270533 WNITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COl1RC11 ��y)� CANARV� DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � / ��C BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ■ ��•--�� � Cou ci Resolution _ �Presented By r' "� t�1�:I`'�'i�i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R;SOLV�D: Th�t lieenses a��3.ied lor ��y 1;i1e iolloc:ir.; persons �ttieaciclresses �tatecl be and tlie s�e are iiereLy �;���n�:ed, ��ratu: Cossetta 2uG i;;*an C�roce�y 1�.-� r�nn. 1�33`% 3 enerr tt �� i)L2�:Ci1G°Y' It it tt �� 0.�1 i.riill� :l�ii��i, tr li Eveline vra��enaor:£ ��37 u�.�it'. i:ve. �rocea��• .�".-1 1�515 " �� +t 1'ekery I� �� �� �� �� Ci�are�te 1.�51`� " Olympia '�re�•rir�� Co. 7�7 �.i:innelia.�a ..ve. :�ev. �:l �� P1on-i:lco��. �.97^? " `,'lin�ell's Donut ._ i��e ��4L� 'isl. 7t"�. ut. :est. C-1 1�9u3 " ti �t ,.- , tt ti }>a..er�� i. Joi�i� E. Larse�. 11�5 :1s�cac.e St. OIl S��le�i:a�� ?.�?(��'1 �� i� �f i:es�;. C-1 �C?C19� �► :obert '�alain�,er 215 Lva u'�. �'oods i`:�F;l 2t�13t5 " u �� 1^ I�c':. Ve�:. u n G1r� Corinican 7�1 uzyr.:ouc;� i;e,�t. C-� 2�;I��J " Intersta�;e United Co��p, i^?91 Pief�ce .i',�-cler «c�. a�ooc?� i:�I''.' �L?2��J " �i �� �F� VeZl. ii �s I•:etro �'e�t Co:�Lrcl, inc. 1 °� ?'' `'t. �' �'t �on�z•ol �0?7 i �� 1..;� .ice N ,c�� �. � :�ernarcl ��af g in�toil 7�17 i'. P�iilto�a Lc�;r �. �3� Plant u03(3� " Silly �''oy J'�:ices, Inc. 50C1 LL;s:�� :boc�;; I:➢P�l ?O�C:; �� n �� :' VC�;. t� it i'e�°; �'o�^�y �.'ea Co. ^3� �'znda�ia u¢... �oocl._, I:Dls';7 �(��(?7 '� t� �t �� `,Ie'_�. �� ir �air�r �:or:�e, Inc. ��� L'n�.zTersi?y I_ve. �ce �xeZr.� tsfL;. �: Dist.�(���� r� �i ir ,� 1,re?.,� c� tr �i�i�A �`:ast �icle `>r�z�c. IC�7� i°�rcac?e ,:o�;Ii:i� �;1 Ze�r 2G3�� " � } .. . i nt^ � l t ` ''- F i,�,�J� il ,•,ouc�t C. ;,.oe:inei., Ii�c ���9 ulncio���,i � esL. C- n +� `�ave•rn r� �� tt �t Gi� i�le i�.�il.�C �� �� tt �c l l��li E v'1�? u u Lendc;ay's '.;ar, Inc. ry�=J tJt.ivez��i;;�� ^est. C_^ �'��2,-�`7 r� �� �� 0�� u;:le I;�11i, �� rr �� �� Ci;aret ie tr n n n•. f_ .-�. �.. 7- .:,� n r�� �� COU`�1CILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - By Approved by ;Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �NHITE - CITV CLERK (�►a� � � � PINK - FINANCE TT COUIICSl •1' {���� CANARV�- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �A lJ L ~ � �;,: ,� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ' � Council Resolution Presented By LIC�::�L CCiu�I'::_"I'�:'�:: Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date I'��e '1':�:0 — :e�e.:ra�,� �ciEroeuer isill: Cc. �nc. 2C!�;;� �tice ,��. f:i1'..—lst Ve:�. l:r�;n.wt?�rSC itene�.* n n i•:11:�-2ric1 �,'ei�. n t� i� ts i:il.l�-�J �c�c�l 'Jc'�. ri i� ll�nnecl�er's ;�uper i•iar?�e�L, Inc. 79� �w�nuolni� u�oce �T ._-� �(;n-�;; r� n �r L�u��1er n �� �� rr Ci� ��Zc 2�ialt �� f1 �� �o Ci�a�,ette �' t� �u�� Clut,, Itac. 1G�1 UniversiV;r Ye��;. C-? ����7 �� It �� `r1���,ri t� tt �� �� 0;€� i�.le i:al-t " �' n " Civare'c�;e �� r� ii ii 1 0 er. n n C�L,. Vi�i p iu,lpi�-Loy3e Carp. �JJ_�J i zndol�i_ .'�ve. .etit. C-� �C?5n� " n to Of¢ aale I:alt �� �� tr ,� Ci�a�'ettc �t n luCl J�cI.�aci S�reet Co�^�. 1wC?1 Jaci:son �-i,t ::e�t. C—� 2C��;35 " �+ �' Off ialc i=:�.li, " �' �� ►� Ci�an ette 'r �� r� n Ci�. VI: Cper. r� n �oEre, �nc. �?9�i .,. 7ti� ;t. :eut. C-2 ��?�GW n �� >> e'-L��et�� �� �� Capitol �iic�- Distributin� 2�5 �ta�;e ��;. ,:ev. i�i_t'�. £� �is�. �'��E;3 �r u �r It: `Jcl:. ii n ��;anley f�ester G2�, a�(;�y.:er Ldy. i'lant 20565 " i�icCann :��rot�lers Chati;erUo�:, Inc. 3�3 Se1���- �',�s�, �-� ?.(?u�JJ_ " �i rr Oii uale 2�;Zlt �� tr �� " Ci�are��e " " uecker's, Inc. 731 x;andol;u?� 1':ver.lue I:esi,. C-� 2Q59� " t� �� Gf.i iale 'i'�_Zlt �� �► '� '� Ci�a�ette " " :. 3?rennan, Ir,c. 37�J Universit� Off aale i;alt ?.05�J� ': River I�otzse Cor�. J�J �. University �'eroceay ��-2 2QC01 �� �� u �'tti�er u n n n r �� �i COC��ICILMEN " Ci�ai ette " " Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b}• Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY- By — — Approved by :�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUI1C11 CANARY�— DEPARTMENT ja BLUE — MAYOR File NO. � ���6a Council Resolution � � Presented By LICi�tdS�: COI=��iI'i'T��; Referred To Committee: Date Oot of Committee By Date Page Tl�ree - �tene�rals Puvo�el I'lo���ers, Inc. 943 Granc� 1'�ve. Plor�is�-ilurs. Appn. 20fi10 Pene�� ii n 1 Vef�:� n �i Robert �. :.amer 383 r:iclligan I'ood Veli.'I{ 20fi19 " � Lobo, Inc. fiG5 �d. 7tli St. Qri�. Cont. 20G�2 �� " " Ci�areti;e' " " Capitol Pharr�ncy 590 Parlc Orig. Cont. 20f�44 " II & E, Inc. 25ES-58 id. 7th St. Rest. C-2 20Fi58 �� �� " Ci�arette " " David D. Smith & Eugene Cheno�+�eth 721 Payne Ave. Rest. C-� 20667 �' }� " Off Sale Malt �� �� �� " Clgarette " " �� " Tavern " " St. Paul Lodge No. 59 B.P.O.E., Inc. 72 Concord Rest. C-2 2069� " " " Cigaret.te " " " " �o��in� Alley�s (8) 20694 " Jo-Lar, Inc. 149 i�i. Snelling Ori�. Cont. 20715 " " " Cigarette " " The Brass Rail Of St. Paul, Inc. 225 il. 7th St. Rest. G2 20722 �' " " Ci�arette " " " " Off Sale rTalt " " Quinn Creative, Inc. 738 Thomas Ave. Tavern 2Q?i0 �� Raymond Thomas 567 StryR�er t'�ve. Rest. C-2 20737 �� " " Tavern " " " " Off Szle hlalt �� �� " " Ci�ar.ette " " James i2. & I.�:rang S. Severin �77 �'abzs;3a Ori�. Cont. 20744 " " 1f Off �.11e �3alt " " " " Clgarette " " I�arold i•i. CItessliir �33 ;. �iobert St. Ori�. Cont. �0777 " " " Off Sale t':alt r► �r " " Ci�arette " " Cheap Cliariies, Inc. i3v; Utiiversi'�;y «ve. �2est. G1 ?c73� " '� �� Off Salc i:alt �� �� n i �-'- COUNCIL4IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na}�s Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERf( r-=�.� PINK - FINANCE a CANAR✓- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COURCII j -.Y� j BLUE� — MAYOR File NO. ����'Y� � Council Resolution Presented By T s�=+'�:� cCrI•?��'T""�':�:: Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�e I�oLar - �enc��al� ��Iort�io:nation S�ster:�s, II1C. 7n?1 i'sus.� La<te �,d. 1 Vei�. i: ::nnr.. ?(?797 �enec�. F'I:alen I'arI> Lir�uors, Inc. 13_�� I'ayne I.vernze :?est. C-2 `?('Blii " tr rr Oi'i' ��tle i>:�1� t' " �.. ,, m =, �� n.•�, � :�c� �•^L. i� s� �� ,�_ .�ruc., uervice 1 'C Car��n1l :_ve. Gen .. n �ar 2..3 ,im, i•,ontzl�.a 1�34- :":z caite ut. ~<,rLes� �,Qg<°: 't ?�onalcl J. al�eets� 1�`�£3: Grand :';.genue Lc'�y �c �� Flar.t ?^3^€i " :'reu I;e�.-r;an �.5c� i�;ax��:�.a31 :�lorisa,;-?:ui�se��y 2�'�3�' " 't'ili�ey's i'�OOGi l�:c�l'ii@r; �.E,''J� ':+'. 7�:t' ut. �-`Y'OCCi:'°�r ii—`��. <d�i}�7'?�: 11 it �t -,UtC�1CI^ tt tt �?^, t1 �� �i� �21_C ii��i; �(�v�y.;- it CY«ig Glsor, �S�J GS�and :.venue I �'J.o�is�-Vea�.. 2��3�"!-�?. r' Larry r>T'Ci]T1itY1�S Liruo�•s, Inc. 315 �.. 7�,,t� u�. i.est. �-2 "�`� " '! F� 3 ��Jv�J �r �� �fi N:le P���1L �� r� �� �� Ci�<reti.e u n ii. i. u. � �IIC L. .'�Oit'::�1?'. 1�. :�1C�I.CY' �J��: ... �'ti) �.ri�. aY'1�. �it31;�. � �?(}UV� tt t� �� Of� Nr.le I.aZt " " �� �� Ci�zre���e �� �� F'ror.i Catc��in� Co. , IFlco 11�J� Ui�ivej�Nii,- Pes-t. C-� :'�3� " �� �� �avern " �' �t tt �ance ; .11 tt t� 11 �_ ('.l�i;ti'C�`:."i;E tt tt Leo.i �'�rbrou�:. �5Q i'�.iller 1�'ooi, Z'ecicller ;;�'T 2(�883 " ni r+ ra. n '?�l�(1(; 1► G'ernoi� ',>. a::aleer� �"'? L. 7t?, ���. I�dy �� �C Plara� �..,..o� :�eir�er•s Lic1uo�s, Ir.c. i;�7 :r. i.a�y���zcl l�ve. Oa�i�. �ont. ?' �'�?��7 �� >> �� Of� uale i�=��'.t '� �� �� �+ Ci�a�'e+te " " '.'�:a�s Unlimi.�ed, Inc. 8�C' :_,. 7�±': ut. �est. C-2 2(?�`�.i �� i� �o ��vcrn >> n i� �r C)f:i �?Ie t:��.'i; ii �c �� �� Ci;�a�e�'�� t� n Sc?z�:�ai.': Sale:� �:nLer�ri�es, In.c. I�:a��s;�all I•.;�. Ori�. Cont. 13y Veh. 2���'� r� �� �� �Iei�.. I'edttiler r� 2()�3<L: �� i�i�;).'land F'«r.� Tlo��is� ��1. �. �nel]_in� I,ve. ��lo�ist-I;ui sery 2�?�3� ra , i:Y`"�i.11UY' iiELlti�l��i_QY' Ic`�.�1`� ::Y'Ccl(�C i0�! `��'Y'tiCi� �J-�731 :�.��J�?: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appro��ed by Mavoc Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WMITE - CITY CLERK � '� PINK � FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A 11 L �.���'�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT COUIICIl BLUE - MAVOR �- S�-• v File N 0. � Council Resolution r �, �,,I�;,3,,, resented By LIC�i�NL COP:�� s , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�e �ive - Eiene��a s J. J. ..'�:�ite, Inc. 8:; ;��larne�*, Irc. 719 i°:. D��le �es�. C-� �;,�nn. 2.095? 'ltene�.� r� n Oi`f S:�le P�i�It n ri �� �� Ci�arette �� n 'r:mma C�. i:illiard 1G7� i�;arst:ail 1°.ve. ?'�eaut;;� S12op 2C%95�J " Rosella Johnson 995 �rand ;�eauty Si�op 209F>8 �' I>, t�. Lic�uors, It� 1�E�(� University r1ve. Ori,;. Cont. 21(�19 " �� �� Off Sale P♦i11t �� �� " " Ci�arette " " i�inn. Lumt�er P� '�.'recl�in� 915 �;. :"diber�; � Priv. �as I'�imns 2I��'(� " �:onte :;. I��,o�:�n 1�Ct� I+.udson Fd. iiotel (27 Unitu) ?103° " Josepi�. C�aenoc,�etii ��� P��rne _.venue �lorist-:'Iur�e�y ��'�? " Pdortl:���:cut O�ticians, Inc. ��� i;. �unlap G�ticiar► 2�041 " 4iill iam Proul<: 17w2 Univer:�.ty �'arl:�e� 21(:�7 '� �anicl �;. Go�{l a5� u. �;�nc�icate I�ireari:�s 211�G " Inte�::a�;ional ..�ratlzer?Loocl of ��,lec�;. ;:'o.�i:ers 157 ?:. Dale G1 i�. Cont. �'113� n �tephen Pk. r_Iein :�C`5 ;�. i�ale N�. 1�'ircaxr� �113� �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N a}•s Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levi° __ Against BY — Sylve'���� Tedesco Adopted by� Council: Date —��g g �97� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council App ed by Mayor: D �__�_�� BY BY pUBL1SHED FEB 1 g ��7$