271329 �NHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 � /���J PINK - FINANGE �T CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA ll L � R- PNLJ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: FROM: TO: Transfer $14,000 in 1978 CIB Monies: 93078-008 Case and Duluth Rec. Center Site Work $14,000.00 '� /, ,�� 93078-015 Langford Park Tennis Courts $14,000.00✓�y��}' 6� Resulting in the following project financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing LANGFORD PARK SITE WORK 1967 CIB 120,393.29 0 120,393.29 1969 CIB 10,000.00 0 10,000.00 1977 CIB 25,317.00 0 25,317.00 1978 CIB 0 + 14,000.00 14,000.00 STATE GRANT FOR COURTS 14,000.00 0 14,000.00 169,710.29 + 14,000.00 183,710.29 . . .... . . . .. .31 � . Approved as to Funding: Approved: . De tI .,,.o� F'nan e Mgmt. Services B dget Direc or ��, d��3��� � COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: utle �� Community Services z Houa � In Favor H Thomas J. Kelley, Director HuM Robert P. Piram Supt. of Parks & Rec. Le ne �w� __ Against BY ' R ler Maddox S v ter ���. T de o �� �� Z,7 �� Form Approved by C�ty Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Cer as d b}� n�i ,ecretary BY o l JUN 2,7 1978 sy� Approved by ;Vlayor. Date 1� Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council C By BY ..�UBLISHED �UL 1 197. �-.. =-';`= ..� (�ITY OF ►�''�.ElIIti'".0 �ATJL �y�.'.' ' �`y. r:; �...t� . t �;�'V. ` ��. o�,��,ic� or Tri��: crrx coII�crr� '�'��� - .�:;:_�,., ���::: . _, �;:, ��: :� , �; �,; .,, � �"� Da t e : June 23, 1978 . �� . C � � i� �°�'�' � � � t. PORI , i" O : Sainfi Pau! Cifiy Councii = F R O M � C a i i'1 iTi I fi 7�� O tl INANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL , RUBY HUNT , airman, makes the fol lowing reporf on C. F. C] Ordinance [� Resolution � � [� Other �T t`i�L E : 1 . Amend the 1973 Capital Improvement Budget to appropriate $32,092.22 to the 1977 Residential Street Paving Program by transferring money _ from the completed Hoyt-Flandrau Sewer Project. � 2. Amend the 1978 Capita] Improvement Budget by transferring $50,000 from 7th Place Signal Improvements to Citywide Traffic Signals. 3. Amend the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $14,000 from the Case & Duluth Rec. Center Site Work project to an account for the Langford Park Sitework Project. 4. Provide an additional $15,285.93 to the Rice-Arlington Athletic Field Parking Lot project by amending the 1973 Capital Improvement Budget to transfer monies from the Prosperity Heights Acquisition Project. 5. Appropriate an additional $13,465 to the K-9 Training Facility project by amending the 1978 �IB by transferring the money from the Downtown People Mover System. 6. Amend the 1978 CIB by appropriating $18,000 for a "Public Safety Building Boiler Replacement" project by transferring monies from the Downtown People Mover System Project. CITY HALL SE�'ENTH FLOOR SAI?�T PAUL, r•fIti�ESOTA 55102 . , i : G�i Ol: 1?./1975 � � ' � Rev.: 9/8/76 , � , EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, • RESOLUTIONS,� AND ORDINANCES ���A���„ �� � -:.�atE:: June 22. .1978 �l'O: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Gregory N. Blees,: Officec��qf the Mayor-Budget Section "RE: Langford Park Site Work: Tennis Gourt Construction � _ y �CTION FtE4UESTED: Amend the 1978 Capital Improvement Budget by trans£erring $].4,000 from th�'Case & Buluth Rec. Center Site Work project to an acconnt for the La:ngford Park Sitework Project. PtIRFOSE AND RATIONALE E'OR �HIS ACTIOI+T: The. requested transfer is needed to match a state grant for tennis r�ourts at Langford �, Park: The ;request has been approved by the Budget Dixector, the Director of Finance and M�nagement Services, and the City Attorney. The CTB Committee recommended approval at't�ieir 3une 8, ]�978, meati:ng: : ATTA�CHMENTS: - Council Resolution - 1 page : Community Services' June 2, 1978, request -. 3 pages �'�1329 -� ' '� CiTY OF SA{�1T PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNtTY SERVICES DfVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION 298-4126 June 2, 1978 Mr. Richard Schroeder Budget Director Room 365 City Hall ` Mr. Qavid McDannel Chairman, C.I.B. Committee St. Pau1 Companies 385 Washington Street St. Pau1, Minnesota 551Q2 Gentlemen: On April 4, 1978 we wrote a letter to you concerning the need for add.itional funds for the Navy Island acquisition project. This request was to have been considered at the Thursday, May li C.I.B. Committee meeting,. but was deferred due to several other projects' needs which came to light during the week of May 8.` We felt that it would be best to return to a subsequent C.I.B. meeting with a coordfnated request. This possibility was discussed with the Comnittee, with the decision being to compose such a request for the June 8 meeting. Thus, the C.I.B. Comnittee is aware of the�e projects which require additional funds, as per the following .list. PROJECT COST ' AVAILABlE DEFICIT 1. Navy Island Acquisition 99,000 54,a00 45,000 2. Langford Park Tenn9s Courts 28,000 -14,d00 14,000 (grant match) and site 65,000 -0- 65,OQ0 improvement 3. Rice-Arlington parking ]ot 31 ,Q45.84 15,759.9i 15,285.93 ' expansion 4. Groveland Recreation Center 485,560 370,OOQ 115,560 Gymnasium Addition/joint use TOTAL DEFICIT $254,845.93 In order to finance the above projects, we pro,pose to utilize funds from the follow�ng projects' balances: 545 City Hait, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 t_r. . . �'7�329 � June 2, 1978 Page 2 PROPOSED PROJECT FUNQ BALANCE FUND TRANSFER 1. Prosperity Neights acquisition (L-7559-1) 15,762.95 15,762.95 2. City Wide Tennis Court construction (L-7841) 2,643.Q6 2,643.06 3. Frost Lake initial acquisitfon & development (L-7145) 11 ,000.00 11 ,0OO.OU 4. City Wide Tree Planting (93075-004) 2,404.26 2,4Q4.26 5. F�sh Hatcbery acquisition (93075-005) 6,145.61 6,145.61 6. Como Park Restroom Facilities for the handicapped (93077-013) 42,500.00 42,500.00 7. Hiilcrest Recreation Center Gym addition (93077-005) 23,500.00 10,000.Q0 8. Case & Duluth Recreation � Center sitework (93078-008) 115,OOO.QO 40,000.00 9. City Wide Bike Path System (93074-007) 167,605.00 124,390.05 TOTAL PROPOSED TRANSFER $254,845.93 . _ We feel that these transfers can be made without adverseTy affecting the projects because: Projects one thraugh four are complete Projects five and eight are in receipt of grant funds Rroject six cannot be implemented at this time and will be eligible for � Metro Parks grants Project seven is not a high priority to District 15 and will not be funded for building constructian Pro3ect nine is eligible for a variety of grants, both state and federal �i►'"Z .. , � . x .� June 2, 1978 ��f�r��.'� Page 3 By this letter, we request permission to appear before the C.I.B. Corr�nittee on June 8, 1978, to present this request. S , � Ro ert P. Piram Superint ndent of Parks and Recreation . /�-/y,�'L,� .. �t- Thomas J. Ke ey Director of Community Servic, :de 6-3