271435 WHI7E - CITY CLERK 1 7q � PIlJK . . -�IN4NCE COIlIICIl ����i.�� . CAM/1Rr-DEPARTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PAITL File NO. �� BW� - MAYOR � � ' Zn�nCP, Ordinance PI 0. ���y�� w Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Zoning Code, Chapters 60 through 64, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 64.209 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: 64.209 PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL: . �Pl�e-P�ar�r���g-6e�}es}e�-s�a��-���*ea���a�e-�l�e-e��e�t- s�a�rees-e�-eae1�-e�ek-ease-a�d-ska��-�e�}��-s�ek-ga���es= wke-x�a�*-�r�-��s-eg��}s�-�e-a��ee�e�-�ke�e��T-e�-�k.e-t��e a��-g�aee-e�-a��-�ea�}��-wk}e�i-x�a�*-l�e-ke��.-�e�a���re - �#�e�e�e-ae-�eQ�t��e�.-��de�-��e-���es-e�-g�eee�i��e: ��e-P�a�r���e}-Ee��es�e�-x�ap-}�gese-s�ek-�exe���}e�s-e� �����a��e�e-��-g�a����g-eg��e�a�-as�-xia�-de�e���e-�� ��s-���g�e��-�e-�eeessa�-�e-�a�����-�l�e-sg����-a��. �` p��pese-e�-���s-A�d}r�a�eeT-a��-�e-g�e�ee�-ad�aee�� g�e�e��}e9.- 64. 209 PLANNING COMMISSION AND PLANNING ��1K�AiISTRATOR APPROVAL. _ (a) The Planning Commission shall review and approve all principal uses permitte sub�ect to special conditions, site plans, determinations o�simi ar use, an other matters an cases as may by aw be provided. The COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n .Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco • Form Approved b Ci Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , 1(oy5� � ���� ���� Planning Commission may, by rule, delegate to the Planning Administrator its power to review and approve all such matters and cases; pro- vided, however, that the Planning Commission shall not delegate its power to modify special conditions imposed upon any principal uses permitted subject to such special conditions. (b) The Planning Commission, or Planning Administrator where delegated, shall investigate the circumstances of each such case before granting an approval. When authorit has not been delegated to the Planning Administrator, the Planning Commission sha 1 make no decision until after a public hearing has been conducted by the Planning Commission or the Current Planning Committee of the Planning Commission. The P anning Commission or Current Planning Committee shall send notice of the time and place of any hear- ing to al�parties who may in its opinion be affected by its ecision; which shall in all cases inclu e all owners of record of ro erty within three- hun re fi ty 50 feet of the remises in question, suc notices to be e ivere personally or by mai addresse to the respective owners at the a ress given in the last assessment rol . (c) The Planning Commission or the Planning Administrator where delegated ma im ose such reasonable conditions and imitations in granting an a roval as are deter- mine to be necessar to fulfill the spirit and purpose o the Zoning Or inance and to protect ad�acent properties. (d) When specific reference is made to this paragraph (64. 209 d) in Sections 60. 413 through 60. 607, the Planning Commission, after ublic hearing ma mo ify s ecified special conditions, when strict app ication of such special conditions would un- reasonably limit or prevent otherwise lawful use 2. . . �lP �� �ir�..(`�tJr� of •a iece of ro ert or an existing structure an would result in exceptional undue hardship to the owner of such ro ert or structure, provi ed that such modification will not impair the intent and purpose of such special condition and is consistent with health, morals and general welfare of the community and is consistent with reasonable enjoyment of adjacent property. The requirements of Sections 61. 100 through 61. 105 and 62. �03�1 remain in force and effect and shall not be superse ed or waived by any such modification of a specified special condition. (e) Upon approval of a principal use permitted subject to special conditions by the Planning Commission or the Planning Administrator where delegated, the applicant shall be issued a Special Condition Use Permit u on which all conditions or limit- ations impose shal be recorded. (f) The grant or denial of approval by the Planning Commission or Planning Administrator is subject to appeal in accordance with Section 64. 203. Section 2. That section 60. 413 (f) 1 of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (1) Subject to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , principal access to said site shall be directly from a major thoroughfare as designated on the Major Thoroughfare Plan. Section 3. That section 60. 413 (f) 2 of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (2) Subject to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , no building shall be closer than a distance equal to the height of the building to any property line, or fifty (50) feet, whichever is greater. 3. . � � � �'�� ;�R'�� Section 4. That section 60. 413 (g) 2 of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (2) Subject to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , all yards shall be landscaped in trees, shrubs, and grass. All such landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy condition. There shall be no parking or structures permitted in these minimum yards, except required entrance drives and those walls used to obscure the use from abutting residential districts. Section 5. That section 60. 413 (g) 3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (3) Subject to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , off-street parking shall be provided so as to accommodate not less than one-fourth of the member families and/or individual members over sixteen (16) years of age. Prior to the issu- ance of a building permit or zoning compliance permit, bylaws and official membership roll of the organization shall be provided in order to determine the membership involved for computing the off-street parking requirements. Section 6 . That section 60. 423 (b) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (b) Subject to the provisions of Section 64.209 (d) , fraternity and sorority houses and dormitories which are located on or within two hundred and fifty (250) feet of the nearest property line of the school. 4. ,. ����.��� Section 7. That section 60. 443 (b) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (b) Subject to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , boarding houses , provided that in addition to the lot area for the dwelling unit, a lot area is provided of one thousand (1,000) square feet for each guest room in excess of two (2) guest rooms. Section 8. That section 60. 453 (b) (1) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows : (1) Subject to the provisions of 8ection 64. 209 (d) , all such hospitals shall be developed only on sites consisting of at least five (5) acres in area. There shall be no height limitation placed on the principal structure. Section 9 . That section 60. 453 (b) (2) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (2) Subiect to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , the proposed site shall have at least one property line abutting a major thoroughfare as designated on the Major Thoroughfare Plan. All access to any off-street parking area shall be directly from a major thoroughfare. Section 10. That section 60. 453 (b) (3) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (3) Sub 'ect to the ` rovisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , the minimum istance o any main or accessory building from bounding lot lines or streets 5. �'7'� ��� shall be at least fifty (50) feet for front, rear, and side yards for all two (2) story structures. For every story above two (2) the minimum yard distance shall be increased by at least twenty (20) feet. Section 11. That section 60. 453 (d) (4) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (4) Subject to the rovisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , such uses shall not exceed twenty-five 25 percent of the floor area at grade level, or fifty (50) percent of the floor area of a sub- grade level, and shall be prohibited on all floors above the first floor or grade level. Section 12. That section 60. 453 (d) (6) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (6) Sub:ject to the provisions of Section 64.209 (d) , the principal structures shall not be less than 150 dwelling units notwithstanding subdivision (5) of this subsection. Section 13. That section 60. 463 (a) (3) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (3) Sub "ect to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , such uses shall not exceed twenty-five (25 per- cent of the floor area at grade level, or fifty (50) percent of the floor area of a sub-grade level, and shall be prohibited on all floors above the first floor or grade level. � 6 . . � - �C��'�� • ^ �H����� Section 14. That section 60. 494 (c) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (c) Sub 'ect to the rovisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , bowling alley, billiard hall, in oor archery range, indoor tennis courts, indoor skating rink, or similar forms of indoor commercial recreation when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any front, rear, or side yard of any residential lot in an adjacent residential district. Section 15. That section 60.503 (b) (2) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (2) Subject to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the inter- section of any two (2) streets. Section 16. That section 60. 503 (d) (1) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (1) Subject to the rovisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , the site shall be limite to a ot having B, I , or ES zoned property within three hundred (300) feet of the site. Section 17. That section 60. 503 (d) (3) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows : (3) Subject to the provisions of Section 64. 209 (d) , points of vehicular ingress and egress shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets and at least (60) feet from any abutting residentially zoned property. 7. WHI7E - CI TV CLERK COl1IIC11 / /���� PINK � ' -�INANCE � CANARY�DEAARTMENT CITY OF . SAINT PAZTL � � � f� BI�U� - MAVOR � F116 NO• Ordin�nce ordinance N0. ��/��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 18. That section 60. 503 (e) of the Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (e) Subject to the rovisions of Section 64.209 (d) , veterinary hospita s or clinics, provi ed all activities are conducted within a totally enclosed main building and provided furth�er that all buildings are set back at least two hundred (200) feet from abutting residential districts on the same side of the street. Section 19. That section 60. 392 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be amended to read as follows: (a) Special Condition Uses: A special condition use is a use permitted only after review and approval of an appiication by the Planning Commission, or the Planning Administrator where delegated to �o so pursuant to Section 6 . 209. Section 20. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. 8. � COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: utl r Butler a Ha� �_ In Favor H � Hunt L e 1„evh,s _� Against BY e er M�� lves r g�We� edesc T� Adopted y '1: Date A�� � �� Form Approved by C y ttorne Cer 'fied.Pa by C�cil Secret ry BY Appr e by Mayor: Date � � �' � , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY � Pueust�Ep All6 5 I(� ����� , ...,,,,«.,,�, � � =���ptTY oF�@,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�� ;,.,, '; '`� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ;a �wAemu �: i� IIII 1II II Cc <;� ^= SUZANNE E. FLINSCH, CITY ATTORNEY ��''"�,,,,m'aa•����'�` 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 612-298-5121 Mayor June 29 , 1978 Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall BUILDING Dear Ms. Mix: By letter dated June 13, 1978 you requested the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending various sections of the Zoning Code dealing with special condition uses, and that this request was made by the City Council. The enclosed ordinance contains the amendments recommended to the City Council by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council Committee on City Development and Transportation. Your very truly, J G As i tant ity Attorney JJS: g . enc. cc: Planning Staff, Zoning Section (enc) O , � �� , .. t . r . , .'1 , , F+ a . � � ' ��:t .� �. � .�� ' . _ � � . � . .. . -- . � � . _ . �� ,r • � , . v , ,.� .�., -- � . • 1 . : - . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. � . �.. ,�. . . ' . , .. .. ..- . . �, �-- . 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F. - . � Ordir,�nce - . : � _ [� Pesoiuzi�n . � _ : . . - � O�hgr. - . - - . � � i�� : Zoning Code Amendments relating to Special Condition Uses ` The Committ�e recommends adoption of the resolution � _ of the Planning Commission recorr�nending zoning code - amendments relating to certain Special Condition - Uses. (Attachment) . � t � "J;' � _ �� , . � �, - CfT'c' .-.'.�.f. S�,`d�.;�7�-[ T-�t.003� �:\i1T F'r\I?I.. �tr���:e:�'ra �;:m ZOP�I��G CODE �i�iE�JDi�?E(ITS RELFlTI�lG TQ SPECI�IL COPdDITIOfI USES � t�1AY, 1978 � . 1 . CHAfJGE SECTIOPJ 64.209 PLAfdNIPdG COh1�'�ISSION APPROVAL as fallo:�ts: Del ete enti re secti on as fo1 l oti�rs: ��e-P�a��}��-Eer���5�er�-sba��-�R�es���a�e-��e-��t�e��s�anEes-sT-eaei� saEb-ease-a��-s�a��-�a�=;��y-s�e�-�a���es;-M�a-�ta�-��-���-e��r��e�-�e- a��eete�-�#�e�eb�;-s�-��e-��Fe-a��-��aee-e#�-a��-i��a�}��-w��e�-�tay-bz �e�d-�=e�a���e-��e�e�e-as�-�e��=�e�-���e�-��s-���es-a�-��=e�e�t�re.----- ��e-P�a�t��r��-Eer���s�s�-�a3+-�1��85@-5t1E�2-EB��}�}Bi�S-9Y-�����az�e:�s-= ��-��a�����-a���eya�-as-�a3�-�e�e�=w���-��-��s-��������-�e-����ssa�y �8-�t��€���-��e-5�����-a��-��+��ese-e€-����-9�=���ar�ce,-a��-�e-��e�e�z � a��aEer��-��e�e�=��es.- Add ne.� Secti on 64.209- as fo71 ows: � 64.209 PLAf�lNIPlG COMhtISSIOiV APPROVAL (a) The Planninq Coma�ission shall review and appro4-� a11 principal uses permitted suh�ect to spec�al conditions, site plans, determ�nat�ons of s�m�lar use; and other matters and cases as may by lao� be proVidzd. "The�Planninq Corrnnission may, by rule, deleqate to t e Plann�n Adm�n�strator its awe� to revie�� and ' . ' , ' - �a rove al 7 suc matters and cases; pravi ded, hfl�,�ever, tt�at t eh F'lannin Com�n�ssion s�a'fT not ea le ate its poLVer to modif specia conditions imposed upon any principal uses p2rmit�ed sub�ect to such specia c�oncfitions. , � `? f � 3��" -2- b The Planninc� Co�t�mission, or PlanninR AcEministrator wnere c�eleg�ted, shal l i nvesti�a te tf�e ci rcu�r,st�nces of each s��ch c�se be;ore c;rar}ti r14 an a rov��l . l•then authorit_y has not been dzleqated to t�e P14nninq Administr•ator, the Plannin CO(T1fT11SSl01l sha11 ma;e ro decision •unti af�ter �a��u��lic earinq as een conducted b_y the Pianning Comrnission or the Current PlaT�ninq Co�nmittee of th2 Plan�inq Commission. T e Plannin Commission or Current Pianninq Com.mittee shall send notice of t e tirne and ace of an hearin ta a11 parties ti•a o may �n its opinion e affecte y its aecision; which shal 1 i n al 1- cases i ncl ude al l ov�ners af record of ro zr� 4J1�F17 fF three-hundred fift 35J feet of the rernises in �testion, sucn notices to e delivere ersona or y mai�! addressed to the _ respective oumers at t e a ress iven in the ast assess;�ent roll . (c) The Plannin Commission or the Plannin Rdministrator a�rhe re clele ated may impose suc reasonab e conditions and imitations in g rantinq an a roval as at�e determined to be necessary to fulfil� ti�e s irit an purpose o t e onlnc� r inance an to protect a jacent pro�erties_ (d) l�ihen specific reference is made to this paraqraph (64.209 d) in Sections 60.�13 throuqh 60.b07, the Piannin CQtPJ1i7SSlOT1, after pu ic hearin ma mo if_y specified specia conditions, �ti�n�n strict app ication of suc s��e__c_���al conditions urould unreasonabiy timit ar revent otherwise a7 y�fu use of a iece of ro erz or an existing structure an ti�ou result in exce t�ona undue har ship to t e o;�•rner of sucfi ro erty or structure, rov�de that such iilOCIl�7C��lOn +�ri1 • not im air ti�e intent an ur ose af suc s ecial con ition and is consistent wit hea i , mora s and qeneral �,�e fare of �h� cemmunit and is consistent ��rith reasona 1e enjoyment of adjacent property. •The re uirements of Sections 61 _100 -throu h 61 .105 and 52_103 shall remain irt force and effect and s a 1 not e su ersed�d ar ��a�ved b;� a� suc modi fi cati cn of a sy�eci f�e sy�eci a condi ti on. (e) Upon approval of a principal use permitted subject to sp�cial cortditions by the Planning Commission or the Pianninq Administrator c��ere � deleqated, the appiicant shall be issued a Special Cond-ition Use - Permit upon «hich all conditions or limitations imoosed shali be recorded. � (f) The cLrant or deniai of approval b�y the Plannrtn� Co►nmissifln or Planning Administrator is subject to app�ai in accordance �•�ith Section 64.2U3. . � �. . � -3- -- 2. {Idd the wot-ding "Subjec� to the provisians of Sectian 64.209 d" to the special conditions referenced belo:��: 60•_�13 (f) (1 ) (colleges on thorouyhfares} . (f) (2) (colleges and 50' setback) (g) (2) (private recreation areas and parking requireEnents) �9) (3) � 60.423 (b) (dormitories on and off campus) 60.443 (b (boarding houses) 60.453 (b) (l ) (hospita7s on 5 acre lots} . {b) (2) (hospitals on major thoroughfares) � (b) (3) (hospitals and setbacks) (d) (4) (retail in apartments) (d) (6) (retaii in apartments) . b0.463 (a) (3) (retail and office in a�artments} - 60.494 (c) (bowling alley, etc. , setback} 60.503 (b) , (2) (access to car sales) 60.503 (d) (1 ) (fast food spacing) - (d) (3) (fast food access) 60.503 (e) (veterinary hospital spacing) Revise Section 60.392 ZONING SPECIAL COtlDITIOTI USES �P�lD 1'A2IttF�CES as follows: (a) Special Condition Uses: A special condition use is a use pz rmitted only after review and approval of an ap�lication by the Planning - Commission, or the Planninq Administrator �ir�zre deleqated -to do so pursuant to Sect�on 64.209. � i � 2����� ��TY o�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL R'�� '- DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � � o :..:..; ., `�s •����l�c DIVISION OF PLANNING .,. 421 Wabasha Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 612-298-4151 George Latimer Mayor May 19, 1978 Council President Robert Sylvester and Members of the City Council c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall Saint Paul , MN 55102 Dear Council Members: Enclosed is a copy of a resolution passed by the Planning Commission recommending zoning code amendments relating to certain special condition uses. I am transmitting this action separately to Mayor Latimer. Sincerely, �� mes J. Bellus Planning Administrator JJB.vm Enc. cc: City Clerk °��"<J � ? I �( 3 5 . city of saint p�ul �ia��inc� ��rrr�t�ssi�� �'�solut�on fiie n�r�#�er78�.�3.�...._. ��t� Mav 1 . 1978 WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Planning Commission initiated a 40-Acre Study to amend chapters 60 and 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code at their regular meeting on January 13, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Current Planning Committee of the Planning Comnission reviewed the suggested ordinance amendments and has recommended them to the Planning Commission for approval ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes #462.257(5) the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments at its regular meeting on February 10, 1978 and on February 24, 1978; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined: l . That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the ordinance renders the obtaining of written consents impractical , 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made, 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to this ordinance proposed are related to the overall needs of the comnunity, to existing land use and to a plan for future land use, and 4. That pursuant to State Statutes, proper notice of the hearing has been given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on January 20, January 27, and February 3, 1978: P�OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the zoning code text amendments relating to certain special condition uses attached hereto as proposed in the 40 Acre Study and directs the Planning Coordinator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. ������ ��.�....�C�a.n_... ,.--.-...-.-�.. ��GV{�1 �iAt✓V � . N��mmor - �� ' 13 �� ��- --.,...�. C`������ ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS RELATING TO SPECIAL CONDITION USES MAY, 1978 l . CHANGE SECTION 64.209 PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL as follows: Delete entire section as follows: �b2-R�aHR�RQ-E9H�Hi55�6R-sba��-�pties���a�e-�he-e��ea�s�apEes-e€-eaeb saeq-Ease-aw�-5bd��-RB����-sdeq-�a���es;-wbe-�ay-}p-��5-e��p�ep-�e- a�€es�e�-�qe�e�y;-e�-�qe-���e-ap�-��aee-e€-apy-bea��p�-wq�Ea-�a�-�e be��-�e�a���e-�qewe�e-as-�e����e�-ap�e�-��s-wa�es-e€-��eee�a�e:---- �qe-P�apH}��-6s��ss�ew-�ay-i��99@-SbEb-E9R�}��9RS-6p-�����a��9R5-- }H-��dH��H�-a���AYa�-dS-�a�-�@�2���R2-�R-i�S-�a��2�2R�-�e-R2E@SSd�� �e-€a�€���-�qe-s��w��-ap�-�aw�ese-e€-�q�s-Aw��papee;-a��-�e-��e�eE� a�3aeep��-��e�e���es.- Add new Section 64.209 as follows: 64.209 PLAfJNING COMMISSION APPROVAL �a) The Planninq Comnission shall review and approve all principal uses ermitted sub ect to s eciaS conditions, site lans determinations of similar use, and ot er matters and cases as ma� by aw e proVi e : T e P anning Comnission m�, by rule, dele ate to the P annin A ministrator its ower to review and a rove a suc matters an cases; rovided, owever, t at t e annin Commis5ion s a not e e ate its ower to mo if �s ecia con �t�ons imPose u on any principa uses �ermitte subject to suc�specia cbn itibns. ' 2"'1���� -2- �b� The PlannincL Commission, or Planning Adrninistrator where dele aq t�d, shall investi ate the circumstances of��each such case before rantin an a rova . W en aut orit as not been de e ate to t e Plannin Administrator t e P annin Commission s al make no ecision unti after a u �c ear�n as een con ucte t e P annin Commission or t e urrent annin ommittee of t e P annin Commission. T e P annin Commission or Current Plannin Comnittee shal sen notice of t e time an ace of an earin to al arties w o ma in its o inion e a ecte its ecision; which s a in a cases inc ude a owners o record of ro ert within three-hundred fift 3 0 feet of the remises in uestion, such notices to e e ivere ersona or mai a resse to t e respective owners at t e a ress given in t e ast assessment roll . (c) The Planning Commission or the Planning Administrator where deleqated ma im ose sucl� reasona^U'1e con3itions and limitations in rantini an a rova as are etermined to e necessar to fulfi 1 the s irit an purpose o e oning r inance an o �rotect a �acent_properties. (d) When�specific reference is made to this �aragraph �64.209 d) in Sections 6�:�'tFirou �i 60.�b�, tFie�Tannin Comnission, a t�er �u ic ear�n ma mo if s eci ie s ecia con itions, w en strict icat on o suc s ec a con itions wou unreasona imit or revent ot erwise aw u use o a iece o ro ert or an existin structure an wou resu t n exce tiona undue ar s i to t e owner of suc ro ert or structure, rovi e t at suc mo i ication w� not im air t e �ntent an ur ose o suc s ecia con ition an is consistent wit ea t , mora s an enera we fare of t e communit an is consistent wit reasona e en o ent of ad�acent ro ert . The re uirements of Sections 6 . 00 t rou 6 .105 and 62. 03 sha 1 remain �n force an e fect an s a not e su erse e or waive b,�r any suc mo i icat on o a speci ie specia con ition. �e) Upon approval of a principal use permitted subject to s�ecial conditions � t�ie�F�annin �rrmission or the P�annin—'�ministrator where de e ated, t e a icant s a e issue a S ecia Condit�on Use Permit u on w ic a con itions or imitations im osed shall be recor e . (f) The �rant or denial of approval by the Planning Commission or PTannin AcTministrator is su ect to a ea� in accora'ance with Section 6 . 03. � . A -3- 2'714�5 2. Add the wording "Subject to the rovisions of Section 64.209 d" to the special conditions re erence e ow: 60.413 (f) (1 ) (colleges on thoroughfares) (f) (2) (colleges and 50' setback) (g) (2) (private recreation areas and parking requirements) �9) �3) 60.423 (b) (dormitories on and off campus) (e) (4) (community residences facilities spacing) 60.443 (b) (boarding houses) 60.453 (b) (1 ) (hospitals on 5 acre lots) (b) (2) (hospitals on major thoroughfares) (b) (3) (hospitals and setbacks) (d) (4) (retail in apartments) (d) (6) (retail in apartments) 60.463 (a) (3) (retail and office in apartments) 60.494 (c) (bowling alley, etc. , setback) 60.503 (b) (2) (access to car sales) 60.503 (d) (1 ) (fast food spacing) (d) (3) (fast food access) 60.503 (e) (veterinary hospital spacing) Revise Section 60.392 ZONING SPECIAL CONDITION USES AND VARIANCES as follows: (a) Special Condition Uses: A special condition use is a use permitted only after review and approval of an application by the Planning Commission, or the Plannin� Administrator where dele,�ated to do so pursuant to Section , ` � . � lst / � � 2nd + � — � � 3rd / �� _ Adopted � I . Yeas Nays � BUTLER � i i I HUNT ��� 2'7���5 ��X � � ! SHOWALTER (J ( I TEDESCO � PRESIDENT (HOZZA) .