271437 M�H17E - CITV CLERK . - PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Lj y CANARV - DEPARTMENT COUIICII Il A �� �yJ BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � �� � l� ■ ► Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that Paragraph 5 of Section 10 (D) of the Civil Service Rules is hereby amended as follows: Every new employee appointed after January 1, 1977 and holding a position in the Classified Service of the City, shall be required to reside in the City of St. Paul within 6 months of the completion of the probation period for his/her original entrance position, and thereafter will be required to remain within the City limits as long as he/she is employed by the City of St. Paul. , Approved: Chairman Civil Service Co issio COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler '� PERSONNEL OFFICE Hozza In Favor ,. Hunt � L,evine � __ Against BY Maddox Showalter TedesCO �L i � �'�]�'� For Approve by Ci tt Adopted by Council: Date . Certified P s b Council S r ta BY By �.1ppr by lVlavor. Date Y 4 � App o d by Mayor for Submi si n o Council By BY PuausNE� JU� 2 2 1978