270463 M�H17E - CITY CLERK COUIIC11 F�•'����V� PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By 1!�'�^�'� Referred To Committee: Date Ont of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1978 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve-General 09060-536-000 Transfer or Contribution to Budget Fund $20,000 To: Personnel Office 00155-111-000 Salaries-Full Time Certified $20,000 To fund an additional employee who will be assigned job classification and career development tasks. � , Approved as to Funding: Approved: 1 �� • 7 � Dir., Dept. of Finance & Manage. Serv. dget Director ��� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco �qN 2 0 1978 Form Approved b Cit Attor y Adopted by ncil: Date — � Certi d Yasse y Cou cil ecretary By �' JAN 2 7 1978 � �� �` Approved by ; vor: Date Appro e by Mayor r Submi 'on o Council By BY Pua�,s�;�� ��� ��- ��7� � � �� . __A.rc..�...>. �„� C�f t��: �7�5 � � 6 `, . - ._� E�'L�ATAT'�(?I+i OF ,ADMII+t3�RATI� ' R[}�'RS, _ "� RE 4Z T�NS, O S � rf � ��� � ��� � � }?�tte: s�uka�ry' S, 3:9?8 � : �� ��N �, �;�9�� — '� ��r�c�;� :� : � tz , �, '�'C?: � MA'Jt� G�fl�tGB L1aiTIMER :� p � ' , � . `: �;�. '�'R: �i.cha�s�-�.. 5<yhrc��er, Bt�g�t Dir�ctor . € �< , _ � ���� , _ � -.� '�: �o�nci�:' Reso3.u��n; �r�n�a�erring fune�� from G��in en�c�;�s��re . � , , _. ; ,,,; � '. . 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' �.is �lay,�e wilk' b� �s�igned c�t�es 3:� ��bb�'' �:a��if�.cat�:t� � ��er �: : , dsrv���nt, th� bene���� to be ga�i�ed' g�om''t3�:s : �'��.an a��re� ��:��1�:���►g: : �� mobility fc�._.�:ity :e�►loye��,_ a�sffi�.st�nq emp�ogs+�� " ri careez �5�;� �r►$.. -�t�r��,or� ;die.velcip�et�t, prov3.dir�g a� �ior� ord�r�y r�aid �g�s. � �.a aPPra���; �O �ab. ,�3��#a�,�3�c.�ttion a�,c1 � audi� �unet�ions, a�:d .e�aablai.ng�a , a�ff �� �` �� -c����� ` ��,�d.� sv�- +c��`.'�hese fttnctic�ris orr a p�,zt-time':b��3. .�� ���te �t:i.s �i#:ixe ti� +' tcs �o� negat��tic3rrs. . �. , c `4' . ' . . . . � .. .. .'��� . � �. �. ����i7 i � � . . - . . . .. . . .. s ::vrtDl�tli`i�.l 1�@ffi0�.��.G31• , . E , � ;,: . �. , ., . .. � _ . d tA '�, . .� �; - . . .' .- . . . . , . �-. .. .�. . . ..� ._. . �.:; , r ' . . . � , ; 1 p . .. . . . . :�. , : . ..� ., .. ,��i:y.i m r � 1 % K , e a M Civil Service Commisslon S � ° ` ° ; PAV� � ''��� '�� Director of Personnel <. � . . . Mr.A.R.(Dick)Zangs,Chairman � � � �; Thomas D. Gleason Dr.Geo�e o. Bem PERS L OFFICE Mrs. Marylyn Deneen � � Assistant Director Bernard P.Wright � s ! f M t a e!e� . ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 January 3, 1978 MII�ItANDUM ro: Maqor George Latiwer From: Thomas D. Gleaaon �� Diractor of Parscnnel��� R�: Pro�motional Opportunities and Deve2opme�nt o� Car�er Laddsrs The Civil Service Co�iasion has proposed the addition of a staff me�mber in the Personn�l Office to puraua tha dev�lopmant of career laddere and promotional opportuaities for protectad claesea of employsea. We feel t'hat the poeition xill also allo� classification and ,�ob audit work to be done on an on going basia. At thia time, the claesification and �ob audit functions are being handled oa a part-time basis by sCaff inembers who are ependiag a good share of their tim� working on Iabor negotiations. We are 3n need of someone who can spend full time on the classification aad job aodit proceduree ia order to keep the claes�fication eyatem updated. In order to �uetify the need fox the position we need only look at the on-going costs fvr the past fera yaars. In 1974 the City - contracted with United Statee Civil 3ervics Co�mmiseion to do a pexson- nel study for the City. The total coet of the contract was approximatalq $73.000. Xn addition to thie, the etaff of the Personnel Office vas deeply involved with the pro3ect and spent a large amount of tia� aeaisting the U.S. Civil Service Commission in thnir work in terme of information and analqeis. The study vas apread over a span of about tWO years, end eincs that time the Personnel O�fice has spent a graat deal of ataff time trqing to implement some of the suggested changes. In addition to the etaff time expended by the Personnal Office, the murvey and the on-going effort since that time have invo2ved many staff inembers from varioue citq departments. Thsra are advantagsa in having a resident etaff of claesification experta. The f+ork can be done in an orderly fashion rather than on a wholesale basie. There is better control of attention to detail, less poesibility of missing important factors, and less overall turmoil for the entire citq staff when an on-going study is maintained. The rasident etaff is also more aware of the complications of changee in policy or clasaification changES. ���NA�,ary r ��►f �r 9 Z ^� O � �� � "' •M � z y�` �yycS' Mq'�'AGEMfN1 MEMBER ����:����� . � � Th�re are also advanta$es in having a staff inember dedicated to the coacept of helping city employe�s in their career plane and in assistiag thoee who are at a disadva.ntage in their efforts to improve their position. The efforts should result in a betCer traiaed, more dadicated, loqal work force over a period of time. Upward mobility ie a popular concept at thia time, aad it is proviag to be a good management tool. In general, promoting ezperi�nced city employe�e� into mors reaponeible positions usually r�quires l�es training. Also there is a bettsr responss to probl�m eituatione where previous experience gives a clu� to the solution. Assisting present employeee ia career planniag and �ducational development is a m�3or etep in follawing an affirmative action program. This is sspeciallq true wheu the assistance is aimad at protected c1aBs e�ploqees who otherwise might not be able to afford training, or even be awars of opportunitiea which aria�. We wieh to request that $20.000 be sat asid� to fund this position in the Perso�nsl Office. This should enable us to hir� an iadividual at the lev�]. of a Personnel Asaietant IY with enough experiance to be of value without a great deai of initial training. This person would be aseigned to �ob claesification and career development taslca. It will aleo sllcr�r us to frae up a present staff inember full time to assist in labor ne�gotiations. This should result in better preparation for dealings with the various bargaining units, and poasibly reduce aaZary �xpenditures overall. If you have any questiona concerning this please contact me. cc Peter Hames