271471 ��r., WHI7E - CITV CLERK I�j ����� PINK - FINANCE � COUIICII CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY O SAINT PALTL BLUE, �►- MAVOR File NO• � ' Co il e l ion Presented By ��5� ���T� • Referred To Committe : ate Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED" That license� applied for by the following person+s at the addresses Btated be and the same are hereby granted. Attucks•-Broolca 976 Concordia � Private Club App. P17712 New Am. Legion Po+st 606 (iold Medal Bev. 553 H• ��1eW 2 Add'1 Pri 4as P F19838 New 6 Add'1 Fd Veh Virginia Arrigoni 168 W. College Iang & Brdg Hou+ee Q901 New Gold Medal Bev. Co. 553 N. �'airviea 10 V.M. Loa "1318 " S�. Paul Drug Rehab. 1365 Ehglewood Cig �r17l+p 1e Center, Ina. Jamea Yep 1010 Pa,yne Ave. 8est C.•2 "1785 " Thomaa Spear Carpet Co. 969 Arcade Carpet Dlr "1789 " Domino's Pizza of 1543 E. Maryla�ad Rest C-2 ` "1?96 " Minn., In.c. Inter City Oil Co., Ine. 1119 Pro�perity Groc A.»1 "199'J " Richard PeterBOn 1019 Araade 2nd Hd Dlr "'2017 " Souheil E. Aliabouni 2095 Como (3roc A•-2 & F�o Fds "2066 " Souheil E. Aliabouni 2095 Como Cig "2067 " Prentiss Hamilton 626 selby Cig Loa "2485 " . Cig V.M. Oper 1 Add'1 Rs�ymond L. Anderson 541 BeSoto 2 Pri (�is P : "2087 " Eleeatro Watchman, Ina. 567 University Ave. Apparatu+s Inst. "2093 " Harold F. Awe Co., Ina. 57 W. 7th St. Cig "2103 " Knox Lumber Co. 801 Tr�nsfer 8d. 1 Fdstf V.M. 1M "2140 " 4 Add'1 V.M. Knox Lwnber Co. 8U1 Traasfer 8d. Cig V.M. Oper "2141 " Peter Theodorakako� 272? 26th Ave S. Mpls Cig 1 Add'1 M "2153 " A. Weisman Co. 272? 26th Ave. S. Mpls Cig 1 Add'1 M '�2154 " st. Paul Council xo. 397 1026 w. 7th st. Cig Loc "2155 " Harold Awe Co. 1372 Scheffer 2 MAD'S ��2156 " Harold Awe Co. 13?2 Saheffer Cig Oper 4 Add'1 M "215� r' Martin Auto Livery 186 Forbes Ave. Fdstf V.M. Loa "2160 " 1 Add'1 M COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler H��� In Favor Hunt I�vine _ __ Against BY — Raedler Sylvester TCdCBCO Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P�ssed by Council Secretary BY Bp " Approved by Mayoc Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ^����� PINK - FINANCE ' COUILCII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L hr � BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. � � Council Resolution Presented By LIGT�iSE (�OMMI`1TEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont.. (Page 2) Paul T. Pomanowaki 703 IIniversity Ave. 2nd Hd Mtr App. c�i76 �rew Yeh Dlr Sctott Evert 1411 E. Ivy Ave. Foot Peddler "2180 " Critillermo F�ias 40? S. Wabasha Rest C••1 "21g4 " Ramona Cottrell 1522 St. Clair Beauty Shop "2214 " Coca Cola Bottling 101 Gentral Ave S.E. V.N. Loo 6M "2245 " Midvrest, Inc. Mpls. Clarks Bubmarine S�ndatich 1199 W. 7th St. Rest C-1 "2248 " Northern Yending Service, Inc. 1481 Marshall Cig V.M. Oper "Z251 " 1 Add'1 M Phalen Park Golf Course Phalen Park Cig i,�c ►►2252 ►r F�l.con Oil Co. ?56 N. Snelling Ave. Cias Sta 3P "2253 " 3 Add'1 I�Swn Schneider 5325 Audobon Marsseu8e "2275 " Inver Grnve �ieights W. 3ecurity Syatema 3501 S. Hwy 100, Mpls. Apparatus Inst. "2278 " Honey�,rell, Ine. Honeywell Plaza, Mpls Appe�x�atus Inst. !'2284 " Peggy Jones 1519 Penn AT. Mpls. Marsaeuse "2292 " Edward Saimder� North St. Paul Veh Peddler "2308 " Holiday Station Stores 500 E. �th St. Off Sale Malt "2321 " White Bear Service Co. 1529 White Bear Ave. Off Sale Malt "2322 " Eriekson Petroleum 1429 W. 7th St. Off Sale Malt r"2340 " George Co�tanzo 535 N• �a1e St. i F8 Mach "2351 r' A & J Ehterprises 2367 Univeraity Ave. 2 Add'1 Cig V.H. "2352 " A & J Ehterprisea 25� IIniversity Ave. 1 Fd V.M. "2354 " Charles E. Diers 390 E. Kellogg Cig Loc. "2356 " The Pianeer Co., Inc. 266 E. ?th St. 1 Add'1 I-V.M. ��2365 " 1 Add'1 Cig V.M. S�rvomation Corp 4301 68th A�e N. Mpls 1 Add'1 Cig V.M. "2366 'r Carolyn R. Johnson 1801 Zglehart l�jasse!it�e "2371 " A. Weiaman Co. 1664 IIniversity Ave. Cig 1 Add'1 M "2373 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor __ Against BY Form Approved by,City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by :Vlayoc Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ BY WH17E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ���L,��� PINK - FINANCE C I:TY OF SA I NT PAU L A, s s� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. � • �� � Council Resolution Presented By LICIIdSE COMNIITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont. (Page 3) Patricia J. MaCollough 3035 17th Av S. Mpls. Maaaeuee App. Qz39'� New Advaace»Carter Co. 85U Decatur Ave N. Mpls Cig Oper "2412 " 1 Add'1 M Advanee»Carter Co. 850 Decatur Av N. Mpla. Cig V.M. Oper "2413 " 1 Add'1 M Advaace�-Carter Co. 8S0 Decatur Av. N. Mpls Cig Y.M. �Oper "2414 " 1 Add'1 M COUNCILMEN Yeas g�tie� Nays Requested by Department of: Houa � Hur►t � �n Favor Levine Maddox __ Against BY Showalter —� ,IUL 1 8 1979 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counc Date Certified P ssed by ouncil Secretarj� BY sy � App by Mayor: Date JV '� Q ��7$ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �u�ust��o JUL 2�� 1978