271355 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII � ���•i. !�
� ` cil Resolution
Presented By r
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Whereas, the City of Saint Paul on September 1, 1977 entered into
a four party Third Amendatory Developmant Agreement which set forth the
terms and conditions under which the City af Saint Paul would be reim-
bursad for the additi�nal costs incurred in constructing the municipal
parking ramp at Block 7A so as to adequately support the improvements
above the ramp; and
Whereas, a change in the type and the amount of support needed
for the various improvements has necessitated an ad�ustment in the pre-
viously agreed upon reimbursement amounts,
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Council of th� City of
Sa;�.nt Paul does hereby approve and at�tk�orize the proper city off icers
to execute on behalf of the City a Foazrth Amendntory De�elopment Agrae-
ment between the City, the Housing ar�d Redevelopment Authority of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Fountair� Development, and the Science
Museum of Minnesota�, setting forth the terms nnd condit3ons under which
the City will be reimbursed for certain expensea �incurred by the City
for the benefit of the abbv� ramp improvements in the construction of
the parking rnmp on B1oCk 7A within the Downtown Development District,
a copy of said agreemant to be maintained on file in the office of the
Department of Finance and Managemant Services.
Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of:
u er s„usr Planning and Economic Development
za Hozsa [n Favor ,
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L vine ,�i,srint _ _ Against BY -z,
dler MaddaoC
1 ster Showafb�
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Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by cil: Date — ���V '� Q ��7Q
Certi Pas�e y Coun il Secretary B'r`"��'�'� �`��y,$
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Appro Mavor: t _ ,l1Pi � � 4c�'�� Approv y yor for S issio to Council
By - BY