271420 WHITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT �A L} L COUIICSl J'� CAN4f�I - DEPARTMENT File NO. ����i■ ��LRJE • - MAYOR �'T� � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, app�oved December 1, 1970) pertaining to regu- laticns for the adjusting of seiwe� servtce charges, and upon the recommendation of the Depa�tment of Public Works and approval of the Boa�d of Water Commissioners, the Cou�cil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption fran the City of Saint Paul 's Sanitary _ Sewe� System, the below listed firms have justifiabte reason for application of an adjustmont to their sewer service charges as levied; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a fuil or partiai refund of paid sewer service charges, based upon these adjustments, shall be refunded from the "Sawer Service Fund"; and shall be in the following amounts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMIOUNT Olympia Brewing. Company May, 1978 $104,982.16 722 Payne Avenue ` 55165 Hoe rner Waldorf Ap�il , 1978 $ 16,250,30 2251 Wabasha ' Sfii02 _ : ...,.,. : < _ Jacob Schmldt Brewing Co. May, 1978 $ 2,842.46 882 W. seventh street 55102 6111e�tte Company ,� January-March, 197$ $ 2,689.18 Ff fth` at Broadvay 55101 Natlonal Can � April , 1978 $ 1,631 .79 139 Eva Street Plastics, inc. October, 1977 - MeY. 197$ $ 364.15 224 Ryan Av�nue 55102 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt �Ly(/ Levine __ A gai n s t BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - B; Approved by 1�la��or: Date _ App d by Mayor for Sub i si to Council By — BY M�H17E� - CITV CLERIS �CANARV - DEP RCMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COUI1C11 ;��r ,' 6��r, BLUE - MAYOR FIl@ NO. f +-<. �=, 7 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By - Date • -2- NAME ADDRESS TIME PERI00 AMOUNT First National Bank June, 1978 $ 290.44 W-1752 lst National Bank Bldg. 55101 , Land 0'Lakes, Inc. May, 1978 $ 197.16 415 Grove Street 55101 Richard Williams 1972-1978 . $ 119.19 552 E. Whealock 55101 - . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas guUe[ Nays � ' Houa Publ i c Works Hu�rt In Favor } �evins /� �naddmc ✓ __ A ainst BY G�����. snowa�cer. g a�nal . ygaar - ctor o c Todesoo WO�kS Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved y City At rney . —���� Certified a•�ed y Council S et BY By . Appr by Mayor. Dat ' ~— ��� � � 1978 Appr Mayor for Submi ion o Council By _ _ By PUBLISNED JUL 2 2 �978 OM O1: I2/1975 , w • Rev. : ��`:�� � EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, ` RESOLUT�ONS, AND ORDINANCES Dates Juns 21, 1978 � TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: OONl1L0 E. NYGAARD, DIRECT.OR OF PpBLtC MORKS RE: IIEFUiDS� OF SEUIER SERVI CE CHAR6ES ACTION REQUESTED: ' Raf�d S�war Sds�vica Chs�g�s fraa Sw�+ar S�rvice Fund. PURPOSE RND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTIONs I nws t t gat toe� hss dste r�i nsd tha t urts 1� vol�aes of wst�r wh i ch wt�a ass�ss�d a s�r s�nrtca cha�gs did not ente� ths sanitary sewer syst� snd thst p��w�nt � of the ch�r�gss an these votu�ss should bs rofurrded. ATTACHMENTS: � 1. Co�ci l R�o�utioA 2. Bosrd of Watmr Co�issivwsn' Rssolutioe� Racc�ding R�rf�+nds REB:JB:a�f • ' l ' � r 2T93 CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — , OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 2�'� ���� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � `r� '�f 19T$ COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVfD RESOL9ID, That the Board ot Water Coa�miseion�rs hereby app�oves the reco�mm�e�nda,tian of Riah�rd L. 1�eale�, Assietaut Director aad City �neer, Department of Publia Worlce, in hi� letter of June 21, 1978 to the Board that fu11 or partial re�,inds of paid 8g�er Servioe Charg�es be gra�nt�d. aa listed in the let�er� eaid r�ttim�ds to be �wd� fro� the "Sewer 3erviae �'und�'. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Baohr�ah �� June ?1 19�78 showalter — Thampsoa Pre�idant Levina — In favor_L_ Opposed � _ �O SECY.