270497 WHI7E - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE � COUIICIl � ' CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � '�',- BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� r � •� ouncil Resolution �y Y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing a new title and class specification in the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a new class title of Office 5ervices Supervisor and Class Specifications for said title; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by adding to Section 6, in Grade 3 under the heading "Professional-Administrative" Group, the title Office Services Supervisor; and be it FUR.THER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended by inserting in Section 49, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specification for the new title of OFFICE SERVICES SUPERV1,50R. Approved: � hairman Civil Service Com is sion COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � PERS N L OFF E Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY �� Sylvester Tedesco FEB 7 1978 Form roved b Cit r y Adopted by Council: Date C Certifie b}� unc ecretary BY By Ap ved by Mavor: a � -��8 9 �975 Approv by yor for Sub s i o Counci By BY .�ue��s��� FEB � 8 ;�18 �ritl� oi: class: ?����;��ti1 OF�FzCE SI:i:i'ICLS SUP;�I:JISOi'� L�ESCP.IPT7nri OF 4�'OR�: Gene-ral Statem.:?t o� I?��ties: ?'.:r�erms adm:ir,i.st.ratit%e and/or �i�pervisory i�rork involvi_ng the pla�ni.,g, org��.nization ancl di�ection of adrr,inistrative a.nd/ox cl.erical �tork; perierms a_e.m�.ni.str.ative and expert cleric<.l wark; arAd performs related dutie� as assigned.. Su�ervzsion Received: Works under the genexal guidance and direction of a unit, dzvision or department head. Su�ervisior. Exercised: I:xercises �ithin a unit, di��ision or dey�artment general technical and administrative superv�sion directly over pro- fessional, technical and clerical people as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFQRMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares, compiles and maintains manuals, records and files of departmental policies, procedures and information. Conducts studies and analyses of of£ice procedures and equipment in order to improve productivity or workflow, simplify reporting procedures or i.rr.plement cost reductions. Coordinates divisional or departmental training programs. Performs audio-visual services including preparing and showing slides, ta�es, graphs and charts. Researches and writes articles, reports and informational materials. Par.ticirate� in the selection and training of clerical employees. Plans and carries out administrative studies such as microfilming usage, records retirement and forms control. Coordinates divisional or departmental safety programs. �omposes correspondence to ar.swer cor�plaints or supply information to citizens, public officials o�� outsic�e a�e�cies a�d provides infermution or policy interpretations where a comple�e knowledge of departmental methods and procedures is necess�ry. Assists in performing divisional or departr�ental persanrel responsibiliti.es. Assists ir. analyzing, preparing dnd presenting budget and annual reports; assists ir. �lanniT:g and administering budgetary controls. K!�'�J{9L�DGES, SKILLS A�"�D kBTLITIES Conside�able kne�ledge of depart�:�ental policies, rules, regulations, functions, proced.ures azct erganization. Considerable l:no�:�l.edge oF r��odern office practices and procedures. ��orking abiiity to or.ganize cata for reports. Considerable ability to corfiunicate cleaxly ar.d effectiVely bOth ora:ly and in w�riti.ng. Considerable ability to establish and maintain effective working relation- shiFs with supervisors, subordinates, colleagues and the pu�,].i.c. Considerable ability t� plan, deterruine priorities and coord�na.te ad�nini.s- trative ar�d clerical work. NiiNIt���;Ai QUALIFICATIONS T Co�l.egc �;iadu<<�:icn and four yea:°s' experi.ence as a Cler}: I�I ar equi.v�al�nt. "I�it;e ef clas�: OF�FICr :I:I:�'ICr� Sj.lP�;J2i�ISVI: BESCRII'TIOti �?F t�'Ci?1�: C(':?PY'32 .�t?<.tCl^fTii. O� n?..'C1C�: pF_' na'��S 2G^l�.?7:I.,�`>i.3"�f1.�'(' 2.i�:.'jfJZ' SLi�:�E:3'Vl��OT;r i,�ork invol��ing tti���la:�ri.n�;, organizatjon �nd dixection o� admir.istrati.ve andjor c�eracal work; �?error�x.s ac�;�:r.istrata.ve and expe.r.t cierical wark; anc� perfcrMS �e1at�-c� dt:ties a.s �..s,ier.ed. Sutnervisien Recei�!ed: it�orks under the general �uidance and direction of a unit, divi�ian or department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises �•:it.i�n a. ur,i.t, division or department general technical and administrative supervision directly over pro- fessional, technical and clerical people as assigned, T'YPICAL D13TIES PERFORI�IED The listed examples may not include all duties performed Ly all positions in this class. Prepares, cor��piles and �r�aintair_s ;nanuals, reeords and files of departmental policies, procedures and infoxmation. Conducts studies and analyses of office procedures and equipnent in order to improve productivity or e�orkflaw, simplify reporting procedures or implement cast reductians. Coordinates divisiona2 or departmental training programs. Performs audio-visual services including preparing and shc�wing slides, tages, graphs and charts. Researches and writes articles, reports and informational materials. Participates in the selection and training of clerical em,ployees. P1ans and carries out administrative studies such as microfilming usage, records retirement and forms control. Coordinates divisional or d.epartmental safety programs. Com�oses correspondence to anstier comp3aints or supply inforr:ation to Ci'ti4E:lSJ pub:ic effiCl��S L�i OLlt�l�e EigF1?C12S �T1C'�. �'iT01'1Ci25 I.t1iGTIi'i1t1.03'I or poZicy interpretations i�here a complete knowledge of degaxtmental metr�Qds and procedures is ne�essary. A.ssists in perforr;ing divisional or departmental persa�nel responsibilities. Assists in analyzing, preparing and presenting budget and annual reparts; assists ir. pl.anz�ing anci administering budgetary controls. K\0�'iLED�ES, �I`ILLS t1i'tD ABILITiES Considerable knotVieGge of de�artr,?ental pelicies, rules, regulations, functions, procedures ar.�. crganization. Considerable knowledge of nodern office practices and. procedures. Sti'orking ability to organ.ize cata for reports. Cor.siderable abi].itv to comr�ur:�ca�e clearly and effectively both orally and in i:1ritir:g. Considerable ability t� establish and maintain effective working relation- ships ��ith su�Ervisors, st:bardinates, colleagues and the pu�lic. Cer�sic'erable ability to plun, determir,e pricrities and coordinate ad.minis- trative and clerical. wor}:. "�?i,.I'�`:'�i:�! (��Jt'�LIPICATIONS �,C1�Cc;�� ��1�a�:U�!�2.ii71 ::iCi fG,lil' }'l'�:I'S� E'XiaG2'1.LFIC(; �35 :1 CiE'.T'�: ��� CT' �(�UIV�dlt'Tlt. - Do not detach this memorandum from the : resolution so that this information wilJ b� �t O1: 12/1975 a*�ai'�b'.e to the City Council. Rev,; 9f8/76 , �k'LAN2T�T 48 A��S � 'AR�$I�,3 : �$Q �� � o� � 2►��� D+�te; January 4, 1978 : � � � �_8 �� � � JAN 1 � 9:�7€; xo: r�►YOa ��ac� r�� �� � ��: �e:sv�ae� o���.�a R8: �ae+l�utio� �or sub�ian �a C�.tp Cvunc�:1 . � i: �Hi��i�Y�..I ! V�.W`F7���1 � . . � . . . � . . . .. . . . � . . W� r�aQmm�ttd 9our appraua�, aud �ubmia��a� of thia �asa���� to tb� C�.t3► Cetutcii, � Pt�I'.49 SATI� �0 3 AGT�4>N s This resolution will establish the title of and speci.fi�a�'tions for Office Services Superrisor in G�ade 3 of the Professional-Admi.�istrative Group. ' Grade 3 - Professional-Administrative � ' � A B C D E F G 1� Yr• �5 Yr• � 450.5 468. 5 487. 0 512.0 537, 0 564.5 592.5 6I0. 5 627.5 $11,753. $lb,371. AxTAG�S; , . Resolution, specification, and copy for City Clerk.