01-1333, '�'� "' § F� 1' 1 , �� � . = i -�-,� . �. . �.,../ 1 t � . . �. Presented By Referred to Council File # �� — 1333 Green Sheet # 113304 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA , Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, Subdivision 19 contains 2 an appropriation to the Minuesota DNR for the Metro Greenways Program, and 3 WHEREAS, said 1998 Metro Greenways Program has allocated $600,000.00 toward 4 the purchase of a conservation easement over parts of the Lower Phalen Creek site to be acquired 5 by the City of Saint Paul from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad as authorized under 6 CF 01-1206, and WHEREAS, said conservation easement will assure that the Lower Phalen Creek site remains undeveloped and is restored over time to a natural condition, and 9 WHEREAS, said the City will utilize said Metro Greenways funds for land acquisition 10 and natural resource restoration costs for the Lower Phalen Creek BNSF site, and 11 WHEREAS, the City Council has by its resolution CF 01-777 established a project in the 12 2001 Capital Improvement Budget to receive and expend said Metro Greenways funds, and 13 WHEREAS, the Metro Greenways Program allocation has been increased by 14 $175,000.00 based upon the appraised value of the easement area, necessitating an amendment to 15 the Capital Improvement Budget to receive and expend said Metro Greenways funds, 16 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon 17 recommendation of the Mayor and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement 18 Budget Committee that $175,000.00 is available for appropriation in the 2001 Capital 19 Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, 20 is hereby further amended as follows: Page 1 of 2 0�—�3'33 Council Fi1e # ,�,°�„ n I : � L✓ � i�� ; °: L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 113304 30 31 32 Financin2 Plan 33 L,ower Phalen Creek 34 Conservation Easement 35 COl-3D030 36 State ofMinnesota 37 38 Spendin� 39 L,ower Phalen Creek 40 Conservation Easement 41 CO1-3D030 Current Amended Budeet Chanee Budeet $ 600,000.00 +$175.000.00 $ 600,000.00 +$175,000.00 42 Acquisition, Site Restoration $ 600,000.00 43 l'he� 3t, peul Lony _gan� �� ����� � 600,000.00 Budg�f Crsmmittee reeeiv�l tIu9 r�t�est oa idate) —1�� � 'Zm c ,�.ant3 r�aomttt�A'dk APP2o�'�1'(, -. �-.� �: -� �� ,�.�.--- Yeas Nays Absent aenanav �� ✓ Blakey _�I ✓ Bostrom �� r/ Coleman �� _ —�� Harris ✓ Lantry _�� � Reiter �� .i ✓ l Adopted by Council: Date ��_ a L acol . , Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY ��. �a . ��� Approved by Mayor: Date: �r �-�� BY. � C �� r � G a � +$175,000.00 +$175,000.00 Reques ed by: Divi on of F � By: v-� $ 775,000.00 $ 775,000.00 $ 775,000.00 $ 775,000.00 Approval Recommendecl by Financial Serv' Di ector: By: Form Approved by City Atto ney BY' �-Q� Approved b Mayor for Submission to Counci�� By: � Page 2 of 2 DEPARTMENTIOFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 113304 � Parks and Recreation Dec 4, 2001 �1—t3 CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE INRIAL/OATE INRWUDATE John Wirka 266-6411 �� � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5 CRYCOUNCIL UMB R FO Z CIN ATTORNEY G qN CLERK MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABY(DATE) qpER 3 FlNANCV+LSERVICESDIR �FINHNCIALSERV/ACCTG 4 MAYOR(ORASSI5TAIJn H PARKSANDRECREATION TOTAL�OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLJPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESiED: t Approval of Council Resolution to amend Capital Improvement Budget to accept increased amount of State of Minnesot 4 Metro Greenways funds for conservation easement on Lower Phalen Creek site. RECOMMENDATIONS' Approve(A)orRe]eM(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLIOWINGQUEST10N5: PIANNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION �. HasihispersoNfvmeverworketluntlereconlydctforthisEepariment� A CIBCOMMI7TEE YES NO P. STAFF 2. Has this person/frm ever been a nty empioyee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL YES NO — — 3. Does ih�s person/firtn possess a skill not nomelly pwsessetl by any cunent aty employee� SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answere on sepa2te sheet antl affach [o green sheet. iNITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTONITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why): The State of Minnesota DNR has increased its allocation of Metro Greenways funds toward purchase of a conservation easement on the Lower Phalen Creek site. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE�: City will receive payments from Metro Greenways program upon conveyance and recording of easement. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. City will not receive Metro Greenways funds. TOTAIAMOUNTOFTR4NSACTION y 175.000.00 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED�GIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE State of MN - DNR ACTIVfTYNUMBER C01-3D030 FINANC�AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . � �R��� r���9ZQQl SENT BY: �NR METRO; 12- 5- 1 7:15PM; 6517727573 => 612 292 7405; #2/2 O �-133� Minncsota Depzirtnient of Natural lZesc�urce� 1)eccmbcr �, =0(11 Ji�hn �Virl�u C'ityufSt. Paul Division nf Parks ana Rrcreation .>UO ('irv Iiall Annex ?5 Wcst Fourth Strecr �t. Fatil, MN >? 10� U«u� John� As you kncia. M�tCO Greem��ays ailucated �600,OU0 in 19�)9 I��i aci{ttisinon uCr� perm;n�cnt cunse��;�tinn eatie�uent from 1he City of St. 1'ztul ats part of th2 Lo��er 1'halen projeci. Tlu pro l,iGy evolved :md progresscd sicnificantly ovcr the ensuinc tm�e and �ve al1 h�we a rtiuch I�e.rtrr uncierst.ar�Qtng of �vhat it evill take t'ui the city t�� not only acquirc ihi� E'�roperty ii�o�n thc Burlington Northcm Samta Fe Railroad but tu also what it �+�iil tal.c to prt;pare thr site lor puhir.• usa AIIh�?ugli othCr iunlin�� sourcei ha�•e nuw bcen cummillCd to thr proj�ct. addition��l iACL�U1Siliillt i n�ts hsirr :�k�� cmeruccl. As a rc.sult. ;�telro Cireemvays has rcevaluatid hs finaneial ri�le in tht� lo�cer Phalen project. Menro Grc:enways evill ��vmntil pn additii�nRl X 175,OU0 or ii total ,�f 3775,000 io��arcls ihz pin ��fa deline�ited eonserv�3i.ion e<�semenl <incLi�r Ibr eculo�tical rustoraticm t��ithin thc purch;ucd eascmcnt. 'l�hcsc funds �vill bc contin�rnt upon buth tl�c C'i�y .tnd thc State ai,rccins to the ternu uf tlie Cunservation Easement ot"���hic:h the rcquii'Cd natur,�l resuurce mana�ement plan has not yct bccn cotnpletcd. �Ve 21so must rerie�v the ii�le <md siu'� ry I arn �onfidenr that ���c �vill achicvc tlie necessary appro� als hut a is ,�oi likclv ch i{i all ol �1�� necess<u�v sttps and appraval.s ���ill bc �ortq�lt;ted befbrr Ueccmbcr ; t''. I can assure vuu ih;n �� c:ur �� orl:in� just as efllciently ��5 �v�� cun to ce?m}�lete ow� portion� of this trurtsactiou "Iliix h:GC hecn an Cecitins, complirilcd project end we look fbiw�u�d ��, our cuminueet coo�,rr.�non on makin� this regional]y significanr projcct a rcality. lfyou havc any ��ucstions or commcnis, ple:ise call mc at (651)77?-7')52 or SCnd an e-rnail to ai.sin���1Yu. c��r.state.inn.us. �inc t •ly. �' ` �,�- �l<vi '��it��i•�C'o rdinau�r MeU'0 Gi�c�nvtrv� IlNlt Inlu�mahun:6Sl-��)(�-bl$l • 1 tiA}i 6dh-Fth� ''I`1Y 451 "�t� �.15�1 • I SUII n5'+ iy'y \q i qu il i)p�yuiu�uly I qiylu)�9' H h„ \.Juc. I�nri.i�y :� 1'POle9 a• I Ia...Yadaci I' p�,n C.�uumu n • N1pni0�ein �•l iq". I'o.q � i i.umrv� N/ rJr