271403 �WHITE — CITV CLERK � COUI1C11 '3���Yd�
BL� — MAVOR � Flle- NO.
� u il esolution
Presented By.. �
Re��rred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, as
Section 1. Recitals. �
1.01. The City presently operates a program of public recreativn and
playgrounds as authorized by the City Charter and other provisions of law,
including Minnesota. Statutes, Sections 471.15 to 471.191 (the Act) ; and for this
purpose is authorized under the Ctt� Charter, Sections 1.03 and 13.01, and the
Act to acquire land, buildings and facilities to be used for public cultural
activities, including exhibitions and other events involving public
1.02. Twenty Broadstr�et Leasing Company, Incorporated (Twenty
Broadstreet) proposes to enter into a Sale and Assignment Agreement with Th.e
Science Museum of Minnesota (the Museum) to be ciated as of June 15, 1978,
whereby Twenty Broadstreet will acquire title to the Science Centere deseribed
in the attached Eahibit A which is being constructed by the Museum. The Science
Center has been designed, constructed and equipped, and is suitable for use, for
the collection, preservation, exhibition, examination and study of fossils,
artifacts, relics and other items of historical, cultural, scientific and
educational significance; and for the presentation of public programs relating
to these and other subject5 of historial, �ultural, scientific and educational
significance. � '�
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays "
` [n Favor
__ Against BY —
� Form Approved by City Attorn
Adopted by Council: Date
Ceitified Passed by Council Secretary BY
� Approved by Mayor. Date _ Approved by May r for Submission to Council
' BY - – — BY
� . .
•� ���`��1�
1.03. The City is authorized by the Act to acquire the Science Center
by lease-purchase agreement, and is authorized to provide for the operation and
maintenance of the Science Center for the purposes specified in this Section 1,
either directly or pursuant to a lease agreement.
1.04 . The City is desirous of leasing and purchasing the Science
Center from the Corporation, and the Corporation is desirous of leasing and
selling the Science Center to the City, under a lease-purchase agreement, for
operation and maintenance for the purposes specified in this Section 1; and
there has been presented to the Council a Lease-Purchase Agreement to be dated
as of June 15 , 1978 ( the Lease-Purchase Agreement ) proposed to be entered into
by the City and Twenty Broadstreet for this purpose .
1 .05 . The City is desirous of leasing the Science Center to the
Museum, and the Museum is desirous of leasing the Science Center from the City,
for operation by the Museum on behalf of the City for the purposes specified in
this Section 1; and there has been presented to the Council a Lease to be dated
as of June 15 , 1978 ( the Lease ) proposed to be entered into by the City and the
Museum for this purpose .
Section 2. Ap�ravals and Authorization of A�reements. The Lease-
Purchase Agreement and the Lease are approved, and the Mayor , the Director of
the Depar;tment of Finance and Management Services, and the City Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to execute and deliver them on behalf of the City.
� Section 3. Establishment and Administration of Science Center
Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund .
3.01 . Under the Lease-Purchase Agreement and the Lease the City is
required to establish on its official books and records , a separate and special
Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund ( the Fund ) . The Fund is. hereby
established and shall be maintained on the official books and reco the
City until the termination of the Lease-Purchase Agreement. F .� � ,"
, � . ,
3.02. There is hereby appropriated to the Fund all moneys derived by
the City from the operation of the Science Center by it, all basic rental
payments and other amounts to be received by the City under Sections 3 . 02 and
6 . 09 of the Lease, and all moneys received by the City as rent under any other
lease of the Science Center .
3.03 . The moneys appropriated to or on hand in the Fund from time to
time are appropriated and shall be used solely for the payment of the Lease-
Purchase Payments and other amounts due under Section 4 of the Lease-Purchase
Agreement; for the payment of the fees and charges of the Depository Bank
holding , administering and disbursing such Fund pursuant to Section 3.04 hereof;
and if the City takes possession of the Science Center and elects to operate it
under Article VIII of the Lease, for the payment of all items which under
generally accepted accounting principles constitute costs of operation and
maintenance of the Science Center .
3.04. The Fund shall be held , invested and administered on behalf of
the City by The First National Bank of Saint Paul , in St. Paul , Minnesota ( the
Depository Bank ) , under the Depository Agreement between the City and the
Depository Bank dated as of July 18 , 1978 presented to this Council ( the
Depository Agreement) until the City elects to terminate the Depository Agree-
ment; and if the City elects to terminate the Depository Agreement the Fund
shall be held , invested and administered by the City. So long as the Fund is
held by the Depository Bank the City shall not be liable or responsible for the
performance of any duties imposed upon the Depository Bank under such Agreement;
the failure, if any, of the Depository Bank to perform its duties under said
Agreement; or the expenses incurred or the compensation to be received by the
Depository Bank under said Agreement. The Depository Agreement is approved, and
the Mayor , the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services,
and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver it
on behalf of the City.
3.05 . If the City elects to terminate th� Depository Agreement the
Depository Bank shall , subject to the rights of Twenty Broadstreet to the Fund
under the Lease-Purchase Agreement, transfer to the City all moneys and
investments on hand in the Fund and all records relating thereto; and the
Depository Bank , upon making such transfer , shall be relieved of all further
M�H17E - CI TV CLERK ���/��y�
Council "671,
PINK - PfNANCE . � r � � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L s
Council Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
responsibilities under the Depository Agreement, which so far as applicable
shall thereafter be performed by the City.
Section 4. Authorization of Other pocuments; Arbitrage Certificate.
4.01: The officers of the City designated in Section 2 hereof and the
City Attorney are authorized and directed to furnish to Twenty Broadstreet, the
Museum and the Depository Bank such affidavits, certificates, documents and
opinions as are reasonably requested by them to evidence the proper organization
and �officers of the City, the proper adoption of this resolution, the proper
execution of the contracts referred to in Sections 2 and 3.04 hereof, and the
absence of any litigation against the City with respect to any of the foregoing.
4.02. The officers of the City designated in Section 2 hereof are
also authorized and directed, upon execution of the contracts referred to in
Section 2 and 3.04 hereof -by all parties, and upon receipt of such certi-
fications of fact as they deem necessary in addition to such contracts to
support the statements and certifications to be made by the City in the
"Arbitrage Certificate Relating to $11,400,000 Lease-Purchase Agreement"
presented to the Council on this date, to execute and deliver said Arbitrage
Certificate on behalf of the City to Twenty Broadstreet.
Section 5. Limitation of City's Liability. The adoption of this
resolutio�, the execution and delivery of the contracts and other documents
re£erred to herein, the obligations of and duties imposed on the City there-
under, and the failure by the Museum to perform any of its obligations under the
Lease, or the failure by the Depository Bank to perform any of its obligatio�s
under the Depository Agreement, shall not constitute a general obligation or
indebtedness of the City, and shall not impose or give rise to a pecuniary
liability of the City or a charge upon its general credit or taxing powers, nor
shall the City ever be compellec� to exercise its taxing powers to pay or perform
any of such obligations.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
as Nays �
`�� In Favor
��» � __ Against BY
Yaddrnt - — �
. Stwv�►alb� .
TedesCO JUL 1 1 19T8
Form Approved by City Atto ney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified a-s d y Council , etar BY
App ed by IVlayor: D te _ �UL � Z }��$ Approved by M yor for Submission to Council
BY - - BY
u PUBLISHED .1UL 1 5 19�$
This Agreement, made and enter.ed into as of this
15th day of June, 1978 , by and between the City of Saint
Paul , a municipal corporation and political subdivision of
the State of Aiinnesota hereinafter called "the City" , and
Twenty Broadstreet Leasing Company, Tncorporated , a corpo-
ration organized under the laws af the State of Delaware
hereinafter called "the Corporation" ;
WITNESSETH that, in the joint and mutual exercise
of their powers , and in consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained , the parties hereto recite and
agree as follows:
Section 1. Recitals.
1.01 . The Corporation has purchased and now owns
the air rights to the real property located in the City
which is described in the attached Exhibit A, and has pur-
chased the building , fixtures and equipment now located and
to be constructed and installed on such real property under
the contracts also described in Exhibit A� all of which are
hereinafter called "the Science Center . "
1.02 . The Science Center has been designed ,
constructed and equipped , and is suitable for use for the
collection, preservation, exhibition , examination and study
of fossils , artifacts , relics and other items of historical ,
cultural , scientific and educational significance; and for
the presentation of programs relating to these and other
subjects of historical , cultural , scientific and educational
significance .
1.03 . The City presently operates a program of
public recreation as authorized by the City Charter and
other provisions of law, including Minnesota Statutues,
Sections 471 . 15 to 471 .191 , hereinafter called "the Act" ,
and the City is authorized under the Act and the City
Charter , Sections 1 .03 and 13 .01, to acquire land, buildings
and facilities to be used for public cultural activities,
� including exhibitions and other events involving public
participation .
1.04 . The City is authorized by the Act to
acquire the Science Center by lease-purchase agreement, and
is authorized to provide for the operation and maintenance
of the Science Center for the purposes specified in
Section 1, either directly or pursuant to a lease agreement.
1 .05 . The City is desirous of leasing and
purchasing the Science Center from the Corporation, and the
Corporation is desirous of leasing and selling the Science
Center to the City, under a lease-purchase agreement in
accordance with the Act, for operation and maintenance for
the purposes specified in this Section 1 by The Science
Museum of Minnesota, a Minnesota non-profit corporation
hereinafter called "the Museum" , under a Lease Agreement
dated as of June 15 , 1978 , hereinafter called "the Lease. "
1.06 . The Corporation has reviewed the Lease and
approves the terms thereof; specifically acknowledges and
accepts the pravisions of Sections 3.02, 3 .03 and 4.02
thereof; and covenants and agrees not to assert any claim
hereunder which is inconsistent with or contrary to said
1.07 . The City and the Corporation each have
authority to enter into this Agreement, and each have taken
all actions required to authorize this Agreement.
Section 2 . Lease-Purchase . The Corporation
hereby leases and sells the Science Center to the City, and
the City hereby leases and purchases the Science Center from
the Corporation , on and subject to the terms and conditions
set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement shall be for a
term commencing on June 15 , 1978 and continuing �hrough
June 15 , 2003 , unless sooner terminated as provided in
Sections S, 6 , 11 or 12 . During the term of this Agreement
and subject to its terms, the City and its lessee shall have
quiet and peaceable possession and enjoyment of the Science
Center for the purposes speci£ied in Section 1, or for any
other lawful purpose approved by the Corporation.
Section 3. Nature and_Extent of City' s Obli�a_
3. 01 . The nayment of all Lease-Purchase Payments
and other amQUnts to be paid by the City under this Agree-
ment, are payable solely from and out of the revenues
derived by the City from the operation or lease of the
Science Center .
3. 02 . No failure of the City to comply with any
term, condition, covenant of this Agreement , except those
made in Section 9 , and no misrepresentation in this Agree�
ment, shall subject the City to liability for any claim for
damages, costs or other financial or pecuniary charge except
to the extent that the same can be paid or recovered from
the Science Center or the revenues derived by the City from
the operation or lease thereof .
3.03 . The City shall not be responsible far the
failure by the P9useum or any other lessee to perform its
obligations under the Lease or any other lease of the
Science Center , except and unless such failure to perform is
caused by the wrongful acts of the City or any of its
officers ar agents .
3.04 . This Agreement shall not constitute a
general obligation or indebtedness of the City within the
meaning of any provision of the City' s Charter or of any
� state law limiting or regulating the amount or method af
incurring indebtedness . This Agreement shall not impose or
give rise to a pecuniary liability of the City or a charge
upon its general credit or taxing powers; nor shall the City_
ever be compelled to exercise its taxing powers to provide
--_._� �__ `____---_____. __, ____.._ _ -._
mone s necessary to pay the Lease-Purchase_Payments ,and any
�---�.__----___,_�-..__ _. __.._._--, _._ _� �._.
other amounts to be paid to the Corporation by the City
pursuant to this Agreement.
3. 05 . In no event shall the City be obligated to
the Corporation to enforce any of the City' s rights under
the Lease or any other lease of the Museum except as
provided in Section 4 .04 , nor shall the City be liable to
the Corporation for any action taken by the City in
enforcing its rights or performing its duties under the
Lease or such other lease so long as such action is
required, expressly permitted or contenplated under the
Lease or such other lease .
3.06 . The Corporation agrees that the City is not
liable under i�9innesota Statutes, Section 471 .191 , Subdivi-
sion 3, to provide in its annual budget for any deficiency
in the revenues of the rluseum available to pay costs of
operation and maintenance of the Science Center , unless an
Event of Default occurs under the Lease and the City should
elect to operate the Science Center itself; and the Corpo-
ration hereby cvaives any rights it may have to rea,uire the
City to provide for any such deficiency.
' Section 4. Lease-Purchase Price and Payments.
4 .01 . The Lease-Purchase Price of the Science
Center , which shall be the basis for computing the Lease-
Purchase Payments set forth in the attached Exhibit B, is
$11,400 ,000 .
4.02 . The City shall pay the Lease-Purchase Price
for the Science Center in Lease-Purchase Payments, each
comprising interest only or a portion of the Lease-Purchase
Price and interest as specified in the attached Exhibit B,
due at the times and in the amounts set forth in Exhibit B.
In the event the Museum (or any other lessee of the Science
Center ) is required to pay any additional amounts to the
City as basic rent under Section 6 .09 of the Lease__(or any
similar lease provision ) , such additional anounts shall be
paid to the Corporation as additional Lease-Purchase
Payments on the next Lease-Purchase Payment Date after they
are received by the City. Such additional payments shall
constitute interest, and shall not be applied to or reduce
the remaining unpaid Lease-Purchase Price.
4.03. All Lease-Purchase Payments shall be paid
to the Corporation or to such other person or entity as the
Corporation may from time to time designate in writing
furnished to the City. All payments made in accordance with
a designation in effect shall be deemed to have been paid to
the Corporation , and the City shall not be responsible for
the use or application of such payments.
4.04 . The City and the Pluseum have entered into__ >
_�-�__ ---�__ --- __ ___
____ .�- .
-,. _
the Lease which provides for the payment to the City of net
__ __. ..__ __ _ ..
'-----__��~-_____----__. .__ _ _._ _ . _, ,
rentals sufficient to make the Lease-Purchase Payments
_.__ -___� - - ,_--._ — _ _ - - -
required to be made by the City under this Agreement, and
`_ _- - -
�-- .- \_ ` __ _ _ �
-- _� _ .-�.__ .
conferring certain other rights on the City. In order to
secure the City' s obligations under this Agreement the City
hereby makes the following covenants and agreements : (1)
all payments of basic rent and other amounts due to the City
under Sections 3 . 02 and 6 . 09 of the Lease , including any
aavance rental payments , are pledged and appropriated to the
Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund of the City
salely for the payment of the Lease-Purchase Payments to be
paid by the City under this Agreement; ( 2) the Science
Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund has been established by
resolution of the City Council adopted July , 1978 , and
will be held� invested , disbursed and accounted for on
behalf of the City by The First National Bank of Saint Paul
under the Depository Agreement dated as of July 18 , 1978
approved by said resolution or by the City if such
Depository Agreement is terminated by the City in accordance
with its terms; ( 3) the City will not amend , repeal , rescind
or revoke said resolution , and will not terminate or amend
the Depository Agreement except in accordance with its terms
during the term of this Agreement; ( 4 ) in the event the
�useum is not in possession of the Science Center , whether
due to voluntary or involuntary removal , unless the City
eliminates any default under the terms of this Agreement and
elects to operate the Science Center for the purposes
specified in Section 1 , or any other purpose permitted by
law which is approved by the Corporation , the City will ,
upon written request by the Corporation and upon being
satisfactorily indemnified by the Corporation against any
expenses and liability with respect thereto, endeavor to
lease the Science Center or some part of it to another
tenant or tenants, upon terms approved by the Corporation
consistent with the authority of the City under its Cnarter
and the Act.
Section 5. Prepayments. On any Lease-Purchase
Payment Date shown in Exhibit B, occurring on or after
June 15, 1988 , the City shall have the right to prepay all
(but not less than all) of the Lease-Purchase Price for the
Science Center then remaining unpaid . The City shall give
the Corporation, and any other person or entity to which it
has been directed in writing by the Corporation to pay the
Lease-Purchase Payments, not less than 30 days written
notice of its intention to prepay the Lease-Purchase Price
remaining unpaid . In the event of such prepayment, this
Agreement and all of the Corporation ' s rights hereunder
shall terminate . The City may exercise the right of
prepayment only if it is not in default in making any
payments due under this Agreement.
Sectian 6 . Discharge of City' s Obligations.
6 .01 . In General . When the obligations of the
City under this Agreement have been discharged as provided
in this Section, all pledges, covenants and other rights
granted by this Agreement to the Corporation shall cease.
6.02. Deposit With Fiscal A�ent. The City may
discharge its obligations under this Agreement on any
Lease-Purchase Payment Date by depositing with any national
bank or trust company designated by the Corporation on or
before that date, a sum sufficient for the payment of alI
Lease-Purchase Payments past due with interest at the rate
of 8 .00% per annum accrued to the date of deposit, and for
the payment or prepayment in full of all remaining
� Lease-Purchase Payments.
6 . 03 . Deposit in Escrow. The City may also at
any time discharge its obligations under this Agreement by
giving notice of prepaym�ent of all prepayable Lease-Purchase
Payments as provided in Section 5 , and by depositing
irrevocably in escrow, with a bank qualified by law as an
escrow agent for this purpose, or any national bank or trust
company designated by the Corporation , cash or securities of
the types now specified in Minnesota Statutes , Section
475 . 67 , Subdivision 8 , bearing interest payable at such
times and at such rates and maturing or redeemable at the
ontion of the holder on such dates as shall be required to
provide funds sufficient to pay or prepay all unpaid Lease-
Purchase Payments on the dates on which such Lease-Purchase
Payments are due or subject to prepayment as provided in
this Agreement.
Section 7 . Title . Upon payment or prepayment of
all Lease-Purchase Payments and other amounts , if any, due
under this Agreement, or upon discharge of the City's obli-
gations under this Agreement in accordance with Section 6 ,
- the City ( or Ramsey County if directed by the City _and
agreed to by the County) shall be entitled to succeed to the
Corporation' s title to the Science Center , and to all of its
rights under the contracts described in Exhibit A and any
other contracts relating to the construction and equipment
of the Science Center , and the officers of the Corporation
shall take all actions necessary to authorize, execute and
deliver to the City, (or Ramsey County) a quit claim deed
and a bill of sale vesting in the City ( or Ramsey County)
all of the Corporation' s right, title and interest in and to
the Science Center and such documents. The City agrees that
the Corporation has acquired title to the Science Center
from the City' s Housing & Redevelopment Authority ( the
H.R.A. ) ; and that after the City receiv2s title to the
Science Center in accordance with this Section, if any claim
adverse to such title , arising out of a� event occurring
prior to receipt by the Corporation of �itle to the Science
Center from the H.R.A. , is asserted against the City, the
Corporation shall have no obligation to defend or eliminate
such claim. The Corporation agrees, however , to defend
against or eliminate any claim adverse to such title arising
out of an event occurring after receipt by the Corporation
of title to the Science Center , and to indemnify and hold
the City harmless from and against any and a.11 costs,
expenses, claims and damages of any nature incurred by it as
a result of such claim; provided that the Corporation' s
obligations under this sentence shall not extend to claims
arising out of actions by the City or persons asserting
claims under its title to or interest in the Science Center .
Section 8 . Corporation' s Security Interest; City
Actions. The Corporation shall have a security interest
under the Uniform Commercial Code in any part of the Science
Center comprising personal property or fixtures and in the
proceeds thereof and all accretions, modifications, acces-
sories, replacements and substitutions thereto or thereof,
in order to secure the City' s payment of the Lease-Purchase
Payments due under Section 4 and the performance of all
other obligations herein to be performed by the City; but
such security interest shall r.ot extend to or include any
personal property conprising inventory helG for sale at the
Science Center in the ordinary course of business. The City
and any lessee of the Science Center shall join with the
Corporation in executing such financing statenents or other
documents , and will perform such other actions as the Corpo-
ration may request, at the Corporation' s expense , to
evidence and perfect its security interest in such personal
property or fixtures. The City shall not sell , trans£er ,
lease or otherwise dispose of the Science Center or of any
part of it or of any such personal property or fixtures,
except as specifically provided fierein and in the Lease ,
without the prior written consent of the CorparatiQn .
Subject to the provisions of Section 17 , the City shall nat
itself create any lien or encumbrance on, or authorize an�
security interest to attach to, the Science Center or any
part of it, or any such personal property or fixtures other
than the security interest created by this Agreement and the
permitted encumbrances under the Lease . If the City is in
default of this provision, the Corporation may pay and
discharge any liens or encumbrances created by the City on
the Science Center , such amounts to be reimbursed to the
Corporation by the City on denand with interest at the rate
of 8 .00% per annum.
� Section 9 . Additional P.i�hts and Duties of City
If In Possession Of and Operating Science Center. In
addition to the City' s other rights and duties under this
Agreement, if the City takes possession of and determines to
operate the Science Center , it shall have and assume the
rights conferred and the duties imposed on the Tenant
(riuseu�) under Articles 4 and 5 of the Lease.
Section 10 . Unfinished Work; Limitation af
��arranties. The Corporation has acquired from the Museum
under a Contract of Sale dated as of June 15 , 1978 , the
t4useum's rights under the contracts relating to the Science
Center described in the attached Exhibit A, now or hereafter
in existence, and agrees to assign all rights, warranties
and guarantees, express or implied, and the right to obtain
the custom�ry services furnished in connection with such
warranties and guaranties, under such contracts to th� City
(or Ramsey County) in accordance with Section 7. The
Carporation will enforce the h9useum' s obligatians under the
Sale and Assignment Agreement to complete the �iuseum� au�
otherwise the Science Center IS DELIVERED WITHOUT 6�ARRANTIES
Section 11. Default.
11.01 . If the City either fails to pay any
Lease-Purchase Payment or any other amount herein nrovided
when due and payable , or if the City fails to perform
promptly any of the other obligations or covenants herein ,
and such default continues for a period of 30 days after the
Corporation has given the City written notice thereof, or if
the City declares bankruptcy under any applicable federal or
state law, then in any such event, or if an Event of De£ault
has accurred and is continuing under the Lease or any
similar lease, the Corporation , with or without terminating
this Agree�ent, may pursue any one or more of the following
remedies as the Corporation in its sole discretion may
determine :
- (a) The Corporation may declare the unpaid portio� of
the Lease-Purchase Price immediately due and
payable, whereupon the same shall be immediately
due and payable; provided that if the Museum is in .
default under the Lease the Corporation shall also
exercise the City' s rights under Section 8.02(1}
of the Lease .
(b) The Corporation may require the City to pay to it
immediately all moneys and investments then on
hand in the City' s Science Center Lease-Purchase
Agreement Fund, or thereafter received for deposit
in said Fund , and the City shall make such
(c) The Corporation may take possession of the Science
Center and upon gaining possession of such
property, may sell it or any portion thereof in a
commercially reasonable manner at public or
private sale, and apply the proceeds of sale to
pay the following items in the following order :
( 1) costs incurred in repossessing the property;
( 2 ) reasonable expenses of sale; ( 3 ) the balance
of any past due Lease-Purchase Payments owed by
the City and any interest due thereon; and (4 ) the
unpaid Lease-Purchase Price of the Science Center
and any interest accrued thereon. Any balance
remaining after the payment of all such items
shall be paid to the City.
(d ) The Corporation may exercise all rights of the
City with respect thereto which it has under the
Lease (or any other lease of the Science Center )
by giving the City and any tenant of the Science
Center 5 days written notice of its intention to
do so; provided that the City may terminate the
Lease in accordance with its terms if the �iuseum
is in default under Section 4 .02 thereof. The
City shall cooperate fully with the Corporation in
the exercise of such rights. The City shall
continue to be responsible for the payment of
Lease-Purchase Payments until the default is
cured . During any period of possession or opera-
tion of the Science Center by the Corporation
pursuant to this Section , the Corporation shall
apply the revenues thereof first to the payment of
all items which under generally accepted account-
ing principles may be classified as expenses of
operation and maintenance of the Science Center ,
and second to the payment of the Lease-Purchase
Payments due under Section 4 hereof.
( e) The Corporation may take any other remedy
available at law or in equity.
11 . 02 . No right or remedy herein canferred upon
or reserved to the Corporation is intended to be exclusive
of any other right or remedy, but every such right or remedy
shall , to the extent permitted by law, be cumulative and in _
addition to every other right and remedy given hereunder , or
now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or otherwise.
The assertion or employment of any right or remedy hereunder
shall not prevent the concurrent assertion or em�loyment of
any other appropriate right or remedy.
11 . 03 . No delay or omission of the Corporation to
exercise any right or remedy accruing upon any Event of
Default shall impair any such right or remedy or constitute
a waiver of any such default or an acquisence therein.
Every right and remedy given by this Section or by law to
the Corporation may be exercised from time to time and as
often as may be deemed exoedient.
11.04 . The Corporation agrees to satisfactorily
indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against any
and all costs, expenses, claims and damages of any nature
incurred by it as a result of the exercise by the Corpo-
ration of any of its rights under Section 11.01, paragraphs
(c) and (d) , prior to the exercise of such rights, or within
15 days after the co�mencement of the exercise of such
rights if the Corporation determines that the exercise of
such rights must be undertaken immediately to prevent damage
to or loss of the Science Center .
Section 12. Termination By City. In the event
the Museum is in default under Section 4 .02 of the Lease and
the City gives the Museum notice of this fact, it shall also
give the Corporation notice of this fact, and if such
default is not cured within the period specified in the
Lease, the City shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement by giving written notice of its intention to
terminate to the Corporation specifyinq a date of termina-
tion not less than 60 days after the notice is given and
specifying the reason for such termination, and by assigning
to the Corporation on the date of termination all of its
interest in and to the Science Center and the Lease . The
termination of this Agreement as herein provided shall not
affect the Corporation' s obliqation to indemnify the City as
herein required .
Section 13 . Assi�nment. Except as provided in
this Agreement and the L�ase , neither party shall assign,
transfer , pledge or hypothecate this Agreement, the Science
Center , or any part thereof , or any interest therein; or
lease the Seience Center or any part thereof, or permit the
property to be used for any purpose not permitted by this
Agreement. The Corporation may sell or assign any or all of
its rights under this Agreement , and any transferee of the
Corporation may sell or assign the same , without notice to
or consent of the City; provided that no sale of any
security evidencing an interest in this Agreement or the
Lease-Purchase Payments shall be made except in compliance
with all applicable Federal and state securities laws. If
the Corporation assigns this Agreement or any interest
herein , whether as security for any of its indebtedness or
otherwise, no breach or default by the Corporation hereunder
or pursuant to any other agreement between the Corporation
and the City, except the failure by the Corporation or the
assignee to indemnify the City �ahen and as herein required ,
shall excuse performance by the City of any of the
provisions of this Agreement.
The Corporation represents, in order to induce the
City to enter into the transaction contemplated by this
Agreement, that ( a) it and each other person to be offered a
partici�ating interest in this Agreement or the Lease-
Purchase Payments ( collectively the "Participants" ) are
either institutional buyers or financial institutions or
broker-dealers within the meaning ot Minnesota Statutes,
Section 80A.15, Subdivision 2(g) , (b) in entering into the
transaction it and the Participants have relied solely upon
the credit investigations and due diligence reviews
conducted by themselves and/or their own advisors, and not
upon any representations or warranties of the City, or any
other ag�nts, officers, or employees of the City other than
as specifically stated in writing in this Agreement, the
Lease, the resolution of the City Council authorizing
execution of the same or the instruments or documents
required thereby and included in the transcript for the
closing (collectively "the Underlying Documents" ) , (c) it
and the Participants have been offered copies of or full
access to all Underlying Documents and all records, reports,
financial statements and other information concerning the
Museum and the Science Center or otherwise pertinent to the
souree of payment for the Lease-Purchase Payments to which a
reasonable investor would attach significance in making
investment decisions, (d) it and the Participants are suffi-
ciently knowledgeable and experienced in financial and
business matters including the purchase and ownership of
tax-exempt obligations , to be able to evaluate the risks and
merits of the investment represented by the �ease-Purchase
Agreement, and (e) accordingly it hereby indemnifies and
holds the City harmless from any and all losses, claims,
damages , liabilities and ex�enses arising out of violations
vf any of the covenants or representations made by the
Corporation in this Section.
Section 14 . Corporation' s Ri�ht to Perform for
City. If the City fails to make any payment or fails to
perfarm or comply with any of its covenants or obligations
under this Agreement, the Corporation may at its election,
_ make such payment or perform or comply with such covenants
and obligations , and the amount of such payment and the
expenses incurred by the Corporation in performing or
complying with such covenants and obligations, as the case
may be, together with interest thereon at the rate of 8.00�
per annum, shall be payable by the City to the Corporation
upon demand .
Section 15. Interest. If the City fails to pay
any Lease-Purchase Payment herein reserved within 10 days
after the due date thereof, the City shall pay to the
Corporation interest on such delinguent payment from the due
date until paid at the rate of 8.00o per annum.
Section 16 . Notices. All notice to be given
under this Agreement shall be made in writing and mailed to
the other party at its current address or at such address as
the party may provide in writing from time to time. Any
such notice shall be deemed to have been given when
deposited in the United States mail in registered form, with
postage fully prepaid .
Section 17. Exercise_of Cit�Powers. No
provision of this Agreement is intended to or shall have the
effect of restricting the lawful exercise by the City of any
of the powers conferred upon it by its Charter or state law,
including the power to levy special assessments for local
Section 18 . Administrative Provisions.
18 . 01 . The City and the Corporation, or their
authorized representatives, may inspect the Science Center
and the books and records of the other with respect thereto
during regular business hours.
18 .02 . The City may not offset any amount due it
by the Corporation against any Lease-Purchase Payment or
other amount due hereunder .
18 . 03 . No covenant or obligation to be performed
by either party may be waived except by the written consent
of the Corporation .
. �
18.04 . This Agreement shall be construed and
governed in accordance with the laws of the State of
18 .05. This Agreem�nt, including the attached
Exhibits, which shall be known as the Lease-Purchase
Agreement, the Lease , the Depository Agreement between the
City and The First �ational Bank of Saint Paul, dated as of
July 18 , 1978 , and the resolution approving such agreements
adopted by the City Council on July 11 , 1978 , constitute the
entire agreement between the parties and except as expressly
provided shall not be modified , amended, altered or changed
except by a written document signed by both parties.
18 .06 . Any provision of this Agreement faund to
be prohibited by law shall be ineffective to the extent of
such prohibition without invalidating the renainder thereof.
18.07 . This Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective
successors and assigns.
18 . 08 . The parties agree to execute a short form
of this Agreement to be used for recording purposes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this
� (
Agreement as of the day and year first written above.
(SEAL) Gearge Latimer , Its r]ayor
Bernard J. Carlson, Its
Director of Department
Form Approved : of Finance and Management
Ass stant-Clty Attorney Rose^PZix , Its City Clerk
Robert J. Butler ,
Its Vice President
. +
Schedule of Lease - Purchase Payments
(Payment schedule to be computed on the following basis :
Lease - Purchase Price not to exceed $11,400,000, interest rate
not to exceed 7. 250 , semiannual payments due on June 15 and
December 15 each year, commencing December 15, 1978, and ending
on June 15, 2003, payments through June 15, 1988, to be interest
only, and payments thereafter to be both principal and interest
on an amortization basis. )
� ' � ,
Exhibit A
I. Legal Description of Science Center Air Ri hts Parcel:
All that certain parcel or parcels of land in the City of Saint
Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more particularly described as
Tract 1: (Abstract) _
Al1 of the property lying above a pTane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet,
City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation 0.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals
694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally
described as follows:
The Northeasterly one hundred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of
Lots one (1) , two (2) , three (3) , ten (10) , eleven (11) and twelve (12) ,
Block five (5) , Bazil and Guerin' s Addition to Saint Paul, according to the
plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in
and for said County and State, except therefrom the following described
Registered Property:
Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328.
Tract 2• (Torrens)
All of the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet,
City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation 0.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals
694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally
described as follows:
Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328.
Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and
access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July 1, 1978
between the City of Saint Paul and The Science Museum of Minnesota.
II. Description of Contract Rights to Science Center:
All rights of The Science Museum of Minnesota under the following
Owner-Architect Agreement dated February 28, 1977, with Hammel, Green
and Abrahamson, Inc.
Contract for Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment (A/K/A Land
Disposition Contract) dated July 15, 1976, with the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Development Agreement (A/K/A Four Party Agreement) and various
modifications dated October 7, 1975, August 16, 1976,
November 12, 1976 and September 1, 1977, with the City of Saint
Paul, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota, and various joint venture developers of adjacent , -
Vertical Easement Agreement dated as of July l, 1978, with the City of
Saint Paul.
Owner-Contractor Agreement dated November 9, 1976, with Bor-Son
Construction, Inc.
Contract for Purchase of Basic Spitz Space Transit Simulator (STS)
System dated May 1, 1976, as modified to date with Spitz Space
Systems, Inc.
Contract for Purchase of Planetarium Dome dated December 17, 1976,
with Spitz Space Systems, Inc.
Contract for Purchase of Omnimax Projector dated February 26, 1976,
with Imax Entertainment, Ltd.
Sound System Contract dated August 12, 1977, with Paramount Sound
Systems, Inc.
Purchase Order for Century 35/70 mm Projector and related equipment
dated February 9, 1978, with Filbert Company.
Contract with Graphic Films, Inc. dated February 15, 1977.
Contracts (two) with Charles Nasby Associates, Inc. dated June 15,
Purchase Order for lighting tracks dated May 12, 1978, with
Commonwealth Electric Company.
Purchase Orders for carpeting dated February 2, 1978 and November 9,
1977, with R. W. Squire, Inc.
Purchase Order for lumber for walkways dated October 18, 1977, with ,
Emmer Twin Cities, Inc.
Purchase Orders for lighting fixtures dated December 21, 1977 and
March 1, 1978, with Barber Electric Supply, Inc.
Contract for construction and installation of hearth dated December 8,
1977, with Don Harley Associates.
Contracts for construction on second floor dated March 21, 1978,
May 2, 1978, May 3, 1978, with Steinbach Construction Company.
III. Description of Personal Property and Trade Fixtures to be Assigned
1. STS Equipment �
a. Star Ball including:
1) Moving Horizon Cutoff
2) Star Ball Interface Unit with maintenance and Test
b. 5 Projectors, including Spitz Planet Projector
P/N D202154 and Lamp Source
c. 1 Sun Projector including:
1) Xenon Light Source
2) Interface Unit
d. 2 Image Projectors including:
1) Xenon Light Sources
2) Interface Units
e. Computor and Electronics for STS System including:
1) Spitz Programmable Subroutine Patch Panel
, P/N C117001
2) Spitz Programmable Relay Closure Crosspoint Unit
3) (2) Skirpan SED-6 x 2 Dimmer Units (6,2KW dimmers
4) Control and Drive Electronics for Zoom Projector
P/N D202413
5) Control and Drive Electronics for Planet Projector
P/N C202401
6) Decoding, Amplification and Modification Units for
all STS Console Controls for the STAS
7) Interface Units
f. Control Console including:
1) Mainframe (4)
2) Direct Control Panel
3) Program Control Panel
4) Logic Control Panel
g. MCS Console
h. Computer
i. Auxiliary Astronomical Projectors including:
1) Hand Sextant Projector
2) Portable Power Supply
3) Cardinai Point Projectors
4) Pointer Projector
5) Zenith Projector
6) Latitude Projector
7) Desk Lamp
j . Test Units
1) Planet, Sun and Image Projector Test llnit
r � • ' -•
2) Light Control Test Unit
k. System Cables
1. (8) Software Platters
2. Auxiliary Equipment -
a. Planet Projector
b. 4 Slide Projectors
c. 1 Spitz Zoom Projector P/N E201985 modified with larger
(S") output optics
1. Panorama and Multi-Slide Systems
a. (27) Buhl QBC-24 High Resolution Slide Projectors
b. (27) Buhl f:2.8, 4.5" F.I,. Projection Lenses
c. AVL Show Pro V Multi-Image Controller
d. (6) AVL Mark VII Power Packs
e. (3) Overhead Projectors 1000 Watt Buhl Model 80/14-1000
f. (20) Singer Model SM1000 700 Watt Film Strip Projectors
g. 2 Dimming Control Circuits (2000 Watts)
h. 10 Dissolve Units (3 Dissolve Rates)
i. 1 30-Channel Programmer
j . Assorted Projection Lenses
k. Paper Tape Punch, Paper Tape, Slide Trays, Spare Lamp,
2. _Special Effects System
a." (20) Single Slide Projectors 100 Watt, Standard 333 CN
b. (20) Film Strip Projectors (Standard 700 Watt Type)
c. (2) Century-Strand Cloud Projectors
d. (3) Overhead Projectors (1000 Watt) , Modified for
Special Effects
e. Projection Orrery (Conic)
f. (10) Port Closures for pome-Spitz P/N D115721
1. Century 35/70 mm Projector, model JJ-3 including:
a. Cine-Focus Film Stabilization
b. UVIR - 2 Heat Filters
c. Projection Mechanism, with Changeover, Lens Hardware,
Water-Hose Connectors, Lubricant, Aperture Plates for
35 mm and 70 mm, and Double Shutter
d. Magnetic Film Reproducer with 35 mm and 70 mm Magnetic
e. Optical Sound Tteproducer with Motor Drive and Slow-
Start Motor Resistor Kit
� , •
f. Upper and Lower 35/70 mm Magazines
2. Century CX Pedestal Base
3. Century C8-T-360 Water Recirculator
4. Super Orcon H-4500 Horizontal Xenon Illuminating System,
4500 Watt Capacity, Including Rectifier Power Supply .
5. Orcon 70-A Optical Adapter for 70 mm
6. (2) Orcon XL4500 Xenon Bulbs, Warranty 1000 Hours
7. D-150 Curvulon Projection Lens, E.F. 2.0" or Greater, as
8. Neumade PRT ULTRA Power Rewind Table for Reels to 27"
9. Goldberg Film Storage Cabinet for 26" Diameter Reels to
accommodate 3 - 70 mm Reels or 6 - 35 mm Reels
10. (6) 22" Diameter 70 mm Solid-Hub Reels
11. (6) 22" Diameter 35 mm Solid-Hub Reels
12. 70 mm Split Reel, 2000' Capacity
13. (2) 35 mm Split Reels, 2000' Capacity
14. Neumade Tape Splicer, 35 mm
15. Guillotine Tape Splicer 70 mm
16. Amplification Equipment, including:
a. 2 Optical Preamp (one spare)
� b. 10 Magnetic Preamp
c. 1 12K Filter
d. 2 Shielded Tray
e. 1 Dual Preamp Power Supply
f. Dual Exciter Supply
g. Master Gain Control
h. 28" Wall Rack for Above Items
i. 8 Channel Power Amp Switcher
j . 8 Watt Booth Monitor
l. Omnimax Projector, including:
a. (1) Elcan Fisheye Lens
b. Lamp House
c. Reel Deck
d. Coolant Conditioning Units
e. Control Console
f. Electrical Control Unit
g. Rectifier
h. Oil Free Compressor
2. Over-Sized Reel Deck for 48-minute Program (50" Reels and
Transfer Unit)
3. Operating Platform
4. Projector Lift Mechanism
5. Rewind Tables
6. Ultrasonic Splicer
7. 35 mm 6-Track Sound Reproducer (with Interlock Control)
8. Auxiliary Elcan Fisheye Lens
9. (4) Auxiliary 8K Lamps
10. (4) Spare 50" Reels
(12) Theater Loudspeakers (each consisting of two low frequency
speakers, one mid frequency horn, one high frequency lens)
(6) Bass Loudspeakers - 24" Diameter
(4) Control Room Monitor Loudspeakers
(21) Lobby Loudspeakers
35 mm Sprocketed Film Reproducer
35 mm Sprocketed Film lteproducer/Recorder
(14) Power Amplifiers and Associated Transformers,
Potnetiometers, Power Supplies, Relay Switches, and
Frequency Dividing Networks
DBX Noise Reduction Unit for Six Channel Use
Recording Control Console - 16 Inputs, 4 Outputs
Mixer/Preamp for above
Phonograph Reproducer & Preamp/Equalizer/CD-4 Decoder
' Tape Recorder/Reproducer - Twin Channel
Tape Recorder/Reproducer - Four Channel
Cassette Recorder/Reproducer - Twin Channel
(2) Lavalier Microphones
(4) Super Cardioid Dynamic Microphones
(2) Cardioid Dynamic Microphones
(2) Condenser Microphones
(4) Floor Stands for Microphones
(4) Desk Stands for Microphones
Radio Microphone System - Transmitter & Receiver
(2500) Slide Mounts
Light Table
Slide Storage Cabinet and Base Unit
(30) Slide Trays
(45) Projector Lamps
(10) Reversible Motors
(4) Bearings
1/2" Recording Tape (Carton)
1/4" Recording Tape (Carton)
(4) Splicing Blocks
Head Demagnetizer
Bulk Eraser
(7) Projector Lenses
Polarizing Materials (Package)
Air Brush, Compressor & Hose
Drawing Table
Rapidograph Set
1. 3 Unit Perimeter Core Lighting System
a. Blue.
b. Amber
c. White
2. 3 Bright Work Lights (400 Watts)
3. Theatrical Lighting System
a. (6) 6" Fernell Spot Lights
b. (6) 4" Elipsoidal Spot Lights
c. Follow Spot Light
4. Lighting Control System
a. (12) 4000 Watt Dinner Controls
330 Omnitheater Seats
Exhibit Area - 4445 Square Yards ��DOR-17, Mohawk Duotron Carpet
Omnitheater Carpeting
Tektronic Function Generator
Protective Cover
Tektronic Power Mainframe
Universal High Speed Digital Counter �
High Speed Digital Multimeter
Extra Shelving for Model 3 Cart
Tektronic ��76�3 Oscilloscope
Tektronic 7B53A Dome Base Module
Dual Trace Amplifier
Tektronic ��AM502 Differential Amplifier
Scope Cart
Dual Trace Oscilloscope
Simpson 260 Voltmeter
(4) Power Supplies
Simpson Amp-Clamp
(2) Tektronic 010-6105-03 Probes
(3) Tektronic 010-6101-03 Probes
Drill Press
Caliper -
Tap & Die Set'
Wet/Dry Shop Vac
(4) Safety Goggles
Needle File Set
(8) C Clamps
Corobination Square
Hex Key Set
(4) Pliers
Screwdriver Set
(2) Drill Bit Sets
Circular Saw & Case
(2) Tape Measures
(10) Extension Cords
� (4) Outlet Strips
Wrench Set
Tool Box
Electrical Repair Kit
Dial Caliper
Nut Driver Set
Tin Snips
(3) Hole Saws and Mandrel
(3) Nikon Camera Bodies
(5) Camera Lenses
Strobe & Charge Unit for Cameras
Slide Copier - Illumitran
Camera Case
(8) Herman Miller Office Modules
(8) Executive Chairs
(8) Desk Chairs
Secretarial Office Module
Secretarial Chair
(2) Filing Cabinets
Desk Calculator
(2) Hand Calculators
Reaction Tester Device
Myometric Trainer Machine
Temperature Trainer Machine
Galvanic Skin Response Machine
� (2) Digital Heart Beat Measurers
Muscle Measurer Device
(3) Iris Measurer Devices
Retina Testing Device
(4) Color Perception Devices
Star Tracer Device
(2) Optical Illusion Exhibits
Eye Model
(2) Audio-Delay Exhibits
{3) Bike Generators
Electric Air Bike Generator
' ' (2) Gyroscope Chairs and Gyroscopes
Whisper Dishes
Probability Device
Color Mixing Exhibits
Image-Making Exhibits
(3) Models of Geometric Shapes
Natural Dye Exhibit Material
Weaving, Spinning and Rope-Making Equipment
Music Cart
Face-Painting Equipment
Mayan Exhibit Items
Harvest Exhibit Items
Pre-Historic Tool Kit
Ojibwe Bark Iiouse, Birchbark Containers, Wood and Stone Tools,
and Beadwork
Plus all other exhibit equipment and materials to be acquired by the Museum
as described in IV therein.
(8) 2 Seater Sofas - Type 1
(17) 2 Seater Sofas - Type 2
(16) Floor Ash Urns
(3) Circular Seating Units - Type 1
(5) Circular Seating Units - Type 2
(9) Litter Receptacles
(6) Circular Planters -
(5) Floor Table/Lamps
IV. Material and Equipment to be Acquired
The Science Museum of Minnesota plans to acquire the following
types of material and equipment. This list is illustrative only and is
subject to modification by the Museum.
EKG Bicycle
Depth Perception Testers
Left-Right Hearing Acuity Device
Brachistochome Exhibit
Aerodynamics Device
Glass Reflection Device
Vision Testing Device
Lung Volume Meter
Biorhythm Computor Program
Peripheral Vision Tester
Strobe Light Exhibit
Right Angle Mirror
Delayed Vision Device
Hearing Tester
Tone Memory Tester
Handicapped Exhibits
Printing Press
Communications Exhibit
Computer Game
Solar Cooker
Reverse Parabola
Various Mirrors
Various Lenses
Light Exhibits
Math Devices
Vacuum Exhibits
Gravity Exhibit
Momentum Machine
Perception Gallery
. .
1. General Biology Laboratory, including:
a. Scanning Electron Microscope
b. Portable Television Camera
c. Insect Life Cycle Exhibits
d. Burying Beetles Exhibits -
e. Spider Exhibit
f. Bumblebee Hive
g. Microscopes
h. Wheat Exhibit
i. Pl.ant Exhibits
j . Dissecting Scope •
2. Embryology Laboratory, including:
a. Human Life Mural
b. Human Fetuses and Embryos
c. Human Birth Models
d. Varieties of Eggs
e. Bird Comparison Game
3. Behavior Laboratory, including:
a. Skinner Box
b. Behavior Exhibits
c. Mask and Makeup Exhibit
d. Display Greenhouse
e. Geotropism Display
4. Taxidermy Laboratory, including:
a. Boa Model and Skeleton
b. Dog Vascular Chart
5. Weather or Climate Laboratory, including:
Large Globe
6. Solar Laboratory, including:
Solar Energy Experiments
7. Paradigm (Futures) Laboratory, including:
ESP, Biofeedback, Black Holes and Accupuncture Exhibits
8. Microprocessor Laboratory, including:
Computor Exhibits
Summary of Capital Cost Budget
5howing Expenditures and Accrued Obligations
Through 7/13/78
Construction of Building $ 4,000,000 $ 3,843,461 $ 156,539
Air Rights Acquisition 146,486 146,486 -0-
Gallery Construction 450,000 450,000 -0-
Pxofessional Services 900,000 839,554 60�446
Omni - Equipment, Film and 2,234,000 2,163,770 70,23Q
Pre-opening Start Up
Exhibits * 3,750,000 1,354,000 2,396,000
$11,480,486 $ 8,797,291 $ 2,683,215
Underwriting and legal 400,000 400,000 -0-
$11,880,486 $ 9,197,271 $ 2,683,215
* F.xhibit costs hro�ected at standard commercial rate of $125 per square
foot for 300,000 square feet of exhibits.
� (c) the total cost acquisition, construction and equipment
of the Science Center, when completed in accordance with all
existing and proposed contracts described in the attached Exhibit A,
will not be less than $11, 400 ,000;
(d) the Museum has assigned and sold its rights under
the contracts descirbed in Exhibit A to Twenty Broadstre�t for
the sum of $11, 000, 000, under a Contract of Sale dated as of
June 15, 1978, which sum was paid on the date of this Certificate;
(e) the proceeds of such Contract of Sale will be used
as follows : (i) $ thereof will be credited �o the
Museum' s New Horizon Fund and used to reimburse the Museum for
capital costs of the Science Center heretofore paid by it and
may be expended for such purposes as are determined by the MusEUm' s
Board of Directors; (ii) $ thereof will be credited
to the Muse�m' s New Horizon Fund and used to repay money
temporarily borrowed to pay capital costs of the Science
Center and interest thereo� (iii) $ thereof will
be credited to the Museum' s New Horizon Fund used to pay capital
co�ts of the Science Center now due or to become due under the
contracts described in paragraph (b) ; and (iv) all such proceeds
will be expended for such purposes on or before July 1, 1981.
(2) Robert J. Butler certifies on behalf of Twenty
Broadstreet that:
(a) it is a for profit business corporation duly
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware,
qualified to do business in Minnesota;
(b) Twenty Broadstreet has entered into a Lease-
Purchase Agreement with the City dated as of June 15 , I978
(the Lease-Purchase Agreement) , whereby Twenty Broadstreet
has agreed to lease and sell the Science Center to the City
and the City has agreed to lease and purchase the Science
Center from Twenty Broadstreet for a Lease-Purchase Price of
$11,4Q0, 000, comprising the $11,000, 000 purchase price paid
by Twenty Broadstreet to the Museum and $400,000 of financing
costs and expenses, the Lease-Purchase Price being payable
in semiannual Lease-Purchase Payments comprising only interest
or both principal and interest, as indicated in the Lease-
Purchase Agreement;
(c) the City, under the Lease-Purchase Agreement,
will acquire title to the Science Center described in said-
Agreement upon payment of the Lease-Purchase Price of
$11,400, Q00 specified in said Agreement, plus interest; and
(d) Twenty Broadstreet intends to sell and assign
its rights in the Lease-Purchase Agreement and the Lease-
Purchase Payments to be paid by the City thereunder to
financial institutions for the sum of not less than
$11,400,000 plus accrued interest, on or before August I,
1978, and immediately upon receipt of such moneys to repay
money temporarily borrowed to pay the $11,000, 000 sum paid
under the Sale and Assignment Agreement and interest thereon,
and to pay $400,000 of financing costs and expenses.
3. Dr. Wendell A. Mordy certifies on behalf of the
Museum that:
(a) the Museum has entered into a Lease with the
City dated as of June 15, 1978 (the Lease) , whereby the City
has leased the Science Center to the Museum and the Museum
has leased the Science Center from the City for an initial
term commencing as of June 15, 1978, and ending on June I4,
2008, under which the Museum is required to pay the cost of
operation and maintenance of the Science Center and to pay
to the City certain net rentals as shown therein;
(b) by resolution referred to in the Lease the
Museum has pledged and appropriated the revenues to be
derived from admissions to and use of the Science Center
to a Science Center Lease Fund, to be used for the payment
of the Lease rentals; and that such revenue� are expected to
be sufficient �o pay all such Lease rentals;
(c) if the revenues appropriated to the Science
Center Lease Fund are not sufficient for this purpose,
the same will be paid from other moneys of the Museum
on hand in its General Operating Fund which is expected
to include government grants, fees, leasing revenues, concession
revenues, membership dues, donations, pledge receipts, interest
on investments and other moneys, but the Museum has not agreed
or contracted to use any particular moneys for� this purpose,
and has not pledged or appropriated any particular moneys
for this purpose; and
(d) the moneys received by the Museum from the
sale and assignment of its rights under the contracts for
the acquisition and construction of the Museum described iA.
Exhibit A are not subject to any contractual restrictions as
to their use for any lawful purpose of the Museum.
4 . Dr. Wendell A. Mordy certifies on behalf of
the Museum, and Robert J. Butler certifies on behalf of
Tiaenty Broadstreet, that:
(a) .the terms and phrases capitalized in this
Certificate have the meanings given them herein or in �ction
103 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations,
existing or proposed, promulgated thereunder;
(b) the City received no money from Twenty
Broadstreet as a result of the execution and issuance of the
Lease-Purchase Agreement;
(c) under the Lease-Purchase Agreement the Lease-
Purchase Payments to be paid by the City are payable soiely
from and out of revenues derived by the City from the
operation and lease of the Science Center, including the basic
rental payments and other amounts to be paid under Sections 3.Q2 a-�
6.Q9 of the Lease, all of which (except additional rent payable
under Section 3.03 of the Lease) have been pledged and agpropriatec
by the City to its Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund
which the City has established and provided for the adminzstration
of by resolution adopted July 11, 1978; and such rental gayments,
if paid in full when due, will be sufficient to pay all of such
Lease-Purchase Payments when due;
(d) the $ received by the City fro� the
Museum upon execution and delivery of the Lease comprises
the payment of rent payable as of June 15, 1978, and the
advance payment of rent otherwise payable on December 15,
2002, and was or will be immediately credited to and
deposited in the Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreemen�
' Fund of the City to be held for and applied to the payment
of Lease-Purchase Pa�ments due under the Lease-Purchase
Agreement; was paid by the Museum from the moneys credited
to its New Horizon Fund under Section 1, paragraph (e) , clause
(i} hereof; and does not exceed an amount equal to the amount
of Proceeds of the Lease-Purchase Agxeement which the City is
permitted to hold and invest as a Reasonably Required Re�erve
or Replacement Fund to secure the performance of its obligations
under the Lease-Purchase Agreement;
(e) the Science Center Lease-PurchaSe Agreement
Fund of the City and the Science Center Lease �und o� the
Museum constitute Sinking Funds the moneys in which the City
reasonably expects to use to pay the Lease-Purchase Payments
due under the Lease-Purchase Agreemen�, and the moneys
accumulated in said Funds are Proceeds of the Lease-Purchase
(f) under the te�ms of the Lease-Purchase Agreement
and the Lease the moneys accumulated in the Science Center
Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund will not at any time exceed
the amount of Proceeds which the City is permitted to hold
and invest as a Reasonably Required Reserve or Replacement
Fund, and such moneys together with the revenues appropriated
to the Museum' s Science Center Lease �und aze not expected
to exceed such amount at any time; but if for any reason the
moneys accumulated in said Funds do exceed such amount, they
are not expected to continue to exceed such amount for a
period exceeding twelve consecutive months;
(g) no fund of the City other than the Science
Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund, and no moneys of the
` Museum other than revenues derived from the operation of the
Science Center, have been pledged or appropriated or are
required to be maintained for the payment af the Lease-
Purchase Payments, either directly or by restriction to the
payment of rentals payable under the Lease, and the City has
no legal right and does not have any basis upon which to
reasonably expect to use the moneys in any fund other than
the Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund or the Science
Center Lease �und to pay the Lease-Purchase Payments .
(h) on th� basis of facts and circumstances now
in existence or which may reasonably be expected to occur,
the Museum and Twenty Broadstreet do not expect the Proceeds
of the Lease-Purchase Agreement will be used in a manner that
would cause the Lease-Purchase Agreement to be an Arbitrage
Bond within the meaning of Section 103 (c) of the Internal
Revenue Code and the regulations, existing or proposed, pro-
mulgated thereunder; �
(i) to the best of our knowledge and belief there
are no other facts, estimates or circumstances which would
materially change any of the facts and conclusions certified
or stated in this Certificate.
Dated July , 1978.
Dr. Wendell A. Mordy, President
The Science Museum of Minnesota
Robert J. Butler
Twenty Broadstreet Leasing
Company, Incorporated
We, the undersigned, being the Mayor, the Director
of the Department of Finance and Management Services, and
the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, on the
basis of facts certified to us in the attached Arbitrage
Certificate executed by officers af The Science Museum
of Minnesota and Twenty Broadstreet Leasing Company,
Incorporated, certify with respect to the $11,400,000 Lease-
Purchase Agreement dated as of June l5 , 1978 and executed
by us for and on behalf of the City on the date of this
Certificate, as follows:
_ (1) we have reviewed the attaehed Arbitrage
Certificate� and based upon the facts and conclusions certified
therein, we also certify such facts and conclusions and
reasonably expect that the proceeds of the Lease-Purchase
Agreement will not be used in a manner which would cause
the Lease-Purchase Agreement to be an Arbitrage Bond within the
meaning of the Internal Revenue Code, Section I03 (c) and the
regulations, existing or proposed, promulgated thereunder;
(2) to the best of our knowledge and belief
there are no other facts, estimates or circumstances which
would materially change the foregoing conclusions;
(3) the City has not been notified of any
listing or proposed listing o�� it by the Internal Revenue
Service as an issuer whose arbitrage certificates may not be
relied upon.
WITNESS our hands officially as such officers this
day of , 1978 .
Form Approved:
George Latimer, Mayor
Assistant City �ttozney
Bernard J. Carlson, Director
of the Department of Finance
and Management Services
Rose Mix, City Clerk
The First National Bank of Saint Paul
St. Paul , Minnesota
Dated July 18 , 1978
This Depository Agreement, dated as of July 18 ,
1978 , by and between the City of Saint Paul , a municipal
corporation and political subdivision of the State of
Minnesota hereinafter called "the City" , and The First
National Bank of Saint Paul , in St. Paul , Plinnesota , a
national banking association organized under the laws ot the
United States hereinafter called "the De�ository Bank" .
WITNESSETH that, in the joint and mutual exercise
of their powers, and in consideration of the mutual
covenants herein contained , the parties hereto recite and
agree as follows :
Section 1 . Recitals.
1.01 The City has entered into a Lease-Purchase
Agreement dated as of June 15 , 1978 ( the Lease-Purchase
Agreement) with Twenty Broadstreet Leasing Corporation,
Incorporated (Twenty Broadstreet) , providing for the lease
and purchase of certain property rights, a building and
other facilities located in the City anc described therein,
hereinafter called the "Science Center . " Unc�er the Lease-
Purchase Agreement the City is required to pay a Lease-
P�rchase Price of $11 ,400 ,000 to Twenty Broadstreet or its
assigns, together with interest on the .amount thereof unpaid
fram time to time , by making semiannual Lease-Purchase
Payments comprising only interest or both principal and
interest, due at the times and in the a,.�ounts specif ied in
Exhibit B to the Lease-Purchase Agreement, commencinq on
December 15, 1978 and ending on June 15 , 2003 . A duplicate
oriqinal of the Lease-Purchase Agreement has been furnished
to the Depository Bank.
1.02 Twenty Broadstreet has entered into a Fiscal
Agent Agreement dated as of July 18 , 1978 ( the Fiscal Agent
Agreement) with , in
, riinnesota, a
( the Fiscal Agent) . Under the Fiscal Agent Agreement Twenty
Broadstreet has assigned its rights to receive the Lease-
Purchase Payments due under the Lease-Purchase Agreement to
the Fiscal Agent, for the benefit of the holders of Certifi-
cates of Participation in such payments which the Fiscal
Agent is authorized to issue under the Fiscal Agent Agree-
ment; and pursuant to the Fiscal Agent Agreement has
directed the City to make such payments directly to the
Fiscal Agent. A duplicate original of the Fiscal Agent
Agreement has been furnished to the Depository Bank .
1.03 The City has also entered into a Lease dated
as of June 15 , 1978 ( the Lease ) with The Science t�luseum of
Minnesota (the PZuseum) , providing for the lease of the
Science Center by the iluseum for an initial term commencing
as of June 15 , 1978 and ending on June 14 , 2008 . Under the
Lease the ciuseum is required to pay semiannual basic rent to
the City at the times and in the amounts specified in
Exhibit B to the Lease , such rentals being payable in
advance commencing upon execution of the Lease for the
period from June 15 to December 15 , 1978, except that the
basic rental payment otherwise due on DecemQer 15 � 20Q7 is
also nayable upon execution of the Lease and is to be held
by the City pursuant to this A_qreement as security for the
performance by the �Yuseum ot its obligations under the
Lease. Pursuant to the Lease the City has directea the
h9useum to pay the basic rental payments and other amounts
due under �ections 3 .02 and 6 . 09 of the Lease directly to
the Depository Bank . A duplicate original of the Lease has
been furnished to the Depository Bank .
1. 04 Under the Lease-Purchase Agreement, the
Lease and the �rovisions of the resolution of the City
Council of the City approving such contracts and authorizing
their execution and delivery adopted July 11 , I978 ( the
Resolution) , the City is reauired to establish, maintain and
administer , and has established and will by this Agreement
maintain and administer , a Science Center Lease-Purchase
Agreement Fund to which it has appropriated and agreed to
� credit as received , all revenues derived by the City from
the operation of the Science Center by it, all basic rent
and other amounts payable by the P�useum under Sections 3.02
and 6 .09 of the Lease, and all moneys received by the City
as net rent under any other lease of the Science Center . A
certified copy of the Resolution has been furnished to the
Depository Bank .
1. 05 Under Section 4.04 of the Lease-Purchase
Agreement the City is also required to give notice to Twenty
Broadstreet ot the occurrence of an Event of Default under
Section 8 .01 ( 1 ) of the Lease.
1.06 The City desires to employ the Depository
Bank to perform its obligations under the Lease-Purchase
Agreement and the Lease which are set forth in Section 2
hereof, until such time as the City elects to terminate this
Agreement in accordance with Section 5, and the Depository
Bank is willing to perform such obligations on behalf of the
City until such time , upon the terms and conditions herein-
after set forth.
Section 2. Duties of De ository Bank.
2 .01 The Depositary Bank sha11 receive, hold in
safekeeping , invest, disburse and account for as hereinafter
provided the basic rental payments and other amounts to be
paid by the rluseum under Sections 3.02 and 6 .09 of the
Lease . The Depasitory Bank acknowledges receipt from the
Museum of $ as and for the basic rent due upon
execution of the Lease .
2.02 The Depository Bank shall deposit all moneys
received by it hereunder in a separate and special fund or
account, designated as the Science Center Lease= "� - � - �=_
Purchase Agreement Fund; shall keep such moneys and any
securities purchased therewith separate from all other
moneys and securities on deposit with it; «nd shall secure
the amount of all uninvested moneys on hand in said Fund by
the deposit in a Federal Reserve Bank of direct obligations
of the United States of America in a principal amount always
not Iess than the total amount of uninvested money in the
Fund . The Depository Bank shall pay interest on any unin-
vested cash in the Fund at the times and in the amounts paid
on regular daily interest savings accounts of its other
2.03 The Depository Bank shall hold at interest
or invest in certificates of deposit or securities eligible
for the investment of municipal sinking funds under
Minnesota Statutes, Sectian 475 .66 , the moneys on hand in
said Fund from time to time , as directed in writing by a
duly authorized officer of the Museum. If no written
investment direction is received the money shall be held at
interest in accordance with Section 2.02. Neither the
Depository Bank nor the City shall be responsible for the
return on or safety of such investments. All interest on
cash and all gain or loss from any investment directed by
the rSuseum shall be credited or debited to the Fund as the
case may be.
2.04 The moneys and investments on hand in said
Fund from time to time, while held by the Depository Bank,
shall be used solely for the payment of the Lease-Purchase
Payments due under the Lease-Purchase Agreement, and except
as provided in Section 3 shall be applied solely for such
purpose. The Depository Bank shall remit to the Fiscal
Agent out of said Fund , to the full amount of said Fund, the
moneys needed to pay each Lease-Purchase Payment when due;
provided that in the event the Museum prepays all or part of
the basic rent due under Section 3 .02 of the Lease, the
Depository Bank shall apply such prepayments as directed by
the Museum to the prepayment of Lease-Purchase Payments or
the discharge of all of the City' s obligations under the
Lease-Purchase Agreement, in accordance with Section 7 .02 of
the Lease and Sections 5 and 6 of the Lease-Purchase
Agreement. The Depository Bank shall also, upon receipt
from the Fiscal Agent or the holders of a majority in
aggregate dollar amount of the Certificates of Participation
outstanding at any time under the Fiscal Agent Agreement (as
verified by the Fiscal Agent) , of notice that an Event of
Default has occurred ana is cantinuing under the Lease-
Purchase Agreement, and of a request that a�l moneys and
investments on hand in said Fund be paid to the Fiscal Agent
pursuant to Section 11 of the Lease-Purchase Agreement, pay
and transfer to the Fiscal Agent as soon as practicable all
moneys and investments then on hand in the Fund. Neither
the Depository Agent nar the City shall have any responsi-
bility for the �awfulness of said notice and request or for
the application or use by the Fiscal Agent of the moneys and
investments so transferred .
2.05 The Depository Bank shall keep accurate and
complete books and records showing all receipts , interest
earnings, investments, gains and losses and disbursemen�s
made in the Fund , and shall furnish a statement thereof for
each six month period ending on June 30 and December 31 to
the Fiscal Agent, the City and the Museum, with 15 days
after the end of such period; and shall furnish to the
Museum confirmation showing each investment transaction in
the Fund within 5 business days after such transaction is
completed .
2.06 The Depository Bank shall shall give the
r9useum notice on or before each June 10 and December 10 of
the amount of interest earned and credited to the Fund as of
the immediately preceding June 1 or December 1 , respec-
tively, and not included in a previous notice , whereupon the
Museum shall be entitled to deduct such amount from the
basic rental payment next due under the Lease and herein
required to be paid to the Depository Bank , in accordance
with Section 3.02 of the Lease .
2 .07 The Depository Bank , upon failure of the
Museum to pay any basic rental payment under the Lease when
due, shall immediately give notice of such fact to the
rfuseum in accordance with Articles VIII and IX of the Lease.
If such basic rental payment has not been received within 10
days after the mailing of such notice, the Depository Bank
shall i�mediately give mailed notice of such fact to Twenty
Broadstreet and the Fiscal Agent.
Section 3 . Compensation For Services .
The Depository Bank shall be entitled to receive
solely from the Fund, the sum of $ per year as and
for its compensation for all services to be performed by it
under this Agreement, and may withdraw the amount of such
compensation from the Fund each year on the date or dates on
which sufficient cash becomes available in the Fund to pay
such compensation .
Seetion 4 . Benefit of Agreement; Enforcement.
4 .01 This Agreement is made by the City for the
benefit of Twenty Broadstreet, the Fiscal Agent, the holders
of the Certificates of Participation issued under the Fiscal
Agent Agreement, the Museum, and their successors and
assigns, and except as provided in Section 5 is not revo-
cable or subject to modification by the City.
4 .02 The entities and persons designated in
Section 4.01 other than the City shall constitute third
party beneficiaries of this Agreement, and shall be entitled
to enforce performance and observance by the City and the
Depository Bank and their respective agreements and
covenants set forth herein as fully and completely as if
said third party beneficiaries were parties hereto.
Section 5. Termination of Agreement. If the City
takes possession of the Science Center and elects ta operate
it under Article VIII of the Lease , the City may at its
option terminate �his Agreement by giving written notice of
termination to the Depository Bank and Twenty Broadstreet,
specifying a date of termination not less than 15 days after
the notice is given . On the date of termination the
Depository Bank shall , subject to the rights of Twenty
Broadstreet under the Lease-Purchase Agreement , and the
duties of the Depository Bank under Section 2.04 herea€,
transfer to the City all moneys and investments on hand in
the Fund and all records relating thereto; and the
Depository Bank, upon making such transfer , shall be
relieved of all further responsibilities under this Agree-
ment, which shall thereupon be terminated.
Section 6 . Limitation of Respansibilities.
6.01 The performance by the Depository Bank of
its duties under this Agreement shall be deemed performance
by the City of the same duties assumed by it under the
Lease-Purchase Agreement and the Lease; but the City shall
not be responsible for the satisfactory perfarmance of such
duties by the Depository Agent, and shall not be liable for
the failure of the Depository Agent to perform such duties
as required , or for any expenses incurred by the Depository
Bank under this Agreement.
6. Q2 . The Depository Agent shall not be respon-
sible for the performance of any duties in connection with
the contracts described or the moneys deposited in the Fund
except those expressly imposed upon it hereunder .
Section 7. Notices. All notices required to be
given under this Agreement shall b� given in the manner and
with the effect specified in Article IX of the Lease to the
person or entity entitled to receive it at the address shown
in the Lease or , if none, at its current address, or at such
aadress as such person or entity may provide in writing to
the Depository Bank .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this
Aqreement as of the day and year first written above.
� Its� - -
Form Approved By
_ George Latimer ,_ Mayor
Assistant City Attorney And
Bernard J. Carlson,
Director of Department
of Finance and P9anage-
ment Services
Rose Mix , City Clerk
The undersigned hereby acknowledge their receipt
of the Depository Agreement and consent to, and agree ta be
bound by, its provisions .
~Robert J. Butler ~
� Dr . Wendell A. Mordy
. �
� ��
, /
June 15, 1978
Drafted by:
Dorsey, Windhorst, Hannaford ,
Whitney & Halladay
1468W The First National Bank
of Saint Paul
St. Paul , Minnesota 55101
•. t . .
� '
THIS LEASE dated as of June 15 , 1978, between the
CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a Minnesota municipal corporation ,
call�d herein the City, and The Science i•luseum of hi�innesota,
a hlinnesota non-profit corporation, called herein the
Tenant, WITNESSETH that the City demises and leases ta the
Tenant ana the Tenant leases from the City the Science
Center herein described, for a term commencing as of the
date of this Lease and extending through June 14 , 2008,
unless sooner terminated as herein provided , with option of
renewal by ei�her party, and at the rentals and upon the
further terms and conditions herein set forth; and that the
City and the Tenant, each in consideration of the repre-
sentations, covenants and agreements of the other as set
forth herein, mutually represent, covenant and agree as
follows :
Definitions and Exhibits
Section 1 .01. Definitions .
Autho�izing Resolution: A resolution of the City
Cour�cil entitled "Resolution Authorizing Acauisition of
Science Center Under Lease-Purchase Agreement; Authorizing
Lease of Science Center to The P9useum of P4innesota; Estab-
lishing a Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund to be
Held and Administered by a Bank Under a Depository Agree-
ment; Appropriating t4oneys to said Fund ; and Authorizing and
Directing the Execution of Contracts and Other pocuments by
City Officers, " adopted by the City Council on July 11 ,
197$ .
Corporation: Twenty Eroadstreet Leasing Company,
Incorporated and any assignee of any of its interests under
the Lease-Purchase AgreeMent;
De�ository Agreement: the Depository Agreement
between the City and The First National Bank of Saint Paul
dated as of July 18 , 1978 , providing for the safekeeping,
investment, disbursement and accounting for of the Science
Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund of the Citv;
De�asitory Bank: The First yational Bank of Sain�
Paul acting under and pursuant to the Depository Agreement;
Lease : this Lease , dated as of June 15 , 1978 ,
including any amendment hereof or supplement hereto;
Lease-Purchase Agreement: the Lease-Purchase
Agreement dated as of June 15 , 1978 , by and between the Cit�
• '
We, Dr. Wendell A. Mordy, being the President of The
Science Museum of Minnesota (the Museum) , and Robert J. Butler,
being a Vice-President of Twenty Broadstreet Leasing Company,
Incarporated (Twenty Broadstreet) , hereby certify that the
facts and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 through 4
hereof are true and correct, as follows :
1. Dr. Wendell A. Mordy certifies on behalf of
the Museum that:
(a) it is a non-profit corporation duly organized
and existing under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 3].7 , and is
an exempt organization within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3)
of the United States Internal Revenue Code, not subject to
taxation under Section 501 (a) of the Code;
(b) the Museum has entered into the ex�.sting contracts
described in the attached Exhibit A for the acquisition and
construction of the Science Center comprising the property
rights and property also described in the attached Exhibit
A, the amounts paid or payable �xnder which are not less than $6,500,QQOr
the Science Center is now under construction and such con-
struction will proceed with due diligence to compZetion in
accordance with such contracts and other contracts to be
awarded; and the construction of the Science Center will be so
completed on or before July l, 1981;
1 • �
(B) the building , fixtures and equipment now
in process of construction and installation on
such real property under the contracts described
in Exhibit A,
(C) all ather building improvements, equip-
ment, exhibits and other facilities which will be
added to the Science Center under any of the
contracts described in Exhibit A or pursuant to
the capital cost budget included in Exhibit A;
which includes items acquired pursuant to Section
4.11 , the collections and artifacts described in
Section 6 .11 , and any inventory held for sale to
the public in the ordinary course of business,
(D) all additions to and substitutions for
any of the foregoing which may be made as
permitted or required by this Lease , all equipment
from time to time located on such real property
being presumed to be a part of the Science Center
unless identified by tags or other symbols affixed
thereto as property of the Tenant as provided in
Section 4. 11 , except that
(E) any of the foregoing cohich may be
released or taken by eminent domain as authorized
or contemplated by this Lease shall no longer
constitute a part of such Science Center;
Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund : the
fund so designated in the Authorizing Resolution to which
the basic rental payments made under Section 3. 02 are to be
credited and from which the Lease-Purchase Payments are to
be made.
Section 1.02 . Exhibits.
The following Exhibits are attached to and by
reference made a part of this Lease :
Exhibit A: legal description of the real property
upon which the Science Center is located and the other real
and personal property comprising the Science Center as of
the date hereof.
Exhibit B: Schedule of basic rental payments to .
be paid under Section 3 .02 of this Lease.
� �
Representations of Parties
Section 2.01. R2�resentations by the Ci�.
The City makes the following representations as
the basis for its covenants herein:
( 1 ) The City has entered into a Lease-Purchase
Agreement dated as of June 15, 1978 , with the Corporation
pursuant to which it is purchasing the Science Center , and
pursuant to which it is entitled to possession of the
Science Center ;
(2) The City' s right to possession of the Science
Center is dependent upon the Corporation' s title thereto,
and the City makes no warranties with respect thereto or its
right to possession of the Science Center thereunder;
(3) The City will not, during the term of this
Lease and so long as Tenant is not in default hereunder ,
take any actions to disturb the Tenant ' s quiet possession
and �njoyment of the Science Center ;
(4 ) The City is authorized by r�innesota Statutes,
Sections 471 .15 through 471 .191 , the City Charter , and the
Lease-Purchase Agreement, to take all actions described in
this Section 2 .01 and to enter into this Lease, and the
City's governing body has authorized all such actions in
accordance with law.
Section 2. 02. Representations � Tenant .
The Tenant herein makes the following representa-
tions as the basis for its covenants herein:
( 1 ) The Tenant is a non-profit corporation duly
organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Minnesota, is authorized to conduct business in Minnesota ,
has power to enter into this Lease , and by proper corporate
action has authorized the execution and delivery of this
(2) The Tenant is an exempt organization within
the meaning of Section 501(c) ( 3) of the United States
Internal Revenue Code , not subject to taxation under Section
501( a) of the Code, and will not , during the term of this
Lease , engage in any activity which would cause it to lose
its status as an exempt organization .
' .
(3 ) The execution and delivery of this Lease, the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, and
the fulfillment of the terr�s and conditions hereof do not
and will not conflict with or result in a breach of any of
the terms or conditions of any corporate restriction or of
any agreement or instrument to which the Tenant is now a
party, and do not and will not constitute a default under
any of the foregoing, or result in the creation or
imposition of any lien , charge or encumbrance of any nature
upon any of the property ar assets of the Tenant contrary to
the terms of any instrument or agreement;
( 4 ) The Tenant will at all times operate the
Science Center during the term of this Lease as a public _
scientific, educational , cultural exhibition and research
facility, open to all residents of the City and other
members of the public or for another purpose appraved
pursuant to Section 4.01;
( 5) The Tenant does not rely on any warranty of
the City, either express or implied;
(6) The Tenant will not, in the operation of the
Science Center , violate any provision of Federal or state
law, or any provision of the City Charter and the ordinances
- adopted thereunc3er . --
Lease and Rentals
Section 3. 01 . Lease. The City hereby leases to
the Tenant, its successors and assigns, and the Tenant
hereby leases from the City, the Science Center described in
the attached Exhibit A, for the purposes specified in
Section 2.02, for a term commencing on June 15, 1978 and
continuing through June 14 , 2008 , unless previously
terminated or extended as hereinafter provided .
Section 3.02 . Basic Rent. The Tenant shall pay
basic rent for the Science Center in advance , on the dates
and i.n the amounts shown on the attached Exhibit B; provided
that the Tenant shall pay on June 15, 1978 , in addition to
the basic rental payment due on that date , the basic rental
payment otherwise due on December 15 , 2003 , which shall be
held by the City as security for the performance by the �
Tenant of its obligations hereunder . The basic rent shall
be credited to a Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement
Fund of the City which the City agrees to establish by
resolution. Such Fund shall be held , invested , disbursed
and accounted for on behalf of the City by The First
National Bank of Saint Paul pursuant to the Depository
Agreement, and the Tenant shall pay the rent due under this
Section 3 .02 and Section 6 .09 hereof , if any, directly to
the Depository Bank; provided that in making any such rental
payment the Tenant shall be entitled to a credit of an
amount equal to the amount of any interest earned and
received by the Depository Bank in the Science Center
Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund, as determined by the
Depository Bank as of the first day of the month in which
the rental payment is due . Amounts deposited in said Fund
shall be held , invested, disbursed and accounted for by the
Depository Bank in accordance with the Depository Agreement,
and the Tenant agrees to indemnify and save the City harm-
less from any and all costs, expenses, claims and damages of
any nature incurred by it as a result of the failure of the
Depository Bank to perform the obligations imposed on it
under the Depository Agreement. This Lease is a net lease,
and the City shall be under no obligation to the Tenant to
operate, maintain, replace or improve the Science Center or
pay the cost thereof , but shall be entitled to receive the
basic rent hereunder on an absolute net basis , and such rent
shall not be subject to reduction or abatement except as
prQVided in Section 7 .03 .
Section 3.03 . Additional Rent.
The Tenant agrees to pay the following items to
the following persons as additional rent under this Lease :
(1 ) to the County Treasurer of Ramsey County, and
to any other governmental official authorized by law to
collect any ad valorem taxes or special assessments levied
on the Science Center or on the privilege of using the same ,
the full anount of all such taxes and special assessments
due and payable during the term of this Lease , if any, it
being understood that under the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes, Section 471 . 191, Subdivision 4 , the Science Center
is exempt from ad valorem taxation so long as devoted to the
public purposes provided in Section 2 .02 and is not leased
or subleased to any private individual , association or
corporation for use in a business conducted for profit;
(2) to each public or private person , firm or
corporation furnishing utility service for the Science
Center , when due and payable during the term of this Lease ,
all fees, charges and rentals for such service;
(3) to the City, all reasonable out-of-pocket
expenses incurred by it in relation to this Lease and the
Lease-Purchase Agreement which are not otherwise required to
be paid by the Tenant under the terms of this Lease; and
(4 ) to the City, the amount of all advances of
funds made by it under the provisions of Section 4 .10, with
_ interest thereon at the rate of 8.00% per annum from the
date of each advance .
The Tenant represents and agrees that the provisions of
rlinnesota Statutes, Section 471 . 191 , Subdivision 1, autho-
rizing non-profit corporations to off-set the amount of any
ad valorer� taxes and special assessments levied on any land,
building or facilities leased by the non-profit corporation _
pursuant to said Subdivision 1 , are not applicable to this
Lease, and that the Tenant waives any rights it may have to
obtain such an off-set against the rentals due under this
Lease or to any reimbursement from the City of any taxes and
special assessments paid with respect to the Science Center .
Section 3.04 . Tenant' s Obli�ations Unconditional.
All basic and additianal rent and all other payments re-
� quired of tne Tenant hereunder shall be paid without notice
or demand and without setoff, counterclaim, abatement,
deduction or defense except as provided in Section 7.03 .
Section 3.05 . Tenant' s Remedies. Nothing
contained in this Section shall be construed to release the
City from the performance of any of its agreements in this
Lease , and if the City should fail to perform any such
agreement, the Tenant may institute such action against the
City as the Tenant may deem necessary to compel the perfor-
mance, so long as such action shall not violate the Tenant ' s
agreements in Sections 3 .02 and 3 .03 . The Tenant may at its
own cost and expense , and in its own name or in the name of
the City, prosecute or defend any action or proceeding
against third parties or take any other action which the
Tenant deems reasonably necessary in order to secure or
protect its right of possession, occupancy and use of the
Science Center under this Lease. In this event the City
agrees to cooperate fully with the Tenant, and to take alI
action necessary to effect the substitution of the Tenant
for the City in any such action or proceeding if the Tenant
shall so request. The Tenant. agrees to indemnify and hold
tt�e City harmless against any and all costs, expenses,
claims and damages of any nature incurred by it as a result
of any legal action taken by the Tenant with respect to any
third party, prior to commencing any such legal action.
_ _ _ _ _
Use and t�iaintenance, Modifications,
Taxes and Insurance
Section 4 .01 . Lse and Maintenance. During the
Lease term the Tenant will utilize the Science Center for
the purposes specified in Section 2.02 or another lawful
nurnose approved by the City and the Corporation; will at
its own expense complete and keep the Science Center and aIl
parts thereof in good repair and good operating condition
and in as safe condition as its operations will reasonably
permit, making all ordinary repairs, replacements and
substitutions thereof which may be necessary for this
purpose; and will comply with all laws, rules, regulations
and ordinances applicable to the possession, use and
operation of the Science Center .
Section 4 .02 . No Obligation of City To Pay For
Operation and Maintenance of Sci�ence Center . The Tenant
represents and agrees that the City is not required under
the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471 .191,
Subdivision 3 , to provide in its annual budget for any
deficiency in revenues of the Tenant available to pay costs
of operation and maintenance of the Science Center; and the
- Tenant hereby waives any rights it may have to require the
City to provide for any such deficiency. Further , the
Tenant agrees to furnish to the City, on or before the tenth
day of each fiscal year of the Tenant, a certified copy of
its budget for such fiscal year adopted by its Baard of
Trustees, showing the anticipated cost of operation and main-
tenance of the Science Center for the budget year , the
amount to be paid by any other organization pursuant to
written agreemen� with the Tenant, and the amount and
sources of all moneys and revenues of the Tenant available
during the budget year for the payment of such operation and
maintenance costs. If the moneys of the Tenant available
for the payment of such costs are less than the amount of
such costs to be paid by the Tenant, or if for any reasan
such costs are not paid by the Tenant, or if any person
commences a legal action against the City seeking to require
it to pay or provide in its budget for the payment of all vr
any part of such costs , the City may declare the Tenant to
be in default hereunder and the City shall be authorized to
exercise all or any of the remedies available to it unaer
Section 8.02. The Tenant also agrees to indemnify and hold
the City harmless from any and all costs, expenses, claims,
damages and expenditures of any nature incurred by it in
defending any such legal action or in complying with the
order of any court issued as a result thereof. The Tenant
shall use a fiscal year ending on June 30 each year , or on
such other date as is approved by the City.
� 1 '
Section 4 . 03 . Modifications. The Tenant may from
time to time, after approval by the City, make any addi-
tions, modifications or improvements to the Science Center ,
locatea wholly within the Science Center site or easements
described in Exhibit A, that it may deem desirable for the
purpases described in Section 4 .OI and that do not adversely
affect the structural integrity of the Science Center or any
part of it. All additions, modifications and improvements
made by the Tenant shall become a part of the Science Center
subject to the provisions of this Lease.
Section 4 .04 . Liens. The Tenant will not permit
any encumbrance or lien to be filed or established or to
remain against the Science Center for labor or materials
furnished in connection with any additions, modifications,
improvements, repairs, renewals or replacements made by it,
except Permitted Encumbrances; provided , that if the Tenant
sha11 first notify the City of its intention so to do, it
may in goad faith contest any encumbrance or lien filed or
established and in such event may permit the items contested
to remain undischarged and unsatisfied during the period of
such contest and any appeal therefrom. The City will
cooperate fully with the Tenant in any such contest,
provided that the Tenant shall undertake to pay all costs
and expenses incurred by the City and to indemnify the City
and save it harmless against any risks, claims or liabil-
ities arising out of such contest.
Section 4.05. Removal of Leased Equi ment. The
Tenant shall not remove or permit the removal of any eguip-
ment or other property comprising part of the Science Center
except in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
In any instance where the Tenant in its sound discretion
determines that any item of such equipment or other property
has become inadequate, obsolete, worn out or unsuitable for
the operation of or use in the Science Center , the Tenant
may remove it and substitute and install other equivalent
equipment. The Tenant shall pay all costs of such removal
and substitution, and shall repair all damage to the Science
Center resulting therefrom. All substitute equipment shall
be free of all liens and encumbrances, and shall become par�
of the Science Center subject to the provisions of this
Section 4 . 06 . Taxes and Other Governmental
Charges and Utilit� Charges. The Tenant will make promptly
all payments due during the term of this Lease of ad valorem
taxes lawfully levied upon or with respect to the Science
Center or its use, if any; of other charges lawfully made by
any governmental body for public improvenents that may be or
became secured by a lien on the Science Center ; and of
utility and other charges incurred in the operation, mainte-
nance, use, occupancy, and upkeep of the Science Center;
including but not limited to taxes or service charges on any
property of the Tenant brought in or upon the Science
Center , sales and other excise taxes on products thereof,
and any taxes levied upon or with respect to income or
profits from the Science Center which, if not paid , might
become a lien thereon. The Tenant may, at its own expense,
in good faith eontest any such taxes or service charges and ,
in the event of such contest, may permit the items so
contested to remain unpazd during the period of the contest
and any appeal therefrom.
Section 4.07 . Liability Insurance. The Tenant
will procure and maintain continuously in effect during the
term of the Lease insurance against liability for injuries
to or death of any person or damage to or loss of property
arising out of or in any way relating to the condition or
its operation of the Science Center or any part thereof, in
the minimum amounts of $1 ,000,000 for death of or personal
injury to any one person, $2,000 ,000 for all personal
injuries and deaths arising out of any one occurrence , and
$300 , 000 for praperty damage arising out of any one
occurrence , and will cause all contractors to maintain
insurance of similar kinds and amounts against all similar
liabilities on their part. The Net Proceeds of all such
insurance shall be applied toward extinguishment or
satisfaction of the liability with respect to which the
insurance proceeds may be paid. It is understood that in
accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,
Section 466 .06 , this insurance covers any and all liability
of the City and its officers, employees and agents, and the
procurement thereof constitutes a waiver of the defense of
governmental immunity to the extent of the liability stated
in the policy but has no effect on the liability of the City
beyond the coverage so provided.
Section 4 .08 . Property Insurance . The Tenant
will procure and maintain continuously in effect during the
term of the Lease, to the extent of the full insurable value
of the Science Center , other than building foundations,
insurance against loss from or damage by vandalism and fire,
with a uniform standard extended coverage endorsem2nt
limited only as may be provided in the standard form of
extended coverage endorsement at the time in use in
riinnesota, in such amount as will be at least sufficient so
that a claim may be made for the full replacement cost of
any part thereof damaged or destroyed . In time of war in
which the United States of America is a belligerent, the
City will procure and maintain continuously in effect such
insurance as may be available from the United States of
America, to the extent of the full insurable value of the
Science Center and insuring against loss thereof or damag�
thereto from the risks and hazards of war , if such insurance
is then generally carried by owners of similar facilities in
t�iinnesota. All policies evidencing insurance required in
this Section shall be carried in the names of the Corpora-
tion , the City and the �enant as their respective interests
may appear . Each policy may be written with a deductible
amount of $5 ,000 . The Net Proceeds of Insurance required b�
this Section shall be applied as provided in Section 5 . 01.
Section 4. 09 . Other Insurance and Requirements
for All Insurance. The Tenant will also procure and �
maintain continuously in effect during the term of this
Lease such other insurance as is customarily carried by
persons or organizations enqaging in the operation of public
facilities similar to the Science Center . Al1 insurance
palicies required by this Article shall be taken out and
maintained with responsible insurance companies organized
under the laws of one of the states of the United States and
qualified to do business irr Minnesota; shall contain a
provision that the insurer shall not cancel or revise
coverage thereunder without giving written notice to both
parties at least ten (10 ) days before the cancellation ar
revision becomes effective; and shall name the Tenant , the
- City and the Corporation as an insured. Each party shall
degosit with the other policies evidencing any such
insurance procured by it, or a certificate or certificates
of the respective insurers stating that such insurance is in
force and effect. Before the expiration of any such policy,
the Tenant shall �urnish to the other party evidence that
the poliey has been renewed or replaced by anather policy
conforming to the provisions of this Article, unless such
insurance is no longer obtainable in which event the Tenant
shall notify the City and the Corporation of this fact.
Section 4.10. Advances. If the Tenant shall fail
to make all regairs, pay all liens, taxes and service
charges and maintain all insurance required in this ArticZe ,
the City may, but shall not be obligated ta. take such
action as may be necessary to cure such failure , including
the advancement of money, and the Tenant shall be obligated
to repay all such advances on demand , with interest at the
rate of 8 .00� per annum from the date of the advance to the
date of repayment.
Section 4. 11 . Installation of Tenant ' s Equipment.
The Tenant may at any time and from time�to time, in its
sole discretion and at its own expense , install items of
movable machinery and equipment in addition to that
described in Exhibit A in or upon the Science Center which
items shall be identified by tags or other symbols affixed
. . /
thereto as property of the Tenant not included in the
Science Center . All such items sa identified shall remain
the sole property of the Tenant, in which the City sha2l
have no interest, and may be modified or removed by the
Tenant at any time while it is not in default hereunder ,
provided that the Tenant shall repair and restare any and
all damage to the Science Center resulting from the
installation, modification or removal of any such items.
Nothing in this Lease shall prevent the Tenant from pur-
chasing items to be installed pursuant to this Section under
a conditional sale or lease-purchase contract, or subject ta
a vendor ' s Zien or security agreement, as security for the
unpaid portion of the purchase price thereof, provided that
no such lien or security interest shall attach to any other
part of the Science Center . The Tenant shall promptly pay
when due the purchase price and all costs and expenses of
the acquisition and installation of each item installed by
it pursuant to this Section.
Section 4. 12. Performance of Science Center
Contracts. The Tenant agrees to complete the Science Center
in accordance with the contracts and capital cost budget
described in Exhibit A and to maintain payment and perfor-
mance bonds under such contracts; �o take such further steps
as may be necesary to complete the Science Center as a fully
equipped and operational facility; to furnish to the City on
or before July 15 each year a certificate describing all
property which has become part of the Science Center which
is not in existence on the date hereof ar described in a
previous certificate and all capital costs incurred in
connection with the Science Center which were not incurred
on the date hereof or described in a previous certificate;
to perform at its own expense any other obligation not .
specifically mentioned in this Lease whieh is imposed on the
Corporation or the City as a result of the transfer of title
to the Science Center to the Corporation or the City, as the
case nay be, including but not limited to the easements
described in Exhibit A and any other covenants running with
the Land; and to indemnify and hold the City harmless
against any and all costs , expenses , claims and damages of
any nature incurred by it in connection with such contracts
and obligations. The Tenant shall file with the City all
plans or other documents describing items comprising the
unfinished portion of the Science Center . Such plans and
documents may be modified by the Tenant, provided that the
total amount expended by the Tenant for the Science Center
shall be at least $11 ,400 ,000 .
Damage, Destruction and Condemnation
Section 5. 01 . Damage and Destruction.
(a) If while any of Lease-Purchase Payments
remain unpaid the Science Center is partially destroyed or
is damaged by fire or other casualty, to such extent that
the claim for loss resulting therefrom is not greater than
$5 , 000 , the Tenant will promptly repair , rebuild and restore
the property damaged or destroyed to substantially the s�me
condition as existed before the event causing the damage or
destruction , with such changes, alterations and modifica-
tions ( including the substitution and addition of other
property) as may be desired by the Tenant and as will not
imoair the operating unity, productive capacity or value of
the Science Center , and will be suitable for continued
operation of the Science Center for the purposes specified
in this Lease . The Tenant will pay all costs thereof and
shall be entitled to receive all proceeds of insurance if
any, paid in respect of such claim.
(b) If while any of the Lease-Purchase Payments
remain unpaid the Science Center is destroyed in whole or in
part or is damaged �y fire or other casualty to such extent
that the claim far loss resulting therefrom exceeds $Sf000 ,
the Tenant shall pronptly give written notice thereof to the
City. The City or the Tenant, as determined by the City
within 30 days of the loss , shall proceed within a period of
one year from date of damage, in accordance with applicable
public bidding laws , to repair , rebuild and restore the
property damagea or destroyed to substantially the same
condition as existed before the event causinq the damage or
destruction, with such changes, alterations and modifica-
tions ( including the substitution and addition of other
property) as may be desired by the Tenant and as will nat
impair the operating unity, productive capacity or value of
the Science Center , and will be suitable for continued
operation of the Science Center for the purposes specified
in this Lease . Before the work is undertaken the City or
the Tenant, as the case may be, shall cause plans and
specifications therefor ta be prepared and reviewed by the
other , and shall apply so much as may be necessary of the
insurance proceeds received for the damage by it to payment
of the costs of such repair , rebuilding or restoration. If
the insurance proceeds are not sufficient to pay such costs
in full , the Tenant, if required by the City, shall pay that
portion of the cost thereof in excess of the a�ount of the
proceeas. Any balance of insurance proceeds remaining after
payment of all costs of any repair , rebuilding or restora-
tion shall be applied to the payment of the next basic
rental payment due under Section 3 .02 .
(c) Notwithstandinq the provisions of paragraphs
(a) and (b) , if the Science Center is destroyed in whole ar
in part so as to make the Science Center in the opinion of
Tenant unsuitable for the use for which it is intended, and
if the amount af any insurance proceeds plus any amount on
hand or then to be deposited in the Science Center Lease-
Purchase Agreement Fund by the Tenant will be sufficient ta
discharge all obligations of the City under the Lease-
Purchase Agreement, the Tenant may request the City to use
the insurance proceeds and other moneys in said Fund to
discharge its obligations under the Lease-Purchase Agree-
Section 5. 02 . Condemnation.
(a) If while any of the Lease-Purchase Payments
remain unpaid the 5cience Center or any part thereof is
taken by eminent domain by any governmental body or by any
person, fir� or corporation acting under governmental
authority, the award for the interests of the City and the
Tenant made in such proceedings shall be applied in one or
more of the ways described in this Section 5 .02.
(b) The City or the Tenant, as determined by the
City, shall promptly, so far as passible and in accordance
with applicable public bidding laws, repair , rebuild and
restore the Science Center and all parts thereof to
substantially the same condition as existed before the
taking, with such changes, alterations and modifications
( including the substitution and addition of other pro�erty) _
as may be desired by the Tenant and will not decrease the
operating unity, productive capacity or value of the Science
Center , and will be suitable for continued operation of the
Science Center for the purposes specified in this Lease. So
far as possible the City will acquire such adjacent land in
lieu of that taken as may be needed for such restoration and
requested in writing by the Tenant. So much of the award as
may be necessary shall be applied to the payment of the cost
of acquisition of the land. Before the work of restoration
is undertaken, the City or the Tenant, as the case may be,
shall cause plans and specifications to be prepared and
reviewed by the other . So much of the award as may be
necessary shall be applied to the payment of the costs of
such restoration . If the award is not sufficient to pay
such costs in full , including the cost of any additional
land required , the Tenant, if required by the City, shall
pay that portion of the cost in excess of the amount of the
award .
(c) All land , buildings, improvements and equip-
ment acquired in the restoration of the Science Center shall
be deemed a part thereof and available for use and occupancy
by the Tenant without the payment of any rents other than
those provided in Article 3, to the same extent as if they
had been specifically described and demised in this Lease;
provided that if the City issues any obligations to finance
improvements or restoration required by Sections 5.01 or
5.02 the Tenant will enter into a supplemental lease
providing for the payment of additional rent sufficient to
pay the principal of and interest on said obligations.
(dj If any balance of the award shall remain
after restaration of the Science Center in accordance with
the plans and specifications, such balance shall be applied
to the payment of the next basic rental payment due under
Section 3 .02.
(e) The City will cooperate fully with the Tenant
in the handling and conduct of any prospective or pending
condemnation proceedings affecting the Science Center or any
part thereof and will , to the extent it may lawfully do so,
permit the Tenant to litigate in any such nroceeding in the
name and on behalf of the City. In no event will the City
voluntarily settle or consent to the settlement of any such
condemnation proceeding without the written consent of the
Tenant. The Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold the City
harmless against any and all costs, expenses, claims and
damages of any nature incurred by it as a result of any such
litigation prior to commencing the same.
(f) The proceeds of any condemnation award made
for damages on account of the interference with Tenant' s
rights under this Lease or Tenant ' s business shall be the
property of the Tenant.
(g) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs
(a) through ( f) , if due to the taking in condemnation the
Science Center is in the Tenant' s opinion unsuitable for the
use for which it is intended, and if the proceeds of the
condemnation award plus any amount on hand and any amount
then to be deposited in the Science Center Lease-Purchase
Agreement Fund by the Tenant will be sufficient to discharge
all obligations of the City under the Lease-Purchase
Agreement, upon request by the Tenant the City shall use the
proceeds of the condemnation award and other moneys in said
Fund to discharge its obligations under the Lease-Purchase
Tenant ' s Covenants
Section 6 . 01 . Covenants for Benefit of Cor�ora-
tion. The Tenant recognizes the authority of the City to
pledge all rent payable under Sections 3. 02 and 3.03 this
Lease for the security and payment of the Lease-Purchase
Paynents. The Tenant anproves and agrees to comply with and
perform, insofar as applicable , alI covenants made by the
City in the Authorizing Resolution and the Lease-Purchase
Agreement for the benefit of the Corporation. Each of the
terms and provisions of this Lease is a covenant far the use
and benefit of the Corporation, so long as the obligations
of the City under the Lease-Purchase Agreement have not been
aischarged; but upon payment or prepayment of all basic
rental payments and other amounts due hereunder , or upon
discharge of the City' s obligations under the Lease-P�rchase
Agreement, all references thereto in this Lease shall be
ineffective , and the Corporation shall thereafter not be
entitled to any further benefit of this Lease .
Section 6 .02 . Inspection and Access . The Tenant
agrees that the City and the Corporation and their duly
authorized agents shall have the right at all reasonable
times to exanine and inspect the Science Center and for that
purpose to enter upon the Science Center .
Section 6. 03. Rates and Charges. The Tenant will
impose rates and charges with respect to the admission of
persons to and the use of the Science Center . The Tenant
shall keep the City advised of the rates and charges in
effect at all times, and of any proposed chang� therein.
Section 6. 04. Use and Pledge of Gross Revenues.
The Tenant hereby covenants and agrees that it has by
resolution appropriated all gross revenues derived by it
from the rates and charges referred to in Section 6. 03 to a
separate and special Science Center Lease Fund; and that the
gross revenues derived from such rates and charges in any
year will be used and are pledged for the payment of
the basic rents payable by th� Tenant under Section 3.02 of
this Lease, except that if and to the extent that such
rentals are paid from other sources a like amount of such gross
revenues may be used for other purposes of the Tenant, and except for
certain other transfers of said revenues permitted in the reso-
lution which has been furnished to the City.
Section 6. 05 . Books and Records ; Audit. The Tenant
covenants and agrees that it will keep complete and
accurate books and records reflecting all of its financial
accurate books and records reflecting all of its financial
transactions, that it will annually cause such books and
records to be audited by a certified public accounting firm,
and that it will provide the City and the Corporation with a
copy of the audit report of such firm within 90 days after
the close of its fiscal year , which audit shall be accom-
paniea by a statement of the auditing firm that nothing has
come to their attention during the preparation of the audit
which would constitute an Event of Default under this Lease.
The Tenant shall also furnish to the City and the Corpora-
tion a copy of any quarterly financial statements or finan-
cial reports which are furnished to its Board of Dixectors.
Section 6 . 06 . Indemnity. The Tenant will pay,
and will protect, indemnify and save the City and the
Corporation harmless from and against all liabilities,
losses, damages, costs, expenses ( including attorneys ' fees
and expenses) , causes of action , suits, claims, demands and
judgments of any nature arising from:
(1) any injury to or death of any person or
damage to property in or upon the Science Center or growing
out of or connected with the use, non-use , condition or
occupancy of the Science Center or a part thereof, including
losses caused by the negligence of the City, its agents or
contractors, but not any negligence arising from the use,
non-use, condition or occupancy of the parking ramp beneath
the Science Center , and the ramp elevators;
(2) violation of any agreement or condition of
this Lease by the Tenant;
(3) violation of any contract, agreement or
restriction of the Tenant which shall have existed at the
commencement of the term of this Lease or shall have been
approved by the Tenant;
(4) violation of any law, ordinance or regulation
affecting the Science Center or a part thereof or the
ownership, occupancy or use thereof, except as occasioned by
the City or the Corporation; and
(5) any statement or information concerning the
Tenant, its officers or the Science Center , contained in any
official statement or prospectus furnished to purchasers of
Certificates of Participation in the Lease-Purchase
Payments, that is untrue or incorrect in any material
respect, and any omission from such official statement or
prospectus of any statement or information which should be
contained therein for the purpose for which the same is to
be used or which is necessary to make the statements made
therein concerning the Tenant, its officers and the Science
Center not misleading in any material respect, provided
that :
( i) the official statement or prospectus is
approved in writing by the Tenant;
( ii) in the event of settlement of any litigation
commenced or threatened , arising from a claim based
upon any such untrue statement or omission , such
indemnity shall be limited to the aggregate amount paid
under a settlement effected with the written consent of
the Tenant;
( iii ) such indemnity shall extend to each
elective and appointive officer of the City and to each
person, if any, who "controls" the Corporation , as that
term is defined in Section 15 of the Securities Act of
1933, as amended ;
( iv) the City and the Corporation shall promptly
notify the Tenant in writing of any claim or action
brought against the CYty or the Corporation or any
officer or controlling person as aforesaid , in respect
of which indemnity may be sought against the Tenant,
_ setting forth the particulars of such claim or _ action ,
and the Tenant will assume the defense thereof,
including the employment of counsel and the payment of
all expenses; and
(v) the City or Corporation or any such officer
or controlling person may employ separate counsel in
any such actian and participate in the defense thereof� � _
but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall not be
nayable by the Tenant unless such employment has been
specially authorized by the Tenant; and
(6) any statement or information contained in the
arbitrage certificate furnished to the City by the Tenant
and the Corporation that is untrue or incorrect in any
material respect, and any omission from such arbitrage
certificate which is necessary to make the statements and
information contained therein not misleading . .
Section 6. 07. Continuing Existence and Qualifi-
cation. The Tenant is and throughout the Lease Term will
remain duly qualified to do business as a nonprofit corpo-
ration in T�innesota, will maintain its non-profit corporate
existence , will not dissolve or otherwise dispose of all or
substantially all of its assets, and will not consolidate
with or merge into another corporation or permit any other
corporatian to consolidate with or raerge into it unless the
surviving , resulting or transferee corporation, as the case
may be, if other than the Tenant, is organized under the
laws of one of the United StateS, assumes in writing all of
the obligations of the Tenant under this Lease , and has a
net worth at least equal to that of the Tenant as of the
date of such consolidation or merger , is an exempt organi-
zation under Section 501 (c) ( 3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code,
and is ctuly qualified to do business in t9innesota. At least
thirty days before any merger , consolidation or transfer of
assets becomes effective, . the Tenant shall give the City and
the Corporation written notice of the praposed transaction.
The Tenant shall not merge or consolidate with any other
business entity if the result thereof would be to subject
the interest component of the Lease-Purchase Payments
( received by any person who is not a substantial user of the
Science Center or a related person) to Federal income taxes
under Section 103 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Every
surviving, resulting or transferee corporation and other
person referred to in this Section 6 .07 shall be bound by
all of the covenants and agreements of the Tenant herein
with respect to any further consolidation, merger , sale or
transfer and shall execute an appropriate instrument
assuming such covenants and agreements.
Section 6 .08 . Amendment of Bylaws. The Tenant
covenants and agrees that so long as any Lease-Purchase
Payments remain unpaid , that it will comply with and will
not amend or repeal Article 2, Sections 7 and 8 of its
bylaws, or any othe'r bylaw relating to financial matters,
without prior appraval by the City.
Section 6.09 . Assurance of Tax Exemption. (1)
The Te•nant recognizes that the exemption from Federal income
taxation of the interest component of the Lease-Purchase
Payments is dependent upon its status as an organization
described in Section 501(c) ( 3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
In order to assure that such interest component
shall at all times be free from Federal income taxation, the
Tenant covenants with the City and the Corporation:
(A) that it will not take, nor suffer others to
take, any action which will alter , change or impair its
status as an organization described in Section
501 (c) ( 3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is not
subject to taxation under Section 501(a) of the Code,
but rather will take , or cause others to take, all
actions necessary to maintain that status;
(B) that it will not carry on any trade or
business at the Science Centez which would be an
unrelated trade or business determined by applying
Section 513(a) of the Code to the Tenant and would
result in the loss of the exemption from Federal income
taxation of the interest component of the Lease-
Purchase Payments; and
(C) that it will fulfill any and all other
conditions in the Code to insure that it maintains its
status as an organization described in Section
501 (c) ( 3) of the Code and that the interest component
of the Lease-Purchase Payments will not be subject to
Federal income taxes.
( 2 ) If the Tenant receives a notice from the
City, the Corporation or any other source that a "Deter-
mination of Taxability" as hereinafter defined , has been
made, without regard to the reason therefor , the Tenant
shall immediately pay as additional basic rent the following
(A) a sum sufficient to pay or prepay all
remaining Lease-Purchase Payments pursuant to the
Lease-Purchase Agreement, plus a nremium equal to 4� of
the unpaid Lease-Purchase Price of the Science Center
for each six month period or part thereof elapsed
between the "Event of Taxability" , as hereinafter
defined , and the date of payment or prepayment thereof
under the Lease-Purchase Agreement , less such amount as
may then be on hand in the Science Center Lease-
Purchase Agreement Fund; plus
(B) an amount equal to 4% of the amount of the
Lease-Purchase Price theretofore paid , but which had
not been paid as of the Event of Taxability, for each
six month period or part thereof elapsed between the
Event of Taxability and the date that such amount of
the Lease-Purchase Price was oaid . Such amount shall
be regarded as basic rent and shall be paid , held,
invested and disbursed as provided in Section 3 .02
hereof and in the Lease-Purchase Agreement.
A "Determination of Taxability" shall mean the issuance of a
statutory notice of deficiency by the Internal Revenue
Service , or a ruling of the National Office or any District
Office of the Internal Revenue Service , or a final decision
of a court of competent jurisdiction which holds in effect
that the interest component of the Lease-Purchase Payments
is includable in the gross income of the recipient if the
period , if any, for contest or appeal of such action, ruling
or decision by the Tenant has expired without any such
contest or appeal having been properly instituted by the
Tenant. An "Event of Taxability" shall mean that point in
time, as specified in the determination, ruling , or
decision, that the interest component of the Lease-Purchase
Payments became includable in the gross income of a
recipient (other than a person who is a substantial user of
the Science Center or a related person as such are defined
in the Internal Revenue Code) .
( 3 ) The Tenant will not cause the "proceeds" of
the Lease Purchase Agreement to be used in a manner which,
if such use had been reasonably expected on the date of
actual execution of this Lease, would have caused such
obligation to be an arbitrage bond within the meaning of
Section 103 (c) of the Code and the regulations promulgated
thereunder , in effect on that date.
Section 6. 10 . Permitted Indebtedness . The Tenant
covenants and agrees that it will not incur any indebtedness
or liabilities of any kind ( including without limitation any
indebtedness shown on the liability side of the balance
sheet determined in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles) except for :
(a) indebtedness evidenced by this Lease;
(b) liabilities (other than for borrowed money)
incurred in the regular operation of the Science Center
and other facilities of the Tenant;
(c) indebtedness of the Tenant for borrowed money
in an amount which together with outstanding indebted-
ness under clause (d) hereof does not at any time in
the aggregate exceed the greater of $1,000 ,000
multiplied by 100% plus 5$ for each year after 1978 , or
a sum equal to 75s of the unpaid amount of legally
enforceable pledges held by the Tenant which, if
collected, could be used to pay such indebtedness or
the obligations of the Tenant under this Lease,
unsecured or secured by a security interest in or lien
upon pledges and donations or other properties or real
estate not subject to this Lease;
(d ) indebtedness of the Tenant secured by mort-
gages, leases, liens or conditional sales contracts, or
purchase money mortgages, given to secure the payment
of all or a portion of the purchase price of machinery,
equipment, films, exhibits or artifacts; provided that
the amount of such indebtedness , tagether with out-
standing indebtedness under clause (c) hereof, shall
not at any time exceed the limit specified in clause
(C ) •
Section 6. 11 . Competinq Facilities; Exhibits.
The Tenant covenants and agrees, during the term of this
Lease , that it will not acquire, purchase or operate any
other like or co�peting facilities located in Ramsey County
without the City' s consent, and that it will maintain iCs
current inventory of catalogued collections , except that it
may sell or exchange or add to them by transactions entered
into in the ordinary course of carrying on its present
activities or operating the Science Center .
Section 6.12. P9aintenance of Security Interests .
On or before January 15 in each calendar year , the Tenant
will file with the City and the Corporation a certificate
describing , as of December 31 immediately preceding, each
item of tangible personal property the cost of which is in
excess of $5,000 , not described in a previous similar
certificate, which has been added to the Science Center by
the Cit�, whether as a substitution or replacement or
otherwise, and whether or not, when added , it beca�e part of
the real estate , and , if so requested by the City or the
Corporation within fifteen ( 15) days after filing such
certificate, an opinion of independent counsel to the effect
- that all steps requisite to perfection of the security
interests of the City in and to such property have been
taken. The Tenant will execute all instruments, including
financing statements, deemed necessary or advisable in the
opinion of independent counsel for perfection of and
continuance of the perfection of the respective security
interests as aforesaid . However , all obligations of the
Tenant under this section are subject to the conditions that
the City or the Corporation shall execute all instruments,
including financing statements, required of it in the
oninion of independent counsel , and will file and record all
such instruments executed by the Tenant, the City and the
Corporation, or cause them to be filed and recorded , and
shall continue the liens of all such instruments by
appropriate refiling and re-recording as specified in the
opinions of independent counsel , or cause them to be so
continued, until this Lease expires or is otherwise
terminated .
Section 6. 13 . Surrender of Project. Except as
otherwise provided in this Lease , at the expiration or
earlier termination of the term hereof the Tenant will
surrender possession of the Science Center to the City
peaceably and promptly and in as good condition as at the
commencement of the term of this Lease, loss by fire or
other casualty to the extent covered by insurance and
ordinary wear , tear and obsolescence only excepted . �
Section 6.14. Statement of Com�liance. The
Tenant will deliver to the City and the Corporation on or
before February 1 of each year during the Lease term a
certificate of an officer of the Tenant stating that:
(a) he has made, or caused to be made , a review
of the Tenant' s activities during the preceding year
with respect to performance under this Lease , and
(b) to the best of his knowledge, based upon the
results of such review, the Tenant has fulfilled all of
its obligations under this Lease, or if there has been
a default in the fulfillment of any obligation,
specifying the nature of each such default and its
t �
Tenant' s and City' s Options
Section 7 . 01 . Assignment and Sublease. The
Tenant may assign this Lease and may sublease the Science
Center in whole or in part, but only with the prior consent
of the City which shall not be unreasonably withheld, an�
subject to each of the following conditions :
( 1) no assignment or sublease shall relieve the
Tenant fram primary liability for all rents and other
payments due and for the performance of all other obliga-
tions required under his Lease, nor subject the interest
component of the Lease-Purchase Payments in the hands of
persons other than the Tenant or "related persons" to United
States income taxes;
(2 ) any assignee of this Lease and any sublessee
of all or substantially all of the Science Center shall
expressly assume the obligations of the Tenant hereunder , by
instrument delivered to the City and the Corporation; and
(3) within ten ( 10 ) days after the delivery of
any assignment or sublease the Tenant shall deliver to the
.. City and the Corporation a true and complete copy thereof.
Section 7 .02 . Pre ayment of Rents. The Tenant
may on June 15 , 1988 , or on any rental payment date there-
after, prepay all or any part of the basic rent payable
under Section 3.02 , but shall give the City 60 day' s notice
of its intention to do so. Any such prepayment shall be
deposited in the Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement
Fund and used by the Depository Bank as directed by the �
Tenant to pay or prepay Lease-Purchase Payments remaining
unpaid, or to otherwise discharge the obligations of the
City under the Lease-Purchase Agreement.
Section 7 .03 . Abatement of Basic Rent. At any
time the aggregate amount of the basic rent paid by the
Tenant to the City, plus any amount on hand in the Science
Center Lease-Purchase Agreement Fund , is sufficient to
discharge the obliqations of the City under the Lease-
Purchase Agreement, then the Tenant shall be entitled to use
and occupy the Science Center from the date on which such
basic rents are in the hands of the City until the expira-
tion of the term of this Lease or its earlier termination
under the provisions hereof, without the payment of addi-
tional basic rent, but otherwise on the terms and conditions
herein set forth; provided that the abatement of future
basic rent shall not relieve the Tenant from the obligation
to pay basic rent past due or other amounts due hereunder .
Section 7 . 04 . Termination. The Tenant may not
terminate this Lease prior to the end of the initial term or
any renewal term without the consent and agreement of the
Section 7 .05. Renewal of Lease. Either the
Tenant or the City shall have the option to zenew this Lease
for a thirty year renewal term commencing on June 15, 2008
and ending on June 14 , 2038 , upon the same terms and
conditions as are applicable to the initial Lease term,
provided that no additional basic rent shall be paid during
the renewal term unless required by an amendment to this
Lease. Either party may exercise its option to renew by
giving the other notice on or before June 15, 2007 of its
intention to renew the Lease.
Section 7.06 . Transfer of Title. Upon receipt by
the City from the Corporation of title to the Science
Center , or at any time thereafter , pursuant to the Lease-
Purchase Agreement, the City shall have the r.ight to convey
title to the Science Center to the Tenant by quit claim
deed. The City may exercise its right by giving the Tenant
10 days notice of its intention to convey the title ,
specifying the date of conveyance, and by delivering to the
Tenant on or after said date a quit claim deed . The Tenant
agrees to accept title to the Science Center from the City
if tendered , to record the guit claim deed received from the
City, and to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City
in completing the transfer . Ugon delivery of the quit claim
deed, the City shall alsa assign to the Tenant, and the
Tenant shall accept, any other contracts or contract rights
of the City in or to the Science Center .
< ,
Events of Default and Remedies
Section 8 . 01 . Events of Default. Any one or more
of the following events is an Event of Default under this
Lease :
(1 ) if the Tenant shall fail to pay any basic
rent and other amounts required to be paid under Sectians
3.02 and 6 . 09 on or before the date that any such payment is
due, or within ten ( 10 ) days after mailing of a notice to it
by the City that it has not been received on the due date;
( 2) if the Tenant shall fail to observe and
perform any other covenant, condition or aqreement on its
part under this Lease for a period of thirty ( 30� days after
written notice , specifying such default and requesting that
it be remedied , given to the Tenant by the City, unless the
City shall agree in writing to an extension of such time
prior to its expiration, or for such longer period as may be
reasonably necessary �o remedy such default provided that
the Tenant is proceeding with reasonable diligence to remedy
the same;
_ ( 3) if the Tenant shall file a petition in
bankruptcy or for reorganization or for an arrangement
pursuant to any present or future federal bankruptcy act or
under any similar federal or state law, or shall be adjudi-
cated a bankrupt or insolvent, or shall make an assignment
for the benefit of its creditors or shall admit in writing
its inability to pay its debts generall.y as they become due,
or if a petition or answer proposing the adjudication of the
Tenant as a bankrupt or its reorganization under any present
or future federal bankruptcy act or any similar federal or
state law shall be filed in any court and such petition or
answer shall not be discharged or denied within ninety (90 )
days after the filing thereof, or a receiver , trustee or
liquidator of the Tenant or of all or substantially all of
the assets of the Tenant or of the Science Center shall be
appointed in any proceeding brought against the Tenant and
shall not be discharged within ninety ( 90 ) days after such
appointment or if the Tenant shall consent to or acquiesce
in such appointment, or if the estate or interest of the
Tenant in the Science Center or a part thereof shall be
levied upon or attached in any proceed ing anc3 such process �
shall not be vacated or discharged within sixty ( 60) days
after such levy or attachment, or the Science Center shall
be left unoccupied by the Tenant for a period of sixty ( 60 )
consecutive days, or the charter of the Tenant shall expire
or be annulled or the Tenant shall be dissolved or liqui-
� • .
dated (other than as a result of a merger or consolidation
of the Tenant into or with another corporation under the
conditions permitting such actions contained in Section
6.07 ) .
Section 8 .02. City_Remedies . Whenever any Event
of Default referred to in Section 8 . 01 shall have happened
and be subsisting , any one or more of the following remedial
steps may be taken after written notice mailed to the Tenant
at least ten days prior thereto;
( 1) the City �ay, at its option, declare all
installments of basic rent payable under Section 3.02 for
the remainder of the term of this Lease, or so much thereof
as is necessary to discharge the obligations of the City
under the Lease-Purchase Agreement, to be immediately due
and payable , whereupon the same shall become immediately due
and payable by the Tenant;
(2 ) the City may, but shall not be required to,
re-enter and take possession of the Seience Center without
termination of this Lease, and use its best efforts to
sublease the Science Center for the account of the Tenant,
holding the Tenant liable for the difference in the rent and
other amounts payable by the subleasee and the rents and
other amounts payable by the Tenant hereunder ;
( 3) the City may, but shall not be required to ,
terminate this Lease, exclude the Tenant from possession of
the Science Center , and use its best efforts to lease the
Science Center to another for the account of the Tenant,
holding the Tenant liable for all rent and other payments
due up to the effective date of such leasing and for any
difference between such new rents and the rents specified
hereunder ; or
(4) the City may, but shall not be required to,
determine to operate and maintain the Science Center or any
part thereof on its own behalf without terminating the
Lease, holding the Tenant liable for all basic rent due
under this Lease each year , less the net revenues derived
for such year by the City from such operation, determined in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
( 5) the City may require the Tenant to furnish
copies of all books and records of the Tenant pertaining to
the Lease;
(6 ) the City may take whatever action at law or
in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect the
rent then due and thereafter to become due , or to enforce
performance and observance of any obligation, agreement or
covenant of the Tenant under this Lease .
. - .
Section 8 .03. Disposition of Funds. Any amaunts
collected pursuant to action taken under Section 8 .02 shall
be credited to the Science Center Lease-Purchase Agreement
Funci and used to aischarge the obligations of the City under
the Lease-Purchase Agreement.
Section 8 . 04 . rlanner of Exercise. No remedy
herein conferred upon or reserved to the City is intended to
be exclusive of any other available reMedy or remedies , but
each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be
in addition to every other remedy given under this Lease or
now or hereafter existing at law or in equity by statute .
No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing
u�on any default shall impair any such right or power or
shall be construed to be a waiver thereof , but any such
right and power may be exercised from time to time as often
as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the City to
exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Article , it shall
not be necessary to give any notice , other than such notice
as may be herein expressly required .
Section 8 .05 . Attorneys ' Fees and Expenses. In
the event either party should default under any of the
provisions of this Lease and the other party should employ
attorneys or incur other expenses for the collection of rent
_ or the enforcement of performance of any obligation or
agreement on the part of the defaulting party, the
defaulting party will on demand pay to the other party the
reasonable fee of such a�torneys and such other expenses so
Section 8 .06 . Effect of 6Vaiver . In the event any
agreement contained in this Lease should be breached by .
either party and thereafter waived by the other party, such
waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived
and shall not be deemed to waive any other breach hereunder .
Section 8 .07 . Waiver of Stay or Extension Laws.
The Tenant covenants ( to the extent that it may lawfully do
so) that it will not at any time insist upon, or plead , or
in any manner whatsoever claim or take the benefit or
advantage of , any stay or extension law wherever enacted ,
now or at any time hereafter in force , which may affect the
covenants or the performance of this Lease; and the Tenant
( to the extent that it may lawfully do so) hereby expressly
waives all benefit or advantage of any such law, and cove-
nants that it will not hinder , delay or impede the execution
of any power herein granted to the City but will suffer and
permit the execution of every such power as though no such
law had been enacted .
� ,
Section 9 . 01 . Notices. All notices, certificates
ar other communications hereunder shall be sufficiently
given and shall be deemed given when deposited in the United
States mail in registered form postage fully prepaid, with
proper address as indicated below. The City and the Tenant
may, by written notice given by each to the other , designate
any address or addresses to which notices, certificates or
other communications to them shall be sent when required as
contemplated by this Lease . Until otherwise provided by the
respective parties, all notices, certificates and
communications to each of them shall be addressed as
To the City: City of St. Paul
City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55101
Attn: Director of IIepartment
of Finance and
Management Services
To the Tenant: The Science tlusuem
of Minnesota
30 East Tenth Street
St. Paul , Minnesota 55101
To the Corporation: Twenty Broadstreet Leasing
Company, Incorporated
1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10019
Attn: Robert Butler
Section 9 .02 . Binding Effect. This Lease shall
inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the City
and the Tenant and their respective successors and assigns.
Section 9 . 03. Severability. In the event any
provision of this Lease shall be held invalid or unenforce-
able by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding
shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other
provision hereof.
Section 9 .04 . Execution Counterparts. This Lease
may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each
of which shall be an original and all of which shall
constitute but one and the same instrument.
' �
Section 9 .05. Exercise of City Powers. No
provision of this Lease is intended to or shall have the
effect of res�ricting the lawful exercise by the City af any
of the powers conferred upon it by its Charter or state Zaw,
including the power to levy special assessments for local
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Tenant have
caused this Lease to be executed in their respective
corporate names and their respective corporate seals to be
hereunto affixed �nd attested by their duly authorized
officers, alI as of the date first above written .
George, Latimer , Its Mayor
Bernard J. Carlson, �
Its Director of Department
Form Approved: _ Finance and rianage-
ment Services
-- Assistant City Attorney Rose t•Six, Its City Clerk
� Wendell A. l�iordy,
Its President
Its Secretary
, ' �
) SS.
On this day of July, 1978 , before me, a
notary public in and for said county and state, personally
appeared George Latimer , Bernard J. Carlson and Rose �Iix to
me personally known and known to me to be the same persons
who executed the within and foregoing instrument, who, being
by me duly sworn, did depose , acknowledge and say: That
they reside in St. Paul , Minnesota; that they are respec-
tively the Mayor , the Director of the Department of Finance
and hlanagement Services, and the City Clerk of the City of
St. Paul , Minnesota, the incorporated municipality described
in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that they
know the seal of said City, and that the seal affixed to
said instrument is the seal of said City; that said
instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said City by
authority of its governing body; and they acknowledged the
execution of said instrument to be the voluntary act and
deed of said City by it voluntarily executed.
IN WITNESS WHERBOF, I have hereunto set my hand
and official seal this day of July, 1978 .
�Notary Public
My commission expires
, 19 .
.. ,. �
) SS.
On this day of July, 1978 , before me , a
notary pablic in and for said county and state, personally
appeared 6�endell A. hlordy and to me
personally known and known to be to be the same persons who
executed the within and foregoing instrument, who, being by
me duly sworn, did depose, acknowledge and say: That they
reside in Ramsey County, f4innesota; that they are
respectively President and Secretary of The Science yiuseum
of Minnesota, the corporation described in and which
executed the foregoing instrument; that they know the seal
of said corporation, and that the seal affixed to said
instrument is the seal of said corporation by authority of
its Board of Directors; and they acknowledged the execution
of said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said
corporation by it voluntarily executed .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
and official seal on this _ day of July, 1978 .
�� Notary Public
My commission expires
, 19 .
�_ r �
. •
Exhibit A
I. Legal Description of Science Center Air Ri hts Parcel: �
All that certain parcel or parcels of land in the City of Saint
Raul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more particularly described as
Tract 1: (Abstract)
All of the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet,
City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation 0.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals
694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally
described as follows:
The Northeasterly one hundred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of
Lots one (1) , two (2) , three (3) , ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12),
Block five (5), Bazil and Guerin's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the
plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in
and for said County and State, except therefrom the following described
Registered Property:
Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328.
Tract 2: (Torrens)
All of the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet,
City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation 0.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals
694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally
described as follows:
Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328.
Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and
access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July 1, 1978
between the City of Saint Paul and The Science Museum of Minnesota.
II. Description of Contract Rights to Science Center:
All rights of The Science Museum of Minnesota under the following
Owner-Architect Agreement dated February 28, 1977, with Hammel, Green
and Abrahamson, Inc.
Contract for Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment (A/K/A Land
Disposition Contract) dated July 15, 1976, with the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
. � . .
� �
and the Corporation, whereby the Corporation has agreed to
lease and sell the Science Center to the City and the City
has agreed to lease and purchase the Science Center from the
Lease�Purchase Payments: the payments to be made
by the City to the Corporation or its designee under
Section 3 of the Lease-Pur. chase Agreement;
Lease-Purchase Price: the purchase price of
$11,400 ,000 to be paid by the City to the Corporation for
the Science Center under the Lease-Purchase Agreement, a
portion of which is included in each Lease-Purchase Payment
due af�er June 15 , 1988;
Net Proceeds: with respect to any insurance
payment or condemnation award, the gross proceeds remaininq
therefrom after payment of all expenses incurred in the
collection thereof;
Permitted Encumbrances: this Lease and , as of any
particular time ,
(A) liens for taxes and specia� assessments
not then delinquent;
(B) utility, access and other easements and
rights-of-way, restrictions and exceptions that an
independent engineer certifies will not interfere
with or imnair the operation of the Science Center
(or , if it is not being operated , the operations
for which it was designed or last modified) ;
(C) any mechanic ' s, laborer 's, material-
man' s, supglier ' s or vendor ' s lien or right in
respect thereof if payment is not yet due under
the contract in question;
(D) the security interest of Imax Entertain-
ment Limited under its contract with the Tenant
dated February 28 , 1976 relating to the furnishing
of certain equipment for the Science Center;
(E) the security interest of Spitz Space
Systems, Inc. under its contracts with the Tenant
dated May l , 1976 and relating to the furnishing
of certain equipment for the Science Center ;
Science Center :
(A) the real property, easements and other
rights described in Exhibit A,
, r „
Development Agreement (A/K/A Four Party Agreement) and various
modifications dated October 7, 1975, August 16, 1976,
November 12, 1976 and September 1, 1977, with the City of Saint
Paul, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota, and various joint venture developers of adjacent -
Vertical Easement Agreement dated as of July l, 1978, with the City of
Saint Paul.
Owner-Contractor Agreement dated November 9, 1976, with Bor-Son
Construction, Inc.
Contract for Purchase of Basic Spitz Space Transit Simulator (STS)
System dated May 1, 1976, as modified to date with Spitz Space
Systems, Inc.
Contract for Purchase of Planetarium Dome dated December 17, 1976,
with Spitz Space Systems, Inc.
Contract for Purchase of Omnimax Projector dated February 26, 1976,
with Imax Entertainment, Ltd.
Sound System Contract dated August 12, 1977, with Paramount Sound
Systems, Inc.
Purchase Order for Century 35/70 mm Projector and related equipment
dated February 9, 1978, with Filbert Company.
Contract with Graphic Films, Inc. dated February 15, 1977.
Contracts (two) with Charles Nasby Associates, Inc. dated June 15,
Purchase Order for lighting tracks dated May 12, 1978, with
Commonwealth Electric Company.
Purchase Orders for carpeting dated February 2, 1978 and November 9,
1977, with R. W. Squire, Inc.
Purchase Order for lumber for walkways dated October 18, 1977, with
Emmer Twin Cities, Inc.
Purchase Orders for lighting fixtures dated December 21, 1977 and
March 1, 1978, with Barber Electric Supply, Inc.
Contract for construction and installation of hearth dated December 8,
1977, with Don Harley Associates.
Contracts for construction on second floor dated March 21, 1978,
May 2, 1978, May 3, 1978, with Steinbach Construction Company.
III. Description o_f Personal Property and Trade Fixtures to be Assigned
1. STS Equipment .
a. Star Ball including:
1) Moving Horizon Cutoff
2) Star Ball Interface Unit with maintenance and Test
b. 5 Projectors, including Spitz Planet Projector
P/N D202154 and Lamp Source
c. 1 Sun Projector including:
1) Xenon Light Source
2) Interface Unit
d. 2 Image Projectors including:
1) Xenon Light Sources
2) Interface Units
e. Computor and Electronics for STS System including:
1) Spitz Programmable Subroutine Patch Panel
, P/N C117001
2) Spitz Programmable Relay Closure Crosspoint Unit
3) (2) Skirpan SED-6 x 2 Dimmer Units (6,2KW dimmers
4) Control and Drive Electronics for Zoom Projector
P/N D202413
5) Control and Drive Electronics for Planet Projector
P/N C202401
6) Decoding, Amplification and Modification Units for
all STS Console Controls for the STAS
7) Interface Units
f. Control Console including:
1) Mainframe (4)
2) Direct Control Panel
3) Program Control Panel
4) Logic Control Panel
g. MCS Console
h. Computer
i. Auxiliary Astronomical Projectors including:
1) Hand Sextant Projector
2) Portable Power Supply
3) Cardinal Point Projectors
4) Pointer Projector
5) Zenith Projector
6) Latitude Projector
7) Desk Lamp
j . Test Units
1) Planet, Sun and Image Projector Test Unit
2) Light Control Test Unit
k. System Cables
1. (8) Software Platters
2. Auxiliary Equipment
a. Planet Projector
b. 4 Slide Projectors
c. 1 Spitz Zoom Projector P/N E201985 modified with larger
(5") output optics
1. Panorama and Multi-Slide Systems
a. (27) Buhl QBC-24 High Resolution Slide Projectors
b. (27) Buhl f:2.8, 4.5" F.L. Projection Lenses
c. AVL Show Pro V Multi-Image Controller
d. (6) AVL Mark VII Power Packs
. e. (3) Overhead Projectors 1000 Watt Buhl Model 80/14-1000
f. (20) Singer Model SM1000 700 Watt Film Strip Projectors
g. 2 Dimming Control Circuits (2000 Watts)
h. 10 Dissolve Units (3 Dissolve Rates)
i. 1 30-Channel Programmer
j . Assorted Projection Lenses
k. Paper Tape Punch, Paper Tape, S1ide Trays, Spare Lamp,
2. Special Effects System
a. (20) Single Slide Projectors 100 Watt, Standard 333 CN
b. (20) Film Strip Projectors (Standard 700 Watt Type)
c. (2) Century-Strand Cloud Projectors
d. (3) Overhead Projectors (1000 Watt) , Modified for
Special Effects
e. Projection Orrery (Conic)
f. (10) Port Closures for pome-Spitz P/N D115721
l. Century 35/70 mm Projector, model JJ-3 including:
a. Cine-Focus Film Stabilization
b. UVIR - 2 Heat Filters
c. Projection Mechanism, with Changeover, Lens Hardware,
Water-Hose Connectors, Lubricant, Aperture Plates for
35 mm and 70 mm, and Double Shutter
d. Magnetic Film Reproducer with 35 mm and 70 mm Magnetic
e. Optical Sound Reproducer with Motor Drive and Slow-
Start Motor Resistor Kit
f. Upper and Lower 35/70 mm Magazines
2. Century CX Pedestal Base
3. Century C8-T-360 Water Recir�ulator
4. Super Orcon H-4500 Horizontal Xenon Illuminating System,
4500 Watt Capacity, Including Rectifier Power Supply .
5. Orcon 70-A Optical Adapter for 70 mm
6. (2) Orcon XL450Q Xenon Bulbs, Warranty 1000 Hours
7. D-150 Curvulon Projection Lens, E.F. 2.0" or Greater, as
8. Neumade PRT ULTRA Power Rewind Table for Reels to 27"
9. Goldberg Film Storage Cabinet for 26" Diameter Reels to
accommodate 3 - 70 mm Reels or 6 - 35 mm Reels
10. (6) 22" Diameter 70 mm Solid-Hub Reels
11. (6) 22" Diameter 35 mm Solid-Hub Reels
12. 70 mm Split Reel, 2000' Capacity
13. (2) 35 mm Split Reels, 2000' Capacity
14. Neumade Tape Splicer, 35 mm
15. Guillotine Tape Splicer 70 mm
16. Amplification Equipment, including:
a. 2 Qptical Preamp (one spare)
� b. 10 Magnetic Preamp
c. 1 12K Filter
d. 2 Shielded Tray
e. 1 Dual Preamp Power Supply
f. Dual Exciter Supply
g. Master Gain Control
h. 28" Wall Rack for Above Items
i. 8 Channel Power Amp Switcher
j . 8 Watt Booth Monitor
1. Omnimax Projector, including:
a. (1) Elcan Fisheye Lens
b. Lamp House
c. Reel Deck
d. Coolant Conditioning Units
e. Control Console
f. Electrical Control Unit
g. Rectifier
h. Oil Free Compressor
2. Over-Sized Reel Deck for 48-minute Program (SO" Reels and
Transfer Unit)
3. Operating Platform
4. Projector Lift Mechanism
5. Rewind Tables
6. Ultrasonic Splicer
7. 35 mm 6-Track Sound Reproducer (with Interlock Control)
8. Auxiliary Elcan Fisheye Lens
9. (4) Auxiliary 8K Lamps
10. (4) Spare 50" Reels
(12) Theater Loudspeakers (each consisting of two low frequency
speakers, one mid frequency horn, one high frequency lens)
(6) Bass Loudspeakers - 24" Diameter
, (4) Control Room Monitor Loudspeakers
(21) Lobby Loudspeakers
35 mm Sprocketed Film Reproducer
35 mm Sprocketed Film Reproducer/Recorder
(14) Power Amplifiers and Associated Transformers,
Potnetiometers, Power Supplies, Relay Switches, and
Frequency Dividing Networks
DBX Noise Reduction Unit for Six Channel Use
Recording Control Console - 16 Tnputs, 4 Outputs
Mixer/Preamp for above
Phonograph Reproducer & Preamp/Equalizer/CD-4 Decoder
' Tape Recorder/Reproducer - Twin Channel
Tape Recorder/Reproducer - Four Channel
Cassette Recorder/Reproducer - Twin Channel
(2) Lavalier Microphones
(4) Super Cardioid Dynamic Microphones
(2) Cardioid Dynamic Microphones
(2) Condenser Microphones
(4) Floor Stands for Microphones
(4) Desk Stands for Microphones
Radio Microphone System - Transmitter & Receiver
(2500) Slide Mounts
Light Table
Slide Storage Cabinet and Base Unit
(30) Slide Trays
(45) Projector Lamps
(10) Reversible Motors
(4) Bearings
1/2" Recording Tape (Carton)
1/4" Recording Tape (Carton)
(4) Splicing Blocks
Head Demagnetizer
Bulk Eraser
(7) Projector Lenses
Polarizing Materials (Package)
Air Brush, Compressor & Hose
Drawing Table
Rapidograph Set
1. 3 Unit Perimeter Core Lighting System
a. Blue
b. Amber
c. White
2. 3 Bright Work Lights (400 Watts)
3. Theatrical Lighting System
a. (6) 6" Fernell Spot Lights
b. (6) 4" Elipsoidal Spot Lights
c. Follow Spot Light
4. Lighting Control System
a. (12) 4000 Watt Dinner Controls
330 Omnitheater Seats
Exhibit Area - 4445 Square Yards ��DOR-17, Mohawk Duotron Carpet
Omnitheater Carpeting
Tektronic Function Generator
Protective Cover
Tektronic Power Mainframe
Universal High Speed Digital Counter �
High Speed Digital Multimeter
Extra Shelving for Model 3 Cart
Tektronic ��7603 Oscilloscope
Tektronic 7B53A Dome Base Module
Dual Trace Amplifier
Tektronic ��AM502 Differential Amplifier
Scope Cart
Dual Trace Oscilloscope
Simpson 260 Voltmeter
(4) Power Supplies
Simpson Amp-Clamp
(2) Tektronic 010-6105-03 Probes
(3) Tektronic 010-6101-03 Probes
Drill Press
Caliper .
Tap & Die Set'
Wet/Dry Shop Vac
(4) Safety Goggles
Needle File Set
(8) C Clamps
Corobination Square
Hex Key Set
(4) Pliers
Screwdriver Set �
(2) Drill Bit Sets
Circular Saw & Case
(2) Tape Measures
(10) Extension Cords
� (4) Outlet Strips
Wrench Set
Tool Box
Electrical Repair Kit
Dial Caliper
Nut Driver Set
Tin Snips
(3) Hole Saws and Mandrel
(3) Nikon Camera Bodies
(5) Camera Lenses
Strobe & Charge Unit for Cameras
Slide Copier - Illu►nitran
Camera Case
(8) Herman Miller Office Modules
(8) Executive Chairs
(8) Desk Chairs
Secretarial Office Module
Secretarial Chair
(2) Filing Cabinets
Desk Calculator
(2) Hand Calculators
Reaction Tester Device
Myometric Trainer Machine
Temperature Trainer Machine
Galvanic Skin Response Machine
� (2) Digital Heart Beat Measurers
Muscle Measurer Device
(3) Iris Measurer Devices
Retina Testing Device
(4) Color Perception Devices
Star Tracer Device
(2) Optical Illusion Exhibits
Eye Model
(2) Audio-Delay Exhibits
(3) Bike Generators
Electric Air Bike Generator
' ' (2) Gyroscope Chairs and Gyroscopes
Whisper Dishes
Probability Device
Color Mixing Exhibits
Image-Making Exhibits
(3) Models of Geometric Shapes
Natural Dye Exhibit Material
Weaving, Spinning and Rope-Making Equipment
Music Cart
Face-Painting Equipment
Mayan Exhibit Items
Harvest Exhibit Items
Pre-Historic Tool Kit
Ojibwe Bark House, Birchbark Containers, Wood and Stone Tools,
and Beadwork
Plus all other exhibit equipment and materials to be acquired by the Museum
as described in IV therein.
(8) 2 Seater Sofas - Type 1
(17) 2 Seater Sofas - Type 2
(16) Floor Ash Urns
(3) Circular Seating Units - Type 1
(5) Circular Seating Units - Type 2
(9)� Litter Receptacles
(6) Circular Planters �
(5) Floor Table/Lamps
IV. Material and Equipment to be Acquired
The Science Museum of Minnesota plans to acquire the following
types of material and equipment. This list is illustrative only and is
subject to modification by the Museum.
EKG Bicycle
Depth Perception Testers
Left-Right Hearing Acuity Device
Brachistochome Exhibit
Aerodynamics Device
Glass Reflection Device
Vision Testing Device
Lung Volume Meter
Biorhythm Computor Program
Peripheral Vision Tester
Strobe Light Exhibit
Right Angle Mirror
Delayed Vision Device
Hearing Tester
Tone Memory Tester
Handicapped Exhibits
Printing Press
Communications Exhibit
Computer Game
Solar Cooker
Reverse Parabola
Various Mirrors
Various Lenses
Light Exhibits
Math Devices
Vacuum Exhibits
Gravity Exhibit
Momentum Machine
Perception Gallery
1. General Biology Laboratory, including:
a. Scanning Electron Microscope
b. Portable Television Camera
c. Insect Life Cycle Exhibits
d. Burying Beetles Exhibits -
e. Spider Exhibit
f. Bumblebee Hive
g. Microscopes
h. Wheat Exhibit
i. Plant Exhibits
j . Dissecting Scope •
2. Embryology Laboratory, including:
a. Human Life Mural
b. Human Fetuses and Embryos
c. Human Birth Models
d. Varieties of Eggs
e. Bird Comparison Game
3. Behavior Laboratory, including:
a. Skinner Box
b. Behavior Exhibits
c. Mask and Makeup Exhibit
d. Display Greenhouse
e. Geotropism Display
4. Taxidermy Laboratory, including:
a. Boa Model and Skeleton
b. Dog Vascular Chart
5. Weather or Climate Laboratory, including:
Large Globe
6. Solar Laboratory, including:
Solar Energy Experiments
7. Paradigm (Futures) Laboratory, including:
ESP, Biofeedback, Black Holes and Accupuncture Exhibits
8. Microprocessor I.aboratory, including:
Computor Exhibits
Summary of Capital Cost Budget
Showing Expenditures and Accrued Obligations
Through 7/13/78
Construction of Buildin� $ 4,000,000 $ 3,843,461 $ 156,539
Air Rights Acquisition 146,486 146,486 -0-
Gallery Construction 450,000 450,000 -0-
Professional Services 900,000 839,554 60,446
Omni - Equipment, Film and 2,234,000 2,163,770 70,23Q
Pre-opening Start Up
Exhibits * 3,750,000 1,354,000 2,396,000
$11,480,486 $ 8,797,291 $ 2,683,215
Underwriting and legal 400,000 400,000 -0-
$11,880,486 $ 9,197,271 $ 2,683,215
* Exhibit costs projected at standard commercial rate of $125 per square
foot for 300,000 square feet of exhibits.
. ,
Schedule of Basic Rent Payments
(Payment schedule to be computed
on the basis of the Schedule of
Lease - Purchase Payments attached
as Exhibit B to the Lease - Pur-
chase Agreement, except that the dates
for the Basic Rent Payments shall
be six months in advance of the
dates the Lease - Purchase Payments
are dua)
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�� , _r �;' Date : July 10, 1978
`i � � � � i i � � 1� � f� 1� �
TO : Saint Paul City Councii �
RUBY HUNT hairman, makes the fol lo�rring
report on C. F. [� Ordinance
C1 Resolwtion
. �] Other
T iTL� :
The Finance Committee, at their meeting of July 10, 1978, took the
following action:
1 . Recommended approval of the tax-exempt financing agreement for the �
Science Museum.
2. Recommended approvaJ of the extension of the Springsted Contract for
one year.
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