270553 7E - CITV CLERK � � K - FINANCE Council �"` 9�_ �pR'.i- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL :JE - MAVOR File NO. Co ncil Re olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Ronald C. F1itt submitted an application for a Pool Hall License for the premises at 39 E. 8th Street in Saint Paul, pursuant to Sections 406.01- .04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, public hearings on said application were held on January 25, 1978, and February 8, 1978, before the License Committee of the Council to receive the views and testimony of all persons interested in the said application; and WHEREAS, the License Committee heard the statements and testi- mony of Ronald Maddox, Chairman, Downtown Community Development Council; Ronald C. Witt, applicant; Ione Ma.guire; Mary Johnson; Bill Buth, Building Owners and Managers' Association; Alice Murphy, Complaint Office; Neil Lloyd; Central Presbyterian Church; Will Mason, Downtown YMCA; Gary Tankenoff; Neal Nordlund; Daniel Witt; Joseph F. Carchedi, License Inspector; Mae Morrison; Lola Simon; Eva Peterson, Resident Maxiager, Central Towers; Father 0'Donnell, St. Louis Church; Wa.yne Hanson; William McFadden; and others; and WHEREAS, the License Inspector recommended denial of the license application; and WHEREAS, the evidence and testimony established that there is a serious problem of property and personal crime involving the elderly in the downtown area in the immediate vicinity of the pro- posed location of the pool hall; that the location of a pool hall in an area does create nuisance and neighborhood problems involving vandalism, petty theft, purse snatchings, and panhandling within the surrounding area; that there are approximately 850 senior citi- zens residing in this particular downtown area; that such persons are more susceptible than younger persons to the type of problem created by a pool hall; that the location of this pool hall at 39 COUNCIL':14EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Appro d by City Att ney Adopted by� Council: Date — �� • � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - - By Approved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ITE - CITV CLERK 1 (� � K - FINANCE TT COUflCll �/j", -NRR� - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L !•�:����-����� . UE - MAVOR File �0. y . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date E. 8th Street will intensify and increase the problem and create a dangerous situation for all persons, but particularly the elderly; that studies have indicated that crime does tend to increase in the vicinity or area surrounding adult uses; and T�HEREAS, the license applicant stated to the License Inspector and to the License Committee that he had no intention of seeking any alcoholic beverage license for the premises, but upon examination of the lease between the applicant and Ferris Alexander, the owner of the building, the lease required as a condition that the applica.nt seek and obtain a 3. 2 beer license for the premises, and the lease further provided that it would be null and void without such license being obtained; that this is apparently a false statement made in connection with an application for a license, and reflects unfavor- ably upon the fitness of the licensee for this particular license; and WHEREAS, the License Committee voted 3-0 to recommend to the City Council that the 1'icense application be denied upon all of the testimony and evidence, for the reasons stated in tla�e foregoing Whereas Clauses in this resolution; and WHEREAS, a copy of this resolution as proposed bg the License Committee has been mailed to the applicant prior to its considera- tion by the City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the application of Ronald C. FTitt for a Pool Hall License for the premises at 39 E. 8th Street in Saint P�ul is hereby denied. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ U __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester Tedesco FEB 1 4 197g Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by unc 1: Date �f Certi �d P• s- b}' ouncil Se�eta BY 1� App v d by :14ayor: Da —.�� s � 197� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Ff���!s�E� F�B 2 J 1978