01-132ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 17 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. REAPPOINTMENTS Arlend "Buzz" Wilson Richard Faricy Joyce Maddog Gladys Morton r�� � ���.rr Gregory HIeindl Arlend Wilson will serve a three year term that shall espire on November 1, 2003. Richard Faricy will move from an alternate to a permanent position and shall serve a three year term that will expire on November 1, 2003. Gladys Morton shall serve a three year term which will end on January 1, 2004. Joyce Maddox shall serve a three year term which will end on November 1, 2003. ia Gregory Kleindl will serve as an alternate and fulfill the remainder of Richard Faricy's i 9 term which will expire on November 1, 2002 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �;�.. +y �pp\ � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary BY= -� . a t� ',� .. Approved by Mayor: Date +i-� "'° �/ By: � ^�Z ��� �.'011Z1C7.1 File � 0 � + ,3� Green Sheet # � 0 3 O.�.Q RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �3 Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council �: � ��LL �1���l. L_ Mayor's Of£ice XN7LACT PFRSON & PFiONE Lucia Lebens 266-8533 2-14-01 ���� z-s-oi � ws TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' GREEN SHEET � t-\3� No 103029 u��� u��— ❑ a,..� ❑ m.� ❑ wuxuuam�¢eaue ❑ na�ry�a�a�cr¢ �MYORI�AWIAMI) ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of the appointment of Gregory Kleindl and the reappointments of Arlend "Buzz"�nYilson; Richard Faricy; Joyce Maddox and Gladys Morton to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ri� tnis pe�sor�`m e�+.,xa� �nder a conhaau wrmia deparrmenro YES NO Has »us 7��m e.er 6een a Wy empbyee7 YES NO Dces fhis Oa��um W�%a s1aA not rarmalNP� bl' anY curtent CiIY emP�7 YES NO Is tlus pereoMUn a tarpeted vendoYl rES rio COST/REVQlUE BUD(iETED (GRCLE ONE) YEE NO ACTIVITY NUMBER x+cowwro ��^�iv`+'f �2?��Nf ��1S�si �°S�3CG�F �2'1?OP F�� � � 2��? ��i��i� �. 0 �-�32- CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hal[ Norm Coleman, Mayor 15 A'est Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens ��'NV" Assistant to the ayo DATE: � February 6, 2001 Board of Zoning Appeals Telephane: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Ariend "Buzz" Wilson, Dick Faricy, Gladys Morton and Joyce Maddox to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Arlend WiLson will serve a three year term that shall expire on November 1, 2003. Dick Faricy will move from an alternate to a permanent position and shall serve a three year term that will expire on November 1, 2003. Gladys Morton shall serve a three year term which will end on January 1, 2004. Joyce Maddox shall serve a three year term which will end on November l, 2003. Mayor Coleman has also recommended the appointment of Gregory HIeindl. Gregory HIeindl will serve as an alternate and fulfill the remainder of Richard Faricy's term which will egpire on November 1, 2002 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating them and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appo➢ntments. Attachments cc: John Hardwick � NOU-30-2000 11�10 LIFETDUCH �_ � -���� � �� � �� � b l OFFICE OF THE 1ti1A.YOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUx,, MINNE$OTA 55102 Phoue:266-8525 FAX:266-8513 Name: Greeorv John �Cleindl Fiome Address_ l038 Caibv Street Saint Pau] 55116 Street City Zip Telephone Namber: 16511 699-2884 Home (952) 826-4669 Work Planaing District Couasil: 15 City Coancil Ward: 3 Preferred Mailing Address: Z038 Cotbv Street Saint Paul, MN 551l6 What is your Occupation: Communications �,iaison P1ace of Employmenf: Committee Applied For: T.i_fetonch 1Va�iona] School Studios Inc Minneapolis Minnesota Board of Zouin� Aapeals (BZAI a�-�a �- What sktlls, training or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seek appointment? �ossess excellent or2apizational and co�nmunication st�ils Through mv vears of professional ennnlovmenL I have been commendad for mv abilifv to successfutiv co� hieh r�rioritv comnlicated tasks down to the sma!]cst detaiL_I_have a tremendous historv of bein� able to work with oups of �nd�v�duals wrtII mulnnle aeendas in a manner that brin;s about a resuit acceotable bv all uarties Mv knowled�e of the noli6cal urocess as well versed at all levels Through mv involvement with voluntarv bus►ness and council or�anizations I have been involved in business develonmeot and bndaetatv decisions, I feel that this we11-rounded backaround yas oiven me an exceilent fouadation for fhis board 952 826 A232 P.03/BS ^ 11�10 LIFETOUCH RES 952 826'�4232 P.05i05 a1-13� Name: ll�atLew Anfan� A.ddress: ib35 Savard Avenue Saint �aa1. Mianesota 55116 Yhone:651-699-1338 Name: Dan Galles A@dress:1449 Rome Avenue Saint Paul. Minnesota 55116 P4one:651-690-4809 Name: Gtaci��s l�orton Address: 2910` Street West #1808 Saiut Paul. Minaesota 55102 Phone: 6S1-229-020I Reasoas for interest in this particular committee T i�ave a stron� desire to be invotved in a C� Service that is vital to tlie orowth and well beinQ of our City Ha�e you had previous contact with the committee for which you aze making an application? X#'so, when and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representafion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. Tfles information is strictly volunfary. X White (Caucasianj Hispanic Black (African Americaa) A,sian or Pacific Islander American Indian� or Alaskan Eskimo � Male �'e�ale Disabled: Yes Date of Birtk: June 16,1962 i�io X Tf special accommodatioras are needed, please specify: Tiow did you hear about this opening? BZA Board Members Matt Aafang & Dan Galles TOTAL P.05 ll�10 LIFETOUCH RES ° 952 826 4232 P.02i05 8t-�� Y Gregory John Kieindl iO38 Cotby Street Saint Panl, l�inneso#a 55116 (651) 699-2884 Home (952) 826-4669'GYork (612) 750-5757 Mobile November 30, 2000 Office of the Mayor 390 City T-Tali St. Paul, MN 551�2 Subject: Boazd ofZoning Appeais ($ZA) Dear Mr. Mayoz and �oard Membezs, This letter is my formal request for appointment to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals for the City of St. Paul. I have enclosed the completed application. As you can see from my application, my professional back;mund has exposed me to several areas that will be beneficial to my involvement on this board. I have been stronp�y encouraged to apply £or this position by current members of the BZA, some of whom aze listed as my rcferences. The strategic direction and goals foz this board are ideas that have interested me for a long time. I look fonvard to being an inte�al part of this exciting board. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, 1 � �: -; � �: ,_. Gregory John Kteindl 41-\ 0 0 N � 0 H � � a � � � �..� H � � � � N ,s � � p o d � W W F � 0 U s 0 \ a 0 a c ¢ 0 0 0 � 0 0 c m 3 `m a m m O c 0 U Q Q 9 N O m m c 'c 0 N N m C m 0 m .� � r U rn� �i � � � 0 0 0 0 N N � � o � � N O O C L O � � ❑ O p N R � C � � C C N � Y � 0 r N °o ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 17 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. REAPPOINTMENTS Arlend "Buzz" Wilson Richard Faricy Joyce Maddog Gladys Morton r�� � ���.rr Gregory HIeindl Arlend Wilson will serve a three year term that shall espire on November 1, 2003. Richard Faricy will move from an alternate to a permanent position and shall serve a three year term that will expire on November 1, 2003. Gladys Morton shall serve a three year term which will end on January 1, 2004. Joyce Maddox shall serve a three year term which will end on November 1, 2003. ia Gregory Kleindl will serve as an alternate and fulfill the remainder of Richard Faricy's i 9 term which will expire on November 1, 2002 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �;�.. +y �pp\ � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary BY= -� . a t� ',� .. Approved by Mayor: Date +i-� "'° �/ By: � ^�Z ��� �.'011Z1C7.1 File � 0 � + ,3� Green Sheet # � 0 3 O.�.Q RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �3 Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council �: � ��LL �1���l. L_ Mayor's Of£ice XN7LACT PFRSON & PFiONE Lucia Lebens 266-8533 2-14-01 ���� z-s-oi � ws TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' GREEN SHEET � t-\3� No 103029 u��� u��— ❑ a,..� ❑ m.� ❑ wuxuuam�¢eaue ❑ na�ry�a�a�cr¢ �MYORI�AWIAMI) ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of the appointment of Gregory Kleindl and the reappointments of Arlend "Buzz"�nYilson; Richard Faricy; Joyce Maddox and Gladys Morton to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ri� tnis pe�sor�`m e�+.,xa� �nder a conhaau wrmia deparrmenro YES NO Has »us 7��m e.er 6een a Wy empbyee7 YES NO Dces fhis Oa��um W�%a s1aA not rarmalNP� bl' anY curtent CiIY emP�7 YES NO Is tlus pereoMUn a tarpeted vendoYl rES rio COST/REVQlUE BUD(iETED (GRCLE ONE) YEE NO ACTIVITY NUMBER x+cowwro ��^�iv`+'f �2?��Nf ��1S�si �°S�3CG�F �2'1?OP F�� � � 2��? ��i��i� �. 0 �-�32- CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hal[ Norm Coleman, Mayor 15 A'est Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens ��'NV" Assistant to the ayo DATE: � February 6, 2001 Board of Zoning Appeals Telephane: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Ariend "Buzz" Wilson, Dick Faricy, Gladys Morton and Joyce Maddox to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Arlend WiLson will serve a three year term that shall expire on November 1, 2003. Dick Faricy will move from an alternate to a permanent position and shall serve a three year term that will expire on November 1, 2003. Gladys Morton shall serve a three year term which will end on January 1, 2004. Joyce Maddox shall serve a three year term which will end on November l, 2003. Mayor Coleman has also recommended the appointment of Gregory HIeindl. Gregory HIeindl will serve as an alternate and fulfill the remainder of Richard Faricy's term which will egpire on November 1, 2002 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating them and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appo➢ntments. Attachments cc: John Hardwick � NOU-30-2000 11�10 LIFETDUCH �_ � -���� � �� � �� � b l OFFICE OF THE 1ti1A.YOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUx,, MINNE$OTA 55102 Phoue:266-8525 FAX:266-8513 Name: Greeorv John �Cleindl Fiome Address_ l038 Caibv Street Saint Pau] 55116 Street City Zip Telephone Namber: 16511 699-2884 Home (952) 826-4669 Work Planaing District Couasil: 15 City Coancil Ward: 3 Preferred Mailing Address: Z038 Cotbv Street Saint Paul, MN 551l6 What is your Occupation: Communications �,iaison P1ace of Employmenf: Committee Applied For: T.i_fetonch 1Va�iona] School Studios Inc Minneapolis Minnesota Board of Zouin� Aapeals (BZAI a�-�a �- What sktlls, training or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seek appointment? �ossess excellent or2apizational and co�nmunication st�ils Through mv vears of professional ennnlovmenL I have been commendad for mv abilifv to successfutiv co� hieh r�rioritv comnlicated tasks down to the sma!]cst detaiL_I_have a tremendous historv of bein� able to work with oups of �nd�v�duals wrtII mulnnle aeendas in a manner that brin;s about a resuit acceotable bv all uarties Mv knowled�e of the noli6cal urocess as well versed at all levels Through mv involvement with voluntarv bus►ness and council or�anizations I have been involved in business develonmeot and bndaetatv decisions, I feel that this we11-rounded backaround yas oiven me an exceilent fouadation for fhis board 952 826 A232 P.03/BS ^ 11�10 LIFETOUCH RES 952 826'�4232 P.05i05 a1-13� Name: ll�atLew Anfan� A.ddress: ib35 Savard Avenue Saint �aa1. Mianesota 55116 Yhone:651-699-1338 Name: Dan Galles A@dress:1449 Rome Avenue Saint Paul. Minnesota 55116 P4one:651-690-4809 Name: Gtaci��s l�orton Address: 2910` Street West #1808 Saiut Paul. Minaesota 55102 Phone: 6S1-229-020I Reasoas for interest in this particular committee T i�ave a stron� desire to be invotved in a C� Service that is vital to tlie orowth and well beinQ of our City Ha�e you had previous contact with the committee for which you aze making an application? X#'so, when and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representafion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. Tfles information is strictly volunfary. X White (Caucasianj Hispanic Black (African Americaa) A,sian or Pacific Islander American Indian� or Alaskan Eskimo � Male �'e�ale Disabled: Yes Date of Birtk: June 16,1962 i�io X Tf special accommodatioras are needed, please specify: Tiow did you hear about this opening? BZA Board Members Matt Aafang & Dan Galles TOTAL P.05 ll�10 LIFETOUCH RES ° 952 826 4232 P.02i05 8t-�� Y Gregory John Kieindl iO38 Cotby Street Saint Panl, l�inneso#a 55116 (651) 699-2884 Home (952) 826-4669'GYork (612) 750-5757 Mobile November 30, 2000 Office of the Mayor 390 City T-Tali St. Paul, MN 551�2 Subject: Boazd ofZoning Appeais ($ZA) Dear Mr. Mayoz and �oard Membezs, This letter is my formal request for appointment to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals for the City of St. Paul. I have enclosed the completed application. As you can see from my application, my professional back;mund has exposed me to several areas that will be beneficial to my involvement on this board. I have been stronp�y encouraged to apply £or this position by current members of the BZA, some of whom aze listed as my rcferences. The strategic direction and goals foz this board are ideas that have interested me for a long time. I look fonvard to being an inte�al part of this exciting board. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, 1 � �: -; � �: ,_. Gregory John Kteindl 41-\ 0 0 N � 0 H � � a � � � �..� H � � � � N ,s � � p o d � W W F � 0 U s 0 \ a 0 a c ¢ 0 0 0 � 0 0 c m 3 `m a m m O c 0 U Q Q 9 N O m m c 'c 0 N N m C m 0 m .� � r U rn� �i � � � 0 0 0 0 N N � � o � � N O O C L O � � ❑ O p N R � C � � C C N � Y � 0 r N °o ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To i z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 17 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. REAPPOINTMENTS Arlend "Buzz" Wilson Richard Faricy Joyce Maddog Gladys Morton r�� � ���.rr Gregory HIeindl Arlend Wilson will serve a three year term that shall espire on November 1, 2003. Richard Faricy will move from an alternate to a permanent position and shall serve a three year term that will expire on November 1, 2003. Gladys Morton shall serve a three year term which will end on January 1, 2004. Joyce Maddox shall serve a three year term which will end on November 1, 2003. ia Gregory Kleindl will serve as an alternate and fulfill the remainder of Richard Faricy's i 9 term which will expire on November 1, 2002 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �;�.. +y �pp\ � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary BY= -� . a t� ',� .. Approved by Mayor: Date +i-� "'° �/ By: � ^�Z ��� �.'011Z1C7.1 File � 0 � + ,3� Green Sheet # � 0 3 O.�.Q RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �3 Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council �: � ��LL �1���l. L_ Mayor's Of£ice XN7LACT PFRSON & PFiONE Lucia Lebens 266-8533 2-14-01 ���� z-s-oi � ws TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' GREEN SHEET � t-\3� No 103029 u��� u��— ❑ a,..� ❑ m.� ❑ wuxuuam�¢eaue ❑ na�ry�a�a�cr¢ �MYORI�AWIAMI) ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approval of the appointment of Gregory Kleindl and the reappointments of Arlend "Buzz"�nYilson; Richard Faricy; Joyce Maddox and Gladys Morton to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ri� tnis pe�sor�`m e�+.,xa� �nder a conhaau wrmia deparrmenro YES NO Has »us 7��m e.er 6een a Wy empbyee7 YES NO Dces fhis Oa��um W�%a s1aA not rarmalNP� bl' anY curtent CiIY emP�7 YES NO Is tlus pereoMUn a tarpeted vendoYl rES rio COST/REVQlUE BUD(iETED (GRCLE ONE) YEE NO ACTIVITY NUMBER x+cowwro ��^�iv`+'f �2?��Nf ��1S�si �°S�3CG�F �2'1?OP F�� � � 2��? ��i��i� �. 0 �-�32- CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 390 Ciry Hal[ Norm Coleman, Mayor 15 A'est Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter FROM: Lucia Lebens ��'NV" Assistant to the ayo DATE: � February 6, 2001 Board of Zoning Appeals Telephane: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Mayor Coleman has recommended the reappointments of Ariend "Buzz" Wilson, Dick Faricy, Gladys Morton and Joyce Maddox to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Arlend WiLson will serve a three year term that shall expire on November 1, 2003. Dick Faricy will move from an alternate to a permanent position and shall serve a three year term that will expire on November 1, 2003. Gladys Morton shall serve a three year term which will end on January 1, 2004. Joyce Maddox shall serve a three year term which will end on November l, 2003. Mayor Coleman has also recommended the appointment of Gregory HIeindl. Gregory HIeindl will serve as an alternate and fulfill the remainder of Richard Faricy's term which will egpire on November 1, 2002 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating them and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 2000. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appo➢ntments. Attachments cc: John Hardwick � NOU-30-2000 11�10 LIFETDUCH �_ � -���� � �� � �� � b l OFFICE OF THE 1ti1A.YOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUx,, MINNE$OTA 55102 Phoue:266-8525 FAX:266-8513 Name: Greeorv John �Cleindl Fiome Address_ l038 Caibv Street Saint Pau] 55116 Street City Zip Telephone Namber: 16511 699-2884 Home (952) 826-4669 Work Planaing District Couasil: 15 City Coancil Ward: 3 Preferred Mailing Address: Z038 Cotbv Street Saint Paul, MN 551l6 What is your Occupation: Communications �,iaison P1ace of Employmenf: Committee Applied For: T.i_fetonch 1Va�iona] School Studios Inc Minneapolis Minnesota Board of Zouin� Aapeals (BZAI a�-�a �- What sktlls, training or experience do you possess for the committee for which you seek appointment? �ossess excellent or2apizational and co�nmunication st�ils Through mv vears of professional ennnlovmenL I have been commendad for mv abilifv to successfutiv co� hieh r�rioritv comnlicated tasks down to the sma!]cst detaiL_I_have a tremendous historv of bein� able to work with oups of �nd�v�duals wrtII mulnnle aeendas in a manner that brin;s about a resuit acceotable bv all uarties Mv knowled�e of the noli6cal urocess as well versed at all levels Through mv involvement with voluntarv bus►ness and council or�anizations I have been involved in business develonmeot and bndaetatv decisions, I feel that this we11-rounded backaround yas oiven me an exceilent fouadation for fhis board 952 826 A232 P.03/BS ^ 11�10 LIFETOUCH RES 952 826'�4232 P.05i05 a1-13� Name: ll�atLew Anfan� A.ddress: ib35 Savard Avenue Saint �aa1. Mianesota 55116 Yhone:651-699-1338 Name: Dan Galles A@dress:1449 Rome Avenue Saint Paul. Minnesota 55116 P4one:651-690-4809 Name: Gtaci��s l�orton Address: 2910` Street West #1808 Saiut Paul. Minaesota 55102 Phone: 6S1-229-020I Reasoas for interest in this particular committee T i�ave a stron� desire to be invotved in a C� Service that is vital to tlie orowth and well beinQ of our City Ha�e you had previous contact with the committee for which you aze making an application? X#'so, when and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representafion reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. Tfles information is strictly volunfary. X White (Caucasianj Hispanic Black (African Americaa) A,sian or Pacific Islander American Indian� or Alaskan Eskimo � Male �'e�ale Disabled: Yes Date of Birtk: June 16,1962 i�io X Tf special accommodatioras are needed, please specify: Tiow did you hear about this opening? BZA Board Members Matt Aafang & Dan Galles TOTAL P.05 ll�10 LIFETOUCH RES ° 952 826 4232 P.02i05 8t-�� Y Gregory John Kieindl iO38 Cotby Street Saint Panl, l�inneso#a 55116 (651) 699-2884 Home (952) 826-4669'GYork (612) 750-5757 Mobile November 30, 2000 Office of the Mayor 390 City T-Tali St. Paul, MN 551�2 Subject: Boazd ofZoning Appeais ($ZA) Dear Mr. Mayoz and �oard Membezs, This letter is my formal request for appointment to the Boazd of Zoning Appeals for the City of St. Paul. I have enclosed the completed application. As you can see from my application, my professional back;mund has exposed me to several areas that will be beneficial to my involvement on this board. I have been stronp�y encouraged to apply £or this position by current members of the BZA, some of whom aze listed as my rcferences. The strategic direction and goals foz this board are ideas that have interested me for a long time. I look fonvard to being an inte�al part of this exciting board. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, 1 � �: -; � �: ,_. Gregory John Kteindl 41-\ 0 0 N � 0 H � � a � � � �..� H � � � � N ,s � � p o d � W W F � 0 U s 0 \ a 0 a c ¢ 0 0 0 � 0 0 c m 3 `m a m m O c 0 U Q Q 9 N O m m c 'c 0 N N m C m 0 m .� � r U rn� �i � � � 0 0 0 0 N N � � o � � N O O C L O � � ❑ O p N R � C � � C C N � Y � 0 r N °o