271353 WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ � PINK - FINANCE COUI�CII ._ CANARV - DEPARTMENT (Community GITY OF SAINT PAUL -HLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Development) , , � � Council Resolution Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves the following expenditures for Citizen Participation from the previously-approved Comnunity Development Block Grant Year IV Program for the period July 1 , 1978 through June 30, 1979: District 2 $10,000.00 District 3 22,997.00 District 4 17,500.00 District 5 17,500.00 District 6 22,000.00 District 7 33,083.00 District 8 35,000.00 District 9 22,011 .00 District 11 15,825.00 District 12 25,970.00 District 17 10,000.00 231 ,886.00 Contingency for District 13 10,000.00 if recognized Early Notification System 11 ,114.00 TOTAL CDBG 253,000.00 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council also approves the following expenditures for Citizen Partieipation from the previously-approv�d special fund 060G0-537-000 for the period July 1 , 1978 through December 31 , 1978: District 1 4,750 � District 2 5,000 District 10 5,155 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Communi ty Devel opment Hozza In Favor Hunt �� Levine �__ A gai n s t BY — 'L�� � Roedler S ylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by ncil: Date Certifi Pass y C ncil Secret�ry BY I� Approved by Mayoc Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK CO1111C11 r-���VV'\C/ PINK - FINANCE B1�UERV - MAVORTMENT(Community GITY OF SAINT PAiTL Devel opment) File N 0. �� � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date — Out of Committee By Date Page 2 District's 14 & 15 $ 5,000 District 16 4,700 TOTAL SPECIAL FUND $24,605 (06000-537-000) APPROVED: APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: R'chard E. chroed r, Budget Director ernard J. Carlson, Director Department of Finance & Management Services 3�►`��� ' ��'�78 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: utler� BuUer Cor�xnunity Development ZZ Ho� In Favor � H n HurK ��� Le � e �--�tevinr ___�__ A gai n s t By Ro ler ��� Sy ster g�� T de co f� ,uN 2 9 �9� Form Approved by City ttor y Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Appr by 14ayor: e _ �UN 3 fl t97S Approv y or for Subm' ioj� Council By BY PUBtISHED �UL $ ��?$ � ' � Rose Mix ., (> > �r�- <�1- �.� i �•r l'_> > - �. sw�e�ar ■Es�E��ao�e O 1'1'1(:1: O I' 7'I 1 1; ?I.�1'O 12 •atar��e r� :3 47 (117'1' IL�IJ. ti.11:C"1' 1'.�1'1., �II\\1iti(>'1'.� .—�.il(Y= Ics�_� _s�ts--t:3•�:s (�rc,iac:r: L:�•rt��f:x ±1neo�c June 14, 1978 Council President David Hozza and Members of the City Council Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Recommendations for 1978-79 Citizen Participation Budgets (July 1 , 1978 to June 30, 1979) Dear President Hozza and Members: The attached budgets are my recommendation for the citizen participation allocation to district organizations. The budget year is July 1 , 1978 through June 30, 1979. I am recommending that $253,000.00 from Community Develo�ment Block Grant (CDBG) funds be used for district organizations and the Early Notification System. An additional $24,605 will be allocated from special fund 06000-537-000 to fund districts not eligible for CDBG funds, due to the net�� community development regulations. � The Citizen Participation Coordinator in the Community Development Division has negotiated each district budget with representatives of tME district organizations. Districts have been very cooperative and have taken into consideration budget limitations. One district (District 8) submitted a budget in excess of the recommended allocation. The Community Development Division and my office recorunend $35,000 be approved for District 8 for this budget year. The District 8 Planning Council has been notified in writing of this action and has been requested to submit a revised line item budget in the amount of $35,000. You will a1so notice that District 17 has not submitted a line item budget. However, the Commur�ity Development Division and my office are recorr�nending a $10,000 budget for community organization staff in the coming year for District 17. The role of the corrnnunity organizer will be to organize residents in downtown Saint Paul and coordinate activities of downtown organizations through the Downtown Community Development Committee. For any questions regarding this budget matter, please contact Karen Christofferson or William Patton at 298-5586. r Sincerely � . i� 0 LA IMER , Mayo � �..,.. -«. :��, DISTRICT 1 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer, Z time @ $5.00/hr. $5,140.00 Travel 360.00 Office & Supplies Telephone 360.00 Equipment 500.00 Supplies 300.00 Communications Newspaper, newsletter, ads 1 ,740.00 Other (postage, flyers, delivery, etc. ) 900.00 Training, Workshops, Consultant Continuing Education 200.00 $9,500.00 � DISTRICT 2 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer, full-time $10,200.00 Fringe Benefits 3,060.00 Clerical 300.00 Office & Supplies Space 200.00 Supplies 500.00 Leased Services (copying, telephone, etc. ) 1 ,250.00 Communications Newspaper, newsletter 3,690.00 Other (postage, flyers, delivery, etc. ) Petty Cash 100.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Leadership training 200.00 Workshops, Consultant (community activities) 500.00 $20,000.00 f DISTRICT 3 Corrrnunity Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Coordinator (1/3 time) $4,348.00 Community Organizer (2/3 time) 8,358.00 Fringes 1 ,091 .00 Clerical 1 ,200.00 Travel 450.00 Office & Supplies Space 1 ,200.00 Consumables (supplies, copying, telephone service, etc. ) 2,950.00 Communications Newspaper 2,400.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Training 1 ,000.00 $22,997.00 � DISTRICT 4 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Coordinator/organizer (full-time) $12,000.00 Travel 600.00 Office & Supplies Telephone 300.00 Consumables (postage, paper, duplicating, etc. ) 630.00 Communications Newspaper 3,600.00 Other (flyers, delivery, etc. ) 150.00 Contingency 120.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Training 100.00 $17,500.00 � DISTRICT 5 Corrgnunity Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer (2 time) $6,360.00 Clerical (2 time) 4,600.00 Travel 200.00 Office & Supplies Rent 931 .00 Telephone 400.00 Supplies 300.00 Postage 500.00 Contingency 100.00 Communications Newspaper Eastsider 2,400.00 Railroad Island Express 900.00 �ther (flyers, delivery, etc. ) 709.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Training 100.00 $17,500.00 � DISTRICT 6 Community Development Year IV Budget (July l , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer (full-time) $12,000 Office & Supplies Space 1 ,200 Supplies 1 ,800 Telephone 325 Equipment 675 Communications Newspapers, flyers, postage, etc. 6,000 $22,000 � DISTRICT 7 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Coordinator (full-time) $14,808.00 Clerical (full-time) 8,580.00 Fringe Benefits 2,674.00 Travel 360.00 Office & Supplies Space 2,604.00 Postage, supplies, elections 466.00 Equipment 50.00 Insurance & Bonding 341 .00 Communications Newspaper, flyers, etc. 3,000.00 iraining, Workshops, Consultants Corsultant Training 200.00 $33,083.00 � DISTRICT 8* Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel To be determined by district. Office & Supplies To be determined by district. Communications To be determined by district. Training, Workshops, Consultants To be determined by district. *District 8 submitted a budget in the amount of $39,488.00. The Community Development Division is recommending a budget of $35,000. � an acceptable line item budget must be submitted before any reimbursement �an be made. � DISTRICT 9 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Communications Specialist $9,614.40 Bookkeeper 480.00 Fringe Benefits 1 ,968.19 Travel 180.00 Office & Supplies Space (including telephone) 3,948.00 Supplies 1 ,210.41 Equipment 1 ,320.00 Corr�nuni cations Newspaper 2,840.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Training 450.00 $22,011 .00 � DISTRICT 10 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer (2 time) $5,400.00 Office & Supplies Space 1 ,200.00 Telephone 480.00 Supplies 440.00 Communications Newsletters, flyers, postage, etc. 2,390.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Workshops 400.00 $10,310.00 � DISTRICT 11 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer (full-time) $8,660.00 Clerical (part-time) 2,440.00 Travel 450.00 Office & Supplies Telephone 360.00 Supplies 340.00 Miscellaneous 240.00 Communications Newspaper 2,450.00 Other (flyers, delivery, etc. ) 685.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Workshops 200.00 $15,825.00 � DISTRICT 12 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer (full-time) $12,595.00 Fringe Benefits 3,270.00 Office & Supplies Space 1 ,500.00 Maintenance & Utilities 1 ,825.00 Supplies 700.00 Duplicating 800.00 Contingency 200.00 Communications Newspaper, flyers, mailing, etc. 2,560.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Contract for services 2,520.00 $25,970.00 � DISTRICTS 14 & 15 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Community Organizer (2 time) $5,000.00 Clerical 500.00 Office & Supplies Equipment & Supplies 920.00 Telephone 480.00 Space 1 ,200.00 Cor�nunications Mailipgs & postage 1 ,200.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants 700.00 $10,000.00 � DISTRICT 16 Community Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Personnel Corrmunity Organizer (2 time) $6,000.00 Office & Supplies Telephone 500.00 Insurance 250.00 Supplies 300.00 � Corrmuni cati ons Mailings, flyers, delivery, etc. $2,250.00 Training, Workshops, Consultants Workshops 100.00 $9,400.00 � DISTRICT 17 Corrmunity Development Year IV Budget (July 1 , 1978 - June 30, 1979) Persannel To be determined by district. Office & Supplies To be determined by district. Corr�nunications To be determined by district. Training, Workshops, Consultants To be determined by district. The Citizen Participation Coordinator is working with the Downtown Community Development Committee (DCDC) , senior citizens, Mayor's Information and Complaint Office and Mayor's Office to develop a community organization program for District 17. The need for a community organizer has been determined. The DCDC is the recognized organization" for District 17. . � � - - ; � � oM ai: 12/1975 � � ��+��1� Rev. : 9/8/76 L.,Y EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES RECEIVE�D, Date: June 14, 1978 JUN 1 :� 1978 � MA�� � TO: Mayor George Latimer � FR: Mr. William Q. Patton��� � itE: Individual District Citizen Participation Budgets _____.__�-- ACTiON REQUESTED: approve budgets PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: Mayor and City Council previously approved a lump sum amount of Year IV funds for Citizen Participation. This action establishes set budget a�unts for each of the Ci�y Council recognized district councils. ATTACHMENTS: Counci 1 Resol ution, 1 etter from Mayor to Counci 1 , letter from Patton and Christofferson transmitting detailed budgets for each district.