleaning and custodial duties such as cleaning ar.d waxing floors, washing walls, floors and fixtures, operating cleaning, mowing and snowbloo�ing equipment, removing debris, making minor repairs and relateci custodial duties. (k�ater Production) Receives training in an� performs routine water production plan[ maintenance duties such as regrading filter media, inspecting and con.necting under drains and related duties insuring proper water treatment. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS ANll ABILITIES Some ability to under.stand and follow si�ple written and oral instructions. 5ome ability to perform u;anual labor for eatende3 periods. (continued) TZLa.e Of Ci?�S; y,;,,.._ �����,�`� 5�;�*�� cr�p�F t��;�n ccr�zt�n�, ����Tr�T�r - cLTA DFSCRIPTIOT�T C?F I:OFK General State�^�nt of Duti.e�: Per�orr�s, �s a tr.ainee= rc�utine ani��a.1 care and contral d��ti.es that will assi�t an emplo5*ee in. attaini_x�� proficiency in the specified area of worlc; performs rel.ated duties as required. Supervision Received: Warics under the it*.unediate supexvision af a unit supervisor. Su�ervision Exercised: None. TY'PICAL DUTIES PERFfl�?iED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: (Animal Control) Receives training in and performs routine animal care and control duties at the dog pound such as feeding and watering animals, cleaning cages, releasing quarantined animals, enforcing animal control regulations and related aninal care and control duties. (Animal Care) Receives training in and performs routine animal care duties at the City Zoo such as feeding and caring for ani.mals, cleaning cages, grazing grounds and zoo buildin�s, picking up refuse from zoo areas, assisting in trars- porting ani�als and related animal care duties. KNOWLEDGES, SKTLLS AIvTD ABILITIES Some ability to perfonn moderately strenuous work. Some ability to follew simple written and oral instructions. Some ability to deal tactfully with the general public. T�INIi•iUA1 QUALIF'IC!�TrUP3S IVoiie. fiI�IT1AL CE1.RE ANU COi`,T1tUL TRAIf1EE - CETA ������� Tit1P of class: �ORFSTRY �ZAINTEr1�idCI3 FP�OJECT tti'ORkER - CETt1 DESCRIFTION OF t��OF�K General St�ter��ent of Du.*_ies: Performs, as a trainee, duties related to special projects in farestr}� maintenance work that <<ill assist an employe.e in attaining proficiency �n fore.str�� maintenance work; performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the immediate supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOR�*lED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. In the capacity of a learner: Uses hand saws, chain saws, brush hooks and related sma11 tools to clear brush and low tree limbs frou� forest land and perforrzs similar duties involved in clearing and maintaining forest areas. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some ability to follow simple directions. Some knowledge of the safe use of hand and small power tools. Some ability to do manual labor for extended periods under adverse weather conditions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Good physical condition. FORF:STRY MAI2�T�idP.NCE P�OJECT WORKER - CETA - , ; Do not detach this merr��randum �rom the � resolution so tl��t tl��s inf,::,r��tion will be � Q1: 12li�75 ; availa�'e to �`��n � ��, ,,,,�, ,, Rqv,s 9f8l76 ; '? '�. � FRP"LANT�ON. 4� A'UbfTN��T� Q�ID�BS # , R�SO�, ti�i� ` 0�? S � ���e���� 'i � Date: January i 9, 197$ � � � : � . � �' �1 ? " � G� . . . ��j � .. . . �ro: rs�►xoa c�ac$ r��R JA I� 2 5 ���� _ � T►�: �e�ncmael O��iaa Mir►YOR'3 �� � RE: ���,u��,on for sub�,aaiou t� �i�p Cot�acil� ACT�O�tt: xBQU�ST ,s , We �se� ycwx �pprm�a], and submi,ss��c►x� c�� th�e Ria�Q�,u�.a�t tQ tha C�.�y Co�tacil, _ Pt1R�'k�8�. �ID RATI� 1�Q� T�3 AGTIQNs • . . I�I 1 I I Iw11�1- ■II l�11�q I1�.1-I I I I 1 ..� I I II�III 1 �III I I . � � . . � � . . . � This�Resolution establishes the following titles and spe�ifications for CETA ernployees. Maintenance Services Trai.nee - CETA : Animal Care and Control Trainee, - GETA ' Forestry Maiatenaace Project Worker - CETA Grade 13 - Attendance and In.spectional Group _�. � B C D E � l a �r• 15 yr• 319. 7 332. ? 344. 7 357. 7 371. 7 387. 2 3�5. 2 405. Z . �i�T , ,�8: Resolu�tion, cropy fDr City Clerk, axid specifications. �