270519 '-� �HITE - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE COIIIICII yf� � r..ANqRY -.�DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �� 4 �� • Biy,E � - MAYOR • • O/ W Z/`�/l�CG Ordinance N O. uQ�Ea.� Presented By Referred To Committee: - Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 16006, - adopted by the City Council on May 18, 1976, pertaining to Heritage Preservation. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: , Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance N'o. 16006 is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. Definitions. As used herein: 'Heritage Preservation Site' shall mean any area,- place, building, structures, lands, districts or other objects which have been duly deeignated Heritage Pres- ervation Sites pursuant to Section 4 of this chapterY ss�-���e�-�e-�e�e�s�gtlE�-s�e--a�r-=���r�e��e-��t�i p�r��te�t--�a-��se�ee�e-���x�es-�9;�4T-fiee��e�-�38:�3." Section 2. That Paragraph (C) of Section 3 of�Ordinance No. 16006 is hereby amended to read as followss " (C) Organization. The Commission when formed shail elect from its members, such officers as it "may deem necessary. The Commission shall have the pov�er COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Roedler Against BY Sylvester " ` Tedesco ' ��-`' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By • Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � . � �? 051 - . � IC�y�� 2, to designate and appoint from its members various com- mittees with powers and duties equivalent to and not inconsistent with the powers and duties of th� Commis- sion. The Commission shall make such rules and regula- tions as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs, for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this ordinance, which are not inconsistent with the laws of the City of� Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota. The Commission shall appoint a local ad- visory committee for any heritaqe preservation area or district established within the boundaries of the Historic Hill District as defined in Laws of Minnesota, 1974, Chapter 171, Sec. 1, or within the boundaries of the Irvine Park Historic District as defined in Laws of , Minnesota, 1974, Chapter 249, S�ction 11, and may appoint such a committee for anv other heritaqe prescrvation area or district, to advise the Commission on neicrhborhaod concerns recxardincr Commission actions in their area or district. The Commission shall make an annual report, containing a statement of its activities, to the Mayor, City CQuncil, and City Planning Commission. The City of Saint Paul ma�* shall provide the Commission with adequate staff to perform the duties prescribed under this ordinance. " Section 3. That Paxagraph (A) of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 16006 is hereby amended to read as follows: " (A) Reparts. The Mayor, upon request of the Heritage Preservation Commission, shall dir�ct the Division of Planning �ega��e�� in cooperation with the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement to prepare studies which would catalog buildings, land, areas, districts, or other obje�ts to be considered for designation as a Heritage Preservation Site. " � � � � � � �1 . � �c�� �� 3. Section 4. That Paragraph (B) of Sectic�n 4 of Ordinance No. 16006 is hereby amended to read as followss " (B) Criteria. The Commission shall recommend to the City Council areas, buildings, ob�ects, or dis-- tr ic t s�-�e�-��te�����g-a�ea��--��aee�-e�-s���te����e-w���x�� ��e-��+���e-�a��-as�-H#s�e��e-H���-��e�����er-ae-ee� �e�t#�-#n-�i#��eeeta--6�a�tx�ee-��9�4T-6ee��e�-��8:�$r to be designated as Heritage Preservation Sites in the City of Saint Paul, except for the Capitol Area as defined in Minnesota Statutes 15.50, SubdivisiQn 2. In consid- ering the designation of any area, place, building, structure or similar object in the City of Saint Paul as a Heritage Preservation Site, the Commission shall apply the follc�wing criteria with resp�ct to sueh designation: (1) Its charactsr, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural characteristies of the City of Saint Paul, State of Minneseta, or the United States. (2) Its location as a site of a signifi-- cant historic event. (3) Its identification with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the culture�and development of the City of Saint Paul. (4) Its embodiment of distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type of specimen. � � � � � �? � �l - . � 1��(�°i 4. (5) Its identification as the work of an architect or master builder whose individual work has influenced the development of the City of Saint Paul. (6) Its embodiment of slements of archi- tectural design, detail, materials, or craftsman- ship which represent a significant architectural innovation. (7) Its unique location or singular physi- cal characteristic representing an established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community or the City of Saint Paul." Section 5. That Paragraph (F) of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 16006 is hereby amended to read as followss " (F) Findinqs and Recommendations. The Heritage Preservation Commission shall determine if the proposed Heritage PreservatiQn Site is �ligible for heritage preservation as determined by the criteria specified in ��paragraph � B of this section, and if the Heritage Preservation Comm3.ssion recommends to the City Council that the sit�a be designated for heritage preservation, the Commission shall transmit to the City Council with its reeommendation its proposed program for the preser- vation of the Heritage Preaervation Site." ,�9H1T£ '- GTV CLERK - /� PINK � - FINANCE COUIICll - / O `�,� , BLUTRr�- M,9VORTMENT CITY OF SAINT PATTL File NO. ` J . I' O� in�nce ordinance N 0._��`I a� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date + 5. Section 6. That Paragraph (C) of Section 5 of Ordinance No, 16006 is hereby amended to read as followss " (C) The Commission may accept the services on a permanent or part-time basis of technical experts and such other persons as may be required to perform its d ut i e sy---p�era�+�ee�-�at--�e-ge�re��-���-ixe��ee=l��t�reel� �e�-�a�e�-se=:-�s." � Section 7. Th�t this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Butler �I�eee� In Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY Roedler Sylvester ' 1978 ��� 4 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted Council: Date � Ce fied Passe y Coun '1 Secretary BY Appr by Mayor: Dat �R 5� �g7� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By� . BY a A R 15 1978 r WHITE� �- CITV CLERK � � PIPjK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ���t.i�� CANARV - DEAARTMENT t BLUE -i.CAVOR Flle NO. � Ordin�cnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By 'v Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By \� Date , � An ordi�{ance amending Ordinance No. 16006, adopted b��r the City Council on May 18, 1976, pertaininc,�.,Fto Heritage Pre�cervation. THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT�„ OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINz .�� �t, Section l, ., That Section 2 of Ordin ce No. 16006 is hereby amended to read as followss "Section 2. Definitions. ` A� used herein: 'Heritage Preservation Sit ' shall mean any area, place, building, structures, lan , districts or other objects which have been duly desi ated Heritage Preser- vation Sites pursuant to Section 4 f this chapter;-er� w��e�-�e--�a��e�ee���+a�ee�-as-e�-�-H.�,a�a ' -��s���e�-s--p��- e�t-te-M���e�e�e-6��t�ee-�9�4T-fiee�� -�36�3." Section 2. That Paragraph (C) of Section 3 of Ordinan e No. 16006 is � hereby amended to read as follows: " (C) Orcranization. The Commission when formed shall elect from its members, such officers as it ma deem COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ,� Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco , Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �--- By By . <4�����..� 2. � neces��ry. The CQmmission shall have th� power ta designa't�e and appoint from its members various com- mittees `�i.th powars and duties equivalent to and not inconsiste"�t with the povvers and duties of the Com- mission. T�p Commission shall make such rules and regta.lations as, it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct'�,of its affairs, for the purpose of carrying out the�,intent of this ordinance, which are not incansistent v�th the laws of tha City of Saint Paul and the State i�f Minnesota. The Commission may a oint a local advis r committea for an herita e reservation area or d trict to advise the Commission on nei hborho4d concern re ardin Commission actions in their area or district The Commission shall make an annual report, containi a statement of its activ- ities, to the Mayor, City Co ncil, and City Planning Commission, The City of Sain Paul may provide the. Commission with adequate staff o perform the duties prescribed under this ordinance. ' Section 3. �, � �, That Paragraph (A) of Section 4 of Or�inance No. 1600.6 is ' hereby amended to read as follows: `�4 � " (A) Reports, Ths Mayor, upon re�st of the Heritage Preservation Commission, shall di�ect the D�.vision of Planning �egart�xe�+� in cooperat'�.on with the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforc'�ment to prepare studies which would catalog buildingsy land, areas, districts, or other ob jects to be cansit3ared fo�c designation as a Heritage Preservation Site." Section 4. That Paragraph (B) of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 16006 is hereby amend�d to read as follows: . � �` ;(�4�� � � � 3. � ,� .� " (B) iteria. Th� Commission shall recommend to the City Cou il areas, buildings, objects, or districtsT �e�-��e�tt���g- �eae�--���aeee--e�-s��t�e��t�es-w��k��-��e �����e-i�a��-a���s�s��e-����--��e#��e�sT-ae-se�-�e��k ��-���eee�a-,E�a�`��es-���4T-6ee��e�-�38��3� to be desig- nated as Heritage �reservation Sites in the City of Saint Paul, except fpr the Capitol Area as defined in Minnesota Statutes 15�,50, Subdivision 2. In considering th� designation of any'�area, place, building, structure or �imilar object in th�� City of Saint Paul as a Heritage Pr�servation Site, the CoA�mission shall apply the follow- ing crit�ria with respsct i�o such designations � ���� (1) Its chaxact�r,`�t intarest or value as part of the development, �eritage or cultural characteristica nf the Cit� of Saint Paul, State of Minnesota, or the United�''�States. � � (2) Its locatic�n as a s�te of a significant � historic event. �,, �°, (3) Its identification witl�i, a person or persons who significantly contrib�.ted to the cul- ture and devalopment af the City oi��, Saint Paul. , � x (4) Its embodiment of distingu��shing charac- teristics of an architectural type of `•:�pecimen; (5) Its id�ntification as the worli�„ of an axchitect or master builder whose indivi8ual work has influenced the development of the Cit� of Saint Paul. (6) Its embodiment of elements of architec- tural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant architectural inno-» vation. . , 6�F°-!52���� • �. �'`,.;'r_,_.3. � 4. � � (7)'� Its unique location or singular physi- cal chara teristic representing an astablished and familiar vi ual feature of a neighborhood, com- munity or th City of Saint Paul. " Section 5. That Paragraph (F) of ection 4 of Ordinance No. 16006 is hereby amended to read as fo ows: �� , " (F) Findin s and Re ommendations. The Hexitage Preservation Cornmission sha 1 determine if the proposed Heritage Preservation Site i eligible for heritage preservation as determined by he criteria specified in se�bparagraph � B of this sectio , and if the H�ritage Preservation Commission recommen s to the City Council that the site be designated for h itage preservation, the Commission shall transm3.t to t e City Council with its reeommendation its proposed proc�,,icam for the preser- vation of the Heritage Praservation �te. " ��. Section 6. ��. �r That Paragraph (E) of Section 6 of OrdinaC�ce No. 16006 is hereby amended to read as followss �'°. � m� " (E) Commission Review. The Heritage reservation Commission, upon receipt of the application r permit and plans shall determine if the work to be p formed pursuant to the permit adversely affeets th� p�ogram for the preservation and architectural control ��f the Heritage Preservation Site. If the Heritage Pre`�serva- tion Commissic�n determines that the work to be p�;rformed pursuant to the permit application does not advertely affect the applicable prQgram, it shall so notify he Division of Housing and Building Code Enfor���nt n v+�iting. In the event the Heritage Pr�servatian `� . • ' , � �xi�.��.�.1 �� �r i � �� aq Z �, Commission'�etermin�s that the work to be performed pursuant to �he permit application maY adversely affecte� the a�licabl� program, tha Commi�sion shall hold a publ.ic I�aaring. Notice of the public hearing shall have been �ublished in a newspaper +�f general circulation er�e�-$��-te-�ke-ge�m�t-a}�}���ea�� at least ten (10) days prio ,�to the date of the hearing� and shall be sent to th ermit a licant all owners of the ro art for whic the ermit is re ested and all owners of ro ert wit n 350 feet of the boundar of the propert�for which��e permit is reQUested. The Heritage Preser�ation Co�ssion shall review the per- mit and such plans as subm tted therewith and after receiving recc>mnnendation frc�i coneerned citizens shall render its decision thereon a'� a written order to the Division of Housing and Buildi�� Code Enforcement. No permit shall issue in regard to ,�ny application for a permit required under this secti�i to be submitted to the Heritage Preservation Commissi�pn until the Division o€ Housing and Building Code Enforc��ment shall receive the ord�r from the Heritage Preserva�ion Commission, subject, hc�wever, to paragraph F of t�;is section. The Commission shall furnish the permit ap,�licant with a copy af the Comm�.ssic�n' s written order �,nd decision, together with a copy of any recommendatians for changes necessary to be made before the Commissioi� will recon- sider the applicant' s permit application, '' . . WHITE —�CITV CLERK PINK , �— FINANCE � COUI1C11 ���N CAPIARV — DEAARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �g � � BLUE — MAVOR File NO. ��' � �� �� I � � Ordindnce ordinance N 0. Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6. Section 7. That this ordin ce shall take effect and be in force thi�ty (30) days from and af r its passage, approval and publication. , , � . �, �� �x � .� s� � . `y, t aL ,�*� �� :� �� *� V'A ,� • , •� • ^4 . COU[VCILMEN Requested by Depart�ent of: Yeas Nays Butler �:4 Hozza In Favor — Hunt ' Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By D By . Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By , � - �'������ ��T� ��. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'�y `�' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � �;;,•,t•,�,,o� `� ` ����� � DIVISION OF PLANNING a 1 �f n 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor December 20, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Members of the City Council c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: On July 5, 1977 the City Council initiated a 40 acre study on the proposed Historic Hill Ordinance. The Planning Commission has completed its study of the matter. Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Planning Comnission on December 16, 1977 recommending that there be no separate Historic Hill Board. They further recommend that the Heritage Preservation Co�ranission have jurisdiction in both the Historic Hill and Irvine Park as they do in other parts of the city. At the public hearing a representative of the Irvine Park comnunity said they had not been adequately informed of the Planning Commission 's actions in this matter (notice of the public hearing together with the proposed recommendation had been sent to the Early Notification List). The repre- sentative asked that no decision be made regarding Irvine Park until the neighborhood had had a greater opportunity to review the matter. The Commission decided that Irvine Park should be included in their recommendation but that the community should be fully informed before a final decision is made by Council and the Mayor. In addition to sending written materials, a member of the Planning staff will meet with the Irvine Park corrmunity at their convenience. I am transmitting this action separately to Mayor Latimer. Sincerely, ��� ,j�� mes J. Be lus JJB:da Enclosure ..:�=�:�,.. .. . , _ , . i " ' �'����:`�g ,. city af saint �au� . planr��ng c�mm�on resoiution file nurnber 7-40 �'' �� . D r�b r 16. 1977 WNEREAS, on July 5, 1977 the Saint Paul City Council initiated a 40 Acre Study of the proposed Nistoric Hill Ordinance (Council File Number 269327) and referred the matter to the Planning Comnission, pursuant to Minn. Stat. � 462.357 (5) ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance and pursuant to § 462.357 (5) held public hearings on the proposed ordinance on October 28, 1977 and December 16, 1977; and WHEREAS, the Planning Eomnission ha� determined: l . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical ; 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; 3. That a determination has been made that a procedure for review of development affecting the exterior of buildings in Historic Areas is in keeping with the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to a plan for future land use; and 4. That pursuant to state statutes proper notice of the hearing on October 28 has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on October 12, 18 and 25, 1977. Notice of the hearing on Dec3mber 16 was given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on December 2, 9 and 16, 1977. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to the requested 40 acre study the Planning Commission recommends that there be no separate Historic Hill Board, and that there should be no delegation of the City's zoning powers. The Conmission further recomnends that: 1 . Section 2 of the Heritage Preservation Ordinance (Ordinance #16006) should be amended so the Heritage Preservation Commission has jurisdiction in the Historic Hill and Irvine Park as it does in other parts of the City. 2. Section 6E of the Heritage Preservation Ordinance should be amended so neighbors within 350 feet are informed of public hearings before the Heritage Preservation Commission on building permit reviews. m�V�� �� Mertvice Mavn�,. .�.. � ���� � _ Gayle Sumners ir� fav�r �� . a�a�r��t.�._� abstain 1 , _ � � .� .. , , , - • .• ������� PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 77-40 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Planning Commission recognizes that to preserve �he area's historic character it is important that there be review of building permits in some sections. Therefore, the Planning Comnission recomnends that: 1 . The Heritage Preservation Commission immediately begin considering the National Register Districts for possible designation. (These areas are shown on the attached map.) 2. Adequate staff be immediately provided by the City to the Heritage Preservation Comnission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Planning Comnission recognizes the importance of neighborhood i�volvement and citizen participation in the City's review procedures, therefore, the Planning Commission recommends that: ] . People on the City's Early Notification List in the affected distri�ct be informed of upcoming public hearings on building permit reviews; and 2. Local advisory committees should be established for historic areas. These comnittees should have a responsibility to advise the Heritage Preservation on neighborhood concerns regarding Commission actions in their area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Planning Comnission directs the Planning Administrator to forward the 40 acre study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. . . . .. .t , . . . . . � � . . � � , ' �. . . .. . . � . -� . . � ' � ` � . � . ..' . � � . . . � � . . . . . ,` . . . . . . .' , . i � . . . � . . , . ' � . � .. - . ., . , i . � � � .. . � . . . � . . . � .. . , _ � - . , . ����' .. .. . . . . . . .. . ,. . - . . .. . . � � �.� .. . . . . � � . � . � . �i . J . . . � � ' . . . ' . � � ' . . . � . �. . , . . . ' • � . � � - . � � . . . ' " . � . ` �� � .. � �.� � . • � � . � . % . . ' � ' . . . . • - . ' � - � . . . .� � �. .� , . - . . . : �' � .. . ... - , . . , " y : ' " � _ = .. R I + . !+ ; � , • , . �. ; � ' - �+� �,► �.9'1'� 1� � ; , , , , r . , ,. , , � ! , �� , � .. . ; , . �t�,�� . � � 4r�w. ��+i�qt , ,� , _ , , - ` , , a .. . _ . t . , � � D�sr st�: , � . , � � M�����it#� �eR��l, tiw� irt� �r#�=;� ��a1�"�M��, . � � +�E� 4�'. �r� x� Ir�� 1� � l�a�W� 1r�►,�lta�r 1�r!���Ma ar�r ��i��lr�� . � 1�MR-� �1I1�1_#AF �/ �� 9r. 3��q�,. ' " t. , p - , . �lr1►:�1l�I �I� t� �3�'6 0! �t�'�O�t1i �i�� �t,'�.�1'��►��l4 �� f�M�Oq . �4�.�t '1i11'�i �C tii '�t'�if�d'ti+�'Ad 'EO �''i110 '� � � '�'!� �l�'!t 'r OL' 1111���Oei �' �! � �'..�l�:� - : , , : ; �� �r �rr se±rae.MraYa t�t aeti�.�irr�i� 1l.�c l�a�,a� t�r. �r.sn. �wrlc ,praw� a� t� a�or�l�+arRt�m oot' t�r � � 1r�`�t�t � t�t's�a�,� �nl� ' �•� r � - ,: , �, . � , , � � ie�s�' ta�31'„ , ` , . , � ; ' � , � , , t,"il,�► �xlt � ` ' I�/w . . . � a , . , . , , - , . . . � ; . , � � � ; , ! . u � , . - • , � , ; , � ' - � CITY OF SAINT PAUL GITY p 4�' F'� � 'si .� Rose Mtx o ;,;.;;"""' -' Alb�rt B. Olsoe � �.=-- City Clerk and s °°-'°`°�°` ,,`• Council Recorder Council Secretary v��, h�` +.f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Hall St.P¢ul,Minnesota 56102 Phone 898-.4m81 February 13, 1978 NOTICE OF HEARING The St. Paul City Council w311 hold a public hearing on the 21st day of February, 1978 at 10 A.M. in the City Council Chambers in City Hall, to consider a proposed Ordinance, C.F. No. 270519, pertaining to Herita,�e Preservation. The proposed Ordinance would implement the reco�nendation of the Plannin� Co�mnission and amend the present Heritage Preservation Ordinance to provide that the Herita�e Preservation Comani.ssion have �urisdiction in both the Historic Hi11 and Irvine Park areas as they do in other parts of the City. i�X� i rr_'*.-' l ,h��J" ��__:��s__, �;i�; .,; --i,�,.� City Clerk !� ��`��v�.--���� ��' .:$���' � ✓� e� � ; � .�� � , � � � � �; ,k. $' ��� �� � � �,...;.t � �� � .�:,,,:�.�;�°�� � r ��. ;�;��=� §,;�� , � 3� j�d �ti.F ;h��°�� �� �♦�� ., � ���� A �{» � i P ll H I. I C lt G A R I N G HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION -- M�:�TIN(� ATTENAANCE RECORD Uate: _2-6-78 r�arz•��:►z� �ro K�: cuNSluN_____k�;l_ Applicant LocaCion 1 ) k.andmark Center 2) St Paul/Hill Reference Library 3) Hamm Bldg 4) Minraesota Museum of Art 5) Rice Park District " , TtiOSE IN ATTENDANCE Name Address Matter Interested In. �. �� �7�Ns�43 �i�N� �G �� � A�1�,� '�3 ""- ' 1 Z O`�c ��G v�+��J, S�• �o�.,.� � ,� G ����QQ rc4p �, ,� a?o ;, ':�c,�. �:�..� � — a o�� ,2�.��.a.�.�- , - � , � Da te: /� � �� ATTENDANCE (please print) NAME ORGANIZATION ADDRESS s•L f�l�A� � G ��� �C��a'" �435' l�°��YI�� /t�'. ��Y n�i�w � �E�Q�� �/�!n SeN �'�i l/l1'S',�a�• , 6�l�Lq�,��� —�. . ,,, .., ,.. � '�u.A y � c�.au� h li�v l��s�o,eic. ���/l �Ois�; ,BaQrQ . a7s Sun•►m��� �uc ,. � �� L�,�n �,� ��1 A�, � - b�� s�� � . ,�___._. � . s � , � � � � � �,/,� ` ` c � , �:.... G-...� 12ctn'� - / • �` lZ � G� � � `s' 1 r � ' ' � . , � • . • G�t��v �N Y s� � � s � ' s� � � . �e, �;G�v � � �� y , , � � �' - � �� � h " ._.(�e. r I � - A i s o.� *c r-t ,� : �� � Fo�d R ����C� h-r ,�, �? � �) � ��TY a,� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL� '���� �= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � < � �°�°'�' .' �,� " �o DIVISION OF PLANNING .,� 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor December 20, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Members of the City Council c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: On July 5, 1977 the City Council initiated a 40 acre study on the proposed Historic Hill Ordinance. The Planning Commission has completed its study of the matter. Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Planning Commission on December 16, 1977 recommending that there be no separate Historic Hill Board. They further recomnend that the Heritage Preservation Commission have jurisdiction in both the Historic Hill and Irvine Park as they do in other parts of the city. At the public hearing a representative of the Irvine Park community said they had not been adequately informed of the Planning Commission's actions in this matter (notice of the public hearing together with the proposed recommendation had been sent to the Early Notification List) . The repre- sentative asked that no decision be made regarding Irvine Park until the neighborhood had had a greater opportunity to review the matter. The Corr�nission decided that Irvine Park should be in�luded in their recomnendation but that the community should be fully informed before a final decision is made by Council and the Mayor. In addition to sending written materials, a member of the Planning staff will meet with the Irvine Park comnunity at their convenience. I am transmitting this action separately to Mayor Latimer. Sincerely, � [�� mes J. Be lus JJB:da Enclosure ,..; =L: Clt'y C?�f S�iClt ��1.�� p�ar�r�ing commission rescaiution �ile nur�ber 7-40 ��'� .,December 16. 1977 WHEREAS, on July 5, 1977 the Saint Paul City Council initiated a 40 Acre Study of the proposed Historic Hill Ordinance (Council File Number 269327) and referred the matter to the Planning Comnission, pursuant to Minn. Stat. � 462.357 (5) ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance and pursuant to y 462.357 (5) held public hearings on the proposed ordinance on October 28, 1977 and December 16, 1977; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: , 1 . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical ; 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; 3. That a determination has been made that a procedure for review of development affecting the exterior of buildings in Historic Areas is in keeping with the overall needs of the comnunity, to existing land use, and to a plan for future land use; and 4. That pursuant to state statutes proper notice of the hearing on October 28 has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on October 12, 18 and 25, 1977. Notice of the hearing on Dec3mber 16 was given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on December 2, 9 and 16, 1977. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to the requested 40 acre study the Planning Comnission recommends that there be no separate Historic Hill Board, and that there should be no delegation of the City's zoning powers. The Connnission further recommends that: l . Section 2 of the Heritage Preservation Ordinance (Ordinance #16006) should be amended so the Heritage Preservation Comnission has jurisdiction in the Historic Hill and Irvine Park as it does in other parts of the City. 2. Section 6E of the Heritage Preservation Ordinance should be amended so neighbors within 350 feet are informed of public hearings .before the Heritage Preservation Commission on building permit reviews. �OV�� �9 Mertyce„t�$vne ��(x'�� Gavl e Sumngrs . � —,� -.-----. ir� av�r . � . aga�ns�t.�.� abstain 1 '�. . . ' . . �t .A� 1��. 6� :i�M ..� � � � . ' . . . �. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 77-40 Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Planning Comnission recogniies that to preserve the area's historic character it is important that there be review of building permits in some sections. Therefore, the Planning Comnission recommends that: 1 . The Heritage Preservation Commission immediately begin considering the National Register Districts for possible designation. (These areas are shown on the attached map.) 2. Adequate staff be imnediately provided by the City to the Heritage Preservation Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Planning Comnission recognizes the importance of neighborhood i�volvement and citizen participation in the City's review procedures, therefore, the Planning Commission recommends that: l . People on the City's Early Notification List in the affected district be informed of upcoming public hearings on building permit reviews; and 2. Local advisory committees should be established for historic areas. These comnittees should have a responsibility to advise the Heritage Preservation on neighborhood concerns regarding Commission actions in their area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Planning Commission directs the Planning Administrator to forward the 40 acre study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. INTRODUCTION St. Paul s Historic Hil area is a superb co ection of late 19th Century residential architecture. Buildings in this area, which includes much of Summit Hill and Summit University, show the diversity of style and wealth of de- tail which characterize late Victorian design. Much of this area is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This large historic residential area is an important resource to the city. To preserve this resource some architectural controls are needed. The controversy last winter over the Summit Avenue duplexes illustrates the need for some formal review of proposed development in the Hill . A property owner on Summit Avenue wished to build two modern style buildings. Neighbors objected because the design was out-of-keeping for Summit Avenue. They thought there should have been an opportunity for public review of the owner's plans before building per- mits were issued. The City, the State, the Historical Society and the interested parties invested long hours of attorneys ' time before a compromise was reached. Perhaps this legal battle could have been avoided. If the developer had been required, as a matter of course, to submit plans to a revi�aw board, it is likely a compromise could have been amicably reached. In 1976 the City Council appointed an Historic Hill Advisory Board. The Board was directed to recommend with- in a year a comprehensive pr�gram for the District's preservation. After holding a public hearing on the proposed ordinance the Hill Board submitted it to the City Council . The City Council has initiated a 40 acre study and directed the Planning Commission to study the matter. A 40 acre study is required for amendments to the zoning code, which directly affect a large area of the city. It appears the proposed Historic Hill ordinance would chanqe the city's zoning code as it may give some zoning powers to the Historic Hill Board. � This report is a 40 acre study and will be the basis for discussion at a public hearing before the Planning - Commission. It looks at the problem of how to provide preservation controls for the Historic Hill . It is intended to generate discussion on alternative courses of action. What is the Historic Hill? As defined by the 1971 Minnesota Historic Districts Act it is the area shown in Figure 1 . This is a large and diverse area. It contains many of the City's landmark buildings. It also contains structures with Fig. 1 - - [— �r —]� 1L _ _�r =-� ��c �r i ��_ � ! Q L�C�c �-�� � ��O ���I fl. A. l �7 _ _1C ] . 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(There are, however, some exceptions. ) The first section discusses the powers given to the City by the 1971 Minnesota Historic Districts Act. This legi�la- tion defines several historic areas in the state. It gives the municipality the right to provide special development controls and architectural review for these areas. Two historic neighborhoods in St. Paul are included in �his a�t; the Historic Hill and Irvine Park. This Historic Hill en- compasses an area of about 500 acres. Its boundaries ar� shown in Figure 1 . Irvine Park is a much smaller aren, including only about 20 acres. Its boundaries are shown in Figure 3. The ordinance proposed by the Historic Hill Advisory Board creating a separate Historic Hill Board is one alt�r►�ativ�, the second section of this report discusses issues raised by this proposal and indicates possible modifications. There is another basic way to control development in the Hill ; this could be the responsibility of the Heritage Preservation Commission. The third section of this report. discusses issues raised by giving the HPC this res�ons �-- bility. THE MINNESOTA HISTORIC DISTRICTS ACT The 1971 Historic Districts Act gives the City the power to create a board for the purpose of architectural control and preservation of the area. The City of Minneapolis has implemented this portion of the Act for the Saint Anthony Falls Historic Area. The Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission reviews building permits within this 8Q0 acre area. � It appears that a board created under this enabling legislation might have some power in addition to those given to it by city ordinance. The Act states : 138.74 CONTROL AND MAINTENANCE OF HISTORIC DISTRICTS. The governing bodies of the subdivisions of the state in which these historic districts are located shall have the power to create an historic district board or commission for the purpose of providing architectural control of these areas. Said board or commission shall have the power to provide special zoning conditions for these districts , whether owned or controlled privately or by a public body, to impose regulations governing construction, alteration , demolition and use, and to adopt other measures appropriate for the preservation, protection and perpetuation of these historic districts designated by the state of Minnesota. " For example, the Board might find that some uses , such as fast food restaurants or gas stations are incompatible with the area's 19th century character. The Board may have the power to place conditions on these uses above and beyond conditions imposed by the City's Zoning Code. The Historic Districts Act also gives the City the power to amend its zoning code to preserve the character of the District. For example, St. Paul 's Zoning Ordinance limits the height of single-family homes , duplexes and townhouses , to 30 feet. In the Hill , many homes are taller than 30 feet. This "verticality" is an important aspect of the area's physical character. To allow new construction to blend with its older surroundings , under the Historic Districts Act, the City could make the Hill an "overlay" zone allowing homes more than 30 feet tall . The Historic Districts Act also gives the City the power to remove blighting influences such as signs, debris and unsightly struc�ures. It is important to remember that there are two possible ways to implement the Historic Districts Act. The responsibili- ties can be given to a citywide board. This has been done in Minneapolis. Development in both the Milwaukee Avenue and Saint Anthony Falls Historic District is reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Commission. The alternative approach is to give these review powers to a local board. This is the proposal of the Historic Hill Advisory Board. PROPOSED ORDINANCE The proposed ordinance provides for review by appointed local residents of development proposals. This His•toric Hill Board would review projects for the area defined by the Minnesota Historic Districts Act. Not all development will be reviewed. Interior work is unaffected by the ordinance. If building permits are not applied for,the project will not be reviewed. The intent of this provision is to have a public review of projects which will be visible to the public eye. The following sections summarizes the ordinance and indi- cates issues raised by particular sections. REVIEW OF BUILDING PERMITS Section 2 (K/J) The Historic Hill Board would review all permits for rp4� construction, demolition or moving a building in the area. They would also review proposed changes to the way any existing building looks on the outside. For example, this includes both adding on a front porch or tearing off a front porch. It would include putting in new windows , or reroofing , but would not include the color a building is painted. A building permit would not be issued until the proposal is approved by the Historic Hill Board. The Board must act on a proposal within 30 days of receiving i�. The Board's decisions could be appealed to the City Council Issues Review of building permits will require a consider°able time commitment both from staff and from board members . In 1976, lli building permits were issued for exterior work on buildings in this area. Researching the site a�7� the proposed development and making a report to the Bc�ar� is likely to be a staff responsibility, particulariy during the building season, this may be a full time job. The Board or one of its committees will probably need to meet more than once a month to deal with this volume of building permits. ___. . Section 3 REVIEW The proposed ordinance prohibits work from commencing before all necessary plans have been reviewed by the Board. Paragraph C says THE BOARD SHALL REVIEW "the application and all plans and documentation submitted therewith and after receiving recommendation from concerned citizens , shall render its decision on the application as a written order to the appropriate City department. " The Board must give the applicant a record of its decision showing findings of fact and a recommendation or design modifica- tions. • An appeal to the City Council can be made within 10 days of the Board's decision. Paragraph I says the Council � shall make a decision in the same manner it decides appeals from other Boards or Commissions. Issu�s No mention is made in this section of public hearings prior to the Board's decision. How are "concerned citizens" to know about the review unless there is public notices of the time and place? Of course, all permit reviews will not warrant a hearing. For example, Saint Paul 's Heritage Preservation Commission is required to hold a public hearing only on applications which they do not approve. The proposed Hill Ordinance implies there would be a public hearing for appeals taken to the City Council . This is implied in the statement that "Appeals will be �decided in the same manner. . . . " However, if this is the intent of the ordinance it should be explicit. How is the public to be notified? Should notices be mailed to nearby property owners? Should notices be printed in a neighborhood news- paper or in the Dispatch-Pioneer Press? Should the State or County Historical Societies be notified of any public hearings? If public hearings and the requirements for notification are not formalized, neighborhood gossip and occasional media publicity will be the only way for con- cerned citizens to find out about permit reviews. Some areas of the Hill are more significant than others. Presumably, development proposals in these areas would be more scrutinized than those in less significant sections. Si�ould the ordinance include a provision to allow the Qoard to designate areas within the districts for different levels of control? Section 2 (K)(2) REVIEW OF CITY ACTIVITY The Historic Hill Board would also review and make recommendations on all city activities to change the nature or appearance of the District (Section 2 (K)(2) . This would include street widenings , and a tree planting but would not include snow removal or street repair. The Board would have 30 days to review a project and make recommenda- tions. Work on the project cannot begin until the review is done. Issues In additon to these city activities it would be appropriate for the Board to review parking lot permits. The Hill Board would have some review, before a parking lot was �ut in as they would review the building permit for paving . However, the process would be smoother if the Board reviewc� parking lot permits at the same time that they are reviewed by city agencies. Section 2 (K)(4-7) OTHER DUTIES In addition to review of permits and city activity the Hill Board has other responsibilities. These include public education and soliciting contributions for preserva'tion work. Paragraph 7 also gives the following power: . (7) To assume such other powers and duties as may be granted to historic district boards or historic preservation commissions by the State of Minnesota, or any appropriate tasks assigned to it by the Mayor or the City Council of the City of Saint Paul . Issues As discussed in the previous section , the Minnesota Historic Districts Act allows the Board some zoning powers. However, the proposed ordinance does not directly give any zoning power to the Hill Board. Paragraph 7 may indirectly give the Board the power to inmpose zoning conditions beyond those of the City's zoning ordinance. Section 28 MEMBERSHIP The proposed Historic Hill ordinance establishes an li member board. Members must be residents of the Distric±.. The Ordinance directs the Mayor to consider the professi��i�- al expertise and geographic distribution of prospectiv� appointees. Issues These membership requirements may not provide fo� adeyuul.�� � reviews of building permits. Several questions are r•a���. : Can neighbors give a fair evaluation of their neignbor : ` development proposals? Should the Board be required t�: have professionals sitting on it? Section 2 (J)(4) CONFLICT OF :NTEREST __---__._ The proposed ordinance states that if a board member� i:,_, a direct firancial interest in a particular ��ermi �t ��i�.tai� that member shail abstain from discussion and votir��; Issues This provision �s equivalent to the rules governinc abstenions by City Council members. However, becau�jv �`?<: Hill is a very limited area, in comparison to the entir,e city, conflicts of interest may be a more urgent issuE. For example, professional involvement, previous ownershiF� or promimity to a proposed development are areas where conflict of interest could arise. Section 2 (H & I ) STAFF The proposed Hill Ordinance requires the City provid� tf�c Board with adequate staff to perform its duties. Minute� and records of the Board's work are also required. Issues What is the staff role for the Historic Hill Board? Shoulc; staff only advise the Board or are there some permit re- views which could be handled administratively? A large staff commitment will be required just to review and keep records on about 100 building permits a year. During the building season , aside from other duties , permit review would probably require one full time staff person and a half time secretary/stenographer. This is aside from other duties , such as education and advising prospective developers. Particularly if Board members are not require:i to have professional backgrounds it is vital that staff oe highly qualified. Staff should be able to advise the Board, citizens and developers , on materials , styles and sources. An architectural historian with a background in preserva- tion would be an appropriate person for the work. Th�s would require creating a new Civil Service classification. THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION One program for the preservation of the Hill area is to give review powers to a special Historic Hill Board. An alternative program would be to give the responsibility for this area to the citywide Heritage Preservation Commission. Minn. Stat. § 471 .193 (Appendix 2) allows cities to create a Heritage Preservation Commission. This statute, passed in 1973 , is the enabling legislation for Saint Paul 's Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) . The HPC recommends to the City Council that certain building sites or areas be placed on the city's historic list. Once a site is desig- nated, any building permit affecting its exterior, including new construction and demolition, shall be reviewed by the HPC. The responsibility for permit review is equivalent to the permit review suggested by the Historic Hill Ordi- nance. The HPC was created by ordinance in 1976. However, the Heritage Preservation Ordinance does not cover the entire city. Three areas are specifically excluded: The Historic Hill and Irvine Park (as defined by Minn. Stat. § 138.73) and the Capitol Approach Area. If the City wishes , the Heritage Preservation ordinance could be amended to include the Hill and Irvine Park. The Capitol Approach Area continues to be administered by the Capitol Area Architecture and Planning Board. Before implementing such a change, the question of local participation must be considered. What would be the neighborhoo� representation if the Historic Hill (or Irvine Park) comes ur�der the jurisdiction of the of the Heritage Preservation Commission? Should the Commission 's member- ship be enlarged to include neighborhood representatives? Should there be a special committee of the Commission to work with neighborhood organizations? There are two ways the Hill Area could come under the jurisdiction of the Heritage Preservation Commission. 1 .The entire area, as defined by the Historic Districts Act, could be declared an historic area, with the HPC responsible for review of development proposals. 2.The ordinance could be amended to give the HPC the same jurisdiction in this area that it has in other parts of the city. Before looking at these alternatives the question of bound- aries should be considered. What is the really historic section(s) of Summit-University and Summit Hill? What is . the area in which strict development and architectural controls are needed? Is this area better defined by the State boundaries, by the National Register boundaries, or by some other parameters? If this area is well defined by the state, then it would be expeditious for the City to declare it an historic area and give review authority to some agency. If this area could be better defined by other boundaries then the second alternative is appro- priate. This would mean that the boundaries defined by the Historic Districts Act would not have to be adhered to. The Commission could draw other boundaries .creating one (or several ) historic areas, in accordance with its own guidelines. SUMMARY Some review of development is appropriate for the City's historic areas. What form, and by whom it should be done are basic questions. There are three alternatives to be considered by the City. l .To create a special Historic Hill Board as allowed by the Historic Districts Act. This is the recommendation of the Historic Hill Advisory Board. As indicated in Section of this report, there are some difficulties with particular sections of this proposal . Modifications should be considered. 2.To give the -review powers allowed by the Historic Districts Act to the St. Paul Heritage� Preservation Commission. 3.The City is not required to implement the Histor.ic Districts Act. The Heritage Preservation presently has the respon- sibility to designate historic sites in other parts of the city. If the City chooses not to create special historic areas, these areas should like other neighborhoods be under the jurisdiction of the HPC. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Rose Mix Aib�rt B.Oisos City Clerk and Council Recordcr Council Seeretary OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RBCORDS 388 City Hall St.Paul,Minneaota 65102 Phone�'98-4�s1 _ July 5, 1977 Planning Staff Grace Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Gentlemen: The City Council today gave first reading to an ordinance, C.F. 269326, establishing the Historic Hill District Board pursua.nt to Minnesota Statutes and setting out its powers and duties. The Council also adopted a resolution, C.F. 269327, initiating a zoning amendment to the Legislative Code and referring said proposed amendment to the Planning Commission in accordance with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes for a 40-acre study and public hearing. The Council also requested that the matter be referred to Districts 8 and 16, The League of Women Voters, The Trades and Labor Assembly and The Chamber of Commerce for their input. V�y truly yours, �' ��� / "11�, t �� � City Clerk Attach. � ABO:dcr !�!� � O 4 a..r ��,...• cc: y r George Latimer � �, �, � �w ��;�,�-�- ^�,... Community Development Office �,,,�;���,�1� ,,,..-` � t �i�� �. � ���`�`� . � ���� r�`��-,�,.. .� �o , ` , , r . { � lst ��� 2nd °2 I � �� Adop ted 3rd --------� F �� 7 �- `� � Yeas �y� ays .-.�-� �� B��R ��f�� � � ,,,". - `�R��� HUNT � ������.�� � LEVINE ROEDLER � _ ' 'I�SCO (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) � �'INN — F'INeNCE t,ouncu �U�)V� �r C�N�RV - DEPARTMENT (� I Z'y OF SA I YT I�AU L File NO.� !Al U£ — MAVOR � ^ ;s .?.r�J � / `Council Resolution � / ,f t,- • ,� ._i/` f r�r�+... Presented By �/ �� — ---- i Referred To ' Committee: Date --- - — Out of Committee By_ _ Date -- ��,tH�REAS, �he T�inneEOta L�3islatura �as£�d legi�iation� Alinn��ota Statut�s � 1�8.73, creating Gn His�oric �iill District in th3 City of Saint Pault �nd h'HEREF�.S, By C. F. R�:solution No. 26GG45, adopted J�nuary 29, 197G, the Cauncil of t.Yia City o£ Saint ��ul cre4ted an Historic Hill District Board to reco>�nd, int�r alia, a c�preh��nsive praJra� for tha �rest:rvation an3 r.rchitectural control of th4 Historic Hi12 Di�trict� and h'I3ERs�AS, The Historic IIill. Bo�.rd has recoramende3 a ��ro�r�osed ordin:�nce to provid3 for th� preservation and architectural control of th� �iistoric Hi.11 Di::trict for th= Cvuncil'� consi�erationt and ttiH::Rr:AS, Th: pro�o��d orc:inance G�ould �.�:��n3 the zoniag or3i- nanc3 0� tll� C�ty of Saint �<�ul� noi,�, �IirrL£ore, b�: it I2.�SOLVr�, That th� Cour�cil of th� City of S�int .��ul a�_reby initiates a zoning u�•�n,�::nt to tha S�int P<-xul L�gi�lz�tiv� Co:i3 and r��Lzs �aic� Ljroj�o�ed �n,�n�::��r.nt to tti3 �1�nning Cs��:.�ission in cccor- c���ac:� witli th� rc:quirern�_�ts of �:innc::ota �tututes s� �G2.:t57 for a " 40-acre st-uay and �ublic �ic<�r3.��. COUNCILI1EN Yeas :da}•s Requested by Department oE: Butler � ' I n F a��o r --- ---__ - — --------- ----- -�icrcYa- — — Hunt �� Levine ----1_/-- Against BY -____..__-----_._ _____ _. _ Roedler S�1�-c,tcr Tcdesco ��� 5 i317 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b� Cuuncil: Dale - --....____-_ _-__- . ,'; ,'. i•. . I� '.• . Ccrtific•d Pa���cd b}' C��unc�l Sc�crctary, �Y -- -- ---- -- - - - �i --- —— ------ -- _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ ,'�ppro�ed b� 11�+�or: D.+te _ __. App:oved by� ',1ay�or for Submission to Council B�� - _ BY _ - - - _ ������� r'HITE - CITV CLEHK CQUflCll ` � �;✓ - FINANCE CITY OF' SAINT I�AUL '_��!�t.'tY - f1�PAATMENT � HL'Jf=MAVOR File NO. � �d • zndnce Ordinance N 0._ ��� �� Presented Iiy — - Referred 'Fo - - Committee: Date ----------- Out of Committee By Date ------ ' A legislative ordinance establishing the Historic Hill District Board pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1976 Sections 138. 71 - 138. 75, an act relating to historic districts; authorizing the establishment of historic district boards or commissions; pro- viding for the control and maintenance of such areas for historic purposes; and to regulate the construction, relocation, demolition or alteration of structures within the Historic Hill District. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Declaration of Public Policy and Purpose. The Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby declares as a matter of public policy that the cultural heritage and social well-being of the City of Saint Paul will be enhanced by the implementation of �he Minnesota Historic District Act of 1971 as it relates to historic districts in the City of Saint Paul, and finds that it is in the public interest to provide a sense of community identity and to prese�rve those historic districts in the City of Saint Paul which represent and reflect elements of the state ' s cultural, social, economic, religious, political, architectural and aesthetic heritage. The purpose of this chapter is to: (A) Safeguard the heritage of the City of Saint Paul by preserving sites and structures which reflect COUI�IC[L11EN Requested by Department of: as Na}�s ' Iiutler - - --- - ---- � ���,,,a In Favor — — -- 11unt Lc��ine Against BY ------------ - _ _ - Rrcdler � Syl�,�c.etcr Tcdecco Form Approved by City Attorney ,..�;,�,tE:�d bt Cuuncil: Date --- -------- C�•rt;fi�•d P�issed by C��uncil Se�retary BY ------ _. _ ____._... _ _ _ __ - �`" -------_- —__----- - _ __- _ _-- ,;,;,� :,���e�3 by 11a}�or: Date — �pp������ by :11a}�or for Submission to Council BY ---- --- --- - _ _ __ ___ __ _- - --- By _ ___--__--------------_ _ --- _ . _ . - . ������2b elements of the C 'ity' s cultural, social, economic, polit- ical, or architectural history; (B) Protect and enhance the City of Saint Pau1 ' s attractions to residents, tourists, and visitors, and serve as a support and stimulus to business and industry; (C) Enhance the visual and aesthetic character, diversity and interest of the City of Saint Paul; (D) Foster civic pride in the beauty and notable accomplishments of the past; and (E) Promote the use and preservation of historic sites and structures for the education and general wel- fare of the people of the City of Saint Pau1. Section 2. Historic Hill District Board. (A) Establishment. There is hereby created and established the Historic Hill District Board (herein- after referred to as the "Board") for the Historic Hill District (hereinafter referred to as the "District") located within the boundaries set forth in Minnesota Statutes 1974, Section 138.73, Subdivision 23. (B) Membership Selection. The Board shall con- sist of eleven members appointed by the Mayor, by and with the consent of the City Council. The members of the Board shall be residents of the District. The Mayor shall solicit nominations for membership from neighborhood associations, community groups, planning boards, and any other organization whose purposes in- clude the goals of this Board or whose expertise may assist the Board. The Mayor shall also consider persons knowledge- able in the fields of history, architecture, architec- tural history, design, law, urban planning, and real -2- 6 . � . �-��; i� - ������V estate valuations and the geographical distribution, within the District, of potential appointees. The appointees must have a demonstrated interest and ability to understand, appreciate, and promote the purposes of the Board. The Chairman of the Saint Paul Heritage Preserva- tion Commission, or his designee, shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of the Board as shall the D�rectors of the Minnesota and Ramsey County Historical Societies, or their designees. (C) Terms of Office. The members of the Board shall be appointed for three (3) year terms, except that the initial Board shall consist of three (3) � members appointed for one (1) year terms, four (4) members appointed for two (2) year terms, and four (4) members appointed for three (3) year terms. Upon the expiration of the terms of the initial one (1) and two (2) year members, successors filling their positions shall be appointed to serve three (3) year terms. Members of the Board shall thus be appointed for staggered terms. Members shall hold office until their successors have been appointed and qualified. No member shall be appointed to serve .more than two (2) consecutive terms. (D) Attendance at Meetings; Removal. Members shall attend meetings regularly. In the event any member fails to attend either three (3) consecutive meetings or twenty percent (20%) of the meetings held in any calendar year, such member may be removed by a .majority vote of the entire Board. . (E) Vacancy. The Chairman of the Board shall . promptly notify the Mayor in writing of any vacancy � caused by removal, resignation, death or otherwise. The Mayor, by and with the consent of the Council, shall within a reasonable time thereafter appoint a new member to complete the unexpired term of the member whose position was vacated. -3- . . ������ _ (F) Service Without Compensation. Members sha11 serve without compensation. (G) Orqanization. The Board when formed shall elect from its members . such officers as it may deem advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs and for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this ordinance and the Minnesota Historic District Act of 1971. The Board shall meet at least quarterly at the call of the Chairman and at such other times as the Board may prescribe. (H) Staff. The City of Saint Paul shall provide the Board with adequate staff to perform its duties under this Ordinance. (I) Records. Minutes of all meetings shall be kept and all records and meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. (J) Quorum; Votinq Requirements. ' (1) uorum. A quorum shall consist of six (6) members. - (2) Standard Voting Ractuirement. When a quorum is present, action may be taken by the Board upon a vote of a majority of those members present, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. (3) Votinq Requirement for Permit Review Action. To take any action under Section 3 ' of this ordinance the vote of a majority of the entire Board shall be required. (4) Conflict of Interest. In the event a member of the Board ha5 a direct financial interest in the approval or disapproval of a -4- � /1 - ���3�� - ., pernit und�r Section 3 , that member shall b� disqualifie3 from participating in the Board ' s d^�iberations and fro� votir.g. For each sucn disqualification the necessary m�jority requirecl to take action und�r Section 3 shall be reduced by one but in no case shall the necessary majority be less than four (4) . lipon aopointment to the Board, each nen:.�er shall file ���ith the City Clerk and the Secretary of the Boa�d a list of property � interests �•�ithin the District and shall update the list as such interests change. (K) Po:•�ers and Duties . In order to provide a sen�e of co�.munity identity and to preserve ele�!�nts oi the cultural , social , ec�noz�ic , religious , political, architectural and aesthetic heritage of the State of Minnesota located within the District, the Board shall have the follo�aing � _ powers and duties : (1) To review ar�d approve or disapprove the issuance of City perriits to do any of the follo.ring c•�ithin the District: ' (a) Change the exterior appearance of any exzsting buil.ding,• structure or_ appurtenarices thereto, or any part thereof , by additions thereto, alterat�.on or reconstruction thereof, or removal of � any architectural feature thereon, eycluding, ho�aevzr, any e�:terior color change by painting or repainting thereof; (b) Change any existing wall or � �ence or construct new caalls and fences , . if along public street rights-of-way (e.xcluding alleys) ; � (c1 Construct any building, structure � or otYi�r improvements upon vacant land; � (d) P�ove any building or structure•' �nd . (e) Dem�lish any bui.lding or structure; prov_��d, ���•�ever, that the Board shall have no authc_ity �o revie�•� and approv� or disappr��� a�y -5- - � � ���32� - interior remodeling or cnanqe to an existing building ; � (2) To revie�•� �nd nake r2co,-;�m�ndations concerning all other City activity to char_Je the nature or appearance of the District; (3) To recommend to the City Council that cer�ain propnrty be acquired by giit, by nego�iation, or by eminent domain; _ . . (4) To work for the con�inuing educa- tion of the citizens of th� City of Saint , � Pau1 with resp�ct to the historic� and architectural heritac�e of the Ci.ty; f (5) To solicit gifts and contributions to be made to the City znd to assist i.n the preoaration of applications for grant funds to b� made to the City for the purpose of heritage preservation; - . (6) To recommend to the City Council programs for the continui.ng conservatio� of . the District including plans, rules , regula- tions and boundary changes �•�hzch the Board tinds necessary to implernznt the intent of - this ordinance and the �iinnesota Historic District Act of 1971; and � • (7� To assum� such other powers and duties as r.may be granted to histor. ic district boards or historic pres�rvation coramissions by the Siate of ?-linnesota, or any appropriate tasks assiqned to it by thz *�iayor or the City Counci_t of the City of Saint Paul. • Section 3. Review of Permits . . � (A� Activities Subject to Revie�•r. No person or encity shall commence or alloa� to be eommenced ` within the District any one (1) or more of the activities set forth in Paragraph (K) (1) (a) through (e) of the previous Section hereaf until he or it has had the plans therefor reviewecl and approved by • the Board and a permit therefor has been issued by the approPr�.ate City department. , (B) Permit A�plication and P?ans. Every application for a City permit for any one (1) or r,lore of tne activities set forth in Paragr�r�h (K) (1) -6- �����ti�� (a) through (e) oi the previot:s Section Yzereof on . property located �ai�hin the �istrict s'�aii be accompanied by detailed plans o�: t�e proposed activity . A co�y� of the ap�lication anc� the pl�ns sub�itted there��;ith shall be irr-��di�te]_y re�erred by the City d�partm�nt �•rith �ahich they �•.ere filea to the Board , anci such dep�.rf�:nent shall not issue a permit in regard to that application until it has first received �•�ritten approval from uhe Board, subject, ho.;ever, to Paragr.apn (G) ot thi_s Section . The Bo�rd may require such o�her and ad�itional plan;; a^d. docu:�entation as it de^�::s n�ceCsary to review and render� its decisi.�i� on the ap1�licatior�, and th�� applicant sh�ll comply �,�ith the Board' s recruix'eT�nt. (C) Board Revie�•� of Pernits . The Board, upor. r�ceipt of the application a.nd plans , shall revie�a--either. at its ne�t regu]_ar meetirsg or at a sp�ci�.l mee�ing called for such purpose---�:he appl i.ca- tion ar.d all pl.ans and docum�.nt.ation sub:��itted there,•�ith, and after receiving reconLmenda-tion from concern�d citizens , shall rend.er. its deci.si.�n on t.he application as a written ozder to the aPpropriate City department. No permit shall issue �n regara to . any application for a permit: required un�er this � Secti.on to be submitted to the Board until the appropriate City ciepartm°nt shall have first received the written order from ttie Eoard a�proving the app�.ication and directing the City depar�m.ent to issue the perr.iit, subject, however, to P�ragxaph (G) of this Section. The Boarcl shzl.l fu 'rni,sfi the applicant �vith a copy of the Board' s wri�tten orc��r and decision, containing its findinc�s of fact, . together with a copy of any reco�:�.�endltions for changes necessary to be made before thz Board c•rill reconsider tYie applicant' s pern�it application (if it has been disapproved) . No p�rmit shall issue or work commznce in the event the Board disapproves the application. : (D) City Activity. 'i'he p].ans for any City activity prpposed to take place within the District, � which will change the nature or appearance of the District, shall be submitted to the Board for revie�� prior to implementation. No permit shall issue or work commence pursuant to any such plans until the Board renders its recommendc"iE;lOIl thereon, subject , however, to Paragraph (G) of this Section. (E) Criteria. Before passing on an applica- tion for a permit and in revie�•�i_ng such application, the Board shall take into . �cc:ount the puz-pose of this ordinance and give con�id�r.ation to th�� follo�•�ing: -7- - � ������ . (1) Tne historicaZ or arch?tectural � value of the buildi.ng or structure (s) and its se�ting; � (2) The g�neral co-r!��atibility of exLerior design, arrange_-!er.t, textu.re , . and materials proposeci to be used in relationship to the existing buildinq or structures and its setting or, if ne�•� construction, to the sur.rou�ding area; (3) The general size and scale of ne;�� construction in relationship to the existing surrounclings incl.uding considera-- tions of such factors as the building ' s overall height, width, street frontage, set back, ntunb�r of stories , type of roofs , facade openings (windo���s and doors) , and architectural deta:ils; (4) Other factors , including yards , o�f-street parking space, location of entrance drives , utility service, side- � walks , si.gns , landscaping which mi�ht � affect the character oi any btii_lcling or • struc�ure within the District, and any other factor �ahich relates to the. appropr_iate setting for such structure or grot�ping of structures ; (5) The special char.acter of the area including whether or not it is primarily residential or commercial; and � (6� The economic activity of the � building and the needs of that activity, as it relates to the welfare of the community. � (F) Standard Process . The Baard shall , with any application for a �ermit, evaluate the �roposal according to a standard process adopted from time to _ time by the Board. The Board shzll adopt an ' explanation of the criteria and process used and disseminate that explanation as appropriate . � (G) Limitations . If no caritten order upon a permit application submittecl to the Board has been received at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of such application, such application and the plans accompanying the same shall have been deemed approved by the Board, and if all other requirements of the City have been met, the City department with -8- l � ����:��� .�•;nich the applicstion was fi.lec: shall is,ue� a pernit �or tne prop�s�d activity . :•+itn res�?ct -Lo �iny PZuI1S SU�-!lt i�E'� by tn� Ci t�' P�.lr'Sttc�.:?� t0 Para�raph (D) of th?s Snc�.io:i, the City acti.vity propos�d in sucn plans ?-��ay b� co��_�er�ced, or � p:r�it th�r'efo?- (ii one is required) may be issu^d, in the event that the City departrnent proposirl7 sucn activity has not rece?ved th� Board ' s recorn��-�endations ���ithin thi r�y (30) days af�er th` date on t•Jhicn such plar_s 4'i°?"c SL1�-l1Lt°C� t.O ��'?E'- PiOc.Y'�. (H) E*-?erqenc� Repair. In emerc�ency situa- t?_o:�s c�:��r� in��d����te repair is ne2cled to p.rot.ect th� sa=ety of the structu?-e and its inhabitants , tYle Divis?o_� of Housing and Build-�n7 Code Enforc�s�ent r�_ay aporove th� reoair �•T�.thout prior Board action_ In the cas� o� a pernit issued pursuant to t'n�s Para- � gr��h, the Div�sion oi Housiizg and Building Coue Enforcn�ent sha11 im,-�e3iately notify tne Eoard of i.ts ac�ion and spzcify the facts or conditions constitLiting th? em�rger.cy sizuation. . (�} App°al to City Council_ The applicant or any party aggrieved by the decisiorl of _th� Bo�rd shall , within ten (10) days of the date of the Board ' s ord�r anu decision, have a right to apo°al such order and decision to the _City Council . The �appeaZ shall b�� � deem�d pzrfected upon receipt by the City Clerk of two (2) cooies of a Notice of Appeal and statement of the reaso�s set�.ing forth the grotinds =or 'the apo°al . The City Clerk shall transnit one (1) copy of the Notice - of App�al and state��nt to th� City Council and one (1) copy to the Board. The C'ouncil s�iall make its . decision on the appeal in the same ranner in ��hich it decides appeals fro� otner C�_ty �oards or Co�.r.�issior:s _ The Board, in any t,vritten order denying a p°rmit � application, shall advise the �pplicant o� his right to aopeal to the City Council and inclu�e t'nis Par;- graph in all such orders . - Section 4 . Penalties for Violation. .. An o���ner or occupant of any are�., place, building, structure, or OtI'L2'L object within the District ��ho violates the provisions of this chap�er shall be guilty of a mi.sdemeanor. Anf arctii.tect, builder, contractor, agent, person or corporation c•�no assists in the corz-�ission of a violation of this chapter shal_1 likv�•�i.s� be guilty of a misd^:r:anor . Each clay an oc��ner or occuc�ar_t of any area, p1ZC� , building, structure , o.r �t.her object caithir_ the - -� � �.�:�.��� Historic Hill Distric�. alloces any wor:. �o be performed on anl aYea , place, buildiry , structure oY o�;�?r objec:t in violati.on o� S�ction 3 herein , sh�all canstituL� a s�parate violati.on of t�is chapt�r , an:: it s`��I1. be punisnab?e as such. �1ny ar�a. structure or buildir.c; located in the District o�i ti:Thich there exists any re�nodelir,g , repairing , alteration, construction, reco�struction, or a buil.cl�ng moving or demolition act_ivity in viol_ation of this chapter, is hereby declarecl a nuisar.ce , ar�d the i��osition of the p�nalties Yier.ein describ`d shall not pyev�nt the Ci�y iro::� instituting an appronria�e ac�.ioTl or proc`°:111"l�" t0 �r'E'V'�'i1L c7.riy S.lCrt 11ill�t�•liUl remodel iric�, rep��i_r. ir.� � alteration , constructi.on, reconstruct�on, or b:.ii.lding movinc3 or denoliLi.on activity, or to res'train, car.rect or ab�.�-e any such viola�ion . Section 5 . Reoo�itor�fo.r pocuTnents . (A� City Cler}�:. The off.i.c� of the City C]er.}: is designateci as the repository for at least one ��py of all studies , reports , reconmendations and proqY�icis required under Sections 2 and 3 of thi.s oz-din��nce. (B) Historic Hill Distr_ict Board. The Bo�rd is designated as the reposito.ry for the� �ollo��Ting documents , �•�hich shall be available ta the public for . . inspection during no?�mal businESS hour.s : � (1) Permit Revie�� Plans . At le�st one (1) copy of plans required under Section 3 of this or.dinance ; (2) Demolished IIui.lding Plan� . At lea��t one (1) copy o£ plans of builclin�s destroyed in the Distr'ict pursuant to this ordinanee. Section 6 . Coding . This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein anci given an , appropriate chaoter and/or section nurnber at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Section 7 . Severability. In case any section of this ordinance is held invalid by a court of conpetent jurisdiction , the invalidity shall eatend only to the section affected, and other sectians of ttiis ordin- ance shall continue in full force and effect. _ ],0- . � , CLEFtY. . ' . �C RTME�:7 � COUf1Cl1 ` � �\3�/`/�� � .��oP �l I7 Y Ur SA I \'1 1 A L� I• File N�. '��`7 Orclin�nce Ordinance N 0._ `_ _ sented By_ - _ Referred To _ ___—_._________ Committee: Date __-__-_.- ---- - Out of Committee BY------ --------- ---- --- Date -- ---------_ Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall. take effect and be in for�ce thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � -11- COU(�CILNF;N Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: Butler ----- Hozza n Favor - — --"------"-- Hunt Levine • A ga i n s t By _ _.__------ --- -- Roedler . Sylveste� Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date —________— Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By — — -- By — - Approved by Wlayor: Date _____ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY ------ . . . � . i71.1fl21 RIGHTS, POWEB3, DUTII�:S; POI.ITICAL 5U[SDIVIS�UNS 5374 term of three or more years. An agreement wh�v•eby a city, us ����,n�•r ur I�•s.s��e, em- ploys a prlvate individual, assoclation, or corporution to operate far.ilitics for use o1 the public, for the purposes herein contemplated and subject to regulaUon by the public owner or lessee,is not a sublease ior the purpose of this subdivision. Subd. 5. All obligations issued by any city pursuant to thls sectlon are lseued 1or the acquisition or betterment oi revenue producin� public convenlences and are payable wholly from the income thereof, within the rneaning of all provisions o1 chapter 475. The rentals payable under a lease and the securitles issued by the lessor pursuant to subdivlsion 3 are not obligations within the meaning oi chapter 475. (1967c725a1;1971c281art5s7;1971cJ�1s1;1978c77JsIJ ' 471.192 [Repealed,1973 c 445 s 3] 471.1821 CITIES AND TOWNS; PLAYGROUNDS AND It1;C1iL°A7'lON; TAX LEVY. Whenever any rity or town in which the assessecl �•alur�tion consists in part of iron ore or lands containing taconitc or semi•tacwiitc• �,ncrutcs a pru�;ram ot pub�ic recreation and playgrounds or other recreational facilitics aru� c�xpc�nds funds for the operation of the program pursuant to sectiuns 471.15 to 971.19, in uildi�ion to funds otherwise provided therefor, the governing bc,dy of the city or to�ti n ma�• levy a tax in excess of any charter or statutory lirnitation, except thc limitatiun im- posed in sections 275.50 to 275.59, for the support of this program uf public recrea• tion and playgrounds as follows: (a) In cities the council or governing body may levy a tax of not excc���ling tH•o- ninths of a mill and not exceeding $3 per capita and not exrecdinK �]5,W0. (b) In towns the governing body may levy a tax of not exceeding two•ninth� of a mill and not exceeding $10,000. [1973 C 778 3 1;197.�C 339 s 1l 471.185 MiIDTICIPAI. HEBITA(3E PRESERVATION. Subdivision 1. 'fhe legislature 8nds that the preservation of buildings, lands, arens, or districts which possess historical or architectural signi8cance wili promote the educatlonal, cultural, and general welfare oi the public and,lhat the acc�uisition and manag��• ment of property in such manner as will preserve buildings or areas ot historicul or architectural value in order to promote the cultural, educational, and econoini�• well-being of the people of the state serves a public pur��se. Subd. 2. In addition to any powers provided py law or charter, the coi�ncil of any city may provide by ordinance for thc app��lTltRlntlt of :i hcriteifir preseiw•a tion commission for the purpose of preservin� buildings, lands, :irc�as, m• dish ic�s within the municipality which are determined b,y the commissiUn to possess par�iru; lar cultural or educational value. Subd. 3. The powers and duties of any co�nmission established pursuant tu this section shall be such as are delegated or assigned by the a•dinance estab lishing the commission and for the purposes of this sec:tion may include the sale or lease of air rights, the granting of use variations to a zoning ordinance, and any power possessed by the municipality sub�ect to m«liflcxtion from time to Ume by the council. The commission may request the council to use its power oi eminent domain to maintain or preserve buildings, lands, areas or districts whi�i� have been determined by the commission to be of historical or arctutectural valuc. No power shall be exercised by a commission which is contrary to state law ur denied a municipality by its charter or by law. Powers of a commjssiun shall be exercised only in the manner prescribed by ordinance and no action of a rnrrr mission shall contravene any provision of a municipal zoning or pianning ordt� � nance unless expressly suthorized by ordinance. Subd. 4. If a commission is established by the city o1 St. Paul, it shall for tY�e purpose of this section exclude any jurisdiction over tlie capltol a�'ea us detincYl in section 15.50,subdivision 2. Subd. 5. Every commission shali include, if available, a member of a c��unt� historical society of a cowrty in which the municipallty is located. Ever3• program proposed by the commission shall be torwarded to the•Minnesota historical society which shall review and shall comment on the proposal within (i0 da�•s. [1971c1�'8s1; 1973ciQ3art5s7) 471.195 UNCLAIMED PSOPESTY; DISPOSAI.. 111 �1n5� cit�� may b}• cirdi r � . _ 1 � . � 1 . % . _ � . � _ ' � „ ' , � 1 : , � • , �'ebrusr�,�� 1978 � - - . . - . � . .. '� , _ - � . - Planni� Statt ' � . , ,: . G=a�t �ildic� - -, � -, " , � . - � � � , . . ._ ��� � ' � � � ' . _ � . ' � . 1 � . � . � �� �N� . l � . _ � . . . . ( . � � � . . • . . . _ . , . � . . . � . � A avtloo retti� Febru� 21, 1978 �s tbs �d�te �c� a pnblia .hes�r�ng �nd lhir� A+eadins - � � ot C.�. �o. 27051,9 bein� art o�inaa�x pert�3ni� to Herit�e Pre��ration Ns s�+opt�od, b�► tbs cit� cowlcsl .t its Febraar�r 9, 1978 meetins. � . , Tl�e _Couiieil auggested tl�e list o! perso,ns appearit�g at �e prewiau� planaing Camnistian � on Lhis mstter be tiransmitted to the OfYioe o? tbe City Cler9� tor notiric:ation c�t t�e Februas'y 21 meetit�g� , " _ • It vss ll�tber reccamead�ed thst atos�ementioned list inclue3�e tbe Irvine Park � and t�at aatiticatior� o! t.be vpcomiag hearing� be tianemitted throt�gh the -Is�r],y Ws�ning , S�rstem.� . . j - � - , - ' , , .. _ _ . �- ; % Yours trul�� _ � . . � - ' .. , _ . , _. - �, , � - , - . . � , . . , _ ; . , . - . , � ' ' . _. - - Citr Cle:ic . � . - - . . , ' ; . � , . . , .. � ; - . . - . l�B/`v ' . . ' ,- .. �; . . + _ _ • , • . , . . . . 1 .. - ,_ � � r , _ � � '_ ' . ' ':f: . . . ' _ • ' � � . � . ' . ` , .. ' . ' / - + . ' _ / . - . / �_ . .� ' - . .. �• . • I " _ .• . � . . . . ' .. . . , . . �/1 . � - . � � � � ^ . . �� � •'��� � �_ .. - � . . r ' � . .. .. i . � .. . . . . '� ' .._ . ,. . � � . ' _ - . .' l _ - —' �• _ - � _ - - _ �- '.,;s ' . , . ' ' . � • . ' ' - 1 , � . . ,- f ' • ;: '� � , , / . , , j/ _ � . � . : * " . - _ _ . � ' _ �' _ ,,. , � � � . . . � - � . . " !� . �� , . . .. . . � . � � . � . . . . �\ . . . ... . .. . � . �! . � . . . , - . � � . . . � � . . . . . � � � , . . � - � . • . . � � . . . . . . .. . , . . , � . � � � . . � � \ . - � . . .. _ . . � t� . . . .. . . . . � . . ' � � .. � . . . , � , � � . , . . . . . � .. . . � . . � � , . . . . .. . . . . � � . � _ � . . � - Denember 27, 1977 ; � � Me. Harsiet.Laneiag City ACtorney �oam b,�Y, City Ha1.1 , � 3t. Paul. Minnesota � , � _ I?ea� '�fs. I.ansin�: At today'a City Coeincil MQeting, Preoident Sylveeter requeeted that y�t , prepane aa ordiaan,ce which a�ould carry o�t the r�ccxmaendatio;ns of the- �' Planalag,.Caom�ission an the propoaed Histor��c Yiill Ordir:auc�. , � , Very truiy t►�ur�, • . City Cl+r►�k . , ,_ ABO;dcr � '��cc: Plan�ing St�ft, Grace Buildiag � � ' - , � . � ; ' , � / . . � � , - � : � : ; , CITY OF SAINT PAUL C�TY O.p ��' .P � 9� L Rose Mix o °e,....,...,, '' Albert B. Olsoe City Clerk and ,�, �`°��°'�-'�J � Council Recorder Council Secretary/ v�„ �c �.v OFFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OP RECORDS 386 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota. 5510� Phone 298-k�'�1 February 21, 1978 NOTICE OF HEARING The St. Paul City Council will hold a public hearing on the 7th day of March, 1978 at 10:00 A.M, in the City Council Chambers in City Hall, to consider a proposed Ordinance, C.F. No. 270519, pertaining to Heritage Preservation. The proposed Ordinance would implement the recommendation of the Planning Commission and amend the present Heritage Preservation Ordinance to provide that the Heritage Preservation Commission have jurisdiction in both the Historic Hill and Irvine Park areas as they do in other parts of the City. ose Mix � City Clerk � « ' �'� � t `'� � �� � �,�"`r'`'J` ',`� �Y � "�, P G� I F �y �j �ry� � � � /n h � �� ° . /,�{&�-� � � yV \ � �� f�°� �/"��`�� �` A�'} \%� a �� �� `$a ..> ..�'l r-�:..`'=�`b,r.K` . 1,:,>,. 1�4�� �:._..• ���� � �4t � • �' � �� . �� • O �.�.'' �.,....�'���;.5�+��`,�� ,o..���,'`��'t�.^��.��� �f���'Ld'',.d��E�i�t•i FEe � 1 i�;�: ���NCI� PRES�p T0: I�ayar��uricml rNfein�ers ROBERT gy��EST RT We�w 7tn LDC �i�s� 7ti� �ederatian C��y Plannzng Corc�ission Cit;/ ZoninS �or�-isissia�t • Pt�rthwestern Tco� a��d D�� AL• a regular manth�y m��et�ng c�r� Januar� 25, 1978, The Historic Irvi�►e Park Assnr�at?on and the Irvine Park Dist.rict Board adopted t;he follawing joint resoluti�r.. "RESOL'��p� tFidt ih� }#istoric Irvin� Park Ass�ciation �nd the Irvine ��rk �istrict �aard �o on record opposing any increased industrial �:apaci�ty o:� �ny r•e2�r��r�c� thaL would ;�err�it ir��r•�as�d inclustr�al �ctivity in the Trvine �ark area, 5UC{'1 as we ;�r:ci�rstan�# Nor�hwes�ern Toa1 arid Die Campany is plan�tir�q." � ����"� C-w /C� Carol ��ck, Presiden� January 3�> :�978 . 288 �o�t� Fxchang!� StrPet ��ar�t f�a��i. Minnc�rnta �!51P1;� . �-.�:.-`-�-�-- >_ _ ___ . . _ �, � ___ , _ _ _. . :: , . _-' � ��'/�8� ���e�,w ,= � � �� T n Restc�rations Incor orated �-01d ow p � �� ��c>t�l - ��r<�f it ����r���r�l ion � � � 158 Farrington Stre�t Saint Pat�l, Minnesota 55102 (6l2) 224-3857 � � aS�February 28, 1g78 , ���� � � � ' T0: Ramsey Hill Association �� � � �( � Summit Hil1 Association� N�M�r 1 '� � , Portland-Selby Neighborhood Organization� �' � Woodland Park Neighborhood Association�� ' � � � , FROM: Christopher Owens � - At a meeting held at the Old Town office on February 27, the i�sue of the proposed amendments to the Heritage Preser•vat.ion Commission ordinance were ' discussed by rei.�resentatives of community organizafiions. It was the con- sensus that the amendment to Section 2, Paragraph C , authorizing the establishment of adyisory committees needs further definition. In partic- � � ular: • � :',, � The permissive wording "The Commission may a�point a local ad- � \. visory committee for any heritage preservation area or district � >'' to advise the Commission on neighborhood concerns regarding � �' , Commission actions in their area or district" should be changed � ; to require that each area or district tlave an "historic district� s . committee" appointed by the Herif,age Preservation Commission and , composed of residents of the distric.t. Neighborhood associations ^ � should be consulted in selecting people for the committees. The role of the committees needs to be defined. There are two specific areas of activity in which the committees can be of major assistance to the HPC. First, the HPC ordinance requires an "ap- proved program for, . .each Heritage Preservation Site." Presumably, the program would include critera_a and procedures for the review of city permits. These should be developed by the district committee, subject to adoption by the Heritage Commission as a program. The HPC role would be that of ensuring the adequacy of programs to pro�ect heritage sites, enabling it to concentrate on major issues ' rather than spending time developing detailed plans. The second role for district corrunittees is in the permit review process, where they should be empowered to review permits, with � the Heritage Commission providing oversight and reviewing (in- . cludin� holdin� hearingsi those that t.he district committee de- � ' nies. Again, it �_s the major issues that shoul.d be addressed by the HPC; to review the average permit application that is not con- troversial would be a poor allocation of thf: time of HPC members. Those areas to be rcv.iewE:cl should include: alterations, new con- . struction, demolition, and t�ouse moving; in the case of new con- . struction or demolition, the HPC wou]_d inevitably review a distr.ict committee decision. ''�.BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Matt Welton, President Mrs. Walter W. Fricke, Vice President Mrs. Hamilton Rosa, Secretary Jeffrey Peasson,Treasurer Joanna Baymiller Mervyn Hough Ellen O'Connor Johnson Tom Jones James Keenan Craig Berchevel t James $. Lynden Hugh Morgan Geoffrey Morton Ellen Rsad Arthur Shanabrook Mrs. G. Richa,rd 31ade Louis Sudheizner �'EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.,.Chrietopher Owena �;;�� � � - _____----. .� ���li��� � -_ _ _ _ _ .__ f..� ._.. _. "" _ ..;,./ :.�. . a}t y� i Page -2- _� ;;: � February 28, 1.978 , � Memo from Christopher Owens In addition, the meeting felt that in Section 5, Paragraph C the words "pro- vided no general fund monies be used for said services" should be de].eted. � The hearing before the City Council on the amendments is scheduled for 10:00 � = on Tuesday, March 7. I plan to be present and will make the above suggestions. �� � Unless I hear otherwise, I shall assume I have the support of the neighbor- �� � hood associations. It would be helpflal for each to send at 1_east one repre- � ' ' `°' sentative to speak to the i�sues raised above and others of concern to you. While I do not plan to di.scuss the bouridary issue at great length, I do plan to indicate general support for the State District, at least as a. sta.rti.ng point for discussion and consideration. It is preferable -- and eas�.er -- to start with a larger area and�cut out parts that do not belong than it is to start with a small area and add on pieces. If you have any questions or fl.irther suggestions, please call me before March 7. cc: Martha Norton - :t Carol Zick, Irvine Park ' Bernard Jacob, HPC '� � � Ernest Sandeen, HPC � ;. . � . � , � .'_ � � � � � . � � :� �. . � � , z � +�z ��. � .. � . . � � �: 4 , � .� � � p .;:�..: �f'�.. . 4 � f . � ��t� . , . y '� � s � - �_1; � . :� � �� � � � � • � � � : � �. � -. �,� � � - � � � ; .s. . � :�. x- MARCH 7, 1978 T0: SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL FROM: SUMMIT HILL ASSOCIATION�DISTRICT 16 PLANNING COUNCIL . The Summit Hi11�District 16 Planning Council concurs in placing historic districts establiahed in St. Paul under jurisdiction of the city—wide Historic Preservation Commission, We have reviewed the proposed amendments to the Historic Preservation Commission ordinance. Under Section 2, Paragraph C we think the words "may appoint a local advisory com� ittee" should be changed to "shall appoint a local advisory committee." In dealing with large historic districts we believe it would be valuable to the Heritage Pre— servation Commission to have the assistance of local advisory committees appointed in consultation with the respective District Planning Councils. A District Committee could be a valuable source of information and help to the Heritage Preservation Commission. Such a system would further advance the commitment you have already made to citizen participation in St. Paul. There is precedent establishea, as District Councils already provide representatives to the Mayor's Housing Rehabilitation Ad— visory Committee and CIB task forceso Those communication points have proven valu— able for both District Councils and the city administration,. Section 5, Paragraph C prohibiting uae of general fund monies should be deleted. It is essential that the Historic Preservation Commission should be adequately funded and staffed. With the added responsibility of several large historic districts, that need is critical, Summit Hi11�District 16's r� eat concern is with the boundaries that must be estab— lished. Presently� we wish to see the State Historic District boundaries used. How— ever, rehabilitation and preservation is occuring at such a rapid pace in this whole section of St. Paul that future study and reassessment of all currently established boundaries could easily be justified. Obviosly, this would be time consuming. The boundary issue should not hold up passage of the amended ordinanceo A system of re— view for preservation and rehabilitation is needed now. ���'�� � ��C,,, �� / �� �� /v' � C/X-a ' � � �� • 3 ?,/��` ,%T�.�.�.y� C � T0: SAINT PAUL CITY COi[JJNCIL FROM: EXECUTIVE CONIl�IITTEE OF DISTRICT 8 PIANNING COUNCIL SUBJECT: HERITAGE PRESERVATION - ADVISORY CONlMITTEE DATE: MARCH 7, 197 8 � � � _ At a regul�r meeting of the Executive Committee of the District 8 Planning Council, held on February 27, 197$, the followi.ng � recommendation was made: � "RECOMI�I�IDATION MADE BY EXECUTIVE CONIMITTEE THAT IN THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION ORDINANCE (SEC. 3, PARAGRAPH C) ABOUT APPOINTING A LOCAL ADVIS a1.tY COINMIITTEE; THAT ANY ADVIS ORY COMMITTEE � APPOINTED MIJST COME BACK TO DISTRICT 8 FOR APPRWAL PRI(�t TO � THE HERITAGE PRESERVATION B Q4RD.'" � S IGNED, � � �2.� MAR L. JONES � DIRECT -CONSULTANT, F09.t � DISTRICT 8 EXECUTIVE CO1rIl�?ITTEE V • _ MLJ/meg � � H . .. 1010 University, St. Paul 55104 - Ph: Z98- 59�1 R�C D ���: ��.yo� �,�.t����� FEa � z ��,,; C i t y Ct711i!C 1.1 Membe rs COUNCIL PREg�pENT �lannan�; Camrr,iSSi�an ROBERT �Y(,V�STER 7.�na.ry� CommissY�an F�OM : The Tr��•ine Pa� k T�is�rict f���rd iKembers bA.'TE: Februa�y 20, �97f3 The H3.storic Irvine Park Assocxuti�an and ttz� Irvine Par�: Dzscr�ct Board oppose the change of the r,;.ity c�a d.�anance wl�ic.h gives the Heritage Fz•es�rvation Commis5ian juris- di.ction ov�r permits within th¢� bc:undarres of th� Historic Hill Dis�rict �.nd tk�e H3stor.ic �rvi�e Park Distr�.c� unless : 1 The ��:r. ifage Preservatia� Gommissic�n is adequately staf.fed and funderi to r�spr�i�sihly and e�i ��.iently prncess applicati.vns for �e�-mits. 2 Irvine Park r�sidents. �.nd H� storic Irvi:.�e Fark Association members hav� a farmal and permanent avenue of in�luence within tl�e Heritage �reservatzon Comuaission. Such an.fluence cauld �e in the� form o# alternate commissi�n members for irvine Park matt�rs or an Yrvine Park Ad��isory gr�u� . ;3. The Historic Irvine Paa� Assoc�ation receives notification of all ptrmit applicaCiuns under �onsxde�ration by the Heritage Prese.rvation Commissiun •�: .{.thin the Irvine Park Distric:t If these suggestions can be successfuliy .imal�nnentc�d, the As�ociation and Board members wi.11 suppor�t .*.h� �proposed chan�e of ordinance. ^ �Z� ������ � � ���� � z� � , C��� . � ��ti �� . � ��-� , �� , • CITY OF SAINT PAuL HERITAGE PRESERVATIOM COMMISSION 9 March 1978 Councilmember Ruby Hunt City of Saint Paul Saint Paul City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul 55102 Dear Councilmember Hunt: As I mentioned at the public hearing yesterday morning, the Ordinance was received too late to be discussed within the Heritage Preservation Corrrnnnission, therefor, my remarks were simply those of an individual who has served on the Commission for over a year. In broad terms, I concur with the suggestions made at the public hearing that in Section 3, Paragraph C, the wording "The Commission ma� appoint a local advi- �, sory committee for any Heritage Preservation area or district to advise the Commission on neighborhood concerns regarding Commiss,ion actions in their area � or district" might be changed to should. However, I believe that this is ap- plicable only for Heritage Preservation areas or districts, it should not include Planning District Councils, since a Planning District Council is not necessarily a Heritage Preservation District or a neighborhood. It should be noted, however, that the Commission has. encouraged the participation of the District Planning Councils into the nomination-process. The Commi-ssion has also -established rap- port with all of Saint Paul 's District Planning Councils, has made presentations and asked each of the Councils to appoint a liaison person to the Commission. In that same Section 3, I suggest also that in Paragraph C, in the last sen- tence, "The City of Saint Paul m� provide the Commission with adequate staff to perform the duties prescribed under this Ordinance". the word "may" be re- placed with the work "will ". I also concurred with the proposition that in Section 5, under Paragraph C, the words "provided that no general fund monies be used for said services" be omitted. My first reaction to the proposal by Old Town Restorations as to the functions of the ]ocal advisory corr�nittees is that it needs to be discussed within the Commission- and with interested parties at length. I believe that many of the functions that are described by Mr. Owens are entirely staff functions and should not be undertaken by voluntary members of a Corr�nittee or Commission. 421 Wabasha Street • Saint Paul • Minnesota • 55102 • 298 -�151 ! . Councilmember Ruby Hunt 9 March 1978 page two The staff can then also coordinate the activities between the advisory com- mittees and the Corr�nission. This is a matter which will have to be developed and defined. I look forward to meeting with you and other interested parties to discuss this matter further. Thank you for all your interest and your help. Sincerely yours, ��"„� ��Z`"`',�Ir�' Bernard Jacob Chairman cc: '�Ms. Rose Mix City Clerk and Council Secretary . �