270539 WHITE — CITV CLER4( COUI1C11 �r"'��t��� PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A ll L CANARV — DEPARTMENT OLUE — MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, United HospiYals Incorporated has indicated to the Depart- ment of Public Works, its desire to construct a sidewalk and driveway on the southeasterly side of Pleasant Ave. between approximately 50 ft. and 150 ft. southwesterly of Walnut St. and to install therein heating units for snow melting purposes, and further has indicated its willingness to construct said sidewalk and driveway according to plans and specifica- tions satisfactory to the Department of Public Works; and WHEREAS, Council File No. 269521 , appraved August 5, 1g77, estabiished conditions under which United Hospitals Incorporated was granted permission to install heating units in sidewalks and driveways on other streets adja- cent to their building; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the permission granted in Council File No. 269521, approved August 5, 1977, �s hereby amended to include the above described sidewalk and driveway, including heating units on Pleasant Ave.; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above permission is granted and made ex- pressiy subject to the terms and conditions of said Council File No. 269521 , approved August 5, 1977. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Pub 1 i c Wo rks Hozza [n Favor /��C�/ Hunt � / Lev� __ Against �l Richa rd L. Wheeter ,� Sylvester Asst. D i rector-C i ty Eng i neer G" (TJE/RAH) Tedesco FEB 9 1978 Farm Approved b�i City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By. Ap ed by Mavor: t _ FEB � � �978 App ed by Mayor for S b is ion to Council By r���•? e�'s,"i1:.� ��D � � ���`� ;'a;'. - - �OM O 1: 12/-19 7 5 • ' ' Rev. : 9/8/76 . , � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, - � RESOLU'I'IOiVS, AND ORDIP3��ICES �,�� . . , �� Date: January 27, 1978 � � ": ' ' Tp: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � ��' , � F�., i ��'.;'��.' FR: Public Works, Office Engineering �Y�'i �� RE: United Hospitals request to install heating Wnits in a portion � of the sidewalk and driveway on Pleasant Avey 1�iCTTON REQUESTED: Authorize issuance of a permit for the construction of sidewalks and driveways which conflict with the Department of Public Works Standard Detail Plates (installation of heating units for snow � melting) . PURPOSE �ND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTSON: �, United Hospitals wilt be required to assume �ertain obligations concerning the construction and maintenance of the sidewalk and � d r i veway.•_ • A�TAC'HMLNTS: Resolut ton � Copy of C.F. 269521 � ' TJE/RAH/mkb :v.:►i7r- �u cirv ci_F«K _� . � Council �r�ll'C�` . i'i N K - F�1 N A fJ C L f�I ,1, E <J 1, �A A l.d � i. L�I.T � � CA1�,'Af2Y - DEPA(iTME.NT � � � T • � ��.�E M���F� . F;t� N0. � . � Co��cil ���sol�tion w ;.�` Presented Q � �f � '' � ` " �_ . ��f � ��� �� — Y — �; Referred To { — Committee: Date Out of Committee By_ — Date — t-d#�EREAS, �Inited trQS�ttals. Incorparated has ir�dicated that It fs cies i r-csus of cc►na t ruct i s�� a s I c�ewa i k �nd ci r t ve�a►ays on Lha rrorth s i de af Smith f1���nu�, r,cnt�r�d �i5 �c��. �vest oF 1'atr�ut Strec�fi, tn a manner in cortfllct with th� Ctty of S�int F��ul, ltinr�sata, ���Artmznt af Prsbt�c Works, St�ndard ��t�tl Ptata:s, speci�ic�liy th� slepe m� said std��ik �d c�rivewaays �r��uid be suc� tn�t drainae� wauld b� tao-u�rd Lhe Unitcd Hospital Buitdin�. ��ited Nc�spttals, lncorparat�d is also dssira2s of instal� ing hydr�r�ic �►�att�c� u�its, for sno�t ,�itir�g �urposcs* in the s i d�:}a i ks and d r t v�+rays an the narth s i�es of Sm i th �iv�nue b�tw�en Grand AVertus artd l�:ainut 5treet �nd os� the east sicfe af Th�a:3pson Strr�t bet�ectt Grunci Avenue and Pieasant f4v�mue; no�. there�ore, �ie i t R�SOLVEO, �°hat p�rscs�c►t ta the provisioRS af ChaQter 2J7 and 20� af the Sa�nt Paul l�gislattve G�de, tt�a Dircctor af I�e±b1 ic l�loeks js h�reby authorfzed to �s�s�e to said itnited Nos�ifals, fncarporated a permit to construct the stcf�walk anc! driveways. tncis�din� irts�allatian a� hydranit heatin� units, a�utCing United Fdaspitais' property alcmg Sa�ith �venne - and �'hompsoct Street; ar►sf be �t FEi�ZTtiE� RESf3R.lf��3. 'Th�t tf�et �hflve per�issios� is grantad and ma�e ex- ps�ss�y subject tv tfie fot ia�Ing tera�s, pravisia�s, �d coadltior�s: 1. Ti�at sald per�nittee shall. at Its awr� cost �nd expense. artd iR acto�d�nce wirh all �;�piicable orciinances at the City of Saint Pau1 �n� �t�tutes of ths State of t�tnr�sota. construct, op�rate and maintaia satd sidewalks and driveways; 2. That s�id sid�satk construction and instaitation shaif !�e made ta th� sa�ttsfaction of the O�partm�nt of �c�btic 4�lorks, in accor- dance e�ith the Ptans arid Spec�f#c�tto�s apgroved by anc! on ftle Ie� th� B��art,�nt of Pubiic Warks. arnd idenrtfted as Public tiorks Prs�ject Pto. E-�273: DJD REG COUNCILI9EN Requested by Department of: R�w wnH Yeas Nays GKS JFK Buticr Hozza (n Favor c� uEt fiun� JFS ��T Levine _ __ Against BY — — — — ROCC�ICC TJE VHp SYIVOStEf JJE DEN Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney r,S.O. R,H.R. Adupted b}� Council: Datc — Certified Yassed Uy� Cuuncil Secretary BY - B�' ---�-- ----- Approved by ;�1avor, Date _--__.___ ___________ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �)' -- ------------- ---- ---- IIy -- — . • f � _ . . � 26952� c2� . 3. That said permittee shall pay the costs for the publication of this resolution and the publication af all future resolutions related hereto; 4. That said permittee shalt pay the Department of Public Works' � costs of administration, enyineering, and inspection of said . work, and said costs shall be accounted for under said Project No. E-1273; 5. That said aermittee shall not commence construction of this - Project until a sid�:�atk permit is obtained from the Sidewalk Section of the Department of Pesblic Works; 6. That said permittee shall , during fihe term of this permit, re- store and repair all property, whethe,r public or private, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction af this Project; 7. That said permittee shall , at no cost to the City, repair any , damage to the hydronic heating unit which may oceur during the normal course of City street maintenance and/or construction; " 8. That said permittee shall furnish and deliver to the City of Saint Paul , a surety bond in the amount of Ten Thousand Dol�lars ($10,000.00} , conditioned upon the permittee complying with all � the te�ms and cor,dit;ors of th�s resotution and to inde;7n�fy said City from all liability, costs, and exp�nses, that may. accrue occasioned by the making of the improvements or arising out of the same� which surety bond shall remain in force and �ef fect so long as the heated s i dewa 1 k or any pa rt thereof rc:- � mains on the public right-of-way; _ , . . . 9. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works, upon request, all documents of record that are a part of any con- tract for the construction of this Project or incidental to its execution including, but not limited to addenda, award of contract, sum of contract, "as built" plans and tracings; � � 10, That the Council reserves the right to order, by resolution, the , remaval of the hydronic h�ating units, or parts thereof, from the public rignt-of-way, and -in the event the Council exercises such right, the permittee shalt , at its own expense, remove said heating units and restare the public walk �o a condition similar . to that af the abutting walk at time of removal , �o the satis- faction of the DepartmEnt of Pubtic 4lorks; 11 . That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to futty in- . � demnify, hold harmiess and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees from any and al ) d�rnages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or connected witn the construction, maintenance or operation of said improve- " � ments; . . v ` � , ' _ ������ � (3) . 12, That said �errnittee sha11 be responsibie for any drainage in- curred because cf the slape and elevation of the drive�•rays , located approximately 65 feet west of ldalnut Street; , 13. That said permitfiee, itis �ssigns and/or successars in interest shall take out and maintain during the period of this permit, a comprehensive protective public liabitity insurance which shatl remain in force and effect as long as said h�ated side- walk and drive�vay or any portion thereof is maintained and lo- cated on the public right-c�f-way of Smith Avenue or Thompsun Street. This liability insuranca sh��lt fuliy indemnify, hotd . harmtess, and defend the City of S��int Paul , its agents, offi- cers and employees fror� any and ali damages, claims, losses, judgements, suits or expenses on account of alt claims of what- ever nature arising out of or connected with tt,e constructio�, maintenance, operations and/or sut�se�uent removal of said heated sic4e�ti�alk and driveways; • The liability insurance shall be issued by an insur•dnce company iicensc:d t� do business in the State of Minnesata ar�d the prerr.ium ' Gnd ail expenses incidental thereto shalt be paid oromptl;� �y the permiitee initially and upon renewai . A certificate �f this �n- surar�ce. �;ol i cy shal l be submi ttecf tu tnc: Off ice E�ig i neer, Depart- . mer�t cf Pub] ic '.Jorks, and r��ust be of a form accep�ab3e ta t��e �; ty Ntic,rney. Qefore any expirat�ion, said pernittee shall depasit � tA�ith the City of Saint Pau� , a new certificate to re�tace aily ex- , piring insurance. The permittee and the City shall be named as join�ty insured with 1"imits of liability indicated as failav�s: � Badily injury insurance (including death) in an am�unt of not less than $250,OOQ.00 for all dam�ges arising out af bodily inju�ies ta or death of one persan, ancl, subject to the sUme timit for each person, in a to�al �mount- af � not less tI-�an $500,000.00 on account of any one accident. Property damage insurance in an amount of not less than . $150,OG0.00 for all damages to or destruction of pro�erty . in any one accident, and subject to tliat limit per acci- dent, further subject to a tot��l ar nat less than $2dU,C00.0U for all damages to or destruction of prope��ty during tt�e : policy per@od; 7he insurance cover�ge shall automatically be re�torE:d im- � mediately after Lhe accur�-�nce of any accident or loss from wl�ich liability may thereafter accrue ancJ the City of Saint Paul �hall be notified at least 30 days in acivance of the cancellati�n of the insurance coverag�: by the issuing in- surance co�pany; � vvli�ir� ' — ciTV c�ckK � ' � {'INK - FINANCE . ��(�,c�/� 1 CANARV - DFPAf7TMENT JI ��Y ���� �,�� Il� •t' ��L�IT . Council �� e BLUE. - MAVOR FIIE� NO. I ♦ ' • �o��ci� �Zes���ti�n ����;�'�;,_ . � Presented f3y _ _ Referred To _ Committee: Date Out of Committee E3y__ _ Date {l�� 14. F�at said p�rm�Lt��s sh�ti„ wi�hin th� periad oF fFft�en (i5l d�}�s s�ter th� �ff�cttv� �:��e si� tl��� re�r�tuti�� ft1�s with '�t�r� CY�y Cte�k €t� �ritte:� acr.�pt��n�A �f th� t�rt�s� provtsior�� and CQRLI��I�i9� E�� �;his r���lu��+c� �:�d €�s <-�g�c�sent t� b� b�ur�c3 �y ��#c; tica°ms, �ar�vi�ic�r�s �rsri ����r��f, witt�ut li�it�- tt�t, �rhfch w���t� 1r�s�r���n�nt �f �cee�t�nr_e aRd ��r��er�t shatl t� irt foe~�nn �p�roved by t� Cdty �',tfiorn�y. �:. . � _ _ - . . � COUNCILMEN Yeas j�ay,s Requested by Department of: . Butier �,.Publ ie �dorks - Hozza In Favor Hunt { / � Levine � __ Against BY ,`f 1�`•__;-! . .-, . : i " . - �/..,:�.t.,`r J ��� Roedlcr �� t tT.lE/RAN� Tedesco �; ��;;'�- Adupted by Cuuncil: Date _ €-'�'�Sa?��__ �977 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yassed U�� Council Secretary By __ �s' --- --- � Appro�•ed f,y :�lavor: Date ______�AUU 5 _����_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �Y -- ------------ ------------- �Y —_— -- 11 --, 1