271402 WHITE - CITV ERK COIlI1C1I `} / PINK - FIN �E G I TY OF A I NT PA LT L � ^'�����+ CANARY - DE ARTMENT BLUE - M OR File NO. � � � C S ZltZO � Presented By Referred T ommit e: Date � Out of Committee By Date �n1HEREP,S. pursuant to the directives of Chaptar 764 Laws of Minneeota 1973, tha City of Saint Paul, the Fiousing and Redevelop�nent Authority, the Science Musaum of Minnesata and Fountain Da'�elopment entered into a Development Agreement, dated October 7, 1975 and amended in Fabruary of 1977� praviding for the ptzrchase from the Authority `� and the redeeelop�anant af Black 7A by the constsuction ot a public Parking Ramp by the City, the canstruction of a Science Museum bp the Science Museum, and the constructian of an apartment building, mediaal 0lfice building, and an ancloeed pnblic area (Galler�) by Fountain Develop- ment; and WHEREAS, the ScienQe Mueeum has r�qua�ted that the City of Saint Paul anter into a v�rtical Ea�ement Agreement with tha i5eience Mussum so as to allow ior the efficient conatructian, operation and mainte- nance of the Ramp, and the Science Museumt and WHEREAS, tha Director ot Planning and Eccsnomie Develop�nent dee�a$ - such an agreemer�t ia in the best interast of the radevelopment in B1�Ck 7A and the City of Saint Paul, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the prope� City aificials are hereby anthori�ed and directed to execute en behalf o� the City of �aint Panl that vertical E�sement Ag�eement batweantha Science Muae�n`� . " ` ' and the City o€ Saint Paul in aceordance �ith the tarm�s and cenc3itions�: - on file in the office of the City Attorney. BE IT I�'i7RTHER RESOLVED that, the vertical Easement Agreement shall relate to the Ramp and tha �5cience Musetma,. COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��r Nays r planning and Economic Development ( Hoaa � [n Favor Hunt v ��/�/�` ��°�` __ Against BY ; — � Maddox Showaker L� v Tedesco �ti� � � +��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �1�� Certified s-ed by Counci ecr ry �' _� g , iv-""'V w ` ` ��t- � 2 �978 Appro Mayor for Submi on 'o Co cil Appr Mayor: Da e , By __ By � �9-ta . PUBLISN'�D �UL 1 5