271354 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUf1Cll �• J���'$f!►J� PINK - FINANGE CANARV - DEPARTMENT TY OF SAINT �AUL File NO. � �Vii � BLUE - MAVOR ouncil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 473.813 authorizes political subdivisions to contract for the processing of solid waste without competitive bidding, providing such contracts are approved by the governing body of the political subdivision, and �(HEREAS, the Department of Community Services has recomnended leasing equipment for the purpose of assisting in the processing of Dutch elm diseased trees at the Pigs Eye Wood Chipping Facility, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paui hereby authorizes the proper city officials to execute a lease agreement with Ziegler, Inc. for the aforesaid equipment. Funding Code: 33121 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: _, :..;. : irector, inance & Mgmt. Services /, ��V COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}•s Requested by Department of: utl � � Community Services o a H� [n Favor t Hunt L ine �- _ � __ Against Y R dler MaddoX S Iv ster Showalter de o 7'�esco J�� 2;9 '� Form pproved b City rne Adopted y:Gebncil: Date �. Cert ed'Pa_� - y Council Secretary BY- i y n Appro Mavoc D t � JUN 3 0 1978 App e Mayor for Submi 'or�', ouncil By PUBLISHED ��L S 19T� .. � � • • . . �_ . _ . _ ������� A/C NO. `EASE GENERAL TRACTOR & EaUIPMENT CO. ' Route 1 Box 1062 , SHAKOPEE, MINN. OATE �y 1S� 1978 ,79_ GENERAL TRACTOR S EQUIPMENT C0. dENERAL TRACTOR di EQUIPMENT CO., heroinsft�r utl�d"Leoor,'•h�raby leaps to�i3.�y Of st. p81L1, Parlcs Dept. � °n^�^� �i5� Ci*�►,. pA�?,'st Pau l�i A�� l.a , Mroinofltr called °Less�e;' ond Leasn henby (eases ho� l�uor tA� poi� w�nf bereinafter d�saib�d �pon fb�fenes and conditions Mr�inafter�et(oAh: � 1. Tb Nrw ef 1►ia Ne��sA011 b�f«_� '�S. {w/►) 1w�R (�Mlhs), tM l�s�w is �puihd fe �sp��d i� wd�r ts nslen tM p�ip�w� N �N/ nMk �M V_Y �r ���� waki�o �rdw. wdi�ery w�er e�d Mor ��nOMd. L�sw� sboll M lie6b iw �1 Nw ���iM au �Ji1X— 7•� end Mit Now �Aoll b� aufesatimlly domen en o wlwi wxhGa A�yond nor�al wtior, r�Mw�d/MnefNr(w lifi arie�i�nNss�it�oerty MrNe�iws M�efMr pwfy �rri1N� � C M �otin ef N►winofion - ,,;) de�n ia ed•ans ef tM�aP1rotie�ef eny sYCA p�►Nd S. l�s�sAoll b� IN6N fer ewY iess a dawaN M fl���iqMe1 dwiM Ilr Nr� ia �.AicA w�nf Mis Nss�sholl hnni�wN at tiN�ipirolion ei wch puiod. ef Mis Iws�. L�tsN s6o11, ef ilt�xp�nN. duriny fir Nnn ef Mi� Iww, t�p NN p�i►� � � .�o^^,_w yy� m�nt inwnd ayoinsf Isss w dmeeN ban /in. fleed. �:Plesien, fMk. wlikiw sr NMr- 2. l�an��Aell oep l�uw m�/IMnfw IM sre d�L�SdSLL�y�r p� wis� �iM l�isw wa�nW w a a-imund. Th� e��wt �i sn�� {�wraw �ANI�N M bu � �) I�NI. vetrobb M M� eifki �f �M l„sw (w�kly {n edvwa M �wry . Man =��i5�5��.�� l�saN e�rNS to d�hed. iad��ni/p�-Iwld Aan�Mss twwr ) (wenMly 1�odrane� ap N� dey e(wMy kow ead a�eiwsf any aed ell leas�s. IR[IYAIII� eo�fs ead �:pMw�. 6y e�ase� �f d�� ��11��w�k) fM 1ei�►iM x dwNi b oksons end less a rawop to orep�rfr misi�q w� ef � �► �en��iq w�Ml roM is bas�d rpaa v» ef fM puiP�t fer • Aews p�r �olien ef�M Nos�d�ouip��M by l��aN duriny fM Nrs ei Mit Mas�a�d l�ssM�MII �sy i�IM eap�f hnteli►Y fl»day.fw 40 hoYes p�r w�k M fM esN ef n�lals bY� dYI111� M1�Nt111 ef Mis I�os�, ot its�ip�ns�,eorry Iiobillh Iewrano ins�ri�o twtK�ud w�k. e� hr 176 harn o�r �enM i�fA�mw d wnfab by fM �eMA. U l�ssM w�s tyw. a� tAei� inan�ts moy oppwr, dyainst wc► cloi�s. TM��w�f d sd� IiHINy fM�a�io�M Miaass ef Nr Ia+a�Y. tysN eoeMS ro stet� ie vA�ia�Na�w�bw ef �`{t�V Af �t. PS1L�. SP.Zf—Insured ua��\�un fN pyiO�t�rw rNd M�ad pNi�d aad Ie pY LMwr es adrhi«wl nM ins�rona�Aall�e�b�Ns�Moa • ww ulalewd �n �AicA�v�r sf tM fellevrino baw� Is �policobN, M 1M p�ipwef i� 6. l�su�sholl�at eision,trensf�r w ethMVis�disooa�ot Ha Aywb��d�r NU Now nehd by lM dar. e ��w pual to 1/6M ef tM doily rof� Iw �aeA ►eur. er YMlou �er sheli l�saN Iwe. s�blws�. hroo�h.eoN w oM�rwis�hanthr e��ncuwb�r fM pYio. fMrwf. Md fb�puipw�M it w�d ia��wss el D hews M ony en� rnNndar hyt H fM N�io�el i�tinNd by fM wNk,e su�pral to 1/40M ef tM.r«t�y.ea for�ad Awr �m. All riyAts ef l�»or Mn�nd�r moy b� ouiyn�d. olsdo�d, werpaNd w �M�ir �r penien M�r�s} that NM p�ipw�nt Is uNd iw �aew� et �0 Aoun iw a�y w vrwkty di�pes�d ef, in wbeb er la poA, .ifA e�wHh�ue nWia te L�ssN,Lof subhe►te tMS�i s Nr�� If 1b puipa�M is nnf�d by IM a�eMA, o suw pwl !s 1/1761M �f 11w wMMly riyAf� rnMr fhit bas�. row isr�acA Mw er perfien IMnef t6at fb wuipwart is �wd le�awss ef 176 Iwun ie . eey er �Ihly Nnn. SueU oddiNonol e�nt fu oeY vK1ed b oayoll�en IM w�doN 7. If enY nnfol Mni� p�orid�d is �ef yeid �rMn dw, er N l�ss»failt M een�ol7r w fM n�if erdi�orr r�nf payw��nl Mce� dw. FVrIMr, l���N e0n�t to pay O�emplly witA fM I�nns aW coadifiom ef fhis Mas�. or i(o wa..dino in bankruP�ry. nuiwnAip esy osd ell M»�. o�srat�nf�. Ham�f. eed efMr fowrow�l eAmNS �( e�y ki�d w a intolwncY b� in��i/WW bY�oYaintf 1M lks�er ifs woaAY. l�:sor sAall Aew MN �et�n e0efn�f p p�rlainleo a ee.oroo..h�����d�� ba nef liwibd le eny s�eh cAorO�s ri0�► ot ih�cfien, and i� additien �o awd withovt Dnj�dip fe ony eMir n�di�s, h Mwd �pee l��sN'� inh���f IA�nie, lM�w's oww�nhio fMe�ei, and IM Meeie� M��ef. ���on tM�nlin amo�nf of tM nnl dw and poYObl�ie�thwith, and/or te Nrminuti Mh l.�sa�al�e Mn��ro PaY fronsperfofien chaNs upen deliwry tMrw(Ie lasaN end.opon Iw�� and%w v+iMouf courl wd�r w o/Mr OrocNt M �nhr vpen fM pninis�� �rMn �� M�h�oNeu ef fA�Iws�,le paY kon�pertetim eAery��IIreN��pon d�Iiv�ry h fA�l�ner. p�ipT���Is IxeNd end �e npoes��s and nn�ew waw. wiM x wtthoW nofin te laaw. 3. l�f�w sholl ut� fh� �puip+n�nt M occordanu wiM ull My such noest�scien sAoll not censtifut� o Hrminotion of Mi� Nou wdNt l�ssx a ono�kabN tew.wn��n�el �a�;���s l��sN In wrilino, end t�ssw sAal� haw M� riyAt, af ks eWion, Ie s�l� er IM» N�rs,ordinonc�s a�d r�oulatiem ond shall k�ep ond moielain NN�quYDT�nt ftN ond cl�or ry�� �Q��p��� so r�ooss�sNd on ��cA tsrms as lnsor mar dN�tmin�. In tucfi �ne1, ef anY cleims. li�nt w�nwa�bronc�i. l��sss fAoil M liobl�fo l��wr /w ►la diHK�np bstwNe fM nntel Mnin ProviMd aad ►h�n�t OrxNds ef eny fol�s a rentals ef aucA puipa�nt, pluf oll wsh o�d �ap�ns�s�1 4. l��tN h�r�bY ediuift fhal fM puiO�u�nf Nased Mr��wd�r 1� Iw pood tendifion L�ssor in r�pos���siny, r�•I�asiny, lraniPOrtiny, r�POi�in� ond o}Mrwif� hondliM /M aad 10 l�s�'s cewplN��afi�faclion. L��sM iholl o� it� era co�t ond �■p�ns� k�eo such puipm�nf, In fM�wnf l�s�or imfifuhc suit to ncev�r pospsiwe of tM puiow�nt x N pdipm�nt in 000d npoi�end .vorkiny o�der and sAoll at itt �aans� f�.nisA ony furtAer �n4orc�ony el 1M INm� ond condifiens Mr�of, Ls�i�s opr�ea, in IF��wnt l�+�w is ��o- Oorf�nlc�fwrr f0 Icwp s0�in yood workinq condifion. A�y s�d�oddiliont she�l A�com� u�sfut, to pay all l��sor's cosls and �xp�nc�s Ihsr�by inc�rnd, includiny naswwbN M�propMy ef t�twr. t��sw sholl Oar lsssor, upen Nraieeliee of tAi� Nat�, a�y ium otter��y'� fNS. Equipmeef l�ased n*+o �1TjTaod �atEa,r�ilj�_QS(] Whaal T.narlar Rnt���ed with LOg FOrIC3 W�tOp CISI�3 S_�ri.aL;�;;,:?ber 49II300_ S ---- - Dlrector� Community SerVices APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ship t Job Whee IN WITNESS FRF�f, N� �t�il�f���cavted Ihis instromeet te be eRecuted Ihis 15t�'t doy oi �Y , 19•�- el , subjecf, however, to the opprovol of an officer o( Ihe l�s�p. GENERAL TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO.. LESSOR tY (T�rrifory Monoar) LESSEE ApPIOVfA ITifh) Au�Aw�:�d Sionotur� . DaM Dole .� ' � � OM O1s Z2/'1975 , � � Rev. : 9/8/76 ' EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATI�TE ORDERS, RESOLUTIOI�TS, AND ORDINANCES. ������ Date. June 12, 1978 �, � �� � D R� �; � 3 - JU P� � �7 '.��Q T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �YQ�'S OFFICE . FR: � Thomas J. Ke11ey . RE: . � Agreement with Zieg1er, Tnc. �o provide equipment for Wood R�cycling Center ACTION REQUESTEDs . Signature on Counci1 Reso1ution \, � o,��, �,► F�Fi�" q oFAq�Fo�U�r� F� PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: �19,9N�CFN�,S,FO/�,8 �`'� O F �1sF�TS/���OR FR`�c F , s ATTACHMENTS: . ' Copy of Agreement .