271305 r_j M�MITE - CITV CLERK �_. iAw� PINK - FINANCE �T COURCII �"� � CANAR�Y- DEPARTMENT GITY OF �SAINT PAVL File � NO. `�' � BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented $y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Re solution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by establishing a compensation rate for the class of Vehicle Mechanic Trainee. WHER.EAS, it is appropriate and desirable to establish a compensation rate for the class of Vehicle Mechanic Trainee; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II thereof, by inserting immediately after Subsection G, the following: "H The compensation for the class of Vehicle Mechanic Trai.nee, in Section 7 of the Civil Service Rules under the heading �Skilled Labor�` shall be as shown below: . First 2, 000 hours 60% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Third 1, 000 hours 65°jo of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Fourth 1, OOfl�ou.rs 70°ja of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Fifth 1, 000 hours 75% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Sixth 1, 000 hours 80% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Seventh 1, 000'hours 85% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Eighth 1, 000 hours 90% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Vehicle Mechanic Trainees may advance to the next higher 1, 000 hour rate by completing an additional l, 000 hours of training with satisfactory pr�gress. Trainees will not be advanced to a higher level of training or rate of pay unless on.-the-job and formal training requirements are completed satisfactorly and the Unit Supervisor recommends advancement. -1- COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor __ Against BY — Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — By �NHITE - CITV CLERK �u-��� PINK - FINANCE ��� 7 CANAR�I- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. �• BLU.E - MAVOR ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Trainees failing the probationary period will be terminated or reduced to their former positions. Trainees who receive an unsatisfactory rating for a 1, 000 hour training period will be g,xanted an additional ]., 000 hours i.n which to demonstrate improved performance. Continued failure to meet trai.ning , �tandards will result in termination or reduction. . -2- COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butier PERSONNEL OFFICE Houa In Favor _ �°"�"8 _ � __ A gai ns t BY -- lladdox Showafter ��� -°" �� ��Z �g�'� For Approved by C' rn Adopted,�iy-�'Council: Date — � C��fied Pa- - by uncii Secret�ery B �....._ By_. Approved by Mayor. Date � C � �-! �� Appr e by Mayor for Sub s p�n to Council G ,�/ ' � /, t: By (c>'�`'�_____?3�t�__�� BY pu�ust�EO �ut '1 ,97a r � ti . • , _ {J� Q�: .I2f l,9TS 8ev, = 9/.�C76: - ERPT�ANTTQN, QF 3TTtA�VE �Rl'�BRS : RI�SQ�1T�0��. Al� 4&�".. � ��1���' IDate: May� 31, 1978 R.� � � �� E � . JUN 3 ��7� �� �YO� c�v�� ��a ���CE ' F.Rs P�rsw�R1 O���c� , . . R�: ���.utiQa �ar submi.a�iou ta Cit�r Counc�l� !�G'��19N: b�8QU88_,'1'�•, . . ! IAP�M I I �I I I � . � . . . . . . Wa'z�co�d Yo� app�cr�al and, aubmi.�s�.o� c�f. th�.� RRSa1u�#.vxt to �ba �G�ty G�u�n�i.k'. .P . .aSFi` �A',� ONAL�+ 1�'OR �S ACTT : ` This Resolution, amendiag the Sala.ry Pla.n and Rates of CoxnpEnsa�ioa Et.esolutioa, � e•BtabZislaes th� wage rates for the new title of Vehicle Mechauic T:rainee, "The compeasation for the �lass of Vehiele Mechanic Trainee, in Section 7 of the ��� Civi1 Service Rules uader the heading fSkilled Labor� sh�.11 be as shown below: �' First 2, 000 honrs 60% of the ZTehicle Mecha.r�.i:c base rate Third - 1, 000 hours 65% of the Vehicle M�chanic base rate Fourth 1, OOD hours 70% of the Vehicle Mechauic base rate Fifth 1, 004 hours ?5% of the Vehicle Mecha.nic base rate Sixth 1,000 hours 80°fe of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate _ Seventh 1, �00 hours 85% of the Vehicle Mec�.art�ic base rate _ Exghth Z, OOO ho�rs 9fl% of the Vehicle Mechanic base rate Vehicle Mech�.nic Trainees may advance to the next higher 1,000 hour rate by compl�ti�,.g �'� a.n Iadditioaal 1, 0.00 hours of training with satisfactory progress. Trainees will n.ot be advanced to a higher level of trainir� or rate o£ pay w�.lea� on-the- � job a.nd formal traini.�g requirements are completed satisfa.ctorily and the Unit Super- visor recommends advancement. , Trai.nees failing the probationary period will be t�rrninated or reduced ta their Eormer . poaitions. Trainees who receiv�e a.n un�ati�sfactory ratisag for a 1, 000 hour training p�riod wiTlabe graa.ted an addi.tional l, OOO houre in which to derr�onatrate impxoved .'' p��fo�rriance, Contiatied failure to meet training sta.mcla�cls wi11 reet�lt iu termi�ation or re�uction. ATTAGHMENTS Re�olution and copy for City Clerk. � ,