270496 WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 {������� _ PINK - FINANCE V COU11C11 i CANARV - DEPARTMEN y OF SAINT PAUL � �a � BI.UE -MAVOR File NO. Ordin�nce ordinance N 0. �(T_� �� Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance, Chapters 60 through 64 of �he Saint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. • That the Zoning Map of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 7, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as followss The property on the Northwest corner of White Bear and Arlington Avenues, more particularly described as follows: Lot 6, Moody' s Rearrangement of R. F, Marvin's Addition; is rezoned from OS-1 to R-4. Section 2. This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt O Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco � � jg�R Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��.8 � Certifie d by Coun ' Secre ary BY�!`��� D� By - r`, `"� FE� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council App v by Mayor: a e By BY � � Pi�IULl°.1�iLL� P'-e�.'A.,n t .t , - . I�p'� l� � � �,����.�� , ��T� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' ^°� � '= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � .1;,.�.'�-.,'..'.- , ^ ��'��t� °� DIVISION OF PLANNING � wJ, ^. ..► 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor January 4, 1978 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St Paul , Minn. 55102 Legal Description: Lot 6, Moody's Dear Madam: Rearrangement This letter is written in response to the petition of Earl W. and Kathryn G. Peterson to rezone property located on the northwest corner of White Bear and Arlington from OS-1 (office service) to R-4 (single family residential ). This matter was heard before the Current Planning & Zoning Corrrnittee on December 1 , 1977 at which time staff recomnended that the petitioner's request be granted. Mr. Pangal moved to recorr�nend appr�val of the rezoning request. Mr. Hurraner seconded the motion and it passed on a 5 to 2 roll call vote, with Mmes. McGinley and Summers dissenting. On December 2, 1977 the Planr�ing Commission confirmed the recommendation of the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee by a 14 to 4 roll call vote. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the Saint Paul City Council on January 5, 1978. Sin r y, Edward J. arn Senior City Pla er EJW/gf Zoning File Pdo. 8239 Enc. .��.��..-;:, ' 1 1 i 1 . � , - �■ �, . � , . �������������� � � � r�a��a��a��e�■ � � � o ■ ■�e��o��o��se■ � � � ���e�����o���e���■ � � ��e��������������s � � o��o��e�����o��e�■ ���.�:::�e��e��e�■ o��o��o��e��e��e�■ � o��o��a��e��e��e�■ ���o��o��e��e��e�■ o��o��e�■ ■ae�e�■ �� ��o������■ ■������ o��o��o��e���e�o�■ , � � o��o��o�■ ■e��o�� � e��o��e��e ■e��o�■ � � � o��o��o��o ■o��o�■ � � � ■�������■ ■e���o■ � � � o��a��o�■ ■o��e�■ � � ■�■�����■ ■o��e�■ o��o��e�■ ■oo�e�■ , . . ��������■ ■���s��■ � � o��o��e�■ ■�a��o�■ � � ■1���������►7����L�OCtt��■ , � � , i � � �i �~ ♦ - �----I�..� : � .r' _ . . �. /._ �1 ./L • � �.. ti . va� �i t. . � �. .��r%'�/'�!-����� � /r, �/• U� � i � � � . _ � � ' S . . /i1/1► / " � � � 1 � -ir � // � i � � / ��� " I , . �� ,%_�rr.�. "� � . . . �1����.5 .� ' ' .' :_I ,�i. / . . . .�� , . • . , ' . ,;,. . , . , � . ������ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CURRENT PLANNING 6 ZeNING COMMITTEE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 , 1977, IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS,` SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PRESENT: Mmes. Grittner, Karns, McGinley and Summers, and Messrs. Mumner, Pangal and Bryan of the Current Planning & Zoning Comnittee; Mr. Robert � Straughn, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Nknes. McNeally and Fox and Mr. Edward ' J. Warn of the Planning Staff. The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Chairman. EARL W. AND KATHRYN G. PETERSON (#8239): A petition to rezone from OS-1 to R-4 property located on the northwest corner of ,White Bear and Arlington. The petitioner was present. There was no one in opposition present at the meeting. Mr. Warn read the staff report and showed slides of the subject site. Earl Peterson, of 2000 Arkwright, said he has owned the lot for twenty years and it was always zoned residential and he was unaware that it had been rezoned. He said he has had verbal encouragement from at least three of his neighbors who would like to see a single family home erected, and it is his intention to build one there. Mr. Warn read into the record a letter which had been hand delivered to him from the Greater East Side Corr�nunity Council , requesting denial of the petition. The Council claimed that granting this rezoning would result in spot zoning. Ms. McGinley said she agreed with the letter. � Mr. Hurr�ner said the property was contiguous to residential , so would not be residential , but would extend the residential zone behind it. He said the question was how logical OS-1 is in that area. Mr. Bryan said that possibly the reason the block was zoned OS-1 was because the house on the north of the block at Nevada and White Bear is a dentist's office and with a real estate business across the street, OS-1 might be assumed. Ms. McGinley said this one home would be built and zoned as a residence on that particular lot and in years to come the OS-1 would be there and if businesses were allowed in that zone, it would suddenly fill up all those homes, and she wondered if this would be fair to the petitioner who wants to build this home. ' i Mr. Bryan remarked that financially it might prove to be very fair for the i petitioner. Ms. McGinley compared the present situation with the one on Grand Avenue in her district and said it could turn into a situation the petitioner cannot foresee. Mr. Hummer questioned the propri,ety of the shorm form being used in this request, and Mr. Straughn said that in his opinion it was a proper request. He said the original zoning was residential and zoning here would be back toward the previous classification, which is permitted under the short form. - ' . . . . . . ' . 1 � . . . . . . . . � ' . 1 , . , � .. . i,• . ' .� '. , 1, �. . . . . � ` , ..� . . � � � .. . EARL W. AND KATHRYN G. PETERSON Page 2 Ms. Karns inquired as to the propriety of a library and house both being permitted in OS-1 and Mr. Amey said a library is a very limited office use in QS-1 . Mr. Pangal moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. His motion was seconded by Mr. Numner and passed on a 5 to 2 roll call vote, with Nbnes. McGinley and Sumners dissenting. Submitted by: Approved by: ���- _.� ._�,�� . Y�� Edward J. W James" Bryan, Chairma r � � ���.���� � PLANNINC; ���ku sTAFF xE��oKT_ December 1 , 1977 p�ac Mep 34 i. a�'YLICAN'1"s rar� . EARL W. & KATHRYN G. PETERSON 2. CL.A5SIFICA'1'ION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3, PURYOS�: • Rezone t0 R-4 4. LOCATION • Northwest corner of White Bear and Arlington 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lot 6, Moody's Rearrangement 6. PRESENT ZONINC: OS-1 7 . PURSUANT TO 2oning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPOkT: Date: ��-22-77 By: EW A. SUFFICIENCY: The applicant's request was filed on a short form rezoning petition subscribed & sworn to before a notary public on October 18, 1977, and received by the Planning Division on October 24, 1977. B. PROPOSAL: The proposal is to rezone from OS-1 to R-4 to allow the construction of a s�gle family dwelling. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: This corr�er lot has 50 ft. frontage on White Bear Avenue and 140 ft. frontage on Arlington. The site has alley access. D. S�TE COND�T�ONS: The site is flat and vacant. Single famlly homes abut the site on the north and west (across alley). A small professional office burlding is directly across White Bear to the east. The new Hayden Heights Branch of the St. Paul Public Library is under construction across White Bear to the east and north of the site. The existing Hayden Heights Branch of the St. Paul Public Library is across Arlington to the south. E. AREA CONDITIONS: The area is primarily single family residential except for White Bear Avenue which is a commercial strip with mixed corranercial and residential on the fronting lots to White Bear. Beginning one block to the north (Nevada), White Bear has a solid comnercial orientation. F. FINDINGS: 1 ) The site is vacant. 2) All other lots on the west side of White Bear between Arlington and Nevada have wel] kept single family structures, thus making the block residential in orientation. � 3) A single family home on this site would be more compatible with the adjacent lots than an office or similar structure allowed by the current zoning. 4) The site's location at a bu� stop, across the street from the library and within 3 blocks from most services and shopping, is conducive for residential construction. . . _ ,� . Earl W, and Kathryn G. Peterson Page 2 5) The site's location at the signalized intersection of White Bear Avenue, a major thoroughfare and truck route, and Arlington, a collector, is not conducive to residential construction. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Findings #1 thru #4 above, staff recommends the applicant s request be granted. H. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1 ) The adjacent existing single family residences, even though .in an OS-1 zone, are not considered nonconforming uses because of 62.102(e)(7) and can therefore be structurally enlarged, extended, reconstructed or altered as single family residences. This section of the ordinance will help to retain the residential character of the block. 9 � a . , � �ii��'�' �iR�ATER �AST SIDE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Di�rict 2 1575 Ame:Avenue St. Paul, Minnewts 55106 ��; . � _ `�__ Pho�e: 774-2599 � _;>�, .� Deoember l� 19?? Chairperson (�rrent Plannin� and Zonir� Committes St. Paul Plannin� Canunission Res Zonin� File Name - Peterson Zoning File Number - 8239 Dear Sirs The Zonin� and L3cense Connrit�ee caY ths Qres�ter 8ast Side Co�onunity Cauncil has studied the request for resonin� at t�hi$ locatio�. While the coromittee oa a �eneral poliay basie wiahee to eacaura�e reaidential dsvelopment� t+re feel this requeat shoul.d be dsnied for thm folloxin� reasonet l. The sonin� of the lot$ to the nort�h� south� at�d east is ca�mnercially orientated to one de�res or another. To apot $one w1e lot Yor residentia7. use in a cammercial sone is inappropsiats. 2. The Dd.strict 2 Plan clear�y calls for m�aintainin� the inte�rity of not only residential aon�ea but business zones ae well. If this request ia approved it xauld be in conflict wS.th the stated goals of aur plan. 3. In pro3ectin� the ftiture developaent of White Bear Ave.� and if this request is granted� it ia very possible to have an island of residsntial in an ocean of cammercial activity. We hope aur comments on this issue �ere helpf�l in makin� yair decisi.on. Respectfl�lly � �'LU L�A' � Karlo Bozicevich . f't,,� �� . r,. � Zonin� & License Co�mn. � � � . ;..� , ��, . �::�: �• . �� Y • i � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���'y' �,F. �t���r y�"���y. � - -"�'�� ".r. Ro.. Mr: � w �,�.��:l�,a �ub.rr i.o�s.. City Clerk and : ���":'""�,� Cou.ncil Reoorder .� ,.t.:,,.. Counczl Secretary �� � � �.•���:�• OFFICB OF THE CITY CLeRK YYRBAU Of R[CORDS S88 City HaR Sk Paul,Minneaota 6610t Phone t98-4�.t1 October 20, 1977 FlanninEr Staff, Zonin;; Sec+ion Gr•ace Buildin�; St. Paul, hlinnesota Dear Sir: Ttie Council refer?°ed to the Plannin� Commission for recommendation the attached petition o.f Earl and Catherine Peterson to rezone propert�T at the northwest corner oi White Bear an�3 Arlington aka Lot 6, Moody's Rearrangement. Ve:ryr Tr.uly Yours, , �.��-� ���'��, City Clerk ec: Finance Departr��ent ` �- Mr. Erickson, I3uilding Department Attach: ABO/sch _........ ����� �,��� ��� � �� `��A K 'f�'`�w� fi G �'�n. `�.��_�-.�-.�_....-__......+__.._�._.�. �� • i - , u --��.-}� . ��v �� Short Form Rezoning Petition TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ` = c/o the City Clerk� Room.� City Hall __, " - City of Saint Paul � Minnesota Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA fpr 1975� Chapter 261 . Section 6� I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s)_ of property described as �.o J� s 6 � � Q and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) . which property was previously zoned +� ��� � A �. and under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned � � � � � a more restrictive zoning classificatio�, do hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezone the above described property to a zoning classification of '— under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Subscribed and sworn to before me � t h i s f Y da y o f C,�..��-�'" /y 7 f' r ---�:r.''�'_: - ��'� Address: �oo�� �. l�t�.t...:.e._.�,_�w tl � .��3 NES� t�pTAftY PUBY C OUN�y �� Nota _ c� afi� yn�� � ��� �yu.�� Ssi��, , b�--; My Rmmission Exp6es'Ma• ta � _�,_ ���;u� M C ' ,- �: � � r'es - - ��� Telephone: '7��-,�-�.Zs Y Approved as to form 11�17/75 � by the Ci:y Attorney. ������ �l�� 8 z 3 ��y .J���,1 ^.�� �� ' ..bl� . .���,� �� ,� � . �• : ,� � � � � �� , , ■ . . . . . . . • . . � . . � ,�� � ' ' • • • • « � • •� �� ��,�,� ' ���� • • • � • • • � • • • • • • • • • � � � 1 � f' � � �� � � �""-'� �� � �"�� � � �� � a • -.'�-� �■ '� • • • • • � t • • • • • �� A �� ��� � � �� , . . , �� ;�" ,� �.� � • • � �► Y r �1 • ;■� U • �1 � a • � • • � • • �1 �� �. � . • • • • • �1 � � • • • • • !� 7 • f 1 • � • M ' ,:�,, �� � . � � • • • • 1� � • ''d �� � • � • � � • • • • e • • • • • • . � ��A , . ��f �� � 1 � ► ,• : � i 0 0 • • � • • • • %��►�� ,�,�, • • • • N t� • • � • • • • • • • .�. � ��- � • � � � � J�(� �� a' l • • • ' , � ? • • • • • • • • • ��`i� • • �� • • • �P ��!v �� N �� ��Ir ��tii��+ � ,� U 4 ' ���. .� �''� �►�+;�� � � • � + • • • • • • • �+�� - ���; • • • • • • • • a • • � • • • • o • , �; . � •• � ! - f � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � a � � � � � � � � ' � � • � � � S ' • � _� �� ,-.� �� e . '. '.. . • i��1/ ,. �� � : � .�� �� ;, . .i� ���i Z�-- C� C � � � CI7Y OF ST. PAUL . ��Q ��,� DfPARTMENT Of FINANCE AND MANAGEMFNT S�RVICES ASSfSSMENT DlYIS101V 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA SS702 December 16, 1977 File X2018 page Zoning File 8239 . . Dear Citizen: As a courtesy to you, aqd as required by law, we want to notify you about a public hearing which may affect you. - The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a pub7.ic hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m. on January S, 1978 on the: Application of Earl W. and Kathryn G. Peterson to REZONE from OS-1 to R-4 property at the northwest corner of White . Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue described as Lot 6, Moody's Rearrangement. • If you �oould like further information. about this hearing, contact the Current � Planning Section of the Planning Board, 421 iJabasha Street or telephone 29&�G154. While th,e City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we �var.t to help you to Zearn fully about any improvement that could affect ycu or your cos�unity. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearir.o, so that you can Qake your views about it known to the City Council, :ahether for or against. J. WILLIAM DO�iOVAN . VALUATIOV AND ASSESS:�SEIv'T EIvGINEER .� ; : � , , , ' _ , •C� , i F , � � �, , - _ ; - , . � , , , , � F , . {, . , � , f � , � ; � � - � . , . , , _ , , � _ , . . , , , ,r � �� � _ , � , , � , . . � . ; . , � � , . � . , , , . ` , J�:'t�19y �9T4 , , � �� � _ - � , ' \ � � � , �.�. �rr�;� �, � _ � � , , � � i�r _ ; , . , Mi. '�s: _ , - , . �� , , , '!�M �1�'�'.i� � �► N'� �:�`��i ''� !�'�► o� � N. -� a4d � �, � '� r�arN !�� �1'bs �+4: �►�'�Oe�si'e� Nrt �ee'4�wMii , � , ; �x � 1�'4it'�t��pli At�#�an t1q�.� �►�, �/�s�M���e�L. ; . TM _ . ' .�rr�' 't�r'�t�r'�x�, _ , � . ; � . , , ���r Q�a�lt , , . . �ao/a�r � ` ' ; ; . , � , , . , , . . , , , . , - � � - � , � � , � , _ � , , , _ , , � l� � • ��TY o�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � "°� `�= DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � � '.:e.:. � , ':::: , ��, "' �o° DIVISION OF PLANNING .,. 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor January 4, 1978 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Hall St Paul , Minn. 55102 Legal Description: Lot 6, Moody's Dear Madam: Rearrangement This letter is written in response to the petition of Earl W. and Kathryn G. Peterson to rezone property located on the northwest corner of White Bear and Arlington from OS-1 (office service) to R-4 (single family residential ). This matter was heard before the Current Planning & Zoning Committee on December 1 , 1977 at which time staff recommended that the petitioner's request be granted. Mr. Pangal moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Mr. Hummer seconded the motion and it passed on a 5 to 2 roll call vote, with P�nes. McGinley and Summers dissenting. On December 2, 1977 the Planning Commission confirmed the recommendation of the Current Planning and Zoning Committee by a 14 to 4 roll call vote. This matter is scheduled to be heard before the Saint Paul City Council on January 5, 1978. Sin r y, dward J. arn Senior City Pla er EJW/gf Zoning File No. 8239 • Enc. O ' 1 1 1 1 � . � � , _ ���� � �� �������������� � � � �■ ■��r�o�eo��e�■ � � � o�■ ■�e��o.�o■�se■ � � � ���e���sro���e��e■ � � ��e����s��e������■ � � o�oo��e�.�o�o��e�■ . . ���.�:::����e��e�■ oo�o��o�■ee�e��e�■ � o��o��o��e��e�se�■ r���o��o��e��e��e�■ o��o��e�■ sa�e�e�■ �� �:�������■ ■������ o��o��o��e���e�o�� , � � o��o��o�■ ■e��.o�■ � e��o��e��e ■e��o�■� � � � o��o��o��o ■o��o�■ � � � ■�������■ ■e���o■ � � � o��o��o�■ ■o��e�■ � � ■�������■ ■o��o�■ o��o��e�■ ■oo�o�■ , : . �s������■ ■������■ � � o��o��e�■ ■�ae�o�■ � � ���m���■�■■���omo■ � . � '� � � � , , �� � �_ �i_ _�I�� : � .r� ,�. ._/._ �1../L • � , . � i;� ��. �.. �:. , .�� �� t._ i, ��r�.i�., ,- � . . � . � : r .,_,..: i IL•''.=. , � . . ��_.� � " ., , , � - �__ ;� � �1 '' � �,/�� � ,. � � � , � � j � ._v� � � . ,����.: .�. � a� I s�i� , � / . � - . � . . , . � , . . . � ' . � , 'i � � ' • . . . . _ , . . ' . � . . � � i , . . ' !' . . ' . _ � i �. , � .. ' � � .. �.�.•� . � . . . . . . ,. �' . . � � ' � . . .. .. . . . . �µ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE THURSDAY, DECEMBER l , 1977, IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PRESENT: Mmes. Grittner, Karns, McGinley and Summers, and Messrs. Hummer, Pangal and Bryan of the Current Planning & Zoning Committee; Mr. Robert Straughn, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Mmes. McNeally and Fox and Mr. Edward J. Warn of the Planning Staff. The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Chairman. EARL W. AND KATHRYN G. PETERSON (#8239): A petition to rezone from OS-1 to R-4 property located on the northwest corner of .White Bear and Arlington. The petitioner was present. There was no one in opposition present at the meeting. Mr. Warn read the staff report and showed slides of the subject site. Earl Peterson, of 2000 Arkwright, said he has owned the lot for twenty years and it was always zoned residential and he was unaware that it had been rezoned. He said he has had verbal encouragement from at least three of his neighbors who would like to see a single family home erected, and it is his intention to build one there. Mr. Warn read into the record a letter which had been hand delivered to him from the Greater East Side Community Council , requesting denial of the petition. The Council claimed that granting this rezoning would result in spot zoning. Ms. McGinley said she agreed with the letter. Mr. Hummer said the property was contiguous to residential , so would not be residential , but would extend the residential zone behind it. He said the question was how logical OS-1 is in that area. Mr. Bryan said that possibly the reason the block was zoned OS-1 was because the house on the north of the block at Nevada and White Bear is a dentist's office and with a real estate business across the street, OS-1 might be assumed. Ms. McGinley said this one home would be built and zoned as a residence �n that particular lot and in years to come the OS-1 would be there and if businesses were allowed in that zone, it would suddenly fill up all those homes, and she wondered if this would be fair to the petitioner who wants to build this home. Mr. Bryan remarked that financially it might prove to be very fair for the petitioner. Ms. McGinley compared the present situation with the one on Grand Avenue in her district and said it could turn into a situation the petitioner cannot foresee. Mr. Hummer questioned the propri.ety of the shorm form being used in this request, and Mr. Straughn said that in his opinion it was a proper request. He said the original zoning was residential and zoning here would be back toward the previous classification, which is permitted under the short form. � , � � . . . . . . , . . .. . ... . . . . : . . . . .. . . . . . � � . . . , ' . .. . . i. . . � � ,� . EARL W. AND KATHRYN G. PETERSON Page 2 Ms. Karns inquired as to the propriety of a library and house both being permitted in OS-1 and Mr. Amey said a library is a very limited office use in OS-1 . Mr. Pangal moved to recomnend approval of the rezoning request. His motion was seconded by Mr. Humrner and passed on a 5 to 2 roll call vote, with Mmes. McGinley and Summers dissenting. Submitted by: Approved by: �i�� _ _) _ l.. . --� Edward J. W JamQS"/6 an,� Chai a� ��— � . .. . PLANNINI; iit)Akl) S'CAFF KE!'OKT_ • December � , �9]� Plat Map 34 i. Ak�YC.icarrr�s r�r� : EARL W. & KATHRYN G. PETERSON 2. L'LA5SIFICA'fION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Rezone t0 R-4 4. LOCATION • Northwest corner of White Bear and Arlington 5. I.EGAL DE5CRIPTION : Lot 6, Moody's Rearrangement 6. PRESENT 20NING: OS-1 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Da[e: 11-22_77 By: EW A. SUFFICIENCY: The applicant's request was filed on a short form rezoning petition subscribed & sworn to E�efore a notary public on October 18, 1977, and received by the Planning Division on October 24, 1977. B. PROPOSAL: The proposal is to rezone fror� OS-1 to R-4 to allow the construction of a si� ng family dwelling. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: This corner lot has 50 ft. frontage on White Bear Avenue and 140 ft. frontage on Arlington. The site has alley access. D. S�TE COND�TZONS: The site is flat and Vacant. Single family homes abut the site on the north and west (across alley). A small professional office burlding is directly across White Bear to the east. The new Hayden Heights Branch of the St. Paul Public Library is under construction across White Bear to the east and north of the site. The existing Hayden Heights Branch of the St. Paul Public Library is across Arlington to the south. E. AREA CONDITIONS: The area is primarily single far�ily residential except for White Bear Avenue which is a commercial strip with mixed commercial and residential on the fronting lots to White Bear. Beginning one block to the north (Nevada), White Bear has a solid comnercial orientation. F. FINDINGS: 1 ) The site is vacant. 2) Al1 other lots on the west side of White Bear between Arlington and Nevada have well kept single family structures, thus making the block residential in orientation. � 3) A single family home on this site would be more compatible with the adjacent lots than an office or similar structure allowed by the current zoning. 4) The site's location at a bu� stop, across the street from the library and within 3 blocks from most services and shopping, is conducive for residential construction. � Earl W. and Kathryn G. Peterson Pdge 2 5) The site's location at the signalized intersection of White Bear Avenue, a major thoroughfare and truck route, and Arlington, a collector, is not conducive to residential construction. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on Findings #1 thru #4 above, staff recorrnnends the applicant s request be granted. H. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1 ) The adjacent existing single family residences, even though .in �an OS-1 zone, are not considered nonconforming uses because of 62.102(e)(7) and can therefore be structurally enlarged, extended, reconstructed or altered as single family residences. This section of the ordinance will help to retain the residential character of the block. , , � � � . � . . . .� ' , . . � �. . '. .. . .. :".,i � � . . � � . � . . � . .. . � .. . . �,��.� . � . . � . . . . : . . . .:s � � � . � . .� . .� � . . � . . � . � � _ � . � . � . . � ���� �REATER EAST SID� COMMUNITY COUNCI�. Di�ict 2 1575 Ame�Avenue St Paul, Minne�ota 55106 ��_ . _ Phone: 7742599 � �;.... w _::.�,. _ �> -�, Docember l� 19?? Chairpersan (�rrent Plaru�i.r� snd Zonin� Committoe St. Paul Plannir� Co�nmiasion Rs s Zor� Fi1e Naiae - Peberson Zonir� Fi1e Number - 8239 Dear 5ir: The Zonin� and Liceiase Cao�uittee of the GTeater Baet Side Caa�nity Cauncil has atudied the request for resonin� at thia locatia�. Whils the commi.ttee on a Qeneral poliay basie wishea to encour�s residential development� �e feel this requsst should be denied ior the follawin� reasona: 1. The soni.n� of the lots to the north� eauth� aad east is camnercial],y orientated to one de�e or another. To epot aorle one lot for re�idential uae in a caiamercial sons is inap�rop�ris�te. 2. The Dd.strict 2 Plan clearly calls for maintainin` the inte�rity oP not only reaidential sones but business zones as uell. If this request is approred it W6nld be in conflict with the stated Qoals of our plan. 3. In pro�ectine the fl�ture develop�serit of White Bear Ave., and if this request is �ranted� it ie very poeaibl,e to have ari island of residsntial in an ocean of commercial activity. We hope aur caaments on this issus were helpful in malcit� your decision. Respect�li.7.�y �� � �� . , xarlo Bosicevich �,.�;`� Qiairman � . �, :. Zonin� & Licanae Caann. ., �. � j` ,\ .��� f, � ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL / ��TY OF ti�.4' � S �. <, �I a, �.Ti�6�:. �. Rose Mix o ,g�„g',apq;" � Albert B. Oison City Clerk and a �`'!'-'"_-�'�'` '' Council Secretary �;s ` h� Council Recorder v.o- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Hall St.Pacul,Minnesota 6610£ Phone 298-4�.51 October 20, 1977 Planning Staff, Zoning Sec±ion Grace Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The Council referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation the attached petition of Eaxl and Catherine Peterson to rezone propert,y a,t the northwest corner of White Bear and Arlington aka Lot 6, Nloody's Rearrangement. V Truly Yours, � City Clerk ec: Finance Department � Mr. Erickson, Building Department Attach: ABO�sch ����� ��.�� ���� �i-��—[ ������_�. �� .� � � —��7� ; ,� �SO•00 I � Short Form Rezoning Petition TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 4= �� c/o the City Clerk, Room �86' City Hall �� --- City of Saint Paul , Minnesota _ Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6, I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s), of property described as �.o f s � � � ,� �� and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) a � � rr �•� � ;� �� which property was previously zoned � , . ', and under , � Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned � >Y.... _� ��` � _, a more restrictive zoning classification, do hereby request that consideration. be given by your honorable bodies to rezone the above descrfbed property to a zoning classification of -'- under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Subscribed and sworn to before me � th i s ��� day of C, � +/���f' � tt �x:tt��� � Address: �000 �. � ,���.� �z-� — NESO _a:.:_.�y NoTaRV PuBY� OIfN � Nota � c, ��� C�. . �' ta �.�.��__ a �_-�_s�. ssi�_� O " . ' My Coifimission Exp�res Mar.��� :c^r � My C res - �7� Telephone: 7��-.�-ZZS Approved as to form 11/17/75 � , by the Ci�y Attorney. A� �j G ���� " y� ��Itl� !'� �� �' ��,,� �: p . . � ,, ' f��' � A �► � �. � ■ ' • • • • • • • • • • » • • • ��� �� . � . ....�n.r�r.�1..rY.� ' • • • • • « e • •�. �� .�� '�'l�� • • • � � • • � r • • • • • • • � 7 ' � � � � . -�� _� L7 ��;� �► �� i • �� � � �, 7 � • • • • f� • • • • • • � A �� � � r � �� ,,,. . _ . . .. . . . ,. � '�` - °� �� . . • • �► Y �l �1 • �'■� U • �1 • a • � • • � • • �1 � i ! � � . • • • • � �1 � • • • � • !� 7 • ! t • • • M . `.� �i . . . � � � � • • • • N � • « ` �1� � • • � • � • • • � � • • • • � � �, �� ��� ; �.�ir � ;;� � R � ' � �w� 0 0 • • o � • • • %���� �� • � • • M t� • � � • • • • � • • . . . .�� , i , �" �� �" - . ' • �r ' • • . + ! • • • ' �', , �� , {�� � , � � � � • • • • • • • i ��� • • �• • � • � ��. �i�fiWl� i • C*�; ! i °' ,1� i�r.� �t�. .,. A �.'1 �l.��1�� c '"� �i�- ,r� • • • • • • • • • • ! �� ,��� � • • • • • • • • a • • • • • � • o • " •� � • • • • • • • • • • • ! ' !! � ; a • • � • • • • • • • • • • � v � � ��. •� � ;� , „" '_ _ ' .u:�`���` ' �.�;` ,� r�> „t�,,,,� .�;,, � � , t ��:.` ; aY� ;� � , . 2 �► ,:a a$ .�t�t'`, .at the sa' A e. �e���e ' t• :00 �i.M. �' c "he��e � �� a r �.' P�'aons a� jec-� tinnir - ecomznendatione r 4!o _ amendmeat '� , �� � � �,� .3g77 �� }a.s �� `��5; ��'. ' � 4`,'+t,►�;fii±rs�a*1 (]�cera 197`l) t��r,, �s3r' � r ' �`�k�"- CITY OF ST. PAUL D�PARTMENT OF FIN�NCE AND MANAGEMENT S�RVICES ASSESSMENT DIYISION 113 GTY HALL ST.PAUI,MINNfSOTA SSt02 December 16, 1977 File X2018 Page - Zoning File 8239 . I}rar Citizen: As a courtesy to you, aqd as required by law, we want to notify you about a public hearing which may affect you. � The Council of the City of St. Paul �vill hold a pub].i,c hearir�g in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor� at 1Q:00 a.m. on January S, 1975 on the: AppZication of Earl W. and Kathryn G. Peterson to REZONE from OS-1 to R-4 property at the northwest corner of White Bear Avenue and Arlington Avenue described as Lot 6, Moody's Rearrangement. • If you wou2d like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Plannirig Section of the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Stxeet or teleohone 238-4154. tdhile the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we war.t to . hel� you to learn fully about any improvemet�t Chat could affect ycu or your co��unity. Therefore, I sincFrely hope you can attend thzs hearzr.o, so that you can c�ake your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. J. jdILLIAM DO�iOV.AN . VALUATIOY AND ASSESS�iEI3T ENGTN.EER , . , . . . .. . � . .. . . , . � . . � . . - . . . . . , . , . . .. . . i . - �, � -� . � � ,- , � � . , ., . , . , . . . . � , � - . � . � . , � � . � . � . . . - I ... . . . � _. � . , . . , . . , � � . _ \ � � . . . � . . • � . . . ' , . � . � . . ri . � � . J . � �. . � . � . � . . . . '� � � - . .. . . . . .. ; . . . .. .�j . � �, . � . . . � � � � . . �. , ' � � .. ` .. . • ' . ' � I � . � .. . . � �. y � . . . , . . . .. � � , � . .. . � ; . � � , � , � . ' . � . . , . � � . .� �� .. , . - � . . J�, .. � � . �. , . .�. . . . . -. � " , , � � . � . . . . � . ., r� . . � . � . � , . � . � . � � � � � . � � ", . , . ! . . • � . . � . . � . � . - � . � � . ' � , � . � � . � ' , ' . � ��,�19� , j, - � �, , . ; � � 8�rer�ion � , , , _ , � , aswt Ho�l�inQ " ; � , ' �r �ist _ , , , , � � f�t� t�onsotl. lsf,d a�trr !os t�o �ttt 1�� J� 19, 19'P8; t 1Mi�l�oi �t �rr �ttia� .�' �s'1 �# P�r�n � ��as p�"�le�'4� � � �� o�et�s e�' . ��fd 8N: `� �!'1'lt'Is'1Ct�1� 1i� ��rdl/ t�! r0�' '�I!! �.�� :�'� pl�"�l�0l1� �p OOf� � �rit.i� r�:�i,ra a� �i�r�ri+�t �C, a. � _ - ; � Q� �'�7 7'�'�, . , , `.' � , � , �� � , � , � , - � _ - � _ . �o ja�r , , _ . � . , . . : . . . . � y � ' - � � . ' .-.�. � � . . � , , �. . . . . � . . . . . . � i . . . . � � �.�. ' � ��� . . � � , ,� , � � � . ' � . . � . � , . . . , � . . . . I � ` , . . � . . . . . . . , . \. . . . . . . . . . .. _ . . . . , r , � _ . . . .. � . . .. � ` .� . . � . : . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , � . . � . . ., � . . . \ . . . . . . }. • . . . � .. . . - . . . . . . . � . .. . , . � - � � � .. � . �. . � . . . . . . � . - ... �� ` . - . � � ' � � ' . � . . . � � . , . . � - . . . . . . � � . � , - � ' � � � . .. . _ .. . , . . . . . .. � � � � � � . � � . .. _ . . � � - . . . � . � .. .. . .. ' . , ,. . � . . . � , -. � � � ' f . � . . . � R D JAN 1 � `c9r,; COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROBERT, SYLVESTER January 17, 19?? Robert Sylvester� President St. Ysul City Cauncil City Hall 8t, �aul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Cauncilman Sylvesters The Bxecutive Board of the Greater Sast Side Commun3ty Couneil nmet on Jarivary 12 to d3.scuss t�he two zoninS matters currently at issue within our district. (�i the first matter� the KavansaxQh Rezoning� the �3oard does not ob�ect to a re$onin� cf the five lots to B-l. We feel that this would be a vs�].uable addition to the �eighborhood and recomtaend the granti�g oP Mr. �a.v�isu�h�s rezon3.nQ. _ the second matter, l�. $arl 1'eterson�e reaqueat to re�one a lot on the northwe�t cornsr of Arlington and Whi.te Bear� our Board feels that our ob�ections still rema3n and we are st3.1]. in opposition to the Both of these issues were disaussed i.n a meeting with the Chairman of the Zoning Caenmittee� Mr. &i Warn of City Plannirag,, and the partie9 requesting the rezonin�, tehis meeting bein� held Jarniiary 5. Sinaere]y, - . . i � -��� / � Karlo Bosicevich Chairman / � / Q — r7� Zoning Commi.ttee � � � ( Greater Sa�t Sid�e Ca¢mmxn3:ty� Council KJBasb I , � ' \ J _ . / . . _. ... ...._. lst �� � 2nd �� � � 3rd � � I �� Adopted �� , , - - Yeas Nays � BUTLER . " HOZZA HUNT ���L��� LEVINE � . ROEDLER TEDESCO r PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) j • � . � �