271456 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIIClI ������ � PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT �PA.0 L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. R�,fiURN COPY TO VALUATION BU�FAU Council Resolution Presented By t��.�� Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, an application to the State of Minnesota through the Iand Commissioner of Ramsey County for corrveyance of certain tax forfeited lands for use by the City of Saint Pau1 for easement, a description of the tax forfeited ].a.nds is as f ollow�: Se�rer easement over the PTorthwesterly 50 feet of Lot 2, Dawson's Rearrangemen� of Block 29 of L. Dayton's Ad.dit ion. COU[VC[LMEN Yeas ��r Nays Requested by Department of: � In Favor Firlance and Manageinent Services H°"t �.(�1�� lovine 1Aaddox _ __ Against BY — Dixector Showaiter �'[edeseD' �� � � �� Form Approved by City Atto Adopted by Co . Date r-- r' J � � Certified assed b ouncil , cr ary � - By,C..._..__ Approv ayor: Date ,O I91 v. Approv d y Mayor for Sub s n �o Council By — BY pUBLISHED JUL 2� �97� �/ . �~�����/ viewed: '� At�DITIO�v`: Dawson's Rea. of Block 29 of LOT: 2 BLK: WARD: 2 L. Daytonts Addition ...� � ./� ;!x. s.l,..�.�- E:�_...-�-,--='� �l ��'c�p, � �"' ��''��" �� LJCATION: ITS :' Withheld for sewer ease�ez S 'l�''�J Street Allev gssessorts �� �ra�ed Platted NOTICE N0: 32394 F & T Valus. • Paved Graded Curb Paved FORFEITED: 7/IG./54 La,nd; �D�� ��' � ' S t wa1'� Sewer PLAT N0: 36-47�G. Bldg: � Wa�er To?�rer.s Gas gbstract ZQPdIlbG: HI . � E3ec. Grade: Fr. I�fitd. , Rear. r �. �,,. ,.,. �t� • R`'�'A'��S' �1� . .. ly � `` ,,� . , z :.,�;��- _ ^t;`. _ . �� - . •„ ' �` �/.._ -- � •- �'=- - '• „:,,. •:: \� ,� .,} ' �,�„ • �' .,n '�.� r , a. '/.5�^lr �i�</.•'" � � ' .. ," � . _ `. , �� .. �" � s; • -, ` l . '� � '�f� Y �j` �� ��~�l�\� •b `� ' "``�- \ . } . - � �'i f�' �;,? �•''o /► - � i� ` ?, �> , � ( ^,�,�! � j'.;�'1�G�Q ' . .: '� � � '' '� �_ . . '�a � ° \ . , � ;_a" ` �• j � �J `' / .% \` C� . • u� • ' r �=�c"r ;',, . !�.-!• ' .. \ � '•VY� •. • ' � � •�� . . � - .. . \ . . • ` , '!� . • ' ` :�i/ � � � � . . • �. � ��� . ` ` _ � .,/� // �'r.' ' • •~ _ � s��i . " w %��� . . ' .�_:I . �_y '` � .�i', �.�ff :< . '9,� ` � �, _ �, - �� � � a -. .,,. _ - ,., •, , . � � - � '� .--��- �'� �' � ��� � _ � . ��`: +� .- ./ / . ,.� ' . ` ' `�. - . , - j.' f . �• - �! �_ . 4M Qls 12/1975 - Rev. : 9/8/76 E�LANATION OF Ai?MINISTR�,TIVE �RDERS, _ .� . ..�� . RESOLIITIONS, AND O�DINANCES ��� r ���� , Data: �,u,e 22, lg7g �: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � d-�� FFt: J. Willia,m Donavan, Valuatiaa a�l Assess�aeat Eng3.aeer (Sxt. 5317) Depsrtment of Finance & Ma��gament 3arvieea �; Conveysu�ce of� tax larfeited la,nds to Gity of' Sa.3nt Paul ACTION RE4UESTED: I�►yor app�aval of resolution Paor eubmis�ion to Cauucil Pr�ar application oY co�rey- ance o� tax Por�ei.t�d lands. M�yc�'s sigr�ture on application of conveyance of tax Porfe3.ted laads. PLIRP�SE AND RATI�NAI�E FOR THIS ACTI�N: � Land uae oP ta� Pc�a�fei��ari ],and w3.]1. be to construct, operate aad mai�in ac�r e�se�ne�. ATTACB.MF..1�'1T5: . l. Ccyancil Re+solution � . - 2. Applicatioa for comreyance o� tex fc��eited. ]and 3. Axea Map � RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD UPON APPLICATION WHgiEAS the County Board of County, Minnesota, has examined into the allegations of Lhe application of dated , 19_, for the conveyence of certain lands therein described; now, Therefore, be it resolved by the County Board of County, Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be oranted. County Board of said County. SfATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) I, , county auditor and clerk of the County Board of County, Minnesota, hereby certif� that I have compared the foregoing copy of resolution of the County Board of said county with the original record thereof in the minutes of the proceedings of said board at a meeting duly held , 19 , and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said resolution was duly adopted by said board at said meeting. I further certify that the aPplication referred to in said resolution is hereto attached. Witness my hand and seal this day of , 19_. County Auditor and Clerk of the County Board. County, Minnesota. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION St. Paul, Minn.� . 19 Upon due consideration of the within application it is ordered that the same be and it is hereby GRANTID REJECTID. Commissioner of Taxation By SD For� 962 68872-500-5•72—Off. 217—msp APPLICATION QY GOVERNh1ENTAL SUBDIVISION FOR CONVEYANCE OF TAX-FORFEITED LANDS Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision I. �'"�� ���� In the Matter of the Application �f City of Saint Paul a Governmentr.l Siibdivision, for a Conveyarice of Certain Lands. Comes now the f!i+�r nf S�#,ii�t—�A,L1�A�1!(11,t3�.C}�1R1 C�IY'�,f12'ti'�1.C1t1 - 1Name o sub ivision nn�l alleges: i. Tnat a��ii�anc is a �a� Municipal Corporation, State of Minnesota 2. Tngc �b> Attached hereto is a resolution of the Citv Council of the Citv of Saint Paul for acquisition of the land hereinafter described. 3. That there is situated in the County of RSit1S@y , certain tax-forfeited land described as follows: (c) Sewer easement over Northwesterly 50 Peet of Lot 2 Dawson's Reaxra ement of Block 29 of L. Dayton's Addition 02-22300-020-000 4. That said lands are (d) necessaxy and desixable for easement to construct, operate and maintain as nart of City sewer system 5. That aPplicant desires to obtain said land for the following purposes and reasons: (e) to be used. for easement as x�art of Citv sew�er system Wherefore applicant prays that said lands be conveyed to it for the use stated herein. FORM AF'�`���-►��� City o� sa'nt Paul ��._-- 6_,�-�6' BY _ � y its yor and Its City C1erk and . Its Director, Dep�rtment of Fir�ance and STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Mana�ement Services ) s s. COUNTY OF t Ramsev ) George Latimer /��i being first dult� sworn, depose8and sa� _11g ' �q�c�/ MayoT o£ the City of Saint P�ul ; Lhnt. ��i }�(�I(, rea�l ttie foregoing application and kno�B the contents thereoi; and that the matters stated therein are true. ayor "-a and sworn to before me this t9 .. . �`�1�4�� ST.�LL C1F ��S��LJ�1:� � � . � S S. cot�ri� c,� Ramsey ) Rose Mix /��7'�Ge.n, �i-5r. ?�i�• s»orn, �?epos�anri sayS ��`7'Y�Y�/'"'/"P�t���thxt���/Y'%7����Y����t���� ShE+ is the ,���{ City Clerk ot tt,e City of Saint Paul . thnr ��i��/�a�`r� re?� u�e :'o:egoing application and lcnow the contents thereof; and that the matters state�i therefn Rr? t-���. City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to beforP me Lhi� dey of , i�► \otary public, Connt�, }{in-�. �(y Comnission Expires ST.`.:E OF �!F'rti:S�r'i?l ) _ � 5�• COL'�iY OF Ramsey •� Berna�d J. Carlson /���i L�ing ffrst d�l}• sworn, de�os8 anci sa�, ���/��i-/�i����t'�/that����f/������������/��>�/ hP i8 �he Director of the Dep���ment of Finance and �th��ent Services City of Saint Paul thr.t. �{���� r?e�i uze foreooing application end know the contents Lhereof; a;�d t'r.a� =�.e r.rtters s[ated �here.n P:e tnie. irec or, ep . o inance . ervz.ces • Subscribed artd sxorn to heTo-e r•� :... day of , 2� Natary public, Caunty, ,v,inr.. 1Sy Com�issLon Expires