271498 WHITE - CITV CLERK � N` � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT � PAIT L COUI1C11 � j��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing a new title and class specification in the Civil Service Rules. WHEREAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a new class title of Urban Corps Coordinator and a class specification for said title; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6 thereof under the heading "Professional-Admi.nistrative" group, by inserting the title of�Xrban Corps Coordinator in Grade 14; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civi.l Service Rules be further amended i.n Section 49 thereof by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached Class Specification for the new title of Urban Corps Coordinator. Approved: Chairman Civi.l Service Co ission COU[VCILMEN Yeas B�� Nays Requested by Department of: Hona !� In Favor �'ERSONNEL FF E Hunt ' Levine Maddox - __ Against BY -- Showaltet Tedesco 19� Form rov by Ci y to Adopted by cil: Date —��_�_ ( Certif Passe b ouncil Secretary� BY � By � � App by :Vlayor: _ ��T �g� Appr ed by Mayor for Sub ' si n �,o Council g B �uec!sxEC AUG 5 3978 Title of class: �"`J� r�(�� / J` URBAN CORPS COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work in planning, coordinating and directing the operation of an llrban Corps Program; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise supervision over lower level profes- sional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Solicits Urban Corps internship positions from the City, County and public non-profit agencies; assists in the development of ineaningful internship assignments and approves or rejects internship proposals. Negotiates contracts and establishes working relationships with colleges and universities. Recruits, screens and selects student intern participants. Monitors and evaluates individual intexnship experiences and the overall Urban Corps program. Resolves problems and conflicts. Represents the Urban Corps at public meetings and schools; manintains good working relationships with local governments, schools and federal and state administrators. Negotiates and contracts with public employers and non-profit organizations regarding reimbursement for provision of Urban Corps services. Prepares and administers the Urban Corps budget. Administers the salary and payroll system for Urban Corps interns. Coordinates Urban Corps programs and funding with the Federal and State governments. Develops plans, policies, procedures and objectives governing the operation of the Saint Paul Urban Corps Internship Program. Maintains records and prepares reports, recommendations and manuals. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS A1`D ABILITIES Working ability to plan, organize and supervise work. Considerable ability to establish and maintain working relationships with colleges, government agencies, students and the general public. Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Working skill in employee selection and counseling. MINIMUhi QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and four years' experience in administering work ea-per- ience programs for post-secondary school students. Do not �tletach this memorandum from the ���.4�� � resolutiori so tha# this information w+U be p� p�,= �,�/I�7S availabie to the City Council. Tt�v. : 9/.8�7.b �!i�N'�IabT c)F AD�tIDTTS�RAT'IV� 0� a�'► , RE$QLUT'T0�1� Al�l� !�RD� C�S . Aafie: Jvx�e 15, 1g78 _ - �ECEivE � �o: r�►yo� c�aas�.r�i� JUL6 - 1978 �: �'ereannsl o;��iee �� � �t F��lu��o�► �oz i�u�3ou ta Gi��r Co�c� � � �...�....Y.�.��A�ST�e ` W� r�c�mmand you�c sPProva�7. at�d �u�►m�ss�az� a� �h�.� Rasvlu��t .�� �1tr� C��g £ou�tc�.�.� P 4& . A� �tAT�� FQR T�'8: AC�T�4N s _ . This ResQlution witl esta.blish the title o£ and cla�s speci,fication for Urban Gorps Coord.inator in Gra.de 14 of the ProfessionaZ-Administrative G roug. The Bi-weekly salary, effective January l, 1978, is as 'follows: . A B C D : E F G 10-yr. 15-yr. .$658.00 $684.00 $711. 50 $747. 00 $785.00 �8�3. 50 $865.00 $$90. 50 $917.00 $17, 167.00 annually $23,924.00 , ' A7�TAG�T&� , i r i .w. . . . . . . . . . . Resalution a�d copy for the City Clerk.