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SUBSTITUTE - Q�-• a�., aoo � Presenied By. Referted To: RESOLUTION CffY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Counca F�e x p l- � 33� Green Sheet � 173483 Committee Date: i z WHEREAS, The 2001 Budgets of the Generai Fund and special funds are projected to be aut of balance; and 3 a WHEREAS, The Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec.10.07.3, must recommentl atljustmeMS to bring the budgets into balance; and 5 s WHEREAS, the tlepartments antl offices of the City have recommentletl that the following butlgets be atljustetl; and � a WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1, certifies that there are available for appropriation §728,028 in Generol Funtl s monies and $332,542 in special fund monies in eaccess of those estimated in the 2001 budget; and, in accordance with Section io 10.07.7 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommentls the foliowing changes to the 2001 butlget: tt iz GENERAL FUND 13 ta Fund Activity Object Description t5 FINANCING t6 i� Use of General Puntl resources antl funtl balance to finance various spentling items ia 001 - 00000 - 9830 Use of Funtl Balance for yearentl resolution t9 za S,iqi Attorney's Office zt CityAttorney,GenerolOperetions zz 001 - 00200 - 4099 za 001 - 00200 - 7305 za 001 - 00200 - 7307 u 001 - 00200 - 6999 zs oo� - oozoo - asu n 001 - 00200 - 6936 za 001 - 00208 - 7305 29 ao kiuman Resources Off'ce ai Human Resources, Consulting Services az 001 - 00165 - <372 � u 35 SPENDING 36 ffi Generel Government Aecaunts 98 Cont'ngent Reserves 99 ooi - ososi - osas aa Fees - N.O.C. Trensfer from Special Revenue Funtl Trensfer from Trust Funtl O[her Miscellaneous Revenue Reimbursement - Investigation County Coniribufion Transfer from Internal Service Fund Services to I.S.D. #625 GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE Contingency ai Generel Government Axaunts, actual settlements, fringe benefit costs, security, termination pay az 001 - 09070 - 0511 Settlements aa 001 - 09070 - 0512 Judgements aa 007 - 09073 - 0218 Attorney Fees as 007 - 09mc - 04xx Termination Pay as 007 - 09770 - 0219 CH and CH Security a� 007 - 09087 - 0517 TOrt Claims antl Settiements � 49 C�Counc'1 sa City Council, generei fund fringe benefit costs si 001 - 00007 - 0219 sz 001 - 00001 - 0364 53 007 - 00007 - 0&57 sa 001 - 00001 - 0438 55 001 - 00001 - 0439 Prafessional Services Supplies Computer Equipment Other Fringe benefits Fringe Benefits Page 7 W 4 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 732,813 24,000 8,000 32,000 ao,000 (zo,000) �o,000 0 7,600 7,600 0 40,000 40,000 U 39,000 39,000 0 30,615 30,615 0 30,000 30,000 252,993 (140,000) 772,993 726,028 736,485 (736,465) 0 soo,000 �ZSO,000� zso,000 100,000 (13,348) 86,652 115,000 (25,000) 90,000 175,000 775,000 0 700,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 (20,000) (5,000) (5,000) 9,600 20,400 (20,000) (5,000) (5,000) 9,600 20,400 0 �-1�3t, SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aresentea 9y: Referred To: Council File # Green Sheet � 173483 Committee Date: 55 5] � 55 60 61 � 63 6n 55 55 61 68 fi9 ]0 n �2 ]3 �a ]5 �5 n � ]5 ao 51 82 � � � a5 s� � � � 90 91 92 5s ea 95 es 9] 98 99 tao mi i� t03 106 tos i� im t08 109 no nf fl2 na Citv Attorne�+s Office City Attomey, General Operations 007 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 0771 0714 0439 0219 0297 0299 0528 0545 Full-Time Pertnanent Full-Time Appointed Fringe Benefits Fees-O[herProfessional Data Processing Sbs. Other, Misc. Dept. Dir. Exp. Account Contib. to Ou[side Agency Page 2 of 4 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGEf CiTy Attorney, Criminal Block Grant 007 - 00208 - 0219 Off'ce of Human Resources Human Resources, Consulting Services 007 - 00165 • 0117 007 - 00165 • 0761 001 - 00165 • 0439 001 - 00165 - 0253 007 - 00765 - 0219 007 - 00165 - 0367 Mgyar's Off'ce Mayor's OHice 007 - 00100 007 - 00700 001 - 00100 001 - 00100 Fees-OtherProfessional Full-Time Permanent Salary Neetls Fringe Benefits Registration Fees Fees-OtherProfessional Training and instr. Supplies 0439 Frin9e BenMits 0299 Miuellaneous 0700 PertormancePay-salary 0436 PertormancePay-fringeallocation Parks & Recreat'on Rice/Arlington Sports Dome Subsitly and Greening the Great River 001 - 03107 - 0566 Transfer to Enterprise Funtl - Dome subsitly 007 - 03708 - 0545 Greening the Great River- River S[eward Prog Labor Relations 001 - 00161 - 0219 Prof. Fees 001 - 00161 - 0439 Fringe BenMits L'cense InSpect'ons and Environmental Protection 001 - 00777 - 0439 Fringe BenMits 001 - 00778 - 0439 Fringe Benefits Police Department Police Fleet, atljustment for 2001 rtwtor fuel prices 001 - 04007 - 0341 Motor Fuel Police, Fringe BenMits Allocation 001 - 04700 - 0439 FringeAllocation Teehnology antl Management Services 001 - 01001 • 0439 Fringe BenMits 001 - 07300 - 0439 Fringe Benefits GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE 603,192 2,319,804 841,567 192,477 0 3�180 0 69,087 (77,265) 5,563 700,000 20,000 6,500 17,265 500 11,000 SB5,927 2,325,3W 941,561 212,477 6,500 20,445 500 80,081 0 30,000 1,073,627 (29,�0) 50,766 (50,766) 408,942 (20,000) 6,000 (6,000) 41,612 (10,000) zt,�sz (�o,aoo) 254,670 3,000 6,000 6,650 30,000 9,300 179,082 785,000 34,500 32,351 0 2,663 83,319 5,000 150,222 7,000 91,488 9,100 40,000 250,000 728.028 30,000 i,aaa,ar� 0 388,942 0 31,612 11,792 257,670 72,650 30,000 9,300 364,082 66,851 2,663 86,319 157,222 100,588 40,000 250,000 0 0 suBSriruTe Presented By. Referred To: RESOLUTION CRY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1t4 1t5 1t6 tn ua SPECIAL FUNDS 119 120 C�yAttorney"sOffice i2i Butlge[forOutsideServices. 1]2 FlNANCING trs 025 - 10200 - 4307 iza 025 - 10200 - 4329 tzs 025 - 70200 - 4337 tzs 025 10200 - 7305 iz� NI Other Fnancing ize 1M SPENOING 790 025 - 10200 - 0114 191 025 - 10200 - 0439 isz 025 AIIOtherSpentling 193 1� 135 CitvCOUnc'I ts6 Public Utilities Investigative Fund 13� FINANqNG isa 72A - 50200 - 9830 1�9 1d0 1a� SPENDING t4z 724 - 50200 - 0114 tna 724 - 50200 - 0219 taa 724 - 50200 - 0521 tas 724 - 50200 - 0557 tw 724 - 50200 • 0558 ta� 724 - 50200 - 0439 148 /0.9 150 License InsoecCons and Environmental Prote tG ion ts1 LIEP Fringe Benefits Allocation t5z FINANCMG 75s 320 - 33357 - 9830 tsn 320 - 33353 - 9830 t55 156 15] SPENDING isa 320 - 33351 - 0438 tss 320 - 33353 - 0439 t6o Page 3 of 4 o � -� 3'3 t� Council Flle � GreenSheet# 173493 Committee Date: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGEf NormalACtivityServices 127,738 4,450 132,788 Services to Public Housing Agency 756,108 9,160 165,268 ServicesforHRA 235,634 17,170 252,744 TrensierfromSpecialRevenueFUntl 56,981 5,260 62,267 728,710 0 128,710 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 705,171 36,000 741,177 Full-TimeAppointed 402,605 20,000 422,605 Fringe Benefits 722,337 16,000 736,337 780,229 0 180,229 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 705,177 36.000 747,177 Use of Fund Balance - Competitive Franschising 39,294 39,294 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 0 39294 39,294 Competitive Franchising - salaries 7,000 1,000 Competitive Frenchising -fees 72,142 12,142 Competitive Frenchising - refuntls 5,704 5,704 Competitive Franchising - trens to Gen Funtl 7,600 7,600 Competitive Franchising • trens to Special Fund 17,248 71,248 Competitive Franchising • fringe benefits 1,600 1,600 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 0 39294 39R94 Use of Funtl Balance 0 19,000 79,000 Use of Funtl Balance 726400 42,000 168,400 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 126,400 67.000 187,400 Fringe Benefits 283007 19,000 302,007 Fringe BenMits 351707 42,000 393,707 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 634,774 61,000 695,714 SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presenied By: Refertetl 70: Page 4 M 4 t61 t62 t5s t56 t65 t66 16] t68 t69 no in 1T2 i� na i�s 1]6 m 1]8 1]9 tao tat 182 taa ,aa 165 �� iat tae 189 190 tat iaz 19S i5a t55 1% 191 198 199 SPECIAL FUNDS continued CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Parks aM Reereatian AtltlRional subsidyfor RiceJArlingtan Sports Dome IINANCMG 326 - 23133 - 7305 TransferfromGeneralFund 179,082 7&5,000 364,082 326 - 23133 - AII O[her Flnancing 536,831 0 536,831 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 715,913 195.000 900,913 SPENDING 326 - 23731 - AIISpentling 0 326 - 23133 - 0299 O[her-Misc.Services 76,000 65,000 81,000 326 - 23133 - 0373 Gas 41,600 120,000 167,600 326 - 23133 - NIO[herSpentlingOperetions 323,113 0 323,113 326 - 23131 • All O[her Spending Debt Service 335,200 0 335,200 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 715,913 185,000 900,913 Technoloqy antl Management Services Atltlitional support from Public Utilities Investigative Fund to fund fringe benefit costs. FINANCING 766 - 31121 - 7307 TransierfromSpecialFund i66 - 37121 • AllOtherFinancing 166 - 31123 - All Other Financing 166 - 37124 - NI Other Financing 166 - 31125 - All Other Financing FUNOSPENDING TOTAL 0 7,854,020 30,409 29,000 57,065 7.970 514 Council Fle d ��-�', 3 s° GreenSheet� 773483 Committce Da[e: 11,248 11,248 o i,asa,ozo 0 30,409 0 29,000 0 57,085 11.248 7,981,762 SPENDING 166 - 31121 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 172,625 11,248 123,873 166 - 31121 - NI Other Spentling 7,606,395 0 7,606,395 166 - 31123 - NI Other Spentling 155,409 0 155,409 166 - 31124 - All Other Spentling 39,000 0 39,000 166 - 31125 - All Other Spending 57,085 0 57,085 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 1,970,514 11,248 1,981,762 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, antl atlopts the revisions to the 2001 butlget. Atloption Cert'rfied by Council Secretary: BY: a �- APProved by Mayor. Date �/ G-L(/ By: � � Requestetl by Department of: Erzecutive Atlministration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Appraval Recommentled by Director of Fnancial Services: By: Form Approvetl by Ciry Attorney: B Approvetl by Mayorfor Submission to Council: � RWe�MMeq1lmWFlrorclL%Nm (6:lWMEV�9UWETIRAYRWJf`➢fYXEN0.WKQ AtlopMd by Council: Date Q r. a f a.o O� .� DEPARTMENT/OFPICFICOUNCII. DATEARTTATED O�� L Z� � ExecutiveAdministration 12l1zlot GREEN SH NO. 113483 CANTACt'PERSON&PHONE � DEPARIMEN'PDII2ECi'OR ❑4 a7'YCOUNCQ. PeterHames 2668800 � � crrrnrro�x � ��"t "� ❑ crr�ctBCx �� NNST BE ON COUNCQ.AGENDA BY (DA'I� � ❑1 BUDGEf DIILECl'O � FIN- & MGT. SIINICES DII2. �ZIZ6/O� � MV,�S\ bL Y7 { • �3 MAYOR(ORASSLST/1N'n� �(1FS-Arc�untingCxtion TOTAL # OF STGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) C1ION REQUESIID � Approval of the attached 2001 yearvend budget adjustment resolution. eECOe.u.m�mnnons:nppo.«n�Q�c�x� P�RSONALSERVICECANTRACfSMIJSI'ANSR'ER'PHEFOLLOWINGQUL51'IONS: (Eaplain a0 ye55 aaswers on separate sheet and atfach to green sheet) �I.M`NN'GCOFA95SION _QV➢,SERVI(£COAA4SflON 1.Hasdtispeison/fiimeverworkedmduaconnactforthisdepacm�eat? wmnv.nrr� _ YES NO Asrn� _ 2. Has tLis persovlG�m ever been a city employee? _D�snucrwuxr _ YES NO sueaox'r5 wwCtiCOtmrnOSlECrtve? 3. Dces tlils persoWfum posuss a s1�R not no�mally posussed by any cursent city employee? YES NO IMTTATNEPROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPORI'(J1�11'Y (VJho, Wha4 a'hen, Where, WhY): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. 4 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The 2001 budget for the Cily of Saint Paul will be balanced. DISADVANTpGESIFAPPROVID: None DLSADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: " �e �� �,.�;T�R�S The 2001 budget will not balance. °:� a �-, � �� � �• ,,. � §3 i TOTAL AMO[1NT OF TRINSACTIOrI COST/REVBNLiE-BUDGE'PED (CII2CLE ONE) YES �O� GeneralFund $688,728 � Speciai Funds $332,542 ncrivrrxN[mmECt Various Capital Projects Funds �oc TOTAL $1,021,270 FvrmuvcsouecE Various PreperetlbyfM1eOlficeofFinenaal5ervices (G\SHAFiED1BU0GETtY.AYF2001191YREND.WK4) t � i .,"��^ , � �`-' ' � S � � � _ . . __. Presented By. Referred To: Councii Flle # � � � `33 (� c��� sh�t # I�3'�t g 3�e. �' Committee Date: 1 z s a s 6 ] e 9 io n iz GENERAL FUND ta ia Funtl Activity Obje t5 FINANqNG i6 n Use of General Funtl resources and fund b ts 007 - 00000 - 9830 19 zo CiN Attomey's Off'ce zi CityAttorney,GenerelOperetions 2z 001 - 00200 - 4099 25 001 - 00200 - 7305 za 001 - 00200 - 7307 25 001 - 00200 - 6999 zs 001 - 00200 - 4325 z� 001 - 00200 - 6936 za 001 - 00208 - 7305 u 30 Human Resources ON'ce 3i Human Resources, Consulting Services 92 007 - 00765 - 4372 33 � 95 SPENDING 36 n �C.�enerai Government Accounts 38 CAntingent ResefVes 95 007 - 09067 - OS m at Generel Government Accounts, actual ettl a2 007 - 09070 - 0571 9s 001 - 09070 - 0572 44 007 - 09073 0218 as 001 - 09mc 04sx es 001 - 09170 0219 a� 001 - 09081 - 0571 � 49 Cirv Couni I so City Council, general f tl fringe benefit 5t 007 - 0 O1 - 0219 52 007 - OODi - 03 ss 007 - 00001 - O85 sa 007 - 00001 - 043 ss om - 000a� - oaas RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Page 7 of 4 and 728 in General Fund with SeMion ct Description alance to finance various spending items Use of Fund Balance for yearend Fees - N.O.G. Trensfer from Special Transfer from Tmst Fi Other Miscelianeou I Reimbursement- ve County Contrib ian R�4enue Fund �itl evenue :tigation Service Fund to I.S.D. #625 GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE Contingency , fringe benefit casts, security, termination pay Settlements Jutlgements Attorney Fees Termination Pay CH and CH Securiry TortqaimsandSettlements - costs 64 7 8 Professional Services Supplies Computer Equipment Other Fringe benefits Fringe Benefits CURREN7 AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 693,573 24,000 8,000 30,000 (20,000) ' 0 7,600 o ao,000 0 39,000 0 30,675 0 30,000 252,993 (140,000) 688,728 32,000 10,000 7,600 40,000 39,000 30,615 30,000 112,993 136,485 (136,485) 0 500,000 (250,000) 250,000 100,000 (73,348) 86,652 115,000 (25,000) 9q000 775,000 175,000 0 700,000 700,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 (20,000) (5,000) (5,000) 9,600 20,400 (20,000) (5,000) (5,000) 9,600 20,400 WHEREAS, The 2001 Budgets of the General Fund and special funds are prqected to be out of balance; antl WHEREAS, The Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 70.07.3, must recommentl atljustments to bring the butlgets into WHEREAS, the tlepartments and offices of the CiTy have recommentletl that the follovring butlgets be atljustetl; WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.7, cert�es that there are available for appropriation monies and §332,542 in special fund monies in excess of those estimatetl in the 2007 butlget; antl, in accoyd 10.07.1 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommentls the folloxnng changes to the 2001 budget: � Council File # O `-� `�� GreenSheet# 0 Presented ey: RNerted To: 56 n � 59 so Cin Attomey's Office st CityAttamey,GeneralOperations sz 007 - 00200 - 0777 ss 001 - 00200 - 0774 sa 001 - 00200 - 0439 65 007 - 00200 - 0219 66 OOt - 00200 - 0297 s� 007 - 00200 - 0299 68 001 - 00200 - 0528 ss 001 - 00200 - 0545 �o �f City Attorney, Criminal Block Grent �z 001 - 00208 - 0219 ]3 1s Office of Human Resources �5 Human Resources, Consulting Services ]6 001 - 00165 - 0111 n 007 - 00165 - 0161 �e 001 - 00165 - 0439 �9 007 - 00765 • 0253 ao om - ooiss - ozis ai 007 - 00165 - 0367 � es �avoYS Office ea Mayor's Office 85 001 - 00100 - 0439 86 001 - 00100 - 0299 e� 001 - 00700 - 0100 ea 001 - 00100 - 0438 � so Parks & Recreat'on st RiceJArlington Sports �ome Subsidy and G sz 001 - 037D7 - 0566 sa 001 - 03106 - 0545 5a 95 Lahor Relatians ss 001 - 00161 - 0 9 9� 001 - 00161 - 9 98 99 i OViI 1 too 001 - 00177 0439 im 001 - 00178 0439 i� ta9 Police Denartment RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Full•Time Permanent Full-Time Appointetl Fringe Benefits Fees-OtherProfessional Data Procewing SYS. Othey Misc. Dept. Dir. Exp. Account Contib. to Outside Agency FeesOther Professional Full-Time Permanent Salary Needs Fringe Benefits Registratian Fees Fees-Other Protess' nal 7raining antl Instr Supplies Fringe Be etits Miscell eaus Pertor nce Pay Frin e Ailocallon on PerfarmanCe Pay the Great River Trensfer to Enterprise Fund - Dame subsitly Greening the Great River River Sfeward Prog Prof.Fees Fringe Benefits Fringe BenMits Fringe Benetits ioe Police Fleet, atljustment or 2001 morortuel prices ios 007 - 0 1 - 0341 Motor Fuel tob Police, Fringe Benef' s Nlocation im 007 - 4100 - 0439 FringeAllocation i� ios no 001 - 01001 - 0439 Fringe BenMiu m 001 - 07300 - 0439 FringeBenefits nz ns GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE Committee Dat�: Page 2 of 4 CURRENT AMEN�ED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET �ff3�192 319,804 841,567 192,417 0 3,1 SO 0 69,081 (17,265) 5,563 100,000 20,000 6,500 77,265 soo fl,000 565,927 2,325,367 941,561 272,417 6,500 20,445 soo 80,081 0 30,000 30,000 i,o�s,sz� (ze,000) i,oaa,az� 50,766 (50,766) 0 408,942 (20,000) 388,942 6,000 (6,000) 0 ai,siz �io,000) ai,s�z zi,�sz (io,000) iiaez 254,670 3,000 257,670 6,000 6,650 12,650 Oetail Caming 0 Deiail Coming 0 179,082 34,500 0 83,319 750,222 91,488 785,000 364,082 32,357 66,851 2,663 2,663 5,000 88,379 � �$�222 9,700 100,586 ao,000 ao,000 uo,000 zso,000 0 0 688,728 Council File # RESOLUTION CI'fY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referred To: Page 3 of 4 na ns 116 tv iis SPECIAL FUNDS 119 t2o CiNAttorney"sOffice tzt ButlgetforOutsitleServices. t¢2 FINANCING iz3 025 - 70200 - 4301 tu 025 - 10200 - 4329 iu 025 - 10200 - 4337 126 025 10200 - 7305 tn All Other Fnancing tza 129 SPENDING ,so ozs - �ozoo - o��a t3t 025 - 70200 • 0439 taz 025 AIIOtherSpending tat i� 195 C 156 Public Utilities Investigative Fund lY/ FINANCING tse 724 - 50200 - 9630 198 140 �61 SPENDING ,az 7za - sozoo ia5 724 - 50200 744 724 - 50200 tas 724 - 50200 tas 724 - 50200 ta� 724 - 50200 t4a 149 15o Ccense Insneet'ons antl Envir AMENDED CHANGES BUDGEf Normal Activity Services Services to Public Housing Agency Services for HRA Transferfrom Special Revenue Funtl FUND Full-Time Appointetl Fringe Benefits Use of Funtl / 127,736 156,108 235,634 56,981 128,710 TOTAL 705,177 aoz,sas 122,337 180,229 TOTAL 705,171 Green Sheet � 4,450 9,160 77,710 5,280 0 36,000 zo,000 16,000 0 36.000 o� ��334 0 132,188 165,268 252,744 62,261 128,770 741,177 422,605 138,337 180,229 741,171 � Competitive Frenschising 39,294 39,294 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 0 39294 39 294 - 0114 Compe tiveFrenchising-salaries 7,000 1,000 - 0219 Com tiiiveFrenchising-fees 12,142 12,142 - 0521 Co petitiveFranchising-refuntls 5,704 5,704 - 0557 mpetitive Franchising • trens to Gen Fund 7,600 7,600 - 0558 ompetitive Franchising -trens to Special Funtl 11,248 11,248 - 0439 Competitive Pranchising -fringe benefits 1,600 1,600 FUNDSPENDINGTOTAL 0 39294 39294 tst LIEP Fringe Benefits Nlocation 152 FINANCING t53 320 - 33351 - isa 320 - 33353 - t55 156 ts� SPENDING 158 320 - 33351 t59 320 - 33353 - 160 g830 Use W Fund Balance 0 79,000 19,000 9630 Use M Fund Balance 126400 42,000 768,400 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 126.400 67,000 787,400 0438 Fringe Benefits 263007 79,000 302,007 0439 Fringe Benefits 351707 42,000 393,707 FUND SPENDING 707AL 634,714 67.000 695 714 _°°` � + ,et, + , .� , , �'°' • '; ( i<.+` , . . ' ". Presented ey. Referted To: RESOLUTION CffY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 76/ t62 iw 1b/ t65 i� 16/ tca t65 ilo 1]1 m in na ns nc m na i� t8o tat 182 1&9 i� tas t86 18] tes 1� 190 191 192 189 isn 195 1% 19] 188 199 200 SPECIAL FUNDS continued Parks and flecreation Atltli[ional subsidy for Rice/Niington Sports Dome FlNANCING 326 - 23733 - 7305 Transferfrom General Fund 326 - 23733 - NI Other Fnancing Fl1ND FINANCING SPENDING 326 - 23131 326 - 23133 326 - 23133 326 - 23133 326 - 23737 - NI Spending - 0299 O[her - Misc. Services - 0373 Gas - Ali Other Spending Operetions - NI Other Spending Debt Service Technology tlManag t rvca Atltlitional support from Public Utilities Investigative Funtl to fund FINANCING 166 - 31721 - 7307 Transferfram: 166 - 31127 - All O[her Pinancing 766 - 31123 - All Other Financing / 166 - 31124 - Ail Other Financing 166 - 31725 - AlI Other Financing 179,082 536,831 775.973 16,000 41,600 323,113 335,200 TOTAL 715.973 Fund 0 7,854,020 30,409 29,000 57,085 1,970 514 FUND SPENOING TOTAL Council Rle # � � � 1 � � � GreenSheet� 0 min'ttee Date: / Page 4 of 4 AMENDED CHANGES BUDGE7 785,000 0 185,000 65,000 720,000 0 0 155,000 364,082 536,831 900.913 0 81,000 161,600 323,173 335,200 900,973 11,248 0 0 0 0 11248 11,248 1,854,020 30,409 29,000 57,085 1,98t,762 SPENDING 766 - 31121 - 0439 Frin Benefits 112,625 77,248 123,873 766 - 31121 - NlOtherSpending 7,606,395 0 1,606,395 166 - 37123 - AIIOthefSpendin 755,409 0 755,409 166 - 31124 - A110[herSpentli 39,000 0 39,000 166 • 31125 - Ali Other Spen ng 57,085 0 57,085 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 1 970.514 71248 1 981.762 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Ciry ouncii approves the amended butlgets as indicatetl above, antl adopts the revisions to the 2001 budget. Adoptetl by Council: Date Adoption Cert'rfietl by Council Secretary: By: Approvetl by Mayor. Date By: Reques[etl by Department of: Enecutive Atlministration - Financial Services By: Peter Hames Approval Recommentled by Director of Financial Services: sr• � . �.t /��� Form Appro d by City Attomey: By: � NWA'LYr'-� � Approved a for ubmissiontoCouncil: i/ BY: / / � �---_ � Vrqr�tl NeCMMeofFl�urclYEVVIw (G.l4XqqEtl911OGETIRTYPSlO1b1YPFNPWK6)