271337 ( . WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII. ��+�"'� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � � � � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR . Flle� NO. Council Resolution Presented By C.�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� It has been deemed advisable and necessary for the City of Saint Paul to participa.te in the cost of a construction pro�ect located on EAST SEVENTH STREET between Kittson Street and Payne Avenue in Saint Paul (T.H. 212) by purchasing the necessary ri�ht-of-way therefor; and WI�REAS, Said construction project has been approved by the Mi.nnesota Departmsnt of Transportation and identified i.n its records as S.P. 6228-35; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C3.ty Council dces hereby appropriate from Municipal State Aid Street Funds the siun of $20�000.00 to apply toward the purchase of right-of-way for said pxo�ect and request the Comanissioner of Transportation to apprave this authorization. � COUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � utl r Bu�er Publlc Wo ks a Hozza In Favor H t Hurrt Le 'ne Levtne __�__ A ainst BY — � � �� R ler Maddox � g Donald Nygaar , D r REG S lv ster—St�vw�albeF,• de co---�e�,�� ��N 2 7 �g7g Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Cert�e d by o nci ,ecretary BY B y ''F U'�- :,UN 2 7 19�8 ._ Approved by Mavor: Date Cll � � App v by Mayor for S b s �on C uncil By __�����•_ �l'T�ti�.� gy �UBtVSNED JUL � 19� . OM 03. : I.2,/1975 � _ . � . Rev. : 3/8/75 • � EXPLANATSULrf {JF .�,Dt�IS2dIS7'�tA�IVE OR�ERS, I�r�t�i RESCILUTION�, P.ND 4RDINANCES Date: June 6, 1978 . � �E � � A� �.� C� � - JUN � � �::��' TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER AAI�'�(CR'.St Q� FR: R. B: Grieder - Departmsnt of Public Works • R�: B 1043R - I;. 7th St. Bxidg� over B.N. Inc. ACTION RyQUEST�D: 3ubmit attached Resolution to Council. , . �:� . .� , PLiRPOSE hND RATIQNALE F�R T$iS ACTION: This 8esolution is necessary for the City to use M.S.A, far the purchase of • r3ght-of-w$y on this pro�ect. The M3nnesota Departm�ent of Transportaticsn will do tl�e construction under the� F.A.U. System. A Fina1 Order (C.�'. No. 270379) �br this pro3ect wa+a' appraved JanuarY 19s 1978• . ATTACHMENTS: , Council Resolution. • �G��P