271526 /HITE - CITV CLERK CO11IIC11 � � • ���� : BI� M' „oR E GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. CANARV= D�PARTMENT � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�.�D`7�� ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to the Capital Improve— ment. Budget; amending Ghapter 66 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CI� OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 66 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended to read as follows: � CHAPTER 66. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 66.01. Annual Capital Improvement Budge�. There shall be an annual capital budget for the ci � of Saint Paul, hereinafter usually referred to as the annuaZ capital improvement budget, which shall be separate and distinet from the eity� s operating budget ��ese���e�-��-C�a��e�-���� ursuant to Cha ter 10 of the Char'ter of the City o� Saint ,;;; aul. 66.02. Ado tion amendment. Said capital improvement budget for the city of aint Paul shall be adopted by resolu- tion of the council. The council may by resolution adopt an amended eapital improvement budget. 66.03. Items ineluded in bud et. The annual capital improvemen budge shall include proposed appropriations for all projects having an estimated useful life in excess o� three years other than the acquisition o� office or meehanical equipment, or mmnor remodeling or repairs of existing structures, and ineluding all projeets which }�-}s are proposed to ����-�a�-a�e-e� COUIVCILMEN ested by De art t of: Yeas Nays � Butler Hozza In Favor �%���� Hunt - Levine Against BY � Maddox � Showalter edesco ' Form A rove y City orney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr d by Mayor for Submissi t Cou�t�cil By BY !(c��{�� . �,�1.,���� Page 2. be funded with the proceeds of general obligation or revenue bonds of the city authorized by �a�s-e�-P4���e�se�a-�e�-�9��-� �eg�t���-sese��e�-E�a��e�-4b83-a��-�a;vs-e�-P4}�ese��-�e� ��69;-�1��a��� -�T law, all aids, �rants and special , re�enues received b,y the cit.y for funding capital improvements, and all moneys appropriated by the city council in the _ general fund and special fund bud�ets for capital projects. 66.04. Lon� Range Capital Improvement Bud�et Committee. There is hereby established a capital improvements committee consisting of 18 members, none of whom ehall hold any paid office or position under the city of Saint Paul, which committee shall be designated the "Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee of Saint Paul" and for convenience of reference shall be hereinaf ter referred to as the CIB committee. The members shall be appointed by the mayor with the consent of the cou_zcil in the foll�wing manner, with at least three members from each Minnesota state senate district: Each council recognized citizen par- ticipation district sl�all submit three names for considera- tion by the mayor. The mayor shall whenever possible submit recommendations from each of the citizen participation districts. The terms of office for such members initially appointed shall be as follows: six members shall be ap- pointed for a one-year term, six shall be appointed for a two-year term, and six shall be appointed for a three-year term. Their successors shall be appointed to three-year terms of office. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointments and all a�pointmerits to fill vacancies shall be for the length of the unexpired term. To facilitate �the selection of the initial staggered terms, the mayor shall select the three groupings of . nominees by lottery. Initial appointments submitted by the mayor and confirmed by the council, under the terms � of this ordinance, shall be performed during the month af November 19'78. Al1 subsequent appointments shall also be made in the month of November, provided that vacancies shall be filled when they occur. 66.05. CIB Committee function and duties. The function and duties of said B committee shall Ue to receive from city department or ���ea�-�ea�s office . directors and from other �overnmental and citizen a�encies, including, b.y way of illustration and not of limitation, the Port Authorlty, School District, Parent Teachers Association, and District Councils, hereinafter referred to as '�other a�encies, " descriptions of projects which � � �"1����?� Page 3. such department . or ��t�e��-�ea�e office directors and other agencies desire to have included in the city' s annual capital improvement budget and to consider the same, and further to study and consider, among other things, long range capital needs of the city, methods of financing � such needs, and related matters, to assign priority ratings to the capital improvement projects considered and revie�,Ted by said committee, and to make recommendations to the mayor and city council , which recommendations shall include a proposed or suggested annual capital improvement budget for consideration by the mayor and city council . 66.06. Submission of requests and recommendations. ��ee��-�s-�e�e�����e�-��e���e�-w}��-�es�ee�-�e-��e-3�ea�s ��6�-���-�}b8; All capital improvement budget requests which city departments or ���ea�s offices and other a�encies desire to have included in the tiroposed annual. capital � budget to be adopted by the ���ge� CIB committee shall be submitted to the see�e�a��-e�-e�ee��}�e-see�e�a��-e� ��e-���ge�-ee�}��ee ma or' s office bud et section by the first Monday in aa��a�3�,--�9 8-a��-��-��e-�}��s�-�4e��a� ��-3a��e��-a���t����-��e�ea��e�3-s�e�-�e��es�s-�e-ee�e� eag}�a�-��g�s�e�e��-��e�ee�s-�e�-�}�e-e�s�}�g-���e-�ea� �e��e� April of each year, such requests to cover capital improvement projects for the following year and identify pro�rams for the next ensuin� four-year period. Al1 requests for capital improvement projects and reports with respect thereto shall be on forms prepared and provided by the 8��3�-�e����e��e� bud et dir�ctor. Upon receipt of such capital budget requests rom city departments or ��t�ea�ts offices and other agencies, the see�e����-e�-e�ee�t���e-see�e�a��-e�-��e-��t�ge� . ee����ee mayor' s office, budget section, shall transmit copies of such requests to the-��a���g-�ea��-e�-��e G���-e�-�a���-�at��;-w�e-s�ia��-ee��}�e�-��e�-�e��es�s ar��-�a3�e-�eea��e��a��e�s-����-�es�ee�-��e�e�6-a�� ��a�s�}�-s�te�-�eee��e��a��e�e-�e-��e-see�e�e��-e�-��te ���ge�-ee�}��ee-�e�-�a�e�-����--��e�-�-e�-eae�-ea�e��a� �ea�-a��e�-��e-e��ee�}�e-���e-e�-��}�-e����a�ee CIB • committee for its consideration as rovided in Section .05, and to the planning commission for its consideration to determine the projects ' compliance with the city' s . comprehensive plan-. �'he plannin� commission shall tllereupon make recommendations with respect thereto and transmit such recommendations to the mayor' s office, budget section, not later than June 1 of each calendar ear. � �"1��`�� Page 4. 66.07. Annual review of expenditures. Al1 e�rpenditures on projects authorized hereunder shall be reviewed at least annually by the ���ge� CIB committee to insure that projects are being carried out in es��e�����-�e conformance with the intent of the council. • 66.08. Hearin�s; submission of budget. The ���ge� CIB committee may hold such hearings with respect to capital budget project requests at such times and in such manner as said committee shall determine, and upon such notice as said ���ge� committee may prescribe. It shall , however, submit a proposed annual capital improvement budget to the mayor for consideration by the mayor and council not later than. �eg�e��e�-�-e�-�}68-a��-�e��e��e�-�-e�-ea8�-�ea� �ke�ea��e� July 15 of each year. The council may by resolution change the aforesaid reporting dates and may by resolution prescribe additional procedures and reports � to be obtained from city departments and ��aa}ea�t�s offices, other requestin� agencies, and the ���ge� CIB committee as the council in its discretion determines. 66.09. Adoption and amendment of annual budget. The mayor shall submit his pro osed annual capital improvement bud�et to the cit,y council on or before August 15 of each .year. The council shall conduct public hearin�s on the ro osed annual bud et and ado t the bud et in ac- cordance with the provisions of Section 10.0 of the city charter. Annual capital improvement budgets maY be amended by the city council upon the recommenda ion of he mayor ar�d after the proposed amendments have been reviewed by the CIB committee and planning commission; Urovided, however, ' that plannin� commission review is not required if a bud�et amendment does not involve fundin� of a new project or does not invol.ve a substantial chan�e of the ori�inally approved project. Amendments to ca�ital improvement bud�ets shall be made in accordance with the applicable Qrovisions of Section 10. 10� of the city charter. , 6b�e� 66. 10. Cost of project less than appropriation. When the contract price of any capital improvement, includ- ing architect and engineer fees and a contingency of ten percent, is less �han the amount appropriated to the im- provement in any capital improvement budget, the ee����e��e�- bud�et director and director of finance and management services shall , upon the recommendation in writing of the �e�a���e��-�ea� director of the department .in charge of the improvement, transfer such excess to a "restricted userr account� in behalf of the department concerned. ,.• ,M���.�,i`v V Page 5. Funds transferred to '�restricted use" accounts shall remain therein until all projects of that department for which appropriations were made in the capital improvement budget with respect to which the excess appropriation resulted are completed, and shall t.�i�reaf ter be credited to the ee����ge�� unallocated reserve account provided in Section ��-�e�ee� �i.�13 unless expended or encumbered as provided herein. - __ . 6bT�8 66.11: Cost of project greater than appropriation._ If the cost of any capital improvement project approved by the city council, including architect and engineer fees and a contingency of ten percent, appears to be likely to exceed the amount appropriated therefor in the capital improvement budget, additional moneys necessary to fully finance the project ma.y be appropriated �,s follows: (a) If the excess cost is less than ��8;898 20 000, and fu.nds are available in the department' s "restricted use" account to fund the excess cost, such amount shall be transferred by the ee�g��e��e� director of finance and mana�ementservices upon written request- of the �e�a���e�� �ea� director of the department involved, sub�ect to the written approval of the ��t�ucigeti �director, and the ee�g��e��e� director of finance and mana�ement services shall send written notice of such transfer to the sse�e�a��-e�-��e G�$-8e�}��ee bud�et director. If the total of such transfers with respect to � part�cular �e��~=�me�t�_ proj�ct will exceFd ��A;AAB 20 000, the council must approve the transfer by resolution. (b) If: tke .exeess cost is greater than ��A;AAB - �20,000, or funds are not available in the department' s "restricted use" account, an additional appropriation may , be made by the council, with the advice of the ���ge� CIB committee and recommendation of the mayor, from the "restricted use ' account, es��}��e�� unallocated reserve account, other uncommitted funds available, or by reallocation of project funds. Appropriations authorized pursuant to this subsection (b) may be made by the council by resolution without holding a public hearing with respect to any such appropriation. � (c) If it appears that the cost of a capital improvement for .which an a ppropriation is made in the budget for the next calendar year will be in excess of the appro- priation, and �unds are available in the department' s �, � � !�_��� � Page 6. "restricted use" account to fund the excess cost, a supplemental appropriation within the current year' s capital improvement budget may be made by resolution, with the advice of the ��t�ge� CIB committee and recom- mendation of the mayor. Appro riations authorized pursuant to this subsection (c� may be made by the council without holding a public hearing with respect to any such appropriation. 6bT�� 66. 1�. Use of funds from succeedin� years' capital improvement bud�ets. If any capital improvement pro�ect will require more than one year to complete, or if the total amount of funds required for any such project cannot be made available under one annual capital improvement budget, the council may, by resolution, indicate that funds from succeeding years' capital improvement budgets shall be used for the completion of such pruject. 6gT�� 6�. 1 .3. Abandoned projects; over-estimates of costs. A project included in an annu�.l capital improvement budget adopted by the council shall stand as an approved project until completed or until abandoned pursuant to resolution of the council. Any amounts remaining in a previous year' s budget because of abandoned projects, or over-estimates of costs or similar item, or otherwise not required for a project shall be credited to a-se�a���e-ee����ge�� - an unallocated reserve account which may be used to finance other capital improvements recommended by the mayor with the actvice of the CIB committee and authorized by the city council pursuant to the provisions of th.is ordinance. b�T�� 66._1�. Recommendations advisory only. All recommenda- tions received from the CIB committee, including any proposed annual budget, shall be considered advisory only and shall • not be binding on the mayor or council , and the council may alter, amend, or revise the same in such manner as the council considers appropriate. 6&T�4 .66.15. Issuance of bonds . The council may at any time aut orize the issuance of bonds-�-e��e�-��a�-�e��s a�t��e�}�e�-��-S�a}��e�-469;-�a�ae-e�-P4���eee�a-�€e�-���f� . pursuant to law, and the authorization of such bonds for the purposes enumerated in the ordinance or resolution authorizing the same shall constitute an amendment to the capital budget appropriating the amount of the bond issue to such �urposes, and no public hearing shall be req.uired with respect thereto . � r "WMITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII � ����� PINK - FINANCE �� �" BLI�ERV.-MA ORTMENT . CITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � � Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. � ���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7. �Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after itfs passage, approval and publication. COUfVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza _� In Favor Hunt � Le�� Maddox Against BY �� Showalter Tedesco ,�� � 5 �� Form rov d by it Attorney Adopted,t�}a-�unci . Date � Cgrfified ss by Council Secretary gy � c._ By.. � ` Approv Mayor: Da • �� �'� � - Appro by Mayor for Subm' 'o o uncil By - BY ���ES�EV AU 2 61978 , , , , , 11 � _ _ _ lst � � 2nd 3rd��� Adopted � �s . Yeas Nays BUTLER HUNT ��� 2'����� �"� MADDOR . . SHOWALTER J i TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HOZZA)